The Immortal Taoist

Vol 4 Chapter 136: No contrast

"This, this, how is this possible?"

"When the Heavenly Kings 巅 武 武 武 武 武 武 武 武 武 武 武 武 武 武 武 武

"With his ability, the third game can still lose to Lingdao?"

Lin Rizhen’s move to kill the late buddies of the bat family has really scared the martial artists of the tyrants. The three contests arranged by Tai Xuan Dao were the most popular. Ling Dao was the leader of the show. So many warriors did not care too much about Lin Ri. The warriors of the tyrants did not think about it, and Lin Rizhen had such a force.

Although Lin Rizhen was alone, and only the peak of the heavens, the warriors of the Hegemons did not dare to look down on him. It is not that there is no such thing as a martial artist in the late bats of the bats. However, they do not know that Lin Rizhen used a few strengths when he dealt with the late buddies of the bat family.

"Absolutely the leader Nirvana, fortunately I ran fast, otherwise, I don't know what the consequences will be."

The Heavenly Fox Holy Land, who was hiding in the distance, could not help but be fortunate. Although the strength that Lin Rizhen showed just now, there is no threat to him. However, Lin Rizhen certainly has more powerful means, he does not want to plant in the hands of Lin Rizhen.

Not every lord who is born again, is as sad as the lord of heaven. The magic heaven master used to be the heavenly world. His former treasures were not in the world of the sword god. Otherwise, Ling Dao wanted to escape his palm. Moreover, because the time is too long, when Lingdao last encountered the magic heaven master, the magic heaven master still did not find the previous treasure.

"I want to take the Lingdao, who dares to stop?"

It is better to be able to attack the strong tyrants of the bats. Although the Hegemons did not come to the strong kings, it is still not a simple matter to solve them.

Moreover, since the strongest of the tyrants can find them, other elites can also find them. If he fights against the mighty of the Hegemons and creates greater movements, other demon powers will be able to find their place in a shorter time.

The strongest of the tyrants have smashed up, and if they join hands, they are confident to deal with Lin Rizhen. After all, Lin Rizhen has only the peak of heaven. The problem is that Lin Rizhen is sure to be able to pull a few backs. No one wants to make a head bird. No one wants to end up like the bat family.

"Nothing, no courage, shrinking turtle!"

The tyrants of the fox sacred place in the heart of the arrogant tyrants of the next generation of the strong, and finally found the Lingdao, even a scared Tianjun scared to dare to do. He has selectively forgotten his own affairs. Isn’t he afraid of Lin Rizhen?

"They don't stop them from being theirs. How can I get rid of them?"

Lingdao slammed his mouth, and Lin Rizhen first scared away the tyrants of the fox sacred place, and then the powerful one who shocked the tyrants of the tyrants, but he was forgotten by this lord. The strength that Lin Rizhen has just shown is very strong. Fortunately, there is no imagination beyond Lingdao.

"Joke, do you resist or not resist, is there a difference?"

Lin Rizhen did not forget Lingdao, but felt that there was no need to care about Lingdao. Compared with the tyrants of the Tianhu Holy Land, or the strongest of the tyrants, Lingdao has to deal with much. He can kill the late buddies of the bat family in an instant, and it will take no time to win the ridge.

"I was the first to encounter such a arrogant defeat, but if you think about it, there is nothing wrong with what you said. I resist or resist, you just want to take me away!"

When Lingdao said that he would lose four words, Lin’s face was obviously a bit unnatural. In particular, Lingdao also knows the identity of Lin Risheng. If he says to go out, he will definitely be famous. A warrior with the memory of the great emperor lost the same way to Lingdao, and he was able to boast for a lifetime.

Lin Riqi laughed and didn't continue to bicker with Lingdao. Instead, he reached out and grabbed Lingdao. More delays in the effort, it is necessary to have more accidents. The tyrants of the tyrants do not have the sacred kings to chase and kill the lingo, and do not mean that other sects also do not have the sacred kings to chase and kill.

Obviously there are only nine roads, and the big nets that are intertwined are like the sky nets. Lin Rizhen’s palms are like the ones that are created by the gods and are indestructible. Only by taking the Lingdao in the shortest time can you avoid all unnecessary accidents.


Where Lingdao has cultivated nothing, it is purely for the sake of the future. Six ways, condensed into a pair of scissors, ready to cut the nine nets are interwoven into a large net. Lingdao’s hands were the palm of his hand, and he slammed into the palm of Lin’s palm.

Lin Rizhen is only a disciple of the Qing Emperor Palace, a human warrior, on the flesh, not like the realm of the Peng Peng or the idol, let alone the real dragon. Even if Ling Dao is a little lower than him, the flesh is still not what he can compare. Also, in terms of strength, Lingdao also has an absolute advantage.

Similar to the martial arts of the nine-turn dragons, Lin Rizhen is not going to be, but his own strength is far less than Lingdao. Therefore, the strength of Lin Rizhen, even if it surged to five or six times its own, is also the same as Lingdao. The confrontation between Ling Dao and Lin Rizhen must be done to shorten the enemy by his own strength.

The source is surging, the wind is abrupt, and it is not known how many ancient trees are bursting in the blink of an eye. When the palm of the ridged road collides with the palm of Lin Risong, the broken wood gravel suspended in midair seems to be fixed. When the scissors were cut on the big net, the sound of "tearing and tearing" was issued.

"It's a bit interesting, but unfortunately, it can't change anything!"

Not only did the speech not affect Lin Risheng, but his power surged. The vastness of the heavens and the earth in a hundred miles seems to have turned into a head and a head, and successively stepped on Lingdao. Even if Ling Dao's body is tyrannical, he still feels that the blood in his body is surging, and his feet are stepping on the ground.

Lingdao quickly used the world to resist, although his accomplishments in the world are far less than Lin Rizhen. However, he broke through in the general trend of the Tianwang domain, and more or less can block some of the power. He knows how to use his strengths, how could Lin Rizhen not know?

Just as Lingdao was preparing to fight back, Lin Riqi took the palm of his hand and shot it. Hundreds of palms, like a real dragon, hit the body of Lingdao. Even if the Lingdao power is tyrannical, it is still retreating. Lin Ribiao’s ability is indeed not comparable to other Heavenly Kings.

"Is it?"

Ling Dao exhibited the 鲲 变 change, the two wings were exhibited, and there were three thousand feet. Because his body is too big, Lin Risheng’s attack is like itching. However, he knew in his heart that Lin Riqi’s next attack, as long as he is now, can still hurt him.

He has always believed that the best defense is offense. Without waiting for Lin Risheng to change his attack, he waved his wings and slammed toward Lin. Not only that, but his body also shed a feather, like countless sharp edges, stabbed toward Lin Risheng.

"The worm is a small skill, but also good to offer ugly?"

Lin Rizhen only extended his right hand, a round of fiery red sun rises, the hot temperature melted one feather after another. Although his size is completely incomparable with the current Lingdao. But his palm, like a soldier, cut a wing of Lingdao. Of course, Lin Rizhen is not much better. The other wing of Ling Dao is on his body, causing his shoulder to break.

When the Lingdao changed back to the human form, his left arm appeared a long wound and almost broke into two pieces. Just now, he and Lin Rizhen’s confrontation were completely hurt. He didn’t care about the injury. Lin Rizhen also didn’t care. However, Lingdao’s injury is obviously heavier than Lin’s.

"Let you personally feel my killing!"

Just as Lingdao was ready to bite his teeth and attack again, he suddenly felt the bitter cold. The heavens and the earth are suddenly dark, as if they have turned into dark nights from the daytime, and they can’t reach their fingers. Then, Ling Dao felt that there was no sound around him, as if he was in a deserted place.

Previously, Lin Rizhen’s killing was directed at the tyrants of the Tianhu Holy Land. Lingdao was only affected. Now, Lin Rizhen is specifically dealing with Lingdao. Lingdao naturally feels the terrible killing of Lin Rizhen. After losing sight and hearing, Lingdao smelled a strong **** smell.

It is like there are countless creatures fighting in life and death, blood gathers into the river, and the bones pile up into mountains. Lingdao felt that someone had caught his neck and had no breathing. There was no way. His killing, even if released, will not have any effect, the gap is too big.

What's more, killing is just one of Lin's killers, and he has other killers. Although Lingdao defeated Lin Rizhen in the third round of the third match, he was mistaken if he thought that Lin Rizhen could not bear a blow.

Even if the Three Emperors and Five Emperors were young, perhaps there is no such thing as Lin Rizhen. The current Lin Rizhen is not comparable to the younger emperor in his youth, because he has the memory of a great emperor. I don't know how many warriors want to prove the emperor, because the emperor is standing at the tip of the pyramid of the military.

"This holy found the ridge, and finally found the ridge!"

The sacred king of the Tianma family shouted excitedly, looking for Lingdao for such a long time, finally found Lingdao, he could not be excited. The true dragon family's Zhitian Zun and other demon warriors are more excited than the Tianma family's sacred kings, because as long as they find the Lingdao, Lingdao would like to leave the Tianhu domain.

"A good killing, is it true that the two Daojun are in a confrontation?"

Not only did the true dragon family’s sacred empire feel it, but they also felt the same as the sacred king. However, they did not think of it. It would be the Terran Heavenly King, and they knew it.

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