The Immortal Taoist

Vol 4 Chapter 137: Boxing vs. killing

"If the Holy Spirit is not mistaken, it is actually a Terran Heavenly King who exudes such terrible killings."

The strong king of the Tianma family can see the Lingdao, of course, can also see Lin Rizhen. However, even if you see it with your own eyes, the sacred king of the Tianma family still feels unbelievable. How can a tyrant Tianjun have more horrible killings than him?

Above the heavenly kingdom is the heavenly environment, and above is the holy kingdom. The gap between the two realms seems to be completely absent. The sacred king of the Tianma family couldn’t help but look at Lin Rizhen’s eyes. Unfortunately, he did not see anything.

"I have heard that the Terrans like to fight, I did not expect that the two of them can be played in the territory of our Yaozu."

"Stupid! Even if they were in their heyday, they are still not our opponents. If they lose both sides, wouldn't they die faster?"

When the real dragons and Tianzun discovered Lingdao and Lin Risheng, they laughed. Lingdao, they want to kill, Lin Rizhen, they don't want to let go. However, what made their smiles stiff on the face was that the killings just happened were actually sent out by Lin Rizhen.

Lin Rizhen’s performance in three contests, although extraordinary, but because of the Lingdao on top, the attention of the powerful King of the Kings is not at all. It was not until this time that they paid attention to the genius disciple of Lin Shiyi, the Qingdi Palace. Perhaps he was more difficult to deal with than Lingdao.

"The warriors of the tyrants are also there? Why are they not doing it?"

To say that the warriors of the next tribe are afraid of Lingdao and Lin Rizhen, they do not believe one hundred. However, if they saw the scene of Lin Rizhen’s attack on the late bats of the bat family, they could understand what the hegemonic martial artists were doing. The tyrants did not come to the strong kings of the Holy King. They did not want to risk their lives to deal with Lingdao and Lin Risheng.

"To end, I ask myself, even if one of my gods can't stop Lin's killing, how can Lingdao be able to withstand it?"

"No, there are other strong people coming, and there are still many. What if we have a holy king, what should we do?"

Let the tyrants of the hegemonic martial arts breathe a sigh of relief, all of them are the demon warriors. Especially in the forefront of the true dragon family to Tianzun, they not only know, but also know the purpose of the true dragon family to Tianzun. Whether they are opponents of the true dragon family and Tianzun, it is not important at all. Anyway, it is not them that the true dragons and the gods have to deal with.

The arrival of one after another of the great kings is a good thing for the warriors of the Hegebo. If Lin Rizhen takes Lingdao, they don’t know how Lin Risheng will handle Lingdao. If the Yaozu strongman wins Lingdao, he will definitely not give Lingdao a road. You can't do it yourself, as long as you can witness the tragic death of the sect, the martial artists of the tyrants can vent their anger.

In order to reduce the impact of killing, Lingdao can only retreat. It is a pity that Lin Riqi chased it faster, with one palm and one palm, hitting Lingdao. If it is in a normal state, Ling Dao can really resist Lin's law. It is a pity that the current Lingdao, whether it is reaction or strength, has been greatly weakened.

After barely blocking Lin's three palms, Ling Dao was numb with his arms, and could not resist the attack behind Lin Risheng. Even if Ling Dao’s physical strength is far beyond the border warriors, he still can’t hold Lin’s palm. Lingdao’s mouth began to bleed, apparently not hurting.

"Killing, I am not as good as you, but I have the will!"

Lingdao can't be shackled, but fortunately he has nine kinds of boxing. At the beginning, when the Sword Devil was in the Great World of Swordsman, he realized the nine swords of the Emperor Sword. His two body memories are connected, and it is not difficult for him to push the boxing meaning according to the sword.

If the quality is not good, the number will win. It is just a kind of boxing. It is really not as good as Lin’s killing. The nine kinds of boxing are not the same. Especially under the command of the emperor's boxing, the other eight kinds of boxing seem to have increased several times. Nine kinds of boxing bursts suddenly, not only blocked Lin Zhijun’s killing intention, but also launched a counterattack.

Lin Rizhen still didn't understand what was going on, Lingdao rushed to his front and cast Yuanshilong Wangquan. The darkness disappeared, and the light came back again. Lingdao’s eyes were clear and clear, and the shots were crisp and neat. Lingdao’s grasp of the timing was terrible. The damage that Lin Rizhen had caused to him was twice or even three times, and he was given Lin Risheng.

Even with the memory of the Emperor, Lin Risheng's physical strength is still not comparable to that of the real dragons. What's more, the use of the nine-turn dragon dragon's Lingdao, the power is even bigger than the Tianzun territory of the warrior, Lin Risheng's body can withstand his destruction?

"The situation is reversed, is the singer defeated?"

A group of demon warriors squinted their eyes, thinking that the battle between Ling Dao and Lin Riqi will soon end with the failure of Ling Dao. Who knows, Ling Dao is like a chicken blood, bursting out of the strength of the warlords . Even Lin Rizhen, who was squandered and smothered, was still turned into a pig's head by Lingdao.

The key point is that the power of Ling Dao has also penetrated into the body of Lin Rizhen. Even if Lin Yizhen wants to return the high-swelled face to normal, it is impossible to do it in a short time. What's more, the attack of Lingdao not only does not mean to slow down, but it is getting faster and faster.

With his people's way to cure his body, Lingdao was affected by Lin Rizhen's killing intention and was injured. Now Lingdao uses boxing to influence Lin Rizhen, and then hurts Lin Rizhen. If Lin Rizhen has no other means, it is entirely possible that he will be killed by Lingdao. Of course, Lingdao will not be naive to think that Lin Rizhen has nothing to do, and the dead camel is bigger than Ma, not to mention the reborn emperor.

"Dragon Elephant Clock!"

The dragon elephant does not refer to the descendants of the birth of the true dragon and the idol, but directly refers to the true dragon and the idol. Lin Rizhen's exhibition is to defend the school, and the road is to consolidate the big clock, to derive the true dragon and the idol. The real dragon is outside, because the true dragon family is unparalleled, the idol, because the idols are invincible.

Lingdao’s fist squatted on the dragon elephant clock, only a loud noise. Lin Rizhen did not expect Long Xiangzhong to completely block the attack of Lingdao, as long as he can win him for a while. Otherwise, Lingdao will not give him the opportunity to resist.

"You two still don't want to ugly, hurry and stop."

The true dragon family’s Zhitian Zun said with a smile, and he will soon be able to take Lingdao’s hand and dispose of it casually. How good his mood is. Unfortunately, Lingdao did not give him face, Lin Rizhen did not give him face, Ling Dao and Lin Rizhen completely regarded the true dragon family as the air.


Since Lingdao and Lin Rizhen don't know how to lift, then give Lingdao and Lin Rizhen a little color to see. The true dragon family's Zhitian Zun attacked with sound waves, like an invisible dragon, hitting the body of Lingdao and Lin Risheng. He lost to Lingdao on the battle platform, just because the realm was suppressed. At the peak of his state, defeating Lingdao is just a matter of raising his hand. ‘

The sound wave bombarded on the dragon elephant clock, and suddenly there were hundreds of cracks in the dragon elephant clock. The true dragon family’s sorrowful disapproval smile, because next, the sound waves will be bombarded on Lingdao and Lin Rizhen. With the repair of Ling Dao and Lin Rizhen, I can’t resist it.

"This is the time!"

However, the facts are different from those of the true dragon family to Tian Zun, because Ling Dao and Lin Rizhen actually joined hands and dealt with his sonic attack. Lin Rizhen’s killing intentions and Ling’s nine kinds of boxing, like the hungry beasts, rushed to the true dragon family’s sacredness at an extremely fast speed.

From the appearance of the true dragon to the heavenly, it is impossible to overcome the eyes of Lingdao and Lin Risheng. Lin Rizhen wants not the life of Ling Dao, but the body of Ling Dao. Although the result is the same, he does not want Ling Dao to die in the hands of the demon strong. Lingdao’s idea is simpler. The true dragon family to Tianzun is stronger than Lin’s, and they will compete with the weak ones first.

"No, why is my boxing influence on the true dragon family to Tianzun, far less than his killing?"

To deal with the true dragon family's Zhitianzun, Lingdao is unlikely to be merciful. When it comes up, it is nine kinds of boxing. You must know that he also defeated Lin Risheng's killing intention with nine kinds of boxing. If his nine kinds of boxing are really better than Lin’s killing, the true dragon family’s Zhitian Zun will not pay more attention to Lin’s killing.

Think about it too, how can a late Tianjun’s boxing affect the Tianzun? However, Lin Risheng’s killing intention can affect Tianzun. The problem is coming. Before the Lingdao’s boxing intention, why can I win the forest?

"Two guys who are not self-sufficient, just because of you, still want to fight with this deity?"

The true dragon family’s Zhitian Zun did not have the meaning of personally, but instead gave a look to the two dragons who were next to them. Lingdao is a precedent for defeating the mid-term Tianzun of the Hegemonic family. The two gods who can play the dragons are all the late Tianzun, and they are still geniuses who can fight across borders.

"You have made a move with the subordinates first. If you can win, the deity will play with you two tricks. If you can't win, you will die!"

Originally, the Tianlong Zun of the true dragon family was going to hand over Lin Risheng to the sacred family to Tianzun. After all, in the third contest, the sacred ancestors of the sacred family were lost to Lin Rizhen. The true dragon family's Zhitian Zun was on the battle platform, and died in Lingdao's hands. He hated Lingdao, so he felt that the sacred ancestors of the sacred family would definitely smash the corpse.

It is a pity that the sacred sect of the sacred family did not mean to start with Lin Rizhen. According to the words of the sacred family to the heavenly lord, even if revenge, it is necessary to wait for the realm of Lin Risheng to catch up with him before he can take revenge. The idea of ​​the sacred family to the heavenly lord is completely different from the true dragon family to the heavenly lord.

"To Heaven, you are dying, do you still have to live, or do you want to die?"

"The disciples of the Qingdi Palace can die, and Lingdao must live. Offending the deity, even if it is dead, is a luxury for him!"

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