The Immortal Taoist

Vol 4 Chapter 138: Chiance

The two dragons in the late Tianzun came to Lingdao and Lin Rizhen respectively, and they were fully confident in dealing with Ling Dao. In the first place, Lin Rizhen was a little higher than Lingdao. Secondly, the killing sent by Lin Rizhen just now, even in the later days, is also worried.

Lingdao is only a late Tianjun, and later Tianzun is a whole higher level than him. Tianjun’s ability to defeat the opponent across a whole realm is very rare. What's more, the late Tianzong of the Dragons who prepared to take Lingdao also defeated Yufeng Tianzun. In the late stage of a Terran, the Tianjun was in front of him, and it was not worth mentioning.

"What can win and not win, don't dare to say it to me. Just lose your hand, what qualifications are in front of me?"

Just a Lin Rizhen, it is enough to have a headache, and now there is a group of demon strong, even more difficult to deal with. Lin Rizhen is a formerly powerful person. Now only the Tianjun is the peak of the kingdom. Among the strong demon people, there are not only the Heavenly Respect, but also the Holy King, which is enough to crush the Lingdao.

"It is no wonder that the true dragon family's sacred cult is to torture the singularity of the singer. Just by defeating the four words, Lingdao will be able to take the anger of the true dragon family."

"If it is a fake, the true dragon family's Zhitian Zun will certainly not care. The key is that the true dragon family's Zhitian Zun is indeed defeated to Lingdao."

"Which pot does not open the pot, Lingdao is looking for his own death, no wonder other warriors. If he is silent, the true dragon family may give him a happy."

They are holy kings, and they are sure that nothing is true. Tianjun Wuwu and Tianzun Wuwu sneer at most in the heart, for fear of offending the true dragon family. Being able to become a god, as long as you don't die, you will definitely become a hegemon in the future.

"Xiao Chi, he has too many words, knocking his teeth on his teeth, pulling his tongue out and letting him know the end of the good fortune in front of the deity."

The Xiaochi of the true dragon family to Tianzun said that it is necessary to deal with Lingdao’s late Tianzun Tian’an and Chi’an. Although Chi Anze is not a real dragon, but the dragon's emperor is not a minority, his practice of cultivation is not bad. After Chian’s words heard the words of the true dragon family to Tianzun, he nodded, and Tian Zun’s gas field broke out, and he even took the lead in the first step.

In general, Tian Zun and Tian Jun fight, it is definitely to let Tian Jun first move. Who knows, Chi Ance actually did not press the card at all, obviously a higher level than Lingdao, but there is no point to let Lingdao mean. Chi Ance only wants to take Lingdao as soon as possible and complete the order of the true dragon family to Tianzun.

The left hand of Chian Ce is turned into a huge monument, and if it is hundreds of millions of people, the wind is whistling and the air is turbulent. The surface of the monument is a piece of dragon scales, red flames like fire, fierce. His right hand was painted in front of a big circle, a river full of turbulence, rushing to the end of the road.

The soldiers will block, the water will cover the earth, and Lingdao will not talk about it, but it will be the origin of the Yuanyuan origin, and become a mountain peak, which is in front of himself. At the same time, his fists were shot at the same time, like two dragons, claws and claws, as if to tear Chian Ting into pieces.

The impact of the big river, the shaking of the mountain, and the anger of the Chian, the giant monument will be up to the peak of Baizhang, from which it will be interrupted. At the same time, Lingdao's double fists were on the monument, and Chian's face was stunned. He did not expect that the power of Lingdao was almost the same as him.

In the later period of Tianzun’s territory, Chi Ance had the power of 6,800 Tianlong. The strength was not his advantage, at least not his disadvantage. But today, the power that Lingdao shows is completely beyond his imagination. Lingdao is not only a whole lower level than him, but also a personal warrior.

On the surface of Lingdao’s fist, there was a sudden one and another ice thorn. Unfortunately, Chian's palm is too hard, and the ice thorn can't get in. Although Chi Anze is not a real dragon, he is ultimately a true dragon. Under the premise of a whole realm higher than Lingdao, the body is definitely stronger than Lingdao.

"No wonder you can win the third match. There are indeed two brushes. If it is the same matchup, I am not your opponent."

The meaning of Chi Ance’s words is that the current Lingdao is definitely not his opponent. He can't be stupid enough to suppress himself to the end of the heavenly kingdom, and then compete with Lingdao. Appreciate Lingdao to appreciate Lingdao, it is necessary to take Lingdao, or to take Lingdao.

"Water and fire double dragons!"

In his body, there are two original stars, one is the origin of the water, and the other is the origin of the fire. The arms are the handles, the palms are the blades, the source is the blade, and the road is the front. In the later days, Tian Zun was better than the late Tianjun. It was in Dao, he had three Tianfu, and Lingdao did not.

The dragon dances and the dragon is arrogant, like a two-handed sword. Sharp knife mans, as if to be able to cut all things, can not resist. It’s definitely not good to deal with the Chian policy that has been perfected. Especially under the condition that the gap is a whole big realm, Lingdao does not dare to take a light point.

As for Lin Rizhen, it is much easier. Under the attack, the dragon’s strength in the late Dragons will be reduced. Moreover, there are too many martial arts that he can perform, which is enough to make the Dragon's late Tianzhao dazzled. However, he wants to defeat the late Tianzun of the Dragon, not a simple matter.

I don’t know how much stronger the bats in the late stage of the dragon’s late Tianzun’s death in the late days of the dragon’s family. Fortunately, Lin Rizhen was not prepared to fight a long-term war, but directly sacrificed a holy soldier. With Lin Xizhen’s current cultivation, it is really difficult to play the power of the sacred soldiers. Fortunately, he has a solution.

Lin Rizhen’s wealth is thick, using ninety-nine holy spirit stones to motivate the holy soldiers. Originally, only the size of the palm of the sacred battle flag, suddenly turned into three meters high, the flag face to show, fluttering in the wind. With the roar of Lin Risheng, one and another demon king came out from the battle flag.

"Six Holy Flags!"

The true king, the phoenix, the phoenix, the idol, the holy shrine, the nine kings of the six races of the demon fox, and the late Tianzun of the dragon. One piece after another, Shengpinling petrification is a powder, and the sacred soldiers consume terrible. Fortunately, the power of the outbreak of the holy flag has made Lin Rizhen very satisfied.

The martial arts exhibited by the Tianzuo in the late period of the Dragon Kingdom was completely invisible in front of the six holy kings. Compared with Chi Ance, his luck does not know how much worse. The attack of the six holy kings not only broke his martial arts, but also ruined him, the road shattered, the Tianfu cracked, and the flesh had hundreds of scars.

"Be careful!"

There are strong dragons who are loudly reminded, but unfortunately, it is already late. Lin Rizhen's hands grasped the flag of the holy war, and directly used the flagpole to break into the chest of the late Tianzun of the Dragon. The body of Tianzun in the late Dragon Age can not be said to be tyrannical. Unfortunately, the sacred style of the Holy King has already broken his sternum.

Lin Rizhen is not afraid of offending the dragon warrior. Even if there is a strong king, he is still sure to leave. The problem is that he wants to take the Lingdao, walking alone, and taking one person away is completely different. If the Yaozu strong person is willing to hand over Lingdao to him, it would be better.

"Want to kill me? Too naive!"

It is not so much that the late Tianzun of the Dragons was killed by Lin Rizhen. It is better to say that the late Tianzun of the Dragons was killed by the true dragon family. Although Lin Rizhen only has the cultivation of the peak of the heavenly kingdom, it is even harder to kill him than to kill a peak, even harder than killing a king.

The silence of the audience, the strong dragons did not think, Lin Rizhen actually able to motivate the holy soldiers, killing the late Tianzun of the dragons in one fell swoop. Without waiting for them to react, Lin Rizhen took the shot again, using the flagpole as a spear, and stabbed the Chian policy that was fighting the Lingdao.

There is no difference between killing a dragon and respecting the two dragons. Lin Rizhen has no need to be merciful. Lingdao would have been difficult to deal with, even if Chian’s unreserved shots were used, and the exhibition was impossible, and Lingdao could not be taken. Yes, Lingdao’s martial arts power is not comparable to Chian’s policy. The problem is that Lingdao can always find weaknesses.

For example, the water and fire double dragons that Chi Ance had just displayed, Lingdao used the Yuanshilong Wangquan to bombard nine of them. The power of Shuanglongyu, the water and fire, could not be concentrated. Don't say killing Lingdao, even if it is to reinvent Lingdao, it is also delusional.

Ling Dao and Chi Anze were deadlocked, and Lin Rizhen was able to take the opportunity. Just a blow, he penetrated the body of Chian. If it wasn’t for Chian’s half-step at the crucial moment, it’s already a dead dragon. Of course, with Chian's current state, it is impossible to be the opponent of Lingdao.

"Shameless! I am in a righteous confrontation with him, you actually attacked me, but also shameless?"

Chi Anze glared at Lin Rizhen angrily, but unfortunately, Lin Rizhen not only did not mean a little bit of jealousy, but also looked at him with a look of disdain. At this time, Chian’s policy was reflected. It’s not Lin Rizhen’s shame, but him, because he’s a late Tianzun to start with a late Tianjun.

"Yuan Shi Long Wang Quan!"

Lingdao did not stop because of Chian's injury. If he was won by Chi Ance, there would be no good end. Now Chian’s strength has been greatly reduced, which just gave him the opportunity to get rid of Chian. Chi Anze can ignore the gap in the realm, he can ignore the injury of Chian.

Just a punch, Lingdao will fly out of Chian. Originally, Lin was smashed by a hole in the hole, and now it is even more bloody. Just as Lingdao was preparing to pursue the victory, the true dragon family’s Zhitian Zun was shot. The late Tianzun of the Dragon family has already died one, and the Tianlong of the true dragon family certainly does not want to die the second one.

Of course, the true dragon family’s Zhitian Zun did not start with Lingdao, but only saved Chi’an’s life. Lingdao had not been able to get rid of Chian policy, and now it is even more impossible to kill Chian. The five celestial gods of the Scorpio family came toward Lingdao at the same time. The Tianzun of the Dragons surrounded Lin Rizhen.

"Only use your head to pay homage to the gods of the gods!"

"I have offended my Scorpio, you don't think about leaving the Tianhu domain!"

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