The Immortal Taoist

Vol 4 Chapter 139: The heavens collapsed

"How? Tianzun is dealing with Tianjun, but also together?"

The five Tianzun people from the Tianzhu family stood not only with three late Tianzun, but also two peaks. To say that they are simply giving revenge to the gods, other warriors must not believe. They felt the threat of Lingdao and wanted to kill Lingdao in the cradle.

The current Lingdao is indeed worth mentioning, but after thousands or even tens of thousands of years, it is not necessarily. If Lingdao becomes the Lord of the Emperor, some of them are subject to it. A warrior who can defeat the same realm to Tianzun must not be underestimated. The future of Lingdao is not something they can control.

"To deal with you, where you need to go together, I will do it!" One of the Tianzhu family's peaks, Tianzun stepped forward, and the remaining one of the peaks of Tianzun and the three later Tianzun were standing around the front and rear of the road. They just want to prevent you from running away, not to shoot you."

If Feng Tianzun can’t beat Lingdao’s late Tianjun, it’s better to find a place where he has no one to commit suicide. Just before the confrontation between Lingdao and the late Tianzu of the Dragons, the peaks of the Tianzhu family were all in their eyes, and they did not fully understand the strength of Lingdao. At least they knew about it.

If it wasn’t for Lin Ribiao’s help, Tianfeng’s peak, Tianzun, felt that Lingdao would lose to the late Tianzun of the Dragons sooner or later. His talent is not worse than the late Tianzong of the Dragon. The practice of cultivation may be a little worse. Fortunately, he is the peak of Tianzun, and the combat power is stronger than the late Tianzun of the Dragon.

"You don't interfere, we won't do it for you."

"Don't think that you have a sacred soldier, you will be invincible, and there will be a strong king behind us."

"If you know each other, you will stand by yourself. You and our Scorpio have no complaints and no enmity. We are too lazy to kill you."

The three late Tianzun of the Scorpio family threatened Lin Rizhen, and the Holy King was behind them. They naturally had nothing to fear. Another peak, Tianzun, did not speak because he felt that the dragon strong would not let Lin Risheng. Even if Lin Risheng has a sacred soldier in hand, it is still impossible to kill it from the encirclement of the dragon family.

"You want to kill me. Even though I am here, can I still be afraid of a group of ants?"

Lin Rizhen’s disdain is not a bluff, but a demon warrior who can’t look down on his heart. It is not because their realm is too low, but because they do not have a strong heart. For example, he shot against Ling Tian’s Tianzhu family, and Lin Rizhen felt that even if he was given tens of thousands of years, he would not want to be a strong individual.

The realm is low, you can slowly cultivate, the talent is poor, there is always a way to make up, the potential is not good, maybe you can get the chance to go against the sky. The lack of the belief of the strong is not the same. Such a warrior can become a holy king and can become a Tao. It is impossible to prove the emperor.

"蝼 蚁? You said that we are ants?"

"I know that 80% of you may be the rebirth of the Taoist master. Unfortunately, it used to be before, now you, only the peak of heaven and earth. We want to kill you, it is easy, do you not recognize the reality?"

"Whatever nonsense with him, our dragons are not afraid of the Qingdi Palace, kill it and kill it!"

A late Tianzun of the Dragon family took the lead, and then other Tianzun followed the attack and started Lin Rizhen. On the one hand, they are jealous of the killing of Ling Daolin, and on the other hand, they are afraid that Lin Rizhen will use the sacred soldiers. After all, the previous Dragons’ Tianzun was killed under the holy war.

They have absolute advantages, they certainly don't want to take risks, and Tianzun can live for thousands of years, and their life expectancy is still long. If the means used by Lin Rizhen are beyond the scope they can afford, they will retreat in the first place, so that the true dragon family's sacred or the dragon's sacred king will be released. The Taixu Taoist of the Tianhu Holy Land only protects the road, and does not protect the forest.

"Your words, I remembered, let's come to Japan!"

The hero does not eat before the loss, Lin Rizhen will not be stupid to the Dragon and the Holy King desperately. He did not rush to sacrifice a large array, and eighty-one holy spirits had burst into a dazzling light. Don't say Tianzun, even if it is a holy king, I also feel that it is white.

Lin Rizhen uses a large array of transmissions to transfer himself to hundreds of thousands of miles away. If you take Lingdao, you can only transfer seven or eight thousand miles at most. For Tianzun, seven or eight thousand miles is nothing, let alone the holy king. The physical body of Ling Dao is more important than his own life.

"not good!"

The true dragon family's Zhitian Zun quickly shot, using the will world projection, to cover the place where Lin Rizhen is. It is a pity that it is still a step late, and Lin Rizhen has disappeared without a trace. The Holy King of the Dragons does not want to search around, even if it digs three feet, he also wants to find Lin Rizhen.

On the other hand, Lingdao and the Tianzhu family’s peak Tianzun war, the source confronts, and the road collides. One by one, the ground exploded, and one mountain after another collapsed. Lingdao simply can't take care of the body can not afford to live, and again and again use the eighth turn of the nine turn dragons.

However, when the peak of the Japanese family used four Tianfu, and the suppression of the top of Lingdao, Lingdao still showed a defeat. In terms of Taoism, Lingdao is far worse. The peak of Tianzhu’s family is one hundred ways, and Lingdao has only six roads.


The sticks that are condensed by the road are squatting on the body of Lingdao, causing the Lingdao chest to sag and spurting against the blood. It’s too bully to pay attention to the late Tianjun. Even if it is a small number of demon warriors, I feel that the practice of the Scorpio family is shameless to the extreme. However, it is impossible for the demon martial artists to take the lead in Lingdao, and it is even more impossible to fight against the martial artists of Lingdao and Tianzhu.

"A good celestial family, a good peak, today, even if it is a fight, I will pull you back!"

Ling Dao looked fierce, his voice was low, and the killing in his eyes did not hide. In the wild, there is a martial art that burns jade and stone. If it is not forced into a desperate situation, he will certainly not use it. Although his realm is not as strong as the Scorpio, he feels that his life is more precious than the Scorpio's strong.

"The days are gone!"

The so-called heavens do not refer to the days of the big world, not to the heavens of the three thousand territories, but to the flesh as the world and the flesh as the heavens. The collapse of the heavens is to stimulate all the potential of the flesh. In a short time, forget the pain and erupt the unprecedented strength. However, when time is up, there will be thousands of wounds in the body.


In the body of Lingdao, a sound of muffled sounds, like a shell exploded. It is like a lion waking up, a terrible power, swept the world, sweeping all directions. Originally, his body was stronger than the warriors in the same realm. Now it is like a five-line **** gold casting.

Before him, he was clearly regressed by the peak of the Tianzhu family. Today, he not only did not step back, but went to the peak of the Tianzhu family. The attack of the Tianzhu family's peak Tianzun hit him, as if a stone was thrown into the big lake, except for the splash of water, there was a circle of ripples.

"It’s always you are attacking. Now, it’s time for me to be it?”

Lingdao's eyes are like agate, red flames like blood. What Yuan Shilong Wang Quan, even Huangji Zhenlongquan, he did not use at all. Because, now, he does not need the source at all, not to mention the Tao. The flesh is his weapon, and it is a weapon of the gods.

It is only a common punch, but it has torn the attack of the Tianzhu family. Before the Lingdao and the current Lingdao, if the two were judged, the strength gap was great to shock the demon warriors. Just now it was not the Lingdao of the Tianzhu family’s peak and respected opponents. Now it is not only able to counterattack, but also rushes to the front of Tianzhu’s peak.

A large hand of Lingdao slammed out and grabbed the arm of Tianzhu, the peak of Tianzhu. Another big hand is a slap in the chest of the Tianzhu family. The peak of the Scorpio family felt the pain of heartbreaking, because the attack of Lingdao not only interrupted his sternum, but also injured his internal organs.

"who are you?"

The peak of the Scorpio family is full of fear, because his attack hits Lingdao, and Lingdao can completely ignore it. On the contrary, the attack of Lingdao hit him, and he could not resist it. In particular, Lingdao grabbed his arm and he could not escape.

After a palm, it is a palm. Lingdao seems to want to pierce the body of the Tianzhu family. As the body becomes stronger, the power is also stronger, and it is not twice as strong. Now Lingdao, even if you don't need to turn the dragon into the dragon, the power can be compared with the peak of the Tianzhu family. Although Ling Dao’s current strength is only three or four times that of using the nine-turn dragon, it can still crush the peak of the Tianzhu family.

"I am Lingdao, Tianlingyu, Lingjia Lingdao!"

Every time Lingdao says a word, he hits Tianzhu, the peak of Tianzhu, and when he finishes it, the body of Tianzhu, the peak of Tianzhu, is just being penetrated, and the internal organs are turned into powder. The Tianzhu family’s peak, Tianzun, did not think that he would die in Lingdao’s hands, and he was killed in the palm of his hand.


"How could the late Tianjun kill the peak of Tianzun?"

"The hallucination must be an illusion, 100% is an illusion!"

Not only the warriors of the Scorpio family are unacceptable, but other demon warriors are equally unacceptable. The difference between Tianjun and Tianzun is enormous, but now, a late Tianjun actually killed Yufeng Tianzun. Even if they witnessed everything, they still could not accept it.

"He is the first, you will be the second, the third..."

The demon warrior is worried, but the Lingdao is not a bit of a stop. Time is tight, you can kill a few more, you must kill a few more. The Scorpio strongman who had previously surrounded him in the middle is his current goal. Three late Tianzun and a peak Tianzun became his prey.

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