The Immortal Taoist

Vol 4 Chapter 140: Take Tianzun as a weapon

If there was a warrior who told them before, Tianjun could kill the peak of Tianzun, and they certainly did not believe it. But now, they see with their own eyes, even if they can no longer accept it, they understand that the facts are facts and will not change because they can accept it.

Standing on the front and rear of Lingdao, the Tianzhu family of four Tianzun, actually feel the legs are soft. Fortunately, they will be tyrannical, just in a moment of time, they will dispel the fear inside. They are Tianzun, Lingdao is only Tianjun, and the two fists are difficult to attack four hands, not to mention they have eight hands.

As for why the strength of Lingdao suddenly soared, they simply did not know that even taking Tianpindan, which can enhance its strength, could not have such a big effect. The gap between Tianjun and Jifeng Tianzun in the later period is definitely not a Tianpin Dan medicine to make up for.

However, they can be sure that the current state of Lingdao will not last long. They have time. As long as they are dragged into the weak road, it is easy to take Lingdao. They are not idiots, they will not be desperate at this time and Lingdao. If you are not careful, you may end up like the previous peak.

"There is only the first one, there will be no second, and there will be no third, fourth..."

"If it wasn't for him, how could he die in your hands?"

"You don't really think that your current strength can sweep Tianzun?"

"It is a good thing to have confidence, but unfortunately, the confidence is too much, it is conceited!"

One of the Tianzhu family's peaks and three late Tianzun deliberately attacked Lingdao, wanting to shake the belief of Lingdao. If Lingdao develops an invincible momentum, Lingdao’s strength will only be stronger. They have teamed up to deal with Ling Dao, not a glorious thing, and they can't help but ask for help.

Moreover, they are defensive and want to come to Lingdao and can't do them. The lowest of them is also a whole higher level than Lingdao. Even the other warriors present at the scene felt that Lingdao was just lucky. Once the peak of the Tianzhu family was cautious, it was definitely not the killing of Lingdao.


Lingdao’s response, only one word, is powerful and has a sound. A pair of fists, like a meteorite in the sky, smashed to the peak of the Tianzhu family. He did not choose three late Tianzun, but was prepared to start with the peak of Tianzun. The most powerful one is removed, and the remaining three threats are greatly reduced.

The peak of the Scorpio family does not want to repeat the same mistakes, and certainly will not sit still. Ninety-nine lines condensed into one side of the big print, traversing in front of him, resisting the double fists of Lingdao. There are only six ways for the military in the late days of Tianjun. Even if Lingdao uses all the roads, it is not comparable to him.

In fact, Lingdao did not use the Taoist roots. It was only by boxing force that it smashed the big seal of the Tianzhu family’s peaks and the use of ninety-nine roads. The physical strength of Lingdao and the power of the explosion are completely beyond the imagination of the Tianzhu family. It is no wonder that Lingdao can kill a peak Tianzun.

"What are the three of you doing? Don't you help?"

The attack of Lingdao is like a broken bamboo, and the peak of the Tianzhu family is not worried. The other three descendants of the Scorpio family heard the words and nodded, and they showed their defense martial arts. There were tigers going down the mountain, there were also kings to patrol, and there was a mighty river. Their origins are different, and the martial arts used are different, but the power is almost the same.

However, the tiger can't stop the fist of Lingdao, the king can't stop it, and Tianhe can't stop it. When Lingdao punched, he smashed the tiger, destroyed the king, and broke the river. The defense martial arts of the three late Tianzuns, in front of him, is like a paper paste, and they are simply vulnerable.

"The body is strengthened, the strength is also enhanced, and the will has not changed?"

In the mind of Tianzhu, the peak of the Tianzhu family, the light flashed, and finally came to the point. His king's will, turned into 54,000 arrows, stabbed the world of the will of Lingdao. As long as there is a problem in the world of the will, Lingdao is hard to protect itself, and certainly has no time to deal with him.

I have to say that the peak of the Scorpio family has fallen to the extreme. He did not understand the collapse of the heavens, and he did not know that it was quite ridiculous. His methods, dealing with some secret laws, had no effect on the Lingdao. The will of Lingdao did not increase, because the collapse of the heavens is only the potential to stimulate the flesh. However, Ling Dao's body is too strong, and it is strong enough to withstand the will of the Tianzhu family.

"go to hell!"

Lingdao screamed, his fists clenched, and the arrogant power broke out. In an instant, it was all the resistance, and it was on the body of the Tianzhu family. The will of the Scorpio family, Tian Zun’s will, did not seem to cause any harm to him, and was actually harmful to his body.

Not only must we quickly remove the peak of the Tianzhu family, but also let the three descendants of the Tianzhu family think that the will attack has no effect on him. Otherwise, the three late Tianzun will use the will to attack, and his physical body can withstand it. It is an unknown number.

Far beyond the power of the peak of Tianzun, it was only an instant, and it penetrated the body of the Tianzhu family. Tianfeng, the peak of the Scorpio family, has widened his eyes and looked at Lingdao incredulously. He not only did not have Xiao Xiao Ling Road, but also used Ling Dao as a big enemy. How can he still be the same as the previous peak Tian Zun?

"The defense is useless, let's attack it!"

"No, continue to drag, his state, certainly will not last long."

"Escape, at our speed, if you run away, you can't catch up!"

Lingdao has killed two peaks of Tianzun, and the remaining three Tianzeng apparently panicked. If you want to continue to drag the time, you also want to escape, and you want to use the offense instead of defense. Their opinions are inconsistent and it is a good thing for Lingdao. Lingdao will definitely not give them time to discuss.

The three late Tianzun, Lingdao's first to deal with, is to prepare to escape. Because he was ready to escape, he was scared by him, without courage and his hands. Therefore, when he killed the late Tianzun who was preparing to escape, the first reaction of this late Tianzun was not to resist, but to run.

An iron fist, like a cross-space, lingered in the back of the Tianzhu family. The spine was interrupted and the pain was incomparable. The late Tianzun family couldn’t help but scream. However, Ling Dao will not have a little sympathy for him. If he falls into the hands of Tian Zun in the late Tianzhu family, he will definitely die.

"Can't run away!"

Lingdao’s right hand slammed the left leg of Tianzun’s late Tianzun, and then used the left leg of Tianzun’s late Tianzun as the fulcrum to smash the head of the Tianzhu family’s Tianzun to the ground. The late Tianzun family only felt dizzy, and there seemed to be stars spinning around the head.

Immediately afterwards, Ling Dao used the hands of the Tianzhu family in the late Tianzun as a stick to deal with the other two descendants of the Tianzhu family. With his current strength, instigating the late Tianzun of the Tianzhu family, it is entirely possible to find the remaining two of the late Tianzun’s seven-six-seven elements.

Whether it is the late Tianzun of the Scorpio who wants to take the offensive instead of the defensive, or the late Tianzun of the Scorpio who is going to delay the time, now they are all in a hurry. One is not good, they are likely to kill the late Tianzun of the Tianzhu family that was used as a weapon by Lingdao.

Originally, Lingdao has the upper hand. Now, Lingdao has a greater advantage. A late Tianzun of the Scorpio family was slowed down by the reaction, and was directly hit by the Tianzhu family in the hands of Lingdao, and it was the collision of the head and the head. The two late Tianzun of the Scorpio family felt that they were turning around and it was very uncomfortable.

After a hit, Lingdao's body shape changed, appearing in the late Tianzhu of the Scorpio family. He did not kill the late Tianzun of the Scorpio, but regarded it as another stick. One hand grasps the late Tianzun of a Tianzhu family, and deals with the remaining Tianzhu family.

"Is he a savage beast? Or else, how can a Terran warrior be so fierce?"

"The two peaks of the Tianzhu family died in his hands, and the remaining three late Tianzun are also in jeopardy. Is he really only in the late days?"

Even if Ling Dao wins in the three trials arranged by Tai Xuan Dao, the demon warriors present can't accept everything that is happening now. After all, the third game is to suppress the realm of the true dragons. Today, the Tianzhu family’s peaks and the late Tianzun have not suppressed the realm.

"Every uncle, are you going to watch their death in Lingdao?"

"If you don't shoot again, they are all going to die, don't you know?"

The Heavenly Kings of the Scorpio are anxious, not because they don't want to help, but because they have self-knowledge. If they take the shot, they will not only save the late Tianzun of the remaining three Scorpio, but will die in Lingdao. Lingdao Lian Tianyi's peak Tianzun dare to kill, how can they care about their lives?

"No, if we shoot, we will definitely be caught by the fox sacred land. Our Tianzhu domain is close to the Tianhu domain. If the fox sacred land is looking for the troubles of our scorpio, what should we do?"

Compared with the whole force, the life of the three descendants of the Tianzhu family is insignificant. Even if the Tianhu Holy Land does not really fight with the Scorpio, they will certainly not escape the sanctions of the Tianhu Holy Land. The Scorpio family can only sacrifice them in order to calm down.

"Since you are not willing to shoot, then, I am coming!"

The voice of the Scorpio tyrants came from afar, because he started out alone, so he was not with them. Unexpectedly, the other Scorpio strong people actually found him in the first step, but did not expect that Lingdao was actually beaten by the three descendants of the Tianzhu family.

"From the moment you kill the gods, you are destined to die in the Tianhu domain. Although you are strong now, but in front of me, not worth mentioning!"

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