The Immortal Taoist

Vol 4 Chapter 141: Lingdao vs Ba Tianzun

The relationship between the same family and the cousin's relationship is certainly incomparable. The sacred kings of the Scorpio family and the sacred gods are not relatives. They certainly don't want to lose their lives because of the gods, and the tyrants of the Scorpio are different. He is God-given cousin. The murderer who killed the godsend is in front of him, and the tyrants of the Scorpio family cannot be indifferent.

First of all, what happened before has really annoyed the tyrants of the Scorpio family. Secondly, it is hard to find Lingdao. The Tianzhu people of Tianzhu have not let go of his thoughts. Moreover, the late Tianzun is not the opponent of Lingdao at all, he has a reason to shoot. What's more, Lingdao's side, there are two bodies of Tianzhu, the peak of Tianzun.

Ba Tianzun, with eight Tianfu, but in terms of realm, it is still the peak of Tianzun. Ling Dao’s current strength cannot be regarded as a late Tianjun. If the Tianzhu family's domineering is not shot, and Lingdao will open the killing, not only the three late Tianzun will die, but other Tianzun and Tianjun will also die.


At this point, Lingdao has not retreated a bit. Even if the Tianzhu people of Tianzhu are personally shot, he can only bite his teeth. Fortunately, he has two late Tianzun of the Scorpio family. As long as he can let the Scorpio of the Scorpio family vote for the rat, it may hurt the Scorpio of the Scorpio.

As for the tyrants who killed the Scorpio, it is simply impossible. Even if Ling Dao used the days of the collapse, it is still not the opponent of the tyrants. After all, he only has the cultivation of the late Tianjun. It’s certainly not a star or a half.

"Don't dare to follow me? Courage is good, but you are overestimating yourself!"

The scorn of the Scorpio family is not pretending, but he can't look down on Ling Dao. To defeat the true dragon family to Tianzun in the late period of Tianjun, it can only show that Lingdao is in a very powerful situation in the late Tianjunjing period, and it cannot be said that the true dragon family’s Zhitian is not an opponent of Lingdao.

Eight Tianfu, like a country, suppress the heavens and the earth. The tyrants of the Scorpio family were just playing with their palms, and the sturdy palms of the scorpion smashed the void and shattered the mountains. One hundred and eighty-two rules were turned into lions, turned into tigers, and turned into bulls, and they came to the road.

Even if Ling Dao grasped the two late Tianzun of the Tianzhu family, it still did not affect the Tiantian Zun of the Tianzhu family. Ling Dao saw anger from the eyes of Tian Tian’s tyrants. He saw hatred and saw indifference. He did not see jealousy, did not see it, and did not see hesitation.

In other words, the tyrants of the Scorpio family do not care about the life and death of the two late Tianzun. In order to avenge the vengeance, even if you sacrificed the two late Tianzun, you will not hesitate. The first to have opinions on him is not the other warriors, but the holy king of the Scorpio.

"Are you crazy?"

"Oh, God's life is life, their lives, is it not life?"

"Stop, hurry and stop!"

The sacred king of the Scorpio family directly shot, blocking the attack of the Scorpio family. They are certainly not the road to salvation, but the two Tianzhu family in the hands of the rescue. If the Tianzhu people of the Tianzhu family are misbehaving, the two late Tianzun of the Tianzhu family will definitely die.

Of course, the attack of Lingdao does not want to attack the tyrants of the Scorpio family. The strong king of the Holy King intervened, and the tyrants of the Scorpio family could not help but Lingdao had no way. Now Lingdao uses nine turns of dragons, strength can catch up with the holy king, but it is limited to power. If he is to confront the Holy King, winning or losing is a trick.

"God-given hatred can't be reported, but you can't catch other gods, you can't catch yourself, don't you understand?"

The Taixu Taoist said that Lingdao is a part of the Tianhu Holy Land. They are still in the Tianhu domain, who knows if there is no eyeliner in the Tianhu Holy Land. If the Taixuan Taoist master knows that the Heavenly Supreme Master of the Scorpio will regard his words as a slap in the face, and resolutely take the shots of Ling Dao, the tyrants of the Scorpio family are afraid of being inseparable from the Tianhu domain.

"You don't let me shoot, not only the two of them are going to die, but the other one is going to die. And, after Lingdao kills them, they can still live well, are you willing?"

Since the tyrants of the Scorpio family have taken the shot, then there must be a reason for his shot. You are looking at me from the sacred king of the Scorpio family. I can't refute it when I look at you. The two Tianzhu people who have been killed by Ling Dao’s Tianfeng Tianzun are indeed impossible to let go of the remaining three late Tianzun.

Just as they spoke, Ling Dao swayed the two late Tianzun in his hands, chasing the remaining one. Because he knows the current state, the rest of the time is getting shorter and shorter, so you can't have half a snack and be soft. If you kill one, you will earn one.

"Too ferocious!"

Many demon warriors are glad that if they are confronted with Lingdao now, they may have fallen to the ground. Such a fierce late Tianjun, they really saw it for the first time, and the late Tianzun was in front of him, just like the king of heaven, and could not stand a blow.

Especially the dragon warriors, if they are not the first step of the Tianzhu family, they will definitely suffer a lot. Compared with the Tianzun family's Tianzun, it is much more fortunate to deal with Lingdao's Dragon Tianzun, the injury can be restored, and the demon can not resurrect.


At this time, the two late Tianzun heads of the Scorpio family were squatting on the head of the remaining Tianzun. **Cleft palate, blood splattered, the two late Tianzun heads were damaged, and the remaining one of Tian Zun’s head was divided and smashed on the spot.

Even if it is a demon warrior who is used to **** scenes, some of them are scared and pale. They do not feel that the road is cruel, life and death confrontation, not that you are dead or that I am dead, do you still have to worry about how the enemy died?

They are afraid because they stand on the opposite side of the road, they are afraid of death in the hands of Lingdao. If they and Lingdao stand on a front, they will definitely feel happy. The goddess of the Scorpio family is so deceiving that they should be killed and there is no reason to let them go.

"Do you want to stop me?"

The tyrants of the Scorpio family screamed, even if the sacred king is stronger than his position, and now he can't speak. The sacred king of the Scorpio family had to admit that he was right when he told the cousin. Ling Dao will not let go of the late Tianzun in his hand, even if the cousin of the gods don't shoot, they will die.

"Quick speed, then, we immediately leave the Tianhu domain!"

As long as they return to the Tianzhu domain, they don't have to be afraid of the Taoist. The Scorpio family is not comparable to the Tianhu Holy Land. Fortunately, the Tianhu Holy Land is not a slogan of the Taixu Taoist. If the Tianhu Holy Land does not put pressure on the Scorpio, the Scorpio can completely protect them.

The most important thing is that the shots against Lingdao are the tyrants of the Tianhu Holy Land, not theirs. Even if the Taixu Taoist murders to the Scorpio, the death is also the tyrant of the Scorpio family. At most, they are sheltering the tyrants of the Scorpio family. There is no reason for the Taixu Taoist to have their lives.

"No problem, give me time to rest, I will definitely take him down!"

The tyrants of the Scorpio family waved their right fists, and the eight Tianfu rotations, the sacred kings gave way to give him the space to deal with Lingdao. The fists are cracked, the road is flying, and the source is vast. Obviously, it is just a common punch, but it is even more terrible than the use of Tianpin Wushu by the peak of the Tianzhu family.

His boxing, everywhere, his boxing, overwhelming, his boxing strength, tearing the mountains and rivers. Being able to become a tyrant, no one is a mediocrity, the power of the eight Tianfu to them, definitely not a castle in the air. If even a late Tianjun can't solve it, he is probably the most shameful in the history.

Ling Dao used the two Tianzhu people in his hands as the war swords, and turned to the Tian Tian Zun of the Tianzhu family. However, the late Tianzun of the two Scorpio families were not close to the tyrants of the Scorpio family, and they were crushed by the martial arts masters. In the later days, the body of Tianzun was not tyrannical, but unfortunately, it could not stop the attack of the tyrant.

"You don't blame me. If you don't blame, you will die. Even if I don't shoot, you will die. However, you can rest assured that I will avenge you. I want Ling Daosheng to die!"

The tyrants of the Scorpio family continued to advance. Without a pause, after killing the two Tianzun, his boxing strength not only did not weaken, but became stronger. Even if Lingdao also shot, he still couldn't stop his fist, and he couldn't stop his footsteps. Ba Tian Zun is a tyrant, strong and outrageous, strong and desperate.

The demon warrior is finally coming to the spirit, and the Tianzhu family is completely crushed. Three interest time, not a joke, just a punch, you can hurt Lingdao, and then punch, fear that you can reinvent Lingdao, and then a punch, you can abolish Lingdao.


The fist of the Scorpio tyrants hits the body of Lingdao, as if it were on the iron wall of the copper wall, deafening. Ling Dao retreats again and again, and the greatness brought to him by the collapse of the heavens is limited. The fist of the Scorpio tyrants did hurt him, and the Scorpio tyrants did not stop.

After a punch, it was another punch, a punch and a punch. Lingdao bite his teeth and counterattack, the collision of his fist and his fist, causing his phalanx to break and his flesh and blood to be blurred. Just a breath of time, they can hit dozens of punches. No martial arts, some, just the most primitive confrontation.

Lingdao coughs blood, Lingdao retreats, Lingdao flesh collapses. It was only the time of the three-interest, he was hit hard, and there were not many good places on his body. The sternum is broken, and half of the body is ragged, and even standing like it is not stable. The reason for this is that on the one hand, because the Scorpio family’s tyrants are too heavy, and on the other hand, the side effects of the annihilation of the heavens have completely broken out.

"What means, even if it is displayed, anyway, you are in front of me, poor and poor!"

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