The Immortal Taoist

Vol 4 Chapter 142: Wounded my Lingjia Emperor, died!

The Tianzhu family's tyrants are overlooking the Lingdao, not to mention him. In the current state of Lingdao, a Tianjun can have a life of Lingdao. If Lingdao has just used the days of the collapse, perhaps it can still be a few tricks with the Tianzhu family.

The demon martial artists who were present were relieved, and the singularity that Lingdao showed before was really scaring them. Fortunately, the Tianzhu people of the Tianzhu family shot, or else, they really did not have the confidence to defeat Lingdao, and even, they did not have the courage to fight with Lingdao.

"Dangtang Ba Tian Zun is still in front of me in the presence of a superior sense of the day, right?" Lingdao snorted and dismissively said, "If you give me the same time as you, I can take you with a finger. Grinding!"

The Scorpio of the Scorpio has been practicing for hundreds of years before it has achieved its present achievements. If you give Lingdao hundreds of years, he will definitely not only dominate, but it is far more than that. Lingdao did not brag, and the Tianzhu people of the Tianzhu family understood that the Yaozu warriors also understood. At the age of Lingdao, they are not able to catch up with Lingdao.

"However, no, if it falls into my hands, your life will stop here!"

No matter how much potential Lingdao has, no matter how good the talent of Lingdao is, it doesn't matter, because the Heavenly Masters will not give the opportunity to turn over. Lingdao is only a late Tianjun. As long as he brings Lingdao back to the Tianzhu family, Lingdao will not want to escape for a lifetime.

The tyrants of the Scorpio family slowly approached Lingdao. One after another, the demon warriors all looked at Lingdao. They wanted to know how the Tianzhu Zhuang of the Scorpio family would handle the Lingdao. Is it a violent temper, or is it to step on the foot?

"When he is less than half a meter away from me, I will blew myself up. Even if I die, I will let him pay the price."

Lingdao secretly thought that death is not a terrible thing for him. Restricted by the realm, even if he blew himself up, he would not want to take the tyrants of the Scorpio family. Fortunately, he still has the opportunity to wait for the realm of the Tianzhu family to be venerable.

"Injury my Lingjia emperor, die!"

At the beginning of the millennium, Ling Jianhao's voice suddenly came, and then there was a sword light, scratching the void, from the back of the Tianzhu family, he stabbed into his body. The Scorpio family’s smug smile is stiff on his face, and his eyes are full of horror.

Although the demon martial artists discussed outside the fox sacred place, Ling Jianhao did not fully understand it, but as long as he heard the words of Lingdao, he would not care. Fortunately, he chased it all the way, otherwise, Lingdao will fall into the hands of the Tianzhu family.

Lingdao's injury is very heavy, bloody, and the clothes are broken. He is the son of Happy Emperor and is related to Ling Jianhao. After seeing his appearance, Ling Jianhao murdered the demon warrior and found that he was actually arrogant after he had dealt with him.

Just a sword light, it smashes the filth of the Tianzhu family. The tyrants of the Scorpio family want to talk, but unfortunately, he has a mouth, and the body is like a porcelain, broken into countless pieces. Ling Jianhao only cares about his identity, and no matter what power he comes from, he only wants to avenge Lingdao.

"not good!"

"There are strong enemies!"

When the sacred king of the Scorpio family felt that it was not good, the tyrants of the Scorpio family had already broken their bones. In order to deal with a Lingdao, the Scorpio family can be said to have lost the wife and the soldiers. First, the two peaks of Tianzun, and then the three late Tianzun, now even the Heavenly Master is also dead.

It is not easy to cultivate a tyrant. It can be said that the two peaks of the previous death, Tian Zun and the three late Tianzun, are not as good as one. There is also a godsend who died in the hands of Ling Dao. It is also a young genius of the Tianzhu family.

"Mixed things, I dare to kill the tyrants of my Scorpio!"

"He is dead, you must be buried!"


Because Ling Jianhao did not release the scent of Daojun, he only used a sword light to destroy the tyrants of the Scorpio family. The sacred king of the Scorpio family did not know his realm. In particular, the other party is still a human warrior, they do not need to have any scruples.

The shot of the Holy King is not the same as that of Heaven. The terrible fluctuations seem to be able to destroy the earth. Ling Jianhao can easily kill the tyrants, and the strength must not be underestimated. Therefore, they did not take it lightly, and the shadows of the temples appeared, and the momentum was magnificent.

The power of the sacred martial arts blooms, the earth shakes the mountain, the void bursts, and the demon martial artists are scared to retreat. Fortunately, other emperor forces also have the Holy King to come, or else, with the speed of the retreat of the Heavenly Kings, they must die in the aftermath of their fighting.

"How did you come?"

Although Ling Jianhao saved Lingdao's life, Lingdao did not want Ling Jianhao to come. Ling Jianhao is not a fake, but the strong people in the Yaozu than Ling Jianhao abound. He finally sent Wei Wei invincible. What if Ling Jianhao had a three-length and two short in the Yaozu?

As for the sacred king of the Scorpio family to deal with Ling Jianhao, Ling Dao is not worried. Even if the Supreme King of the Scorpio family exerts all the means, it is impossible to be the opponent of Ling Jianhao. In other words, the sacred king of the Scorpio family took the shot to Ling Jianhao, and was simply looking for death.

"I haven't found your account yet, do you still want to kill me? One of the holy kings came to chase the Tianjun, you want to shameless?"

Ling Jianhao speaks while pulling the sword. When his sword is completely squirted, the slashing sword light appears in front of the sacred king of the Scorpio. The powerful sacred martial arts, in front of his sword light, is vulnerable. The gap between the Holy King and the Dao is bigger than Tianzun and the Holy King.

The shadows of the temples are broken, and the roads of the sky are gone. Ling Jianhao's sword light smashed and ruined, and after destroying the attack of the Holy King, they pierced their bodies. The tyrants can't stop Ling Jianhao's Jianguang, and the Holy King can't stop it.


One after another, the king of the kings fell to the ground, and there was no life, because they were already dead under the sword of Ling Jianhao. The Scorpio family came to the martial arts of the fox sacred place, and the sacred kings were annihilated by the whole army. Tianzun died most of the time, and the loss was not too big. The rest of the Scorpio warriors are fearful and fearful of the troubles of Ling Jianhao looking for them.

"Lingjia Emperor? Is he really a emperor?"

"A terrible strong man, the holy king of the Scorpio family is in front of him, and he has no ability to resist. If he shot us, would we also die?"

"If it is broken, he must be a prince. How can we be hostile?"

Ling Jian murdered the Holy King and the strong, just like playing, really frightened the demon warriors present. Whether it is a **** or a holy king, it is not his opponent. It’s too shocking to witness Ling Jianhao’s killing of the sacred king of the Tianzhu family.

"My homeowner is not at ease, I secretly followed. Fortunately, I arrived in time, or else, I am afraid that there is no you."

Go to the demon temple genius, the highest, that is, the peak of the holy king. They are more than enough to chase and kill Lingdao, and they will not be able to deal with Ling Jianhao. Ling Jianhao is not a flower in the greenhouse. He can have the achievements now, and he is step by step.

Ling Jianhao’s words, Ling Dao did not believe, it must be that Ling Yao’s emperor let Ling Jianhao come. One is in Ming, one is in dark, in Ming is Wei invincible, and in the dark is Ling Jianhao. Now Lingdao does not think about how to deal with the demon warrior, but how to flick Ling Jianhao, and then send Ling Jianhao to the chaotic ancient domain.

Because Ling Jianhao is the Daojun, the demon strongman will chase the Lingdao, and will definitely send out the Tao. If they wait for them to come, the Princess of Wine wants to send Ling Jianhao again, it will be difficult. Because the wine princess is only a natural world, if you use a small world, you may be discovered by Daojun.

"Don't say this first, I will ask you, are they all going to chase you?"

Ling Jianhao’s eyes were swept away from one and another demon warriors, and the demon warriors did not dare to look at him. Without the Lingdao answer, he got the answer. The icy killings emanate from his body, and the void seemed to be frozen.

"I understand!"

He did not hesitate, pulled the sword directly, and stabbed the demon warrior next to him. The identity of the enemy is not important, and the origin is not important. As long as they are coming to kill the ridge, then they will die. The demon warrior can shoot the Lingdao regardless of the gap in the realm, and of course he will not control it.

One after another, the demon warriors panicked, some shots resisted, some turned to escape, and some mobilized the holy soldiers. Their reactions are different, but the end is the same. Ling Jianhao's strength is much stronger than them, they only have one dead end.

"Predecessors, are you too much? Do you have a shot of a group of juniors, not afraid of causing public outrage?"

"If Daojun can just take the shots of Tianzun and the Holy King, isn't it necessary to mess around with the three thousand territories?"

"There are heads and debts who have the Lord, and they really deal with Lingdao. Only they have nothing to do with us. Why do you want to shoot us?"

When they are strong, they will only laugh at Lingdao. When they are weak, they will make sense. Unfortunately, Ling Jianhao did not reason with them, still continue to slaughter the demon warriors. It is the demon warrior's destruction of the rules first, he just vented Lingdao, help Lingdao revenge.

"You have done the first day, I have done fifteen. Fortunately, my Emperor Lingjia is not dead, or else you have to be buried!"

Some demon warriors escaped quickly, Ling Jianhao did not chase after the meaning, salvation is the most important thing. Ling Jianhao knows their current situation. If the Yaozu has a leader, his strength will not be enough. With the demon strong, there is still no action, and I will bring Lingdao back to Lingjia.

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