The Immortal Taoist

Vol 4 Chapter 143: Four Daojun

The Heavenly Respects of the True Dragons and the Heavenly Respects of the Holy Family are directed at Wei invincible. Unfortunately, Wei Invincible has left the Tianhu domain and they are impossible to find. As for Lingdao, the Tianlong Zun of the Real Dragon family did not have any intention to take it out personally.

However, the strength demonstrated by Ling Dao surprised the true dragon family. The late Tianzun of the Dragon family did not win the Lingdao, and the true dragon family’s sacredness could be accepted. The two peaks of the Scorpio family died in the hands of Ling Dao, and the true dragon family’s Zhitian Zun felt incredible.

Fortunately, Tian Tianzun’s Ba Tian Zun personally broke the road and hit the road. However, just as he was preparing to take the Ling Dao, he killed a Tao, not only removed the Tianzhu’s tyrant, but also came. The Scorpio family of the Holy Land is a strong player. Even the other powerful forces of the Emperor's power have been affected, and the slow movements have died under the sword of Ling Jianhao.

"You can really make trouble, only how long it takes to enter the fox sacred place, you have offended a large group of demon warriors."

Ling Jianhao immediately took out a healing holy medicine and gave it to Lingdao to help Lingdao recover the injury. The power of the Scorpio family is still in the Lingdao body, relying solely on Lingdao's own resilience, I don't know how long it will take. Also, the sequelae of the collapse of the heavens broke out, and the body of Lingdao did not say that it was so riddled with holes.

It is a waste to use the holy medicinal herbs by Tianjun. However, Ling Jianhao does not care. Lingjia said that it is also the emperor's power, Ling Jianhao is the Tao Jun, Shengpin Dan medicine for him, not so rare baby. Moreover, the role of Shengpin Dan medicine on Daojun is also very limited.

"Do you think that you can go where you are? I have offended a few emperors, and now I can do it. You have offended dozens!"

Lingdao couldn't help but knocked on his forehead and said helplessly. Many warriors of the emperor's forces followed, just to make a mess, and did not mean to start with Lingdao. In order to avenge Lingdao, Ling Jianhao not only killed the sacred kings of the Scorpio family, but also solved some of the other powerful forces.

After Lingdao’s reminder, Ling Jianhao has returned to God. Because Ling Jianhao came, Lingdao’s injury was very serious. Ling Jianhao did not consider the consequences at all, just wanted to kill a good time. In addition, Ling Jianhao has no specific goal, only a mess.

"tens of……"

Ling Jianhao's face is bitter, the eyes of the boss, repeating. For Lingdao, he seems to have gone out of his head. Lingjia is only the emperor's power at the bottom. He has offended dozens of emperor forces, and he has pulled out one, and it is better than Lingjia. The weak meat and strong food, the law of the forest, the demeanor of the Yaozu territory, the power of the emperor that can be passed down in the territory of the Yaozu, the foundation is certainly not bad.

"Big scorpion, don't worry too much, just kill them and kill them, and don't kill the world."

When I heard the words "big scorpion", Ling Jianhao felt that he did not fight. Ling Dao is only in his twenties, and his age is still less than Ling Jianhao's fraction. Lingdao is the son of Happy Emperor. According to the seniority, Ling Jianhao is indeed the big voice of Lingdao, not Lingdao shouting.

"In any case, this time thanks to you, or else, I am afraid that I will die without a place to die."

As long as Ling Jianhao is late, he will not see Lingdao. With the strength of Lingdao at that time, it was not the opponent of the Tianzhu family. He was able to do it himself. It is still the thoughtfulness of the Emperor of the Happy, and it is clear that it has saved Lingdao once.

"Forget it, kill it and kill it. Anyway, they will follow, and certainly not well. Our Ling family will not cause trouble everywhere, but it will not be afraid!"

What kind of elders can teach what kind of juniors. The owner of Lingjia, the father of Lingdao, is the elder of Ling Jianhao. The number of idiots that the Lingjia family had done was not counted. Ling Jianhao was naturally contaminated with his temperament.

Lingdao is deliberately saying that Ling Jianhao has two sentences. If he has the strength of Ling Jianhao, he may not kill more. If you really don't have any thoughts about him, you won't be coming far away. To the young genius of the fox sacred place to participate in the test, far more than dozens of emperor forces. In other words, there are still demon warriors who have not come.

"What about your sister?"

Ling Jianhao's problem made Lingdao a headache. If Lingdao and Ling Jianhao tell the truth, then it is impossible to send away Ling Jianhao. If Ling Jianhao is not sent away now, and the Taoist lords are chasing him, even if he wants to send away Ling Jianhao, he can't do it.

"I and my sister-in-law are divided into two ways. At her speed, I may have left the Tianhu domain."

First stabilize Ling Jianhao, and then find a way to send Ling Jianhao to the chaotic ancient domain. Of course, you must be in front of the demon lord to kill, otherwise, not only can not send Ling Jianhao, but also the life of the princess. The Princess of Wine is just a child in Ling Dao’s eyes. Ling Dao certainly does not want the Princess of the Wine to have an accident.

Ling Jianhao did not suspect him, because he felt that Lingdao did not lie to him. What's more, Lingdao also said that there is a lot of sound, the reason why the soldiers are divided into two ways, because Wei invincible helped him lead a large number of demon warriors. Originally Ling Jianhao still wants to save Wei invincible, although he does not know where Wei is invincible, but he can not give up Wei invincible.

However, after learning that Wei Invincible has become the Tianzun, Ling Jianhao feels that there is no need to save Wei invincible. Even if you encounter a strong king of the Holy King, you want to come to Wei invincible and have a means to save your life. Ba Tian Zun and Zhi Tian Zun seem to differ only from one Tian Fu, but the strength is a world of difference.

"Come, you stand on my sword, I will take you out of this place."

Lingdao has no resignation. If he relies on his own speed, he may not have run away, and he will be caught up by the strong people of the Yaozu. Switching to Ling Jianhao is not the same, his speed is hundreds of times faster than Lingdao. It’s a joke, it’s not a joke, it’s real.

"Are you really the son of the owner? How do you reproduce this way?"

In the current state of Lingdao, it is certainly impossible to use the source to support the body. Ling Jianhao originally wanted to stand on the sword like Ling Dao, and now he has to follow Lingdao. Since it is in the territory of the Yaozu, then he can't be taken lightly. The owner gave him the Lingdao, and he had to return the owner to a living Lingdao.

"Big scorpion, are you talking to me like this?"

Ling Jianhao almost violently walked, if not in terms of seniority, Ling Dao is indeed a high generation of his generation, he really wants to sneak a slap. However, he thought of a way. In the future, he could use Lingdao as an excuse to make a good trip. No, let’s talk about ten times and eight.

Everything that happened just now, the tyrannical respect of the fox sacred place is in the eye. It is true that the Tao Jun of other emperors wants to come. It takes a while for the Dao of the Tianhu Holy Land to come, and it will take a lot of time. The task that the transcendental lord gave him was to be the life of Lingdao. He must find a way to complete it.

With his strength, if this time for Lingdao, there is only one dead road, Ling Jianhao will certainly not be merciful to him. Fortunately, he recorded the direction in which Ling Dao and Ling Jianhao left. If he did not guess wrong, Ling Jianhao must have rushed to the Tian Yao domain with Ling Dao.

"As long as the king of the fox sacred place is in front, it is inevitable to get rid of the two of them!"

Tianhu Zun of Tianhu Holy Land did not pursue Lingdao and Ling Jianhao, but turned back to the Holy Land. After learning about the situation of Ling Dao, the Taoist Taoist did not say anything, and sent four Taoist monarchs. The strong man who follows the transcendental Taoist Lord is not without a Taoist. However, the transcendental Taoist Lord will have confidence in his four great deeds.

"You should not reveal your identity. Otherwise, the demon Tai Xuan will definitely find you trouble. Even though the Taoist is not afraid of the demon, but if he plays a rogue, you will not have good fruit to eat."

In the words of the Taoist, the four Taoist monks are deeply impressed. There is a saying in the sacred place of the fox, preferring to offend the Lord of the Holy Land, and not to offend the Taoist. Although the Lord of the Heavenly Fox Holy Land is the Great Emperor, she will not be entangled. The Taixuan Taoist is different, and has anxious to him. He can do everything.

Zhendong Daojun, Dust West Daojun, Huanandaojun, Yuanbeidaojun did not delay the time, directly used the Star Gate, and transmitted to the junction of Tianhu and Tianluo. They will be tyrannical, using the world of will to cover all directions, will certainly be able to block Lingdao and Ling Jianhao.

Ling Jianhao's speed is fast, and it is impossible to match the Star Gate. What's more, Ling Jianhao also took the injured Lingdao, the speed is a bit slower than usual. The Tianhu domain has a larger area than the Tianling domain. When Ling Jianhao rushed to the junction of the Tianhu domain and the Tianluo domain, Lingdao’s injury has been restored to 7788.

It’s not the same, it’s not the same, it not only makes Lingdao’s body tyrannical, but also makes his recovery ability comparable to that of the Phoenix family. It is a pity that the realm of Ling Dao is too low. In the next battle, he will not play any role at all. In the face of Daojun, Tianjun is really vulnerable.

"Come, I found them!"

The tyrant of Tianhu Holy Land has already told Lingdao and Ling Jianhao the four heavenly kings sent by the transcendental Taoist. The first to discover Lingdao and Ling Jianhao is Huanan Daojun. In order to prevent accidents, Huanan Road did not rashly act, but notified the other three Taojun.

Zhendong Daojun, Dust West Daojun, Huanan Daojun and Yuanbeidao Jun are united, and they are comparable to the Taoist, and they have no problem with Ling Jianhao. Even if they hide their identity, they also disdain to take a shot at Lingdao. They are only responsible for solving Ling Jianhao, and the rest of the matter is handed over to the tyrants of the Tianhu Holy Land.

"The human race, stop!"

"Killing my demon king, I still want to leave the territory of the demon?"

"If you are shackled, you can give you a good time. Otherwise, we will let you regret coming to this world."

"If you keep moving forward, we will blame us for killing the little guys around you!"

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