The Immortal Taoist

Vol 4 Chapter 147: Imperial killing

"Sorry, I can't really see my four-legged snake!"

The mysterious teacher shrugged his shoulders and only despised his face, no apologies. The true dragon family is one of the hegemons of the wilderness period. Unfortunately, the wilderness period has long been a smoky cloud. Now the human race is the master of the heavens. The arrogant attitude of the mad dragon road is really disgusting to the mysterious master.

If the human race is unified and the dragons are destroyed, it is not difficult at all. When the real dragons faced the Terran martial artists, they were arrogant and unreasonable. It was because of the internal tribes of the Terran, it was impossible to unite. It’s just a power of the emperor, and the dragons really have nothing to worry about.

"If you can't get on, don't worry, you can't do it!"

The mad dragon said that he did not care, and there was no point at all. If the mysterious master obeys him, there is no temper, and he feels boring. The mysterious lord is now more vocal about him, even rejecting him and disgusting with him. When he gets the mystery, he will have a sense of accomplishment.

"Uncle, you just take her away, I can handle other things."

As long as there is no mysterious lord, the four princes of the Tianhu Holy Land can fully cope with Ling Jianhao. If they add two princes of the Scorpio family, they may be able to get rid of Ling Jianhao. If Lingdao does not have the help of the mysterious teacher and Ling Jianhao, how much better to deal with.

"The situation is not good. They must be solved quickly. Otherwise, the consequences will be disastrous."

Ling Jianhao's sword speed is getting faster and faster, and he has to go all out for the safety of Lingdao. Although Zhendong Daojun is not a vegetarian, but while cracking the killing, while resisting Ling Jianhao's swords, after all, it is more than enough. If it weren’t for Dingxi Daojun, Huanan Daojun and Yuanbeidao Jun, they would help Dongdong Jun from time to time, and Zhendong Daojun might have been seriously injured.

The four squadrons of the mysterious masters only cut off the array of Zhendong Daojun, Huanan Daojun, Dust West Daojun and Yuanbei Daojun. Huanan Dajunjun, Dust West Daojun and Yuanbeidaojun can still help Zhendong Daojun. . However, Ling Jianhao now has the upper hand, and Zhendong Daojun is in jeopardy.

"Your array, they can't break, this way can break!"

In order to show a hand in front of the mysterious teacher, the mad dragon Dao decided to crack the killing of the mysterious master. It doesn't matter if you don't understand the tactics. Anyway, the mad dragon is ready to break through. As long as his strength has an absolute advantage, it is not a problem. The mad dragon is not arrogant to break the six large arrays at once, but to come one by one.

The first choice of the mad dragon is the killing of Zhendong Daojun. The wide palm is like a fairy gold, and it is directly inserted into the killing. Thousands of roads, pouring out, like the rushing river, hit the killing of the mysterious master. The true dragon body of the Daojun level is simply arrogant and arrogant. The attack of killing does not cause any harm to the palm of the dragon.


A loud noise, nine days of sound, shaking the ground. The dragon's forehead is jumping straight on the forehead, and the thick arm is more like a giant python. The power of the mad dragon has broken out, and the illusion of the nine-way palace is looming behind him. I have never heard of the martial arts of the mad dragon, and I can't help but open my mouth.

The nine-seat palace means that the mad dragon is once the lord of heaven, and it is no wonder that mad dragons do not put other warriors in their eyes. To Heaven, this is awesome, not to mention that he is already a Tao. One more Tianfu means that Tianzun is more difficult to the Holy King. If there is more than one temple, it means that the Holy King is more difficult to go to the Tao.

How difficult it is to go to Tianzun to Daojun, perhaps only after you have experienced it. However, the masters of the nine Taoist palaces are extremely powerful, far from being the only ones of the four Taoist palaces. Even for most of the Taoist masters, the mad dragon is not afraid, unless it is the owner of the nine Taoist palaces.


The land at the foot of Zhendong Daojun, blasted one after another, and the soil flew. He is not shocked and disliked, because the killing of the mysterious lord has already been torn apart. Such a great opportunity, of course, he will not miss, and quickly display the martial arts, smashing the killing of the mysterious leader.

He is a supernatural leader who will do his best, but unfortunately, compared with the mad dragon, he is a bit worse. However, it is normal. If he is as powerful as the mad dragon, he will certainly not be willing to give up. It is perhaps harder to conquer the Daojun who has nine Taoist palaces.

Without the shackles of killing, the pressure of Zhendong Daojun was greatly reduced. Before, Zhendong Daojun was only blindly defending. Now he can actively attack Ling Jianhao. Although Ling Jianhao's swordsmanship is very strong, he has the backing of Dust West Daojun, Huanan Daojun and Yuanbeidao Jun, and is completely afraid of Ling Jianhao.

"How, do you want me to break your remaining killings?"

The words of the mad dragon Daojun just finished, the proud smile is dead on the face. When he was murdered by the mysterious lord, the mysterious lord prepared a big squad for him. The mysterious master knows that the mad dragons are better than the four princes of the fox sac and the two scorpions of the scorpio, and the use of the big squad is of course extraordinary.

"let's go!"

Xuanji teaches the voice to Ling Jianhao, and prepares to leave this place with Ling Jianhao and Ling Dao. The power of the mad dragon is so powerful that she has already realized that with her current ability, it is impossible to get rid of the mad dragon. If there are a few more similar to the mad dragon, she will have a life worry.

In order to trap the mad dragon, the mysterious lord used the emperor's big squad. Although it is a broken one, it is also more powerful than the Dao. Correspondingly, it is very expensive, even if it is done by her current cultivation, it still can't be performed several times. She can take risks, Ling Dao can't, or go first.

Ling Jianhao regretted watching Zhendong Daojun, as long as he was given him for a while, even if he could not kill Zhendong Daojun, he could let Zhendong Daojun lose half of his life. However, the security of Lingdao is the most important. He can only listen to the mysterious master, because the decision of the mysterious master is more rational.

"Want to go? Hehehe..."

The sneer came from all directions, and a violent breath filled the whole world. The mysterious master and Ling Jianhao turned at the same time and looked at the source of the sound. What appeared in front of them was a tall man with three arms and six arms, the same as the Shura warriors whom Lingdao had seen.

"There is a lord, are you going?"

The giant snorted and said that it was to deal with them. A group of demon warriors face each other because the giants are not among them. In addition to them, there is also the emperor's power, even dispatched such a strong person to deal with Lingdao?

Six big hands, blocking the void, heaven and earth, and the southeast and northwest, there is no omission. One after another, the Taoist palace appeared. Although he only had eight Taoist palaces, he was the Taoist, and he was only weaker than the mad dragon. Xuanji Master and Ling Jianhao want to win him, there is no hope.

"If it wasn't for me that I was hit hard, the realm fell, I have already ruined you all!"

Xuanji teaches the master to frown, his face is cold, and a pair of good-looking eyes, as if they can penetrate the heavens and the earth, sharp and extremely. Even the giant who is tall and tall feels that his eyes are sore, but it does not affect him. It is not important for Xuanji to be a master before, as long as she is now a Daojun, the giants who are tall and high will have the confidence to deal with.

"No wonder, I said that she didn't have the last time. It turned out that the realm was hit. Just, what kind of existence can hurt her?"

Ling Dao certainly will not forget that when the Tian Yao domain robbed the emperor, the mysterious lord even if it was to deal with the killing of the Taoist, still easy. However, before dealing with the mad dragon, the mysterious master is a little powerless, not to mention the giant now.

Although the mysterious teacher does not seem to have anything unusual on the surface, Lingdao can be sure that the injury of the mysterious master has certainly not healed. If he was so tired of the mysterious leader, he would not be willing to go. However, now let the mysterious teacher leave, the mysterious teacher is afraid that will not agree.

"Predecessors, if you can go, let's go, leave me alone."

It is her business that Xuanji teaches the Lord to leave, and Lingdao said that it must be said. It is a pity that, as Lingdao guessed, the mysterious teacher did not leave. Lingdao thought that the mysterious master and he just met each other, but the mysterious master was aware that Lingdao was her young master.

"Is it hard to die when I die? Do you believe that I have eaten you now?"

The giant who is tall and high said evilly, three pairs of eyes, while staring at the mysterious master. As long as the mysterious master has an action, he will take the first step, so as to avoid the mysterious path of the master. What happened before, he all looked in his eyes, and the mad dragon had eaten the loss, he must not eat again.

"What should I do? What should I do?" Ling Jianhao was so anxious that he couldn't figure out what to do. "I can have something, even death in the Tian Yao domain, but what should he do? The owner is such a biological son, if he died Now, the homeowner will not stop?"

The owner of the Ling family has already proved to be an emperor, and then wants to have a son, which is even more difficult than the testimony of the emperor. Even if it is to use his own life, for a chance to live a Lingdao, Ling Jianhao is willing. Unfortunately, Ling Jianhao understands that there is no room for bargaining at all.

"Can only be used again!"

Xuanji master bite his teeth, ten long fingers, and quickly trembled. It was only the time of three breaths, and the imperial level of killing was laid. Her mouth, blood overflow, and the use of a broken emperor twice in a row, has exceeded her physical load.

Originally, she suppressed all the injuries. Now, the wounds are more serious than before. However, for Lingdao and for her own sake, she can only do this. It’s not easy to find a inheritor, and she won’t let the inheritors die. If the singer and the nine priests are just fine, her current state is indeed worse.

"Go, don't delay, go immediately!"

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