The Immortal Taoist

Vol 4 Chapter 148: Shura God of War

"Rho Roger, as I said, I teach you to break her big array!"

There is a young genius sitting on the shoulders of the giants, not others, it is Lin Rizhen. The mysterious master used the incomplete emperor to kill, and other warriors could not break it. It does not mean that Lin Rizhen could not break. Xiu Luojie is the name of a giant, and Ling Dao thinks it is true. In fact, he is the strongest of the Shura family.

Of course, Xiu Luojie did not come out of the Shura community. There is no such thing as a **** in the Shura community. The last time Lingdao encountered the infinite embarrassment, is the strong outside the Shura community, Xiu Luojie's situation is similar to the Promise. The three thousand territories are vast and boundless. Even the Shura family, which is sealed by the Great Emperor, will still have a net of fish.

In the past, Xiu Luojie rarely appeared in the public, let alone the struggle of the emperor. It is different now. The Shura family has left the Shura community and the seal no longer exists. Although the Shura people today are not the emperor's forces, the Shura family still has strong people. The skinny dead camel is bigger than the horse. Nowadays, even if the Shura people are not able to bully a product, they still have no problem.

If Lin Rizhen asked Xiu Luojie to deal with the Tianhu Holy Land, the true dragon family and the Shengyi family, Xiu Luojie would certainly not agree. To deal with Lingdao, it is not the same. Lingdao is just a newly established disciplinary child. As for the identity of the emperor of Lingdao, Lin Rizhen will certainly not tell Shurajie.

"Here, here, here..."

Lin Ri's fingers point to one place after another at a very fast speed. Xiu Luojie understood his meaning, and quickly punched his fists and bombarded the emperor-level squad. Fortunately, Xiu Luojie has six hands, otherwise it can't keep up with the rhythm of Lin Rizhen.

"Who is he? Why is he so understanding of the killing?"

The mysterious lord couldn't believe it. A human race, the peak of the king, seemed to be as good as his emperor. Even if Xiu Luojie broke her emperor's killing, it would be easier to accept Roger than Lin Rizhen. Lin Rizhen’s realm is too low, let alone the emperor’s killing, and the celestial killing will kill him.

Every attack on Shurojie is accurate to the extreme. Lin Rizhen’s guidance, coupled with the ability of Shurojie’s execution, is seamless. Xuanji teaches that without the need for a hundred moments, Xiu Luojie can break her imperial killing, and the incompleteness is ultimately incomplete, not complete.

"He used to be a great emperor. Isn't it normal to break the emperor's level?"

Following the eyes of the mysterious teacher, Lingdao also discovered Lin Rizhen. Xiu Luojie must have been invited by Lin Rizhen, that is, I don’t know what kind of price Lin Rizhen paid. The strong leader of the main level, how difficult it is to ask how difficult it is, the great emperor does not come out, the Taoist is enough to be horizontal.

"Great Emperor? What kind of strong man can drop the realm of the Great Emperor?"

Because of the mystery of the mysterious teacher, what she thought of the first time was that others had smashed Lin Rizhen and let Lin Risheng’s cultivation fall to the heavenly kingdom. Moreover, she only heard that the Taoist Nirvana was born again, and she never heard of the rebirth of the great Nirvana. Moreover, the Emperor could not be nirvana.

"The lord said that you can't go, you can't go!"

Before the mad dragon road came, Xiu Luojie arrived, but did not show up. Xiu Luojie is not a squad, and there will not be any great squad. Fortunately, he has a device, and he has already enveloped a radius of five thousand miles. Now he is urging the road, blocking the world, not giving the opportunity to the mysterious leader, Ling Jianhao and Lingdao.

Shura God of War map, Taoist weapons, Xiu Luojie sacrificed for a full 10,000 years. When he was not urging, the Shura God of War figure did not seem to exist. However, once he was motivated, Shura’s God of War was revived, and a tall, **** Shura, like a **** of war, was in front of the mysterious leader.

"He wants to live, the other two are dying, aren't they?"

The reason why there is no rush to do it is because Xiu Luojie wants to determine Lin’s request. Lin Riqi nodded, with his current cultivation, not the opponent of Ling Jianhao and Xuanji, or let Shurojie get rid of them. Ling Jianhao's body can't be picked up. Xuanji is a woman, and he won't want it.

Xiu Luojie nodded, and thousands of roads were instilled in the body of eight blood Xiuluo. Eight blood repairs like a chicken blood, killing Ling Jianhao's mysterious master. He did not expect eight blood Xiuluo to be able to get rid of Ling Jianhao and Xuanji, as long as he can give him enough time, it will be fine.

"Well, in my current situation..."

The mysterious teacher's brows were slightly stunned, and the appearance of the Shura God of War was completely beyond her expectations. After using the Emperor level twice in a row, her injury can no longer be suppressed. Now let's not take the Lingdao. Even if she runs alone, she will not want to escape.


Ling Jianhao shouted, and the sword and the eight blood wars were brought together. Lingdao, only the heavenly kingdom, can not hope, the mysterious teacher is hurt, Ling Jianhao is not found. Now, the three of them, the most able to fight, is undoubtedly Ling Jianhao, he is not desperate, who is desperate?

The mysterious master did not shoot, but arranged a large array. Playing, it must be impossible to fight, killing is useless. However, she is a squad, she will kill her, and she will also transmit the same method. On the speed, in her current state, and then with Lingdao, certainly not as good as repairing Luo, using the transmission matrix method is not the same.

One piece and another piece of the spirit stone fly out, falling in different directions, Lingdao only feel dazzled. Time is tight, the mysterious teacher does not care what Lingshi, as long as he can leave the Tianhu domain, how many Tao Lingshi do you have in the future?

"Would you like to help?"

The soul of the Emperor's beast tower is sent to the mysterious master, hoping to help the mysterious master. However, the mysterious teacher shook his head and rejected its proposal. In the last war, the Emperor's beasts and towers were damaged. The mysterious masters certainly did not want any problems with the emperor's beast tower.

The Scorpio family has a Taojun, and the Dragons have also come to the monarch. Who knows that she will urge the emperor to lead the emperor to force the emperor to kill. The breath of the emperor, the mysterious master can't cover it, can not use the beast tower or the beast tower.

"Ha ha ha, this lord is really powerful, even the imperial killing can be broken!"

At this time, Xiu Luojie laughed proudly. Lin Riyi stunned him and looked at him. He relied on the guidance of others to break a broken emperor. I really don't know what is good. A truly powerful lord can only kill the emperor at his own level, and he is still a complete emperor.

Xiu Luojie stepped out, the ground vibrated, and the power of the Taoist rushed toward Lingdao. The eight blood Shura of Shura’s God of War is still fighting the battle with Ling Jianhao. He only needs to deal with the mysterious master. As for Lingdao, he can be handed over to Lin Rizhen. He believes that Lin Rizhen has one hundred ways to win the Lingdao.

"Through the iron shoes innocent, it took no effort. I didn't expect it, I met you in this place!"

There is also a strong atmosphere, sweeping away, Ling Jianhao's face changed greatly, because the coming is the killing of the Taoist. A strong person who can compete with the Lingjia family is not able to cope with Ling Jianhao. Of course, it is definitely the owner of the Ling family before the sermon. Now the emperor is not the killer.

"How is he?"

"Has he coming?"

If the arrival of the mad dragon is enough to arouse the surprise of other warriors, then the killing of the lord will be enough to shock other warriors. Killing the Taoist master in the demon's reputation, do not know how much more than the mad dragon. Even if the mad dragon is no longer in sight, he can’t despise the killing.

The four princes of the Tianhu Holy Land have a happy face, and the killing lord is obviously talking to the mysterious master. A Shu Luojie is enough for the mysterious master and Ling Jianhao to have a headache. Now, with a killing leader, Xuanji and Ling Jianhao are afraid that there is no way to live. Without Ling Jianhao and Xuanji, how can Lingdao’s life be saved?

The Tianlong Zun of the True Dragon family and the Tianzun of the Shengyi family have long since become honest, and Tianzun is powerful, but compared with the well-known Daojun or Taoist, they are not worth mentioning. Fortunately, it doesn't matter how Lingdao died. As long as Lingdao is dead, it will do.

"It's you!"

The scorpion of the mysterious lord is filled with endless killings, and her killing is even more terrible than killing the lord. The reason why it has become what it is now is because it kills the lord. If the killing father asked a great emperor to help, how could she be seriously injured? How could her battle be broken?

Just killing the lord, the mysterious master is not afraid. However, with the addition of a demon king, it is not the same. Even if it is to promote the emperor's beast tower, the mysterious teacher is not the opponent of the emperor. If she had a lot of life-saving means, maybe she would have died in the hands of the killing father.

"Yes, it is me!"

The killing lord appeared in front of the mysterious lord, and he was not afraid of the master of the Taoist level, not to mention the mysterious leader of the Daojun level. Last time, I asked the Emperor to help, just because he did not seize the grasp of the Emperor's beast tower, and did not kill the mysterious master.

Unexpectedly, even if you ask the Emperor to help out, still let the mysterious leader slip away. He has been looking for a long time, and there is no trace of the mysterious master. Unexpectedly, when he gave up, he unexpectedly felt the breath of the mysterious master, and then he chased it.

"Last you let me run, this time, you can't run away."

The killing master noticed the transmission of the mysterious master, so he shot the first time and smashed the Taoist stone around the mysterious master. If you let the mysterious teacher use the transmission method to escape, and then want to find the mysterious teacher, it is tandem to the needle in the haystack. A Taoist who has a heart to hide, how hard it is to find how hard it is to find.

"Don't be ashamed! Last time, if there was no great emperor to help you, why should the leader run away?"

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