The Immortal Taoist

Vol 4 Chapter 149: Expecting things like God

Wei Wudi found himself in the chaotic ancient domain, and he rushed back to Lingjia. Lingdao's situation is dangerous. Of course, she knows that a late Tianjun, who wants to escape from the Tianhu Holy Land to Lingjia under the pursuit of the Yaozu strongman, is simply impossible.

What made her both moved and angry was that Ling Dao sent her to the chaotic ancient domain in the case of knowing the danger. She thought that Lingdao used it as a means of life for the emperor to give Lingdao. If Lingdao sent himself to the chaotic ancient domain, there would be no danger.

Lingdao will give him the opportunity to escape, Wei Wei is invincible, Wei invincible can not be moved. However, she is not a greedy and fearful death, life and death crisis, she can still accompany Lingdao, and Lingdao fight side by side. Lingdao deceived her and sent her away, can she not be angry?

"I want to see my family, fast, immediately report, Lingdao is dangerous!"

At this time, Wei invincible can not care about the rules, if it is not in the emperor's hall, she may directly enter. The two Lingjia strongmen who stayed outside the Xiaoyao Temple were all Daojun, not the ones requested by the Emperor, but they took the initiative.

With the emperor, even if the emperor has nothing to point to, they will also benefit a lot. When the great emperor is practicing, the voices are bursting, and as long as they concentrate on listening, it is possible to deepen their understanding of the Tao. Because of this, Daojun, who is outside the Emperor of the Happy King, is often replaced.

"The notification is useless, the owner is not there."

On the left, Dao Jun said without hesitation, Wei Invincible is the first apprentice of the Emperor of the Happy, and he certainly knows. The acquisition of the Emperor of the Supreme Court is a major event for the entire Ling family. Wei invincible used to be a tyrant, and the cultivation was still a Taoist. The owner of the house accepted her as a disciple. There was nothing to be surprised.

"Hey, have you become a god?"

On the right, Daojun’s eyes stared at Wei’s invincible, but he discovered the change of Wei’s invincible. After all, Lingjia is the emperor's power. Tianzun is not a minority, but there is no such thing as Tianzun. Not to mention Lingjia, even if it is a big Tianling domain, there is no such thing as Tianzun.

Wei is invincible, can be said to be Lingjia and even Tianling domain, and now the only one to Tianzun. The two Daojun had to admire the eyes of the emperor, and the two priests who were taken away by the emperor were the geniuses in the genius. Yu Tianyuan went from Xuantian Zun to Ba Tianzun. It took only half a month, and Wei Invincible broke through from Tiantian Zun to Tianzun.

"Is Master not there? Can you rush to the territory of the Yaozu immediately? The situation is serious, and Lingdao may die in the territory of the Yaozu at any time!"

The great emperor, the dragon of the dragon did not see the end, Wei invincible did not expect the two Daojun to tell where the emperor was. Since you can't get away with the emperor, then you can only ask the Ling family's Tao Jun. Even if the demon is too much, if you want to come, you will not ask for the initiative, and you will not let the emperor come.

"Don't worry, the head of the family has always been a god, and the things of the emperor must be in his grasp."

"We have been following the family for many years, and we have never seen a homeowner who is miscalculated. You should not worry about it."

The two Daojun have comforted Wei invincible, not that they do not care about the life and death of Ling Dao, but that they believe in the emperor. The Lingjia family leader led Ling Jia from a weak force, triumphantly and became the current imperial power. I don’t know how many times he has experienced the crisis, but he can always save his life.

Lingdao is the only son of the Lingjia family. The owner of Lingjia cannot make Lingdao die in the territory of the Yaozu. Before the emperor was established, the Lingjia family could kill and kill from the territory of the Yaozu, not to mention that he is now a happy emperor. The name of the Lingjia family is only a big name in the Yaozu.

The demon martial arts asked Lingluo's origins, Lingdao said that Tianling domain Lingjia, they really do not know. If Lingdao says that he is the son of a human being, the effect will be different. The number of things that the Lingjia family had done in the territory of the Yaozu were not counted.

"If Master goes to the Tianhu domain, Lingdao will not have any danger, but what if he doesn't go?"

Wei invincible can't be relieved because of the words of the two Daojun. The emperor's means to pass the sky, she knows, but she is not sure that the emperor will go to the Yaozu territory, and she can't ensure that Lingdao is safe. If Lingdao dies in the territory of the Yaozu, she will definitely be guilty for a lifetime.

"Sister, Master asked me to wait for you for a long time. He said that when you come back, you will meditate and practice, and consolidate the nine Tianfu, and lay a good foundation for the holy kingdom. As for Lingdao, you should not worry, as long as he is, The Yaozu will have to follow the rules honestly."

Yu Tianyuan practiced near the Xiaoyao Temple. After hearing the invincible voice of Wei, he rushed over. When the emperor left the Ling family, he had already arranged everything. Yu Tianyuan said that it is definitely not his chaos, and it is indeed the imperial emperor.

"What do you say? Master knows that I will come back first? Also let me consolidate the nine Tianfu? Even know the situation of the younger brother?"

Wei invincible eyes wide open, looking at Yu Tianyuan incredibly. If it were not for the Emperor of the Supreme to sit in the Lingjia, she really thought that the Emperor Yongyao had been hiding in the dark to follow them. Why can't she think about it, and the emperor is clearly in Lingjia, why do they know everything about them?

The two Daojun just looked at Wei invincible with a smile, and Yu Tianyuan said that they were not surprised. Before the Emperor of Lingjia did not become an emperor, he had the ability to pass the sky. Now he has proved to be an emperor, and the means must be better than ever. Since the Happy Emperor knows about the way Lingdao goes to the Tianhu Holy Land, then there will be no arrangement.


After a long while, Wei invincible returned to the gods, there are happy emperors, she does not need to worry about Lingdao. Now she can do it, only to cultivate well. In the Tianhu domain, if she has the power to sweep the heroes, Lingdao will not have to send her to the chaotic ancient domain.

In the world of weak meat and strong food, strength is fundamental. Even if she is now Tianzun, there is still a lot of people who are stronger than her. Only when you become a Taoist, can you cross the world when the great emperor does not. As for the Tianzun distance from the Taoist, there are still hundreds of thousands of miles, she really can not have a slight slack.

Ling Jia’s business, Ling Jianhao did not know, he did not know the hand of the emperor. Ling Jianhao only knows that since the owner let him protect the Lingdao, then he has to ensure the safety of Lingdao. Even if it is a fight, you must ensure that Lingdao is alive and away.

"How about the Taoist Lord? I am willing to take a nap and dare to pull the emperor down!"

Ling Jianhao tried his best to break through the encirclement and then slashed his sword to Xiu Luojie. Not only that, but he also uses the will to attack and kill the lord. In the current situation, they want to leave together, it is already impossible. He can only do his best to entangle the Shu Luojie and the killing Taoist, and let the mysterious leader take Lingdao.

"He will give it to you, go!"

Not to mention that Xiu Luojie and the killing Taoist team, even one of Shu Luojie and the killing Taoist, is not Ling Jianhao can deal with. The killing of the lord, but the role of the squadron with the human leader, than Ling Jianhao did not know how much stronger. Ling Jianhao wants to save Lingdao and Xuanji, and it is impossible for the killing of the Taoist to let him do so.

The mysterious master looked at Ling Jianhao and smashed Ling Dao, and had to bite his teeth to continue the arrangement. Ling Jianhao can die, even she can die, but Lingdao can not die. The hatred between her and the killing lord can be reported in the future. The most important thing now is to protect the ridge.

"You are his family?"

The killing master smiled slightly, but it was inferred from Ling Jianhao's sword method that Ling Jianhao's origins. Ling Jianhao’s heart jumped, not afraid of killing the main life of his life, but worried that the killing leader would know the identity of Ling Dao. If the killing lord knows that Ling Dao is the son of the Ling family, he may not let Ling Dao leave the Tianhu domain anyway.

The swords of the sky, cutting the void, tearing the sky, it seems to destroy a world. Suddenly, one palm, slammed, and endless suction, all the sword light was caught in the palm. Just in a moment of time, the heavens and the earth have returned to calm. Everything just now is like an illusion.

It’s not the other strong, it’s killing the lord. Ling Jianhao waved his sword against Xiu Luojie, and he used his will to attack him. He took it all. Ling Jianhao's will to attack, can not be said to be not fierce, but unfortunately, in his eyes, not worth mentioning.

Because Ling Jianhao was from Lingjia, he did not immediately kill Ling Jianhao, but reached out and grabbed Ling Jianhao's neck and raised Ling Jianhao. The eyes of the killing lord stared at Ling Jianhao fiercely. The gap between Ling Jianhao and the killer is too big.

"I don't know what position you have in his heart. If the lord let you fly away, will he be suffering? Will he be sad?"

Three thousand roads will lock Ling Jianhao's body, and Ling Jianhao will not say that the sword is applied. Even if it is moving, it is also delusional. Not only that, but even the world of the will of Ling Jianhao was also sealed and killed by the killing father. The current Ling Jianhao is just the fish on the cutting board.

"You go, predecessors, I don't go." Ling Jianhao's situation, Lingdao could not help but clench his fists, he looked up and stared coldly at killing the lord. "It is useless to catch him. I am Lingjiadi. Son, killing me is better than killing him. Let him go, I will go with you, killing you, and listening to you!"

"Lingjia Emperor?"

The killing of the Taoist master was excited. The other demon warriors did not know. He knew that the human king was Lingjia. Lingjia had only one emperor. Since Lingdao is a Lingjia disciple, then he must be the son of the human master. Indeed, as Lingdao said, the effect of grabbing Lingdao is better than Ling Jianhao, and it is hundreds of times better.

"I didn't get it wrong? You turned out to be his son?" The killing lord looked up and down the road carefully, and after sensing the blood of Lingdao, he confirmed the identity of Lingdao. "Yes, You are indeed his son, but unfortunately, he did not dare to come to the territory of the Yaozu after he became an emperor. If the father debts, you should not blame the lord, blame your weak father!"

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