The Immortal Taoist

Vol 4 Chapter 153: All garbage

The Emperor Hongxi wants to take revenge, and does not mean that the Emperor will give him a chance. Even Lingdao’s things can be counted, and his own affairs cannot be counted. The emperor's emperor appeared at the junction of Tianque and Tianhu. As long as he started, he would inevitably attract the demon emperor.

"Want to destroy the essence of the emperor's blood?" The emperor of the emperor looked at the Emperor Hongxi, and he was ridiculed. "You can only think about it, nothing more!"

Did not wait for the Emperor Hongxi Emperor, the Happy Emperor is a drop of blood, drilled into the Lingdao body. Lingdao was born before the emperor of the emperor, and the blood power was a little worse. The emperor was ready to strengthen the blood of Lingdao. Just can save Ling Jianhao, but also beat the demon warrior, killing three.

"Bastard! Who will say that our foxes are treacherous, the emperor is not desperate with him, the human race is really treacherous!"

The head of Hongxi Emperor's white hair is upright, and I can't wait to smash the corpse of the Emperor. Of course, he can't lose his reason, even if he hates the emperor again, he won't take Lingdao a temper. To take revenge, he will only find the emperor, and will not find the son of the emperor.

The emperor’s emperor disappeared, and the Hongxi emperor naturally did not continue to stay here. As for why the demon warriors have to deal with Lingdao, after the emperor’s emperor beats the demon warrior, there will be any changes. The Emperor Hongxi does not care. Instead of wasting time on little things that are irrelevant, it’s better to take a good look at Tiandi Avenue.

"How to do?"

Zhendong Daojun, Huanan Daojun, Dust West Daojun and Yuanbeidao Jun face each other, and had no idea for a time. The transcendental leader asked them to come, that is, to ensure that Lingdao died in the Tianhu domain. But now, Ling Jianhao is no longer, is it difficult for them to be hands-on?

Let's not say that Tai Xuan Dao will not settle accounts with them. Just before the imperial emperor's strength, let them play drums. Only the incarnation of the emperor's blood can defeat the killing lord. If they die under the lingering road, even if they have been hiding in the fox sacs for a lifetime, they may be killed by the emperor.

The Emperor of the Supreme does not need the deity to go out. He only needs to use the blood incarnation to sneak into the sacred place of the fox, and he will be able to kill them. The fox sacred land is the place where the great emperor is sitting on the town. Unfortunately, the emperor of the fox sacred place cannot protect them all the time. Use their lives, change the life of Lingdao, how to see how not worth it.

"But, even the emperor is gone, what are we still doing in this place?"

"The Taoist will not blame us. The present is beyond our control."

Huanan Road Jun and Dust West Road Jun said that there is no reason for Zhendong Daojun and Yuanbeidao Jun. I thought that it would be a big deal to deal with a human race, a piece of cake, and a superb way to let them go. Who knows, they are unable to complete the task, it is really shameful.

The two monks of the Scorpio family did not leave, even if they could not, they also witnessed the demon warriors killing the Lingdao. The emperor just refused to let them shoot, and did not allow them to be a bystander. The true dragon family’s sacredness is the same as they are. If they leave, they are not reconciled.

"Well, I have to stand up for me. I don't have time to play with you one by one. You still have to go together!"

The demon family dispatched to Tianzun, dispatched the Taojun, and even sent the Taoist. Compared with them, the strength of Lingdao is indeed worth mentioning. If the warriors in the middle of the Tianzun territory do not shoot, it will be different. It must be known that he also killed the late Tianzun and the peak Tianzun.

"I am not targeting who, just want to say..." Ling Daoton paused and slanted the other demon warriors. "You are all one, all rubbish!"

The Happy Emperor played the prestige of the Terran, and Lingdao certainly could not marry the prestige of the Terran. However, if Ling Dao’s words, the demon martial artists who were present will be offended. He did not shun the Zhizun of the true dragon family and the sacred sage of the sacred sect, and did not rule out the Tao of the Scorpio and the sacred king of the Yaozu.

The true dragon family’s celestial respect is quite angry, but unfortunately, he can’t shoot Lingdao. Originally, he was a confidant of Lingdao, and he was still skeptical. Now, he has not only seen the emperor, but also the means of the emperor’s hand over the clouds.

What makes the real dragon family to Tianzun’s headache is that the emperor’s emperor is quite a guardian. If he really slaughtered Ling Dao, the Emperor will surely kill him in desperation and avenge Lingdao. If you are remembered by a great emperor, even if you have nine lives, the true dragon family will not die.

Originally, there is a peak that is worthy of Lingdao’s attention, that is, Lin Rizhen. It is a pity that after the emperor and the Hongxi Emperor appeared, Lin Rizhen escaped without a trace at the fastest speed. After all, the emperor is the past, and the Emperor and the Emperor of Hongxi are the real emperors.

"Hugh to be arrogant, today, you will be under your knife!"

"You want us to be together, don't blame us for bullying!"

"In the late days of the district, can you still turn the sky?"

The appearance of the Emperor of the Happy, let some of the demon warriors scare the soul, and let some of the warriors have long lost the mind of Lingdao. However, the rampant madness of the road has aroused the anger of some of the demon warriors. The Emperor of the Supreme is just not giving the strongman who is above the big realm of Lingdao. There is no meaning to not give them a joint hand.

They can't beat a ridge, ten can't beat it? If ten really can’t beat it, one hundred still can’t beat it?

One after another, the demon Tianjun stood up and together, they must have confidence in defeating Lingdao. In the current situation, even the Emperor of the Immaculate can not tell their wrong. It’s Lingdao who let them go together, and they don’t have to be together.

"Although my injury has not healed, it is enough for you!"

Lingdao Longxing Tiger Steps, first killed in the camp of the demon warriors. There are Fengfeng Tianjun standing up, there are also early Tianzun, and there is a medium-term Tianzun. The reason why there is no late Tianjun shot is because they have self-knowledge, and the gap between them and Lingdao is simply ugly.

Before, Ling Jianhao and the demon kings decided to fight, the mysterious master and the demon strong, hands-on, Lingdao had long wanted to personally go into battle. Ling Jianhao was injured because of Ling Dao, the mysterious teacher was injured because of Ling Dao, but unfortunately, the Lingdao realm is too low, there is no way to help them revenge.

Now, Lingdao can finally make a big impact. Although he can't deal with the Yaozu Daojun, he can't deal with the killing of the Taoist, but slaughter the Yaozu Tianjun and Tianzun, and collect interest. Standing out to deal with his demon warrior, there is no peerless genius, even if he joins hands, there is still no possibility of surpassing him.


The nearest dragon from the Lingdao, Fengjun Tianjun, only felt a breath, and the next moment, Lingdao’s fist appeared in front of his eyes. The Dragon King’s Tianjun rushed back and forth, and both hands were shot again and again. It is a pity that the shadow of Ling Dao’s fist is broken.

In the end, Ling Dao’s fist slammed into the dragon’s peak. The dragon warrior, even if it is not a real dragon, is quite sturdy. However, his opponent is Ling Dao, a humanoid tyrannosaurus, a human figure, Ling Dao's body is stronger than him, and his strength is stronger than him.

The dragons of the dragons screamed and the body was torn apart. At this time, after another attack, came to Lingdao. Fortunately, Lingdao has been prepared, and the dragons are slowly unfolding. The dragons hover and the ancient characters shine.

Lingdao's body is like an arrow from the string, and he shoots quickly. His goal is still the dragon warrior, but he has changed from the peak of Tianjun to the previous Tianzun. As a result, there was no change. Lingdao used only one punch to kill the dragon's early Tianzun.

The demon Tianjun and Tianzun, who can appear at the junction of Tianhu and Tianhui, are not weak. However, in front of Lingdao, they are the fish on the cutting board. Ling Dao killed them among them, like a tiger into a wolf group, a fierce mess. Don't say killing Lingdao, until now, there is no enemy of Lingdao.

In other words, Lingdao does not have a punch, and a boxing can kill a demon warrior. Some demon strong people have heartache, some demon warriors are unwilling, and some demon strong people are angry. However, they did not have the courage to intervene in the battle between Lingdao and the demon warriors, and they could only let them fight.

"I want to kill him, but unfortunately, the blood of the human leader is in his body. Who knows if it will show up again and shoot for me."

The killing lord hesitated again and again, still did not dare to do it. The life and death of the demon warrior has nothing to do with him, but he does not want to die. He risked his life to deal with Lingdao, and he certainly would not do it. Continue to stay at the junction of Tianque and Tianhu, his anger will only burn more and more.

"To be the life of Lingdao, you must have a real genius to go out. Now you can be sure that he is indeed a prince, but when did my demon person lack the emperor?"

"A chance to kill the emperor's princes, the genius of our Yaozu will certainly not miss. As long as they are willing to take the shot, Lingdao's death is only a matter of time."

"The Emperor killed the emperor, even the Terran Emperor, there is nothing to say. To blame, it is not as good as the demon, and it is killed."

After this battle, Ling Dao and Liang Zi, who were present in the demon power, were completely settled. The Yaozu is not a genius who can compete with Lingdao in the same realm, but just did not come. A late Tianjun of a Terran can not attract true genius. Fortunately, today is not the same, Lingdao is the emperor, and killing the same border warrior is as simple as drinking water.

"We must block all the star gates of the Yaozu and not give Lingdao the opportunity to use the Star Gate. I don't believe that he is a Heavenly King. Can you still kill the Terran territory all the way?"

The demon strong decided to block the star gate, not only for the Terran martial arts, but also for the demon warriors. Of course, they will not forget that Ling Dao can be transformed into a real dragon, and can also be transformed into a Peng Peng. If the demon warrior guarding the star gate is a big idea, who will put Lingdao back into the territory of the human race, who will bear the responsibility?

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