The Immortal Taoist

Vol 4 Chapter 154: Xianling patriarch

With the passage of time, more and more demon warriors have fallen, and there are peaks, monarchs, and predecessors. The realm of Lingdao is not as high as they are, but the strength is stronger than them. If it is a single fight, Lingdao can solve them between hands.

"I still can't fight?"

The remaining demon warriors gathered together, and before the road, they took a step back. The bodies on the ground confirmed the power of the Lingdao. If they continue to fight with Lingdao, they are likely to be part of it. If you don't fight, Lingdao can easily leave the Tianhu domain.

In order to beat the demon strong, the Emperor of the Sorrow did not hesitate to smash the projection of the Emperor of the Holy Land. No matter whether it is the Yaozu Dajun or the Yaozu Taoist, they dare not move, let alone the Holy King and the Heavenly Respect. The current situation is that it is harder to do than Lingdao. It is not a Lingdao opponent that is weaker than Lingdao.

"How to do?"

"Is it so that he can't leave the Tianhu domain?"

"If you don't want him to go, you will take him down. Anyway, I don't want to find death."

The demon warriors who want to fight with Ling Dao are only a handful. Seeing that other warriors have completely lost their war, they have to give up. If they can kill Lingdao, they will definitely not give up. Unfortunately, the result of the fight is that Lingdao kills them.

To kill the Tao, you can only let the genius stronger than them. The emperor's power that is now offended by Ling Dao is more powerful than the emperor who was offended when he left the Tianhu Holy Land. Originally, chasing Lingdao, the number of dragons and Tianzhu people is the most heart-warming, and now it is more scary.

"In the future, don't say anything in front of me about the overlord of the wild, a group of cowards!"

Lingdao obliquely looked at the Tianlong Zun of the real dragon family and turned and left the Tianhu domain. When he came, he was transferred to the Tianhu Holy Land through the star gate of Tian Yaoyu. Fortunately, there was Ling Jianhao before, or else he would not know how long it would take from Tianhu Shengdi to Tianluo domain at his speed.

The right hand of the true dragon to Tianzun suddenly stretched out. If it was not held at a critical moment, Ling Dao had already been caught by him. Of course, he is not afraid of Ling Dao, but is afraid of the blood of the Emperor. Who knows the blood of the Emperor, and the ability to re-emerge.

Perhaps, other strong people are afraid of the identity of the true dragon family to Tianzun, and will not die for the true dragon family to Tianzun. However, it certainly does not include the Emperor of the Era, if the practice of the true dragon to the Tianzun annoyed the emperor, the emperor made him soulless, and the dragon would not avenge him.

"Father, father, you have prepared a big test for me. Perhaps there are very few people in the same realm who can compete with me. But the early Tianzun and the mid-term Tianzun must be better than me, and not one or two. You are right. How confident is I?"

After leaving the vision of the demon warrior, Lingdao could not help but complain. The Emperor of the Supreme did not say that he only gave him the military in the same realm. He only refused to deal with him in a whole realm. He just wanted to go home, but he didn't expect it to be so difficult.

"Fortunately, I have been prepared. You are not motivated to ask for my life. How much will I kill?"

The Emperor of the Soul gave Wei Invincible and Ling Jianhao a clear protection of Lingdao, giving Lingdao an inspiration. Lingdao is not a fake in the late days, but the sword is already a god. If the swordsman took off the Qinglian mask, it would have been able to smash a large number of demon warriors.

In the beginning, this method did not work at all, because the practice of Ling Dao and Jian Mo is not the same. If the Emperor of the Holy King knows that he is a two-pointer, he will not be worth the candle. In the future, Ling Dao still has a big play to play, and now certainly can not let other warriors know that he and the sword magic is actually a person.

Now there is no sacred king who is chasing him. Only Tianjun and Tianzun, the swordsmen will kill the chasers, and they are not afraid to reveal any secrets. If there are other warriors hiding in the distance, the sword magic will try not to sign the game, and other warriors think that Lingdao Jianwu double repair. What's more, the sword demon has no reputation at all in the territory of the Yaozu.

Lingjia has a star gate leading to the Tianluo domain. Of course, there are also Taikoo Castle. The sword demon rushed from the ancient city to the Tianluo domain, which is just a matter of a moment. He did not immediately remove the Qinglian mask, and the timing is still immature. Ling Dao just arrived at the Tian Yao domain, a Tianjun wants to rush from the boundary of the Tian Yao domain to the place where the sword is located, which can not be done in a short time.

Fortunately, the Yaozu is also preparing, the general genius chasing Lingdao, and looking for death is no different. Lingdao initiated the smashing, and Fengfeng Tianzun was killed. The geniuses they send out, no matter what the realm is, in any case, there must be at least the strength of the peak level.

The first day of the Scorpio family is the **** of death in the hands of Ling Dao. It is simply impossible to find out the Tianjun who can defeat the Lingdao in the Scorpio. Therefore, only the Tianzun family is dispatched by the Tianzhu family, and it is the mid-term strong in the three heavenly courts.

"Don't get rid of Lingdao, don't come back!"

They are the focus of the Scorpio family. I did not expect that the Daojun of the Scorpio family now said such harsh words to them. They really can't figure out how, in the end, when a Terran is in the end, how does Tianjun provoke the Tianzhu family, where is the intersection of Tianjun and Daojun?

The genius of the dragons is only a lot more than the Scorpio family. The inheritance of the dragons is also not comparable to the Scorpio family. However, there is only one dragon in the dragon who is likely to defeat Lingdao, the emperor of the true dragon family. It is a pity that the Emperor of the Real Dragon family is not at home, and the Dragons can only dispatch Tianzun to deal with Lingdao.

The two warriors in the former Tianzun and the three warriors in the Tianzun territory are the battles of the dragons to chase the Lingdao. In order to encourage them, the Heavenly Masters of the Real Dragons took out a sacred soldier. Who can bring back the head of Lingdao, he will give the holy soldiers to whom.

In addition to the Scorpio and the Dragon, the other demon empire forces also sent a strong killer. The emperor only restricted the realm of the warrior and did not limit the age of the warrior. A **** who has lived for thousands of years may not be able to cultivate talent, but their combat power is not bad.

Even if the nine-tailed fox family wants to marry the sacred woman, there is no such thing as disturbing the fairy tales. However, today, the patriarch of the Xianlingyi family personally went out because he felt a familiar and strange atmosphere. If he did not guess wrong, it must be that the daughter of the previous patriarch returned to the territory of the Yaozu.

Hundreds of years ago, the patriarch of the Xianling family was not him, but his brother. Under a chance, they got a mixed-race card. Because his brother is a patriarch, the mixed-race card is of course owned by his brother. It was also because of the mixed-source testimony that he was allowed to kill his brother.

The mixed-source testimony, the essence of the sun and the moon, the creation of the heavens and the earth, grows in chaos, is the anti-sky god. If a Taoist refines the mixed-source card, the emperor is a matter of course. In order to prove the emperor, he did not hesitate to get rid of his brother, and grabbed the mixed-source card to grab his own hands.

His brother, he has no confidence in him, so he is allowed to take advantage of it. If he really fights, his brother who wins and loses is still unknown. However, he sneaked at the crucial moment of his brother's retreat and solved his brother easily.

Externally, he said that his elder brother was a problem in cultivation and died in a fire. He and his brother have always been harmonious, even if the strongest of the Xianling family has doubts about the death of his brother, it is impossible to think of his poisonous hand. After all, only the few strong people of Xianling’s family know about the things that are mixed with the Tao.

He forcibly endured for hundreds of years before he began to refine the mixed-source testimony. With his qualifications, there was the possibility of becoming a sect of the emperor, and with the mixed-source testimony, it was naturally easy to achieve the great emperor. However, he is afraid of failure. Once the testimony fails, there will be only a hundred years of life.

Xian Ling, the longest-lived race, may be more afraid of death because he lived longer. After the emperor, not only the strength increased, but also the life expectancy rose. Now his only heart disease is his niece, because when his niece was born, there was a vision of heaven and earth, and his talents were different. If his niece knew that he had killed her father, he would not share his life with him.

In those days, he secretly sent a strong man to kill his amnesty and his niece. Despite his death, his niece is still missing. The strong man he sent out said that his aunt used an ancient ban and sent his niece to other places.

"You are coming back now, are you looking for death?"

The patriarch of the Xianling family is very gloomy, even if his niece's talent is no better, now it is not his opponent. What's more, when his niece was born, he didn't know what happened, and he didn't know that he was her father-in-law.

"Two old, there is a good news to tell you that the patriarch feels the breath of the prostitute. You bring the exquisite flag of the patriarch, and it will lead you to find the daughter of the eldest brother!"

He found the two elders of the Xianling family. In the past, they followed his brother with loyalty, the confidant of his brother. If they see the daughter of his brother, they must be so spoiled, let them pick up the daughter of his brother, and think that there will be no scorpions.

"The patriarch, are you telling the truth?"

"The gods are pitiful, the little master is blessed, and finally escaped!"

The two elders almost cried and learned that the last patriarch's daughter was not dead. They were even more happy than breaking through a big realm. If they knew that the strong men sent by the patriarchs in front of them killed their little masters, they did not know what they would be.

"How can the patriarchs deceive you?" The reaction of the two elders was all in the expectation of the patriarch of Xianling, "The younger brother died young, but the patriarch did not like the prostitute. He always felt that he was a big brother. The daughter of the eldest brother, It’s the princess of our Xianling family, you must take her home!”

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