The Immortal Taoist

Vol 4 Chapter 162: Life and death are bearish, not convinced to fight!

The Thousand Feathers Sword is the martial art of the Qi Peng family. The Sword Devil is the first encounter. The reason why he knows the sword of the thousand feathers is that he is better at the martial art than the sword of the Pengpeng family. On the other hand, he has the supreme gold scorpion.

The man Wang Jian did not spurt it casually, but aimed at the middle point of all the flaws of the thousand feathers. A sword stabbed, one by one broken with the sword, where Jianguang passed, the flaws were leaking. The sword that the Peng Peng family of swords thought was a must, but it became a sword of his death.

When the Peng Peng family’s swordsman felt bad, Wang Jian had already stabbed his eyebrows. He wants to ruin the world of the sword magic, and the sword magic smashes his will world. The king's will of the sword demon is hidden in the sword's tip of the sword of the king, and the sword of the family of the Pengpeng is unprepared.

Two swords, one sword is more fierce than a sword, and the two demon gods are all killed under the sword of the sword. The first Tianzun is okay, and the second is the great sword of the Kunpeng family, the genius of the emperor. However, the results of both of them are the same, and now they all lie on the ground.

"He is the late Tianjun? Are we offending the elders in peacetime, or why should they lie to us?"

"It is to thank the strong people of the Tian Yao family. If we really kill them alone, now it must be the soul of the sword."

"I don't have the right thing. My Master asked me to come. Isn't Master still able to harm me? But he is so powerful, and he has no ability to hide the realm in front of Daojun?"

The remaining Yaozu Tianzun no longer dared to smash the swordsman, one by one to regard him as a big enemy. They are not sure about their own, but they are so many. Even if a celestial cult is performing a martial arts, dozens of martial arts will be able to kill the sword.

The six holy kings of the Tianyue family have already withdrawn, and the sixty-four Tianzuns have dealt with Lingdao. There will be no accidents. They can put one hundred and twenty hearts. The Yaozu Tianzun directly kills Lingdao, or makes Lingdaosheng worse than death. They are not interested.

They have to renew their lives with Tianxinghu, and they must also have a relationship with Lingdao’s death. The act of interpreting the sacred kingdom is a violation of the rules. If the Taoist Master knows, they certainly have no good fruit to eat. If the Emperor of the Supreme knows, they will die.

"You shouldn't be so strong. If you are weak, it is definitely not the situation."

Su lightly shook his head and got a headache for Lingdao. Lingdao Yijian killed a Tianzun and let the remaining Tianzun feel the threat. If you change it to him, you will definitely not expose all the strengths as soon as you come up. The number of demon people who have come to deal with Lingdao is too many.

The only thing that puzzles him is that, until now, Lingdao still looks as usual, and there is no panic in his eyes. Although he does not want to believe, he feels that Lingdao really has a way to deal with the remaining Yaozu Tianzun. As for the confidence of Lingdao, he did not know.

"I like them more together than the wheel battle!"

The sword and the Soviet Union swayed the dialogue, and the remaining Yaozu Tianzun listened clearly. They asked themselves, if they were replaced by the position of the sword, they would definitely not be able to talk to other warriors. Is it true that Ling Dao really puts aside life and death?

Su gently shakes his heart and finally understands the heart of Lingdao. Lingdao is now more confident, the more you grasp it, the more the Yaozu Tianzun is taboo. The remaining Yaozu Tianzun comes from the 18 emperor forces. They are not a single heart. Once they are desperately fighting with Lingdao, they must be killed or injured.

The death of Ling Dao, who wants to come in the Yaozu Tianzun, is affirmative. The question is, how many demon Tianzun will be buried with Lingdao in the end, after all, the sword of Lingdao is too fast. Some of the Yaozu Tianzun have already retired without a word, for fear that Lingdao will pull their backs.

"If you die, you still don't know. Do you think you can win our 62nd Heaven?"

"Get out, we can let you out of the sword first, otherwise you have no chance to pull the sword."

"In the past, you are likely to become a peerless master. Unfortunately, you are about to die in front of us. Are you regretting the territory of the Yaozu?"

"Your life will stop at Tianzun, and we can become a king, enlighten the Lord, and even become a great emperor. Even if your talent is better than us, what good is it?"

The reason why the swordsman first shot is purely because they are afraid. If the swords first come out of the sword, they can join forces to block the attack of the swordsman. If they first shot, the swordsmen deal with one or more of them, and they are at least 80% more likely to die under the sword of the king.

"Life and death are bearish, not convinced to fight!"

The response of the sword demon, only eight words, but let the demon celestial color change. They can feel the determination of Lingdao, that is to say, Lingdao is really desperate to work with them. In their eyes, Lingdao is a dead person immediately, they do not want to go with Lingdao.

Unfortunately, the swordsmen did not give them time to consider, and directly attacked them with a sword. With a pair of sixty-two, the swordsmen still chose to take the initiative, even if they stood in a hostile position, they still admire the courage of Lingdao. The warrior who is not afraid of death is worthy of admiration.

"Big killing kendo!"

The ancient city of Taikoo City passed the magical power of the sword demon, not afraid of the group battle, and the current situation is just used. You must know that the ancient city of the ancient city even the demon emperor knows, the ancient to the extreme. His insights, his skills, his kendo, beyond the swordsman do not know.

Scarlet swords, all over the void, everywhere. The man Wang Jian is in the hands of the sword demon. It is like a poisonous snake that kills the dead. Whether it is to deal with the three celestial celestial beings of the Tianzhu family, or to deal with the five celestial respects of the dragon family, or to deal with the great swords of the Kunpeng family, he is well-versed, but now he has suffered a desperate situation.


All kinds of different martial arts, attacked the swordsman, have an upright knife, a sword like a rainbow, a heavy mountain-like boxing method, and a mighty palm. The source is endless, the fire is shining, the river is big, the ancient wood grows, the mountain collapses, and the frozen void.

Admiration is admired, killing or killing. Whether for their own sake or for the orders of their elders, they will not let go of Lingdao. They and the Lingdao battle, only one party died before they can stop. Either Ling Dao is dead or dead, or they are all over the army.

"Great, I didn't expect that he still has such a skill, I still yell at him."

The big killing of the kendo, let Su lightly open his eyes, Lingdao is like a young sword god, where Jianguang passed, blood and rain. Tianji Pavilion not only collects the information of the military, but also collects various martial arts. There are countless martial arts that Su has shaken and seen. Even if more than 60 Tianzuns present at the scene add up, they are far less than him.

Knowing ourselves and knowing each other can only be victorious. If you can understand each other's martial arts and want to overcome each other, it is much simpler. Everything is omnipotent, and if everything is against the opponent, he knows that he is absolutely sure whether he beats his opponent or kills his opponent.


Only between life and death can the swordsman's big killing kendo go further. Although the strength of the sword magic is very strong, he still suffered trauma. If it weren’t for the robes of heaven, his injury would only be heavier. As time went by, the protection of Tiandu’s robes had already greatly improved over the past.

One and another demon Tianzun fell to his feet, as if telling his power. The demon family, who is still alive, no longer hides and sneak, and they have to show their refusal to kill him. They felt that they had overestimated the Lingdao, but they did not expect to underestimate the Lingdao.

"Seven stars broken knife!"

"The big sword is boundless day!"

"The Word is no way!"

"Great Burning Heaven!"

"Tianyuan has no traces!"


The worst thing they are doing now is the martial arts pioneered by Ba Tianzun. Some Tianzun even sacrificed the origin of the stars, in order to be able to kill Lingdao in one fell swoop. In addition, Tianzun took out the holy weapon and prepared to rely on the power of the holy weapon to kill the Lingdao.

The sword demon is to sharpen the kendo, but what he has to deal with is only the gods, not the holy weapons. It is the demon family who first did not follow the rules. Of course, he did not hesitate to take out the sword of Tiandu. Dealing with the sacred weapons, he feels that the swords are more than enough.

"Great as me, finally came out again, hahaha..."

The last time I used the sword of Heaven, it was still in the world of Shura. The swords of the Tiandu are now even more powerful than the last time. Tiandu war swords also have secrets, but Lingdao is too lazy to ask. Of course, even if he asked, Tiandu war sword would not tell him.

Tiandu Battle Sword is the most eccentric weapon that Lingdao has seen, because Tiandu Battle Sword seems to be able to cultivate. When Lingdao became stronger, Tiandu’s sword was also stronger. As for how the Tiandu war sword is stronger, Lingdao has no clue. When can the weapon be cultivated?

Don't say that the holy weapon, even the emperor, can't practice. Although the Emperor of the Netherland has been strengthening, it is not that the Emperor itself is practicing, but the Nethered Emperor is stunning. The Nether's life and death wheel created by the Nether Emperor is definitely one of the strongest masters of the past.

"Little sacred soldiers, dare to be crazy in front of me, I don't know how to live!"

Three pieces of holy weapons, not only did not scare the swords of the heavens, but made the swords of the heavens more arrogant. Tiandu Battle Sword is like a peerless powerhouse. It is a dragon and a tiger, killing three pieces of holy weapons. There is no need for the sword to be motivated, and the sword can sweep three pieces of holy weapons.

On the other hand, the swords of Tiandu warfare directly smashed the holy weapons into two halves, and the spirit of the holy weapon suddenly died. The spirits of the remaining two holy weapons were completely scared, and they directly abandoned the Tianzun who motivated them and fled in the distance.

Without the threat of holy weapons, the killing of the swordsman began again. The demon people who are still alive are less and less, and they look at the eyes of the swordsmen, full of fear. Ming Ming Jian Mo is a wound, Ming Ming Jian Mo body blood, why the strength of the sword magic is not reduced?

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