The Immortal Taoist

Vol 4 Chapter 163: No sword in hand, sword in my heart

"Oh, it’s too embarrassing, a good kendo!"

Even if Su swayed and saw a lot of knowledge, it still shocked the swordsman's big killing kendo. He is not a slap in the face, and the demon family is originally to kill the road. If Lingdao still has mercy, it is definitely a problem with Lingdao’s brain. His embarrassment means that the murderous martial art is far superior to other scholastics.

The six sacred kings of the Tianxue family found 18 emperors of the emperor's power, full of sixty-four, including sixteen pre-existing Tianzun and forty-eight mid-term Tianzun. But now, there are only twenty-three left, only three pre-existing Tianzun, and the remaining twenty are all mid-term Tianzun.

If we continue to fight, the sixty-four demon sages who come to the home may be completely annihilated. It is not the remaining twenty-three Tianzun who can't do it, but that they have lost the belief that they must win. In their eyes, they have the fear of Lingdao, and they can't play 70% of their strength.

In contrast, the sword demon, although bloody, but the war is high, enough to play a 12% of the combat power. Especially the man in his hands, Wang Jian, red as blood, bright and dripping, just the killing of the person Wang Jian itself, can make the ordinary Tianzun fall like a hail.

"Go, don't go, we're all going to die!"

"He is not something we can deal with at all. Only when you let Fengfeng Tianzun go out, there is hope!"

"The news is wrong. He is not a god, but a god. In the same realm, we are not comparable to him."

Twenty-three Tianzun is full of seventeen Tianzun to prepare to escape. Only six Tianzuns have to fight with Lingdao. It is not that they have the grasp of defeating Lingdao, but that they are killed by Lingdao and their brothers. They are bound to fight the blood of the road.

The seventeen heavenly lords who are preparing to escape will certainly not take the six heavenly lords who are desperately trying to escape with Lingdao. On the contrary, they are still eager to have Tianzun able to contain Lingdao. Otherwise, they want to escape from the sword of Lingdao, it is not easy. The strength of Lingdao is much stronger than they think.


The six Tianzun blood boiled, and the strength rose greatly. In order to die with Lingdao, they did not hesitate to burn the blood. Regardless of their decisive battle with Lingdao, who wins and loses, no blood, if there is no supplementary method in a short time, they will die.

"It's useless!"

±±±±, m@▽m shocked the Yaozu Tianzun, there were six Lingdao in front of them, and each Lingdao was the same movement. Six ridges, all true, no illusion. Prepare and slay the six demon celestial battles, and at the same time on the peak of the state of the road.

The sharpness of the person Wang Jian seems to be able to come to the moon and rise to the extreme. Even if the demon's Tianzun burns blood, it is still not the opponent of Lingdao. There is no difference between the six demon celestial gods, and they are all split into two halves by Lingdao and a sword.

"Fast speed, his speed is at least six times that of his opponent!"

Su Shi was once again shocked, and the speed of Ling Dao showed far more than the warriors in the same territory. The killing of the kendo, which proves the savvy of Lingdao, as for the speed, shows the talent of Lingdao. In the world of Sword God, he really did not think that Lingdao can have the present achievements.

"Since you are coming to kill me, then leave it forever!"

The words of the sword demon are the seventeen goddess who escaped. The seventeenth Tian Zun’s face that escaped changed. I didn’t expect Lingdao to solve the six heavenly gods so quickly. Fortunately, each of them escapes in the same direction. Even if the means of Lingdao are strong, it is impossible to kill them.

"As long as I can leave this murderer, I don't want to see him again."

"It’s terrible. I don’t know if he is weaker than the emperor of our family."

"Whoever has no strong people, I don't break his head. This murderer kills the same borders and is as simple as cutting vegetables."

Seventeen heavenly gods are all lucky, can not escape from birth, so it is unknown. However, with Lingdao, there is only one dead end and there is no other possibility. In their eyes, Ling Dao is already a peerless murderer who kills the devil without blinking.

Let Su gently shake it, the sword magic actually took the man Wang Jian up and hung it around his waist. In the next moment, among the eyes of Su’s swaying, there was a dazzling ray of light. He understood what Lingdao had to do, but he did not think that the sword devil would be so young and able to do this.

"Without a sword in your hand and a sword in your heart, you can do everything in the world, and you can be a sword!"

Don't be young people in their twenties, even if they are hundreds of years old or even thousands of years old, they can't get a sword in their hands and have a sword in their hearts. When Ling Dao was in the past, he could not do it, but now he did it. Everything in the heavens and the earth is his sword.

A piece of stone flew up, and a piece of leaves hangs in the air. The sword magic slowly closed his eyes, using the will world projection to deal with the escape of the seventeen Tianzun, more simple. The stone is his sword, and the leaves are his sword, which is used to deal with the demon.


Along with the cold drink of the sword demon, a piece of stone, a piece of leaves have turned into sword light, stabbed to the seventeen demon Tianzun who escaped. However, the 17 demon Tianzun who escaped did not relax their vigilance, and they did not know who Lingdao wanted to deal with.

When they found out the situation of other Tianzun, they were shocked and Lingdao actually killed them all. The moment before, they still felt that the road was arrogant, and at the last moment, their faces were dignified. And Lingdao battle until now, of course, they understand that Lingdao is a very strong sword repair.

However, they did not think that the district Tianzun actually had such a high kendo achievement. There is no sword in his hand, and there is a sword in his heart. Even a lot of holy kings can't do it. How terrible is the martial arts talent of Lingdao? Even if he started practicing from his mother's womb, is there no current achievement?


The demon's celestial beings are not without rebellion, but there are countless ways to deal with their stones and leaves. As long as they are hit by a stone or a leaf, they will die, because it contains the sword of the ruin of the earth. Their physical strength is stronger, and they are stronger than the swordsmanship of Lingdao.

Seventeen demon Tianzun fell to the ground and had no breath. They all lost their lives. I knew that it would be such a result. It’s better to die with Lingdao, at least one of the glory of death. Of course, if you know that Lingdao has such strength, they will not stupidly come and chase Lingdao.

"Dead, all dead, 64 Tianzun, no one is spared."

Su sighed with a long breath, as if he were in the war. The shock that Lingdao brought to him is too big. If Lingdao and him are in a realm, they will definitely be eligible to become his opponent. Of course, Lingdao wants to catch up with his realm, and there is still a long way to go.

Fortunately, the six sacred kings of the Tianxue family have gone far, or else, in order to complete the task of Tianxinghu, they may not have to do it themselves. Once they really kill the Lingdao, it means that they have no half-life, whether it is the Taixuan Taoist or the Happy Emperor, they are the strongest they can not afford to sin.

The six sacred kings of the Tianyue family have returned to Tianxinghu. Although they can't witness the scene, Tianxinghu is very happy. Lingdao humiliated him, it is **** in the Tian Yao domain, to the realm of Ling Dao, it is not worth his hands.

"No, if Lingdao is dead, the demon chasing soul should be back?"

After waiting for a long time, the demon chasing soul still has no semi-moving meaning. Tianxing Tiger rubbed his chin and looked at the six sacred kings under his suspicion. If it is really the same as theirs, how can the sixty-four demon Tianzun go out together, how can Lingdao still be alive?

"His Royal Highness, they may feel that killing the Lingdao, too cheap, so prepare to torture the road."

"It must be like this. The current Lingdao must endure all kinds of torture. Should you want to see it yourself?"

The six sacred kings witnessed the sixty-four demons of the 18 emperors, surrounded by the Lingdao. In that case, Lingdao wants to live, only to escape. However, as long as the Ling Dao moves, the demon chasing the soul will move, and the demon chasing the soul will not move, so Ming Lingdao did not escape.

"Good idea, this Son will look far and wide to see how Lingdao is better than death!"

Tianxinghu smiled and agreed, and at their speed, rushed to the place where Lingdao was, half an hour. The six sacred kings also laughed, and if they knew the result of the battle between Lingdao and the sixty-four Yaozu, they couldn’t laugh.

The reason why I did not leave was because the sword magic was not hurt. Fortunately, he cultivated the ancient heavens and the holy lotus, the resilience of strong resilience. Without an hour, he can heal and he can go one step further. With the sixty-four demon celestial battles, it is of great benefit to his kendo.

"If you come back to the 100-year-old demon, you will be better."

The soft magic of the sword demon, did not smash the ears of Su gently shake, Su Shi lightly poor petrochemical. I have seen crazy, I have never seen such a crazy, sixty-four demon Tianzun, Lingdao is still too little. If a hundred demon Tianzuns are killed together, what is the concept?

"Well? Is there a strong person?"

Su swayed his look and looked at the distance. Tianxinghu and his six sacred kings did not think that they were separated by eight hundred miles. Since Su Xiaoyao already knows their arrival, then they naturally have no need to hide.

"This, this, this..."

After a sacred body found a corpse on the ground, it was a mouthful. I don’t know how to do it. Not long ago, they were still venerable demon Tianzun, how did they disappear for a while, all of them fell to the ground?

"Impossible! In the case of their joint efforts, the Holy King does not come out, who can kill them?"

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