The Immortal Taoist

Vol 4 Chapter 164: Destruction rules

"Is it his hand? He hides the realm?"

The sacred king of the Tianxue family put their attention on the body of Su Shi, and there was no way. In addition to the Lingdao, only Su was shaken. It is sure that the sixty-four demon geniuses will kill them. It is certainly not the normal strongman who can do it. The first one in his heart will rule out the ridge.

There is blood on the sword of Lingdao, which is very good to explain. Su Shi and Sha Yao Tian Zun fight, Ling Dao can not stand by and watch, after all, the goal of the demon Tianzun is him. To deal with the sixty-four Yaozu Tianzun, the strength of Lingdao is not enough to see, if you deal with a few, there is no problem.

"You are not saying that Lingdao will die? Why is he still alive?"

Tianxinghu’s face was cold, and the six sacred kings quickly pleaded guilty. Although they had already discovered Su-shake, they did not shake Su in their eyes. Sixty-four demon Tianzun wants to kill the Lingdao, Su Shi shakes not to escape as far as possible, the better?

They are not doing things well, and even if Tianxinghu wants to punish them, they have nothing to say. Of course, now is not the time to punish them, to solve the Lingdao, is what Tianxinghu wants to do. If it is not the emperor, Tianxinghu has already shot and killed Lingdao.

"Who am I, it turned out to be a defeat."

The first sentence of the sword magic opened his eyes, the vertical eyebrows of the gods will be inverted. If he is only bragging, Tianxinghu certainly does not care, the key is that he is telling the truth. When competing for the Emperor's beast tower, the Beast Tower instilled power into Lingdao, and the Lingdao's combat power soared, hitting Tianxinghu.

"Hey, with the help of external forces, what's so good."

Tianxing Tiger glanced at the next king of the Holy Land and immediately got an idea. As long as he is not present, let the king of the kings remove the Lingdao, then, Lingdao’s death has nothing to do with him. Whether it is the Taixuan Taoist or the Happy Emperor, you must deal with the murderer who can only deal with the killing of Lingdao.

The tongue-and-mouth battle, Tianxinghu was not interested, and determined that Lingdao was still alive, he left with six strong kings. Originally, the sword demon was still thinking about countermeasures. What should he do if the gods of Tianxinghu and Tianxue were shot to him? In the middle of his tenure, he is definitely not the opponent of Tianxinghu.

When the Emperor of the Supreme came out, the strongest of the demon family was no longer there. If Tianxinghu doesn't know the rules of the Emperor, the sword will have a headache. Fortunately, Tianxinghu heard from the mouth of the dragon family that he was in the mouth of the dragon. Even if Tianxinghu is stupid, he will not provoke a great emperor.

"He can't easily let me go, just leave, there must be a problem."

After the Tianwanghu and the Tianxue family's holy kings, the swordsman not only did not feel relieved, but was even more vigilant. Just because Tianlingwei helped him to say a few words, Tianxinghu wanted him to die, which shows that Tianxinghu’s heart is narrow. To say that he will let go of Lingdao, Lingdao 100 unbelief.

"Su brother, let's separate, I want to go back to Tianling, and I will be different from you."

There is already a faint guess in the heart of the sword, and Tianxinghu does not even let go of a word, certainly to open the relationship. As long as a sacred king who is surrounded by Tianxinghu is out, he can kill Lingdao. At that time, Tianxinghu said that the sacred king is arrogant.

In this way, the death of Lingdao, the emperor and the Taixuan Taoist can only find the sacred king who is the killer of the Lingdao. For Tianxinghu, it is entirely worthwhile to use the life of a holy king to change the life of Lingdao. If Lingdao is not dead, he will not be able to eliminate his hatred.

"You are afraid that the sacred king of the demon family will join you, and even tired of me?"

Su gently shakes and sees the inner thoughts of the sword, but it makes the sword magic surprised. However, if Su Shi shakes it, it further confirms the speculation of the sword. Because Su is shaking like him, he feels that Tianxinghu will let his subordinates shoot and kill Lingdao.

"Do not worry, I am incarnate, even if I die dozens of hundreds of incarnations, it has no effect."

At the beginning, the sword demon thought that Su Shi had a way to deal with the strong kings of the Holy King. I did not expect that Su Shi would not care about the life and death of the incarnation. Su Shi has already said this to this, and the Sword Devil certainly has no reason to refuse Su. What is the purpose of Su’s swaying, the swordsman doesn’t care, and what the swordsman is doing now is to raise his momentum to the peak.

Whether it is the opponent of the Holy King, the sword magic can't be handed. The demon chasing soul is still there, and it is useless to escape. Instead of wasting this time, it is better to digest the battle ahead. More than one point of strength, the possibility of the sword magic to save life is a big point.

Sure enough, after half an hour, a sacred king who was next to Tianxinghu rushed over. Lingdao and Su did not go without a step, but it saved him a lot of effort. Otherwise, even if there is a demon chasing the soul, he wants to find the Lingdao, and it takes a little time.

"This holy does not like to turn around, just because you want to kneel down your head!"

Tianxinghu sent out the strongest of the sacred kings. Because Su Shi and Lingdao joined forces, they had the ability to kill the sixty-four Yaozu Tianzun. Only the strong king of the Holy King can make him completely relieved. If the King of the Kings is full of strength, he will be able to make a life.

In fact, he does not want to kill Lingdao, because Lingdao’s death means that he does not have much time to live. However, Tianxinghu’s order, he had to comply. If he is not obedient, not only will he be unlucky, but even his descendants will be unlucky. The Highness of the Son of the Demon, who wants to deal with them, is simpler and simpler.

Moreover, as long as the head of Lingdao was brought back, Tianxinghu promised to let his grandson get a chance to enter the Tianhui pool. Tian Yao Pool can make the warriors of the Tian Yao family become more powerful, not only the promotion of the flesh, but also the improvement of talent.

"The peak of the holy king?" The sword magic holds the hand of the man Wang Jian, more forceful, "You can see the son of the demon family, I can let you a king of the peak."

"No, it has nothing to do with His Holiness. I want to kill you, just because your performance in the Heavenly Demon Hall is too good."

Before coming, the sacred king of the Tianxue family thought of an excuse. It is not important to stand up and stand up. As long as they can clear the relationship with Tianxinghu. Lingdao believes that it is a matter of Lingdao. Anyway, the Emperor and the Taixuan Taoist can not deal with Tianxinghu.

The Tianxue family can be passed down from the wilderness to the present, and certainly not provoked. Nowadays, the Tianxue family has the same great emperor to sit in the town, and naturally they are not afraid of the emperor. When the demon of the Tianxu family was proved, the emperor was not born yet, and his realm was only higher than that of the Emperor.

"is it him?"

"It should be right, it is him!"

"It’s a pitiful day, I didn’t expect us to have a birthday, but we can see the little princess again!”

The old man of the three cranes, said "he" is the sword magic. Although they don't know where the little princess is, they can feel that the sword demon has the smell of a little princess. Since they learned the news of the little princess, they came to the Tian Yao domain through the Star Gate.

All three of them are the elders of the Xianling family and the subordinates of the previous patriarch. The Xianling family is the longest-lived race, and they are still Taoist. For hundreds of years, for them, it is fleeting. However, the little princess is their heart disease. After the death of the last patriarch, they failed to keep the patriarch's wife, and even the little princess was missing. For the past few hundred years, for them, day and night torment.

"The holy king of the demon family seems to kill him, do we want to shoot?"

The reason why they ask this is because they don't like the swordsman. A human warrior, who gets the princess of the Xianling family, who knows what to do. If the swordsmen really did something less good for their little princesses, they would do it without the sacred king of the demon family.

"Of course, the clue of the little princess is on his body. He can't die now."

One of the elders of Xian Lingzhen said that the other two elders nodded and felt that what he said was justified. Even if they want to give the little princess out, they are right to deal with Lingdao. The things of Xianling’s family are not round to the hands of the demon family.

The Xianling Dai family is also one of the top democrats of the Yaozu. It can be said that the most lacking of the great emperor is the Xianling ancestor, because the emperor of the Xianling ancestors lived for too long. It is not important that the emperors of the Xianling and Yi nationality do not fight the great emperors in the same realm. Anyway, they can kill the emperor in the same realm.

"Your talent is very high, this holy can give you a chance to shoot. If you can hurt this holy, this holy moment will let you go."

The sacred king of the Tianxue family said with a smile, but it was not his humiliation, but Tianxinghu’s request. Although Tianxinghu is not in this place, Tianxinghu can see everything that happened in this place. Tianxinghu does not want to give Lingdao a happy, but to the sacred king of the Tianxue family.

"Blasting sword!"

The swordsman did not say anything, but he stood up and took out a sword. According to the bone age, Lingdao is only in his twenties. He is completely incomparable with the current Lingdao at this age.

The fierce sword light seems to be able to tear open the sky, but unfortunately, the opponent of the sword magic is the strong king of the holy king. The sacred king of the Tianxue family is only the palm of his hand, and it smashes the attack of the sword. The sword devil only felt that a strong force came, the tiger's mouth cracked, and the man Wang Jian came out.


Just as the strongest of the sacred kings of the Tianxue family were preparing to interrupt the right hand of Lingdao, an elder of the Xianling family shouted. The horror of the momentum, swept through, whether it is the sword magic, or the sacred king of the heavenly demon family, can not move.

"If the old man finds him something, if you know each other, you can hurry, if not, let your soul fly!"

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