The Immortal Taoist

Vol 4 Chapter 165: Su gently shakes the face

"Where is the way to the king? Why should he keep the road?"

The sacred king of the Tianxue family did not expect that the key moments would have appeared, and there was more than one Tao. If it is the previous Daojun or the mid-term Tao Jun, he still has a fight, but the Daojun in front of him can suppress him only by virtue of the momentum, and 90% may be the peak of the king.

Although Tianxinghu gave him a death order, but he did not kill him, he did not blame him. He and Lingdao have no deep hatred and hatred. Lingdao is not dead. For him, it is still a good thing. After all, once Lingdao is dead, his killing is a matter of morning and evening.

"Predecessors, you will imprison me, I don't want to go, I can't go."

The sacred king of the Tianxue family, the peak of the peak, said with a smile, compared with the peak of the king, he is really too much. If Jun Fengjun really wants his life, I am afraid he has become a cold body. The martial art realm, the more it goes to the back, the bigger the gap between each realm.

"go away!"

The fairy robes of the Xianling ancestors glimpsed, and they flew out the sacred kings of the sacred kings. The reason why the king of the sacred kingdom is not killed is that the Tianluo domain is the site of the Tianxue family, and the second is because the sacred king of the Tianluo family is going to kill Lingdao, not their little princess. .

If the target of the sacred kings of the sacred kings is their little princess, even in the Tianluo domain, they will not let go of the sacred kings of the sacred kings. The daughter of the previous patriarch is more important in their hearts than their own lives.

"The elders of the Xianling family?"

Su gently shakes the name of the three Tao Jun, but it makes the three Tao Jun surprised. Whether it is the sword magic or Su Shi, in their eyes, it is just a junior. They are Dao Jun, a lot higher than the realm of Jianmo and Su.

The movement of the sword and the devil is probably the guess of the elders of Xianling. At the time of the fox sacred land, he did not find the martial arts of the Xianling sect, and the martial arts of the Xianling 珑 family could not even mobilize the prince even if he had to deal with him. The elders of the Xianling Dai family personally came out, I am afraid it is related to Ruo Xue.

"Human juniors, we feel the smell of a little princess in you, can you tell us where the little princess is?"

After the first ritual, the elders of Xianling's family are still very polite. Of course, if the swordsmen don't cooperate, they don't mind taking the sword. With their ability, it’s easy to take the sword. Even if the sword and the magic card are all out, there is no way to go to the king, let alone three.

"Little princess?"

If Xue was adopted by Ling Dao from an early age, he did not think that if the snow turned out to be the princess of the Xianling family. He appeared in the world of Sword God, because of the reincarnation, the proud dragon appeared in the world of Sword God, because he is the abandonment of the proud family, appeared in the world of Sword God, in order to avoid the pursuit of the demon strong.

Since Ruo Xue is the princess of the Xianling family, why did she appear in the world of Sword God? The three elders of Xianling, who are in front of them, are telling the truth or falsehood? If they are telling the truth, there is no problem naturally. If they are telling lies, will they be unfavorable to Ruo Xue?

"You little fairy princess, you shouldn't be in your exquisite field? What are you looking for?"

The vigilance of the sword demon, of course, is beyond the eyes of the elders of Xianling. Fortunately, the princess of the wine is next to Lingdao. Even if the elders of Xianling’s family have the ability to go all out, they can’t find Ruo Xue. As long as he does not want to pay, the three elders of the Xianling family cannot take Ruo Xue away.

"Peace, don't toast, don't eat and drink fine wine, you honestly answer our questions, we will not embarrass you."

"If you don't cooperate, we don't mind letting you suffer. You are a little Tianzun and can't escape our Wuzhishan."

"If you let us find out what you have done to the little princess, we will not ruin you!"

The elders of the Xianling Yi family stood in three directions, not giving the swords a chance to escape. Of course, they don't think that the swordsman is protecting the little princess, but that the swordsmen are not doing anything against their little princess. They have already found the sword demon, then, if you don’t hand over the little princess, you can’t be a sword.

Although the will of the Xianling family is not comparable to the nine-tailed fox family, the will of Xianling and Daojun is certainly not comparable to that of the Terran. As long as they use the will, forcibly suppress the will of the sword, and then let the swordsman say everything, the sword can't resist.

"Three, can you give Su a face?"

The demon's Tianzun pursued and killed Lingdao, and Su Shi did not intervene. However, the Taojun of the Xianling family had to deal with Lingdao, he could not ignore it. After the previous battles, the weight of Ling Dao’s heart in Su’s heart is no longer comparable. It would be a shame if Lingdao died in the Tianluo domain.

"Give you face?"

"You a junior, what is your face?"

The two elders of the Xianling Yi family laughed and said that only one elder did not speak, but seriously looked at Su Shi. I don't know what I remembered. The elders of the Xianling who did not speak changed their faces and quickly stopped the other two elders.

"Since you want to protect him, then we will definitely give you a face!"

What the other two elders did not understand was how the nine elders who are the Xianling family would respect such a junior. Still one bite for you? What is the identity of Su Shi?

The two of them are not as good as the nine elders, and they are not the same as the nine-year-old. Since the nine elders want to shake the face to Su, then they have to shake the face like Su. As for what the reason is, they can leave and ask again. Now, listen to the nine elders.

"Actually, if you really kill him, you will only be able to shrink in the Linglong domain. Because he is the biological son of the Terran Emperor, you are a Taojun, and you will have consequences for the emperor. I don't need to remind you. What?"

Su swayed and talked, the three princes of the Xianling ancestors were like the younger generation in front of him. In particular, the nine elders of the Xianling Dai family are even more respectful to Su. The elders of the other two Xianling family, although they did not know the identity of Su, were still standing beside the nine elders.

"Imperial son?"

The three elders of the Xianling family did not really pay attention to the sword magic until this time. However, they still have no good feelings about the swords, because they feel that the great emperor has captured their little princess and then gave the son a pet.

Also, the general human race strong, certainly not dare to catch Xianling Ling, the emperor is not the same. Hate them are just Dao Jun, not the opponent of the Emperor. Otherwise, they have to find the father of Lingdao, and then they can't fight with the Emperor.

"We are not a big emperor, and he is still a little princess's uncle. Even if you are a great emperor, you must hand over the little princess."

The three elders of the Xianlingyi family are simply not prepared to use force against the swordsmen. The little princesses must be brought back. Even if they are in front of the Terran Emperor, they are still not afraid. After all, they occupy a rational word. The little princess is their fairy tales, and what is the sword magic for?

Even if the swordsman came from the power of the emperor, they did not care. The Xianling Yi people are the emperor's forces that have been passed down from the wilderness. On the basis of the essence, they are stronger than the emperor forces behind the swords. Moreover, the Xianling Dai and the Great Emperor sit in the town, they do not have to be too jealous of the Terran Emperor.

"The Ming people don't say whispers. You have already said this to this. I can tell you that there is a fairy in my side. But she is not your little princess, I don't know."

When I heard the sword demon, the three monarchs of the Xianling family were excited. There is a little princess in the sword, and there are fairy lingers around the sword. Then, they can be sure that the fairy sorrow around the sword is 100% the daughter of the previous patriarch.

"Where is she?"

"If you hand over the little princess to us, we are grateful, whether you want the device or the heavenly treasure, as long as we can come out, we are all willing to give you."

Whether it is the sword magic or the Su-shake, you can feel it. The three elders of the Xianling family are really concerned about the little princess. If Xue is with Lingdao, I can't learn the true ability of Xianling's family, and let Ruo Xue return to Linglong, it is not a good thing.

"Tell you where she is, not not, but you have to tell me one thing, why are your little princesses appearing in the world of Sword God?"

If the three elders of the Xianling family do not give a satisfactory answer to the sword, it is impossible for the sword to hand over Ruo Xue into their hands. The heart of the defense is indispensable, not to mention the three elders of the exquisite family. He is the first to see, who knows their true purpose.

"Sword God World? What place?"

The three princes of the Xianling ancestors only know the three thousand territories of the heavens, and the small world belonging to the Xianling ancestors. As for the world of Sword God, they have never really heard of it.

"It is a small world of the solitary family. You are the little princess of the Xianling family. I met in the world of Jianshen. Shouldn't you explain?"

The swordsman coldly asked, the elders of the three fairy tales not only did not blame the swordsmen because of the attitude of the swordsmen, but felt that the swordsmen looked more pleasing than before, because they could feel the resentment of the swordsmen. Perhaps, the relationship between the sword demon and their little princess is not the same as what they imagined.

"This is a long story. If you don't tell us, we don't even know that the little princess used to be in the small world of the solitary family."

"If we know, we must have personally traveled to the Solitary family and pick up the little princess."

"If you have nothing else now, we can tell you about the little princess. Of course, after we finish, I hope you can tell us where the little princess is now."

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