The Immortal Taoist

Vol 4 Chapter 211: Dominant flood can not

"Well, I will believe you once, a holy martial art, and send you to burn the sword."

"Since there is no worry about life, then, what am I going to do with you?"

There are no eyes in the fists and no swords. They are fighting with the elders of the Burning Swordsmen. It is inevitable that death and injury will occur. Previously, they felt that they had fallen into the hands of the elders of the Burning Swordsman. Only one dead end would fight hard, or run away. Now they went to the three elders who burned the swords, and simply surrendered, no longer shot.

Compared with the three elders of the old savage scorpion, they are simply pitiful. Of course, I believe that the Tianzun that the three elders of the Burning Swordsmen said is only a minority. Most of the Tianzun is only suspicious, and the remaining Tianzun is totally unbelievable.

Instead of handing over life and death to the hands of the three elders of the Burning Swordsmen, it is better to fight the Tianzun of the Burning Swords. Maybe they can fight with the elders of the Burning Swords, and they can also attract the other gods. The Tianzun of the Burning Heavenly Sword and the Tianzun of the Three Thousand Territories are destined to be hostile positions.

"Lingdao, you don't need to worry at all. When my brother comes, we will be safe."

Hong Wuliang’s elder brother is the tyrant of the Huangquan Holy Land. The same is the tyrants, the three elders who burned the swords of the heavens, it is absolutely impossible to be an opponent of Hong. Hong can not claim to be the first genius of Huangquan Holy Land in the past ten years, and is expected to become the existence of Tianzun. Even if the three elders of the Burning Heavenly Swordsmen practiced the Emperor's work, it is not an opponent of Hong.

"You two will be optimistic about him, I will help them."

Don't say that Lingdao doesn't know who Hong can't be, even if he knows, he won't put hope on a stranger. There are already three people in the Lingjia Ba Tianzun who are in danger. At any time, there is the possibility that the elders of the Burning Swordsman will win or kill. Lingdao cannot stand by.

Butterfly Dance, Qianhui, Aolong and Lei Wenyuan are all right because they only have Tianzun. They are not as good as them in dealing with their elders of the Burning Swordsman and the Emperor of the Dragon. As long as they don't show too much strength, for the time being, they are quite safe.

"Yuan Shi Long Wang Quan!"

After a brief recovery, Lingdao has recovered 50% of its strength, and there is no problem in dealing with the peak of the Burning Heavenly Sword. The Emperor of Tianzun and the Emperor of the Burning Heavenly Swords witnessed Lingdao’s sword and the Xuantianzun who killed the Linglong Pavilion. Now they are facing Lingdao. It is impossible to say that they are not afraid.

"Is he not to be killed? With his physical condition, how can he fight with the elders who burned the sword?"

Hong Wuliang wanted to pull Lingdao, but unfortunately, Lingdao was too fast. Didn't he touch the corner of Lingdao?


Lingdao has already been killed in front of the elders of Lingzhao Pavilion and Zengtianjian. He didn't want to help Lingdao, but he had insufficient strength. He could only expect his brother to come over earlier.

"Less Lord, how are you..."

"Don't worry about us, if the Lord is because of our accident, are we not sinners of Lingjia?"

Originally, they protected the ridge, just because Lingdao was the birth son of the owner. The contribution of Happy Emperor to Lingjia is too great. Without the emperor, there is no such thing as Lingjia. Now, they really recognize Lingdao, even if Lingdao is not the son of the owner, they are also willing to go through the fire for Lingdao.

They know that when Lingdao killed Ling Xiaoge Xuan Tianzun, he was already hit hard. However, when they were in danger, Ling Daoyi murdered without hesitation. Just by casting Yuan Yuan Long Wang Quan, the face of Ling Dao became very pale, without a trace of blood.

"My life is a life, isn't your life a life?"

Lingdao’s words made Ling’s Tianzun impressed. The son of the Emperor of the Lord's Power is like the Highness of the Prince of the Holy Court. However, Lingdao not only does not have a shelf, but also can kill and kill the Tianzun of the Ling family and the elders of the Burning Sword and the Tianzun of the Lingxiao Pavilion.

The attack of the elders of the Burning Swordsman made Lingdao numb the blood. However, Lingdao not only did not step back, but struggled forward. The overwhelming fist shadow turned into a hundred-foot dragon and ran rampage. Whether it is the elders of the Burning Swordsman or the Tianzun of the Lingxiao Pavilion, they have all been affected.

"Big brother, you are finally here!"

In the distance, a strong atmosphere is coming, and it is like a thunder. Hong Wuliang seems to be very excited. If there is no flood, the elders who burned the sword will not need to worry. As early as the year before, Hong was unable to be the first day of Huangquan Holy Land.

The appearance of Hong can't be similar to that of Hong Wuliang. However, on the momentum, Hong Wuliang is far worse than Hong. Hong can't just stand by Hong Wuliang, and it will bring great pressure to the elders who burned the sword. In particular, the three elders who burned the swords of the heavens were even staring at Hong.

"They want to kill you?"

As long as Hong no nodded, Hong could never let go of the elders who burned the sword. For Hong can not, except for the martial arts, the most important thing is his younger brother. What's more, Hong can't come to Tianzun's battlefield. It is to sharpen himself. His hands don't know how many bloods of the elders of the Burning Swordsman.

"Yes, if you don't come again, we are afraid that we will have two yin and yang, no goodbye."

In fact, the elders of the Burning Swordsman and the Tianzun of the Linglong Pavilion did not have Hong Guangliang. What really happened to Hong Wuliang was only Xuan Tianzun of Ling Xiaoge, and it was the first hand of Hong Wuliang. If Hong Wuliang does not have a knife for Xuan Tianzun of Ling Xiao Ge, Xuan Tian Zun of Ling Xiao Ge will not be able to injure Hong.

"No wonder I think he is a bit familiar. I didn't expect him to be your brother."

The three elders who burned the swords of the heavens could not understand Hong, because he had never been able to deal with Hong. At that time, Hong could not have only six Tianfu, and he was already able to compete with the three elders of the Burning Sword. The three elders who burned the swords of the heavens regretted it. If they had to catch Hong Wuliang earlier, it would be best to threaten Hong.

It is a pity that there is no regret in the world. The three elders who burned the swords of the heavens wanted to catch Hong Wuliang as a hostage. It was just an unrealistic fantasy. The three elders who burned the swords of the heavens did not hesitate, and the first time they attacked Hong could not. At the same time, he had already voiced to the other elders present, so that they could not deal with Hong.

"You can't kill me in the past, you can only die under my palm."

Hong can't have full confidence in his own strength. Even if he burned the sacred martial arts of the three elders, his brows did not wrinkle. He is not afraid of the other tyrants of the Emperor's forces, and he has nothing to do with the tyrants of the Burning Swordsman.

The nine palms are printed on the void, and one is stronger than the other. The method of using Hong is not sacred, not even martial arts, but his own martial arts. His path is as heavy as a mountain, but his palms are light and ethereal.

Just the first three palms of the hand, they broke the sacred martial arts of the three elders who burned the sword. The three elders who burned the swords of the heavens quickly offered a piece of heavenly weapon to withstand the shadow of Hong. It is a pity that the three palms in the middle will smash the weapons of the three elders of the Burning Swordsmen.

"How could it be so strong? It is also a tyrant, how can I and him not be at a level?"

The three elders who burned the swords of the heavens did not want to, and they regressed in the first place, trying to avoid the attack that Hong could not. Unfortunately, he retired quickly, and Hong couldn’t make the palms faster. Three consecutive palms, all the bombs in the burning of the three elders of Jianzong.

At the beginning of the millennium, the three elders of the Burning Swordsman couldn’t help but feel the pain. They used the eight Tianfu directly and kept them in front of them. As long as you can survive, even if all eight Tianfu are crushed, you can still re-consolidate. Compared with life, Tianfu is not very important.

The horror of the three elders of the Burning Swordsman happened. The shadow of Hong’s inability to smash the eight Tianfu of the three elders of the Burning Swordsman. The latter two palms are on the body of the three elders who burned the swords. One palm broke the original star of the three elders who burned the sword, and the other palm was the body of the three elders who burned the sword.

For other Tianzun, the powerful elders of the Burning Swordsmen, who are extremely powerful, have no resistance in the face of Hong’s inability. The tragic death of the three elders of the Burning Swordsman was scared to the other elders of the Burning Swordsman. They did not expect that the young people who had just appeared were so terrible.

The Tianzun of Lingxiaoge turned around and ran. If they ran slowly, they were likely to die in the hands of Hong. The strongest of them, Xuan Tianzun, has been killed by Lingdao. Originally, they could still count on the elders who burned the swords of the heavens, but now the three elders who burned the swords of the heavens died under the command of Hong. If they don't want to die in this place, they can only escape separately.

"Compared with our burning swords, you will die sooner or later without a place to die."

"The strong dragon is not over the head of the snake, there is a kind of you waiting for me, and the strong man who burns the sword of the heavens will certainly be able to deal with you."

The elders who burned the swords of the heavens finally had a lot of people. As long as they stayed for a while, and other elders who burned the swordsmanship came, they could not only survive, but they could also see how Hong could not die. Hong can't be stronger than the three elders who burned the swords of the heavens. It doesn't mean that all the heavens are stronger than the swordsmen of the Burning Heaven.

"Too lazy to talk nonsense with you, let me die!"

Hong can't shoot again, and the sky is full of palms. Whether it is the elders of the Burning Swordsman or the Heavenly Respect of Ling Xiaoge, all of them are the targets of his attacks. Even the Tiantianzun of the Burning Swordsman could not stop a palm of the hand. Seven or eight palms are played at the same time, even if it is the Tianzun of Lingxiaoge, it is also an instant death.

One and another elders who burned the swords of the heavens fell into a pool of blood. They did not think that they would encounter the tyrants that Hong could not be so tyrannical. Compared with Hong, they are like the warriors who have just cultivated. Hong can't kill them. It's just how simple and simple.

"Lingdao, how, my brother is not very powerful?" Hong Wuliang came to Lingdao, proudly said, "When I am as good as my brother, it is when I defeat you."

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