The Immortal Taoist

Vol 4 Chapter 212: Seven killing emperors

After being separated from Hong Wuliang and others, Ling Dao took the eight emperors of the Ling family and the proud dragons to find a place to heal. This time, it was thanks to the flood of Huangquan Holy Land. Otherwise, it was impossible to kill the three elders who burned the swords by the situation at the time of Lingdao.

Although Lingdao’s injury is very serious, his resilience is really good. When he recovered, Lingjia’s eight Tianzun were still healing, especially the final three of the injuries, not three or five days, fearing that there is no further effort. The danger of Tianzun’s battlefield, of course, they are clear, they must keep themselves at their peak.

"Because of the Tianzun rankings, I am afraid that I have to leave the Tianzun battlefield for some time. Otherwise, you will follow me, it will only be more dangerous."

The Lingdao in the middle of Tianzun’s territory is far from the point of the battlefield. Even Dongzhou has a lot more than him. He is not sure of the safety of the butterfly dance and other people, and he is not sure to deal with all the strong who want to kill him.

He is two points in one, even if he is dead in the battlefield, it is not a big deal. But the butterfly dance and other people are different. If he, the butterfly dance and other people die in the battlefield of Tianzun, he can't forgive himself for the rest of his life. Therefore, he can only temporarily leave the Tianzun battlefield, and when the strength becomes stronger, he will come in again.

"My father asked me to come in, just to take a look at your situation. Now, you are all fine, and your father will be relieved."

Until Lingjia's eight heavenly masters recovered, Lingdao left the Tianzun battlefield. Thousands of people were stunned. Lingdao had already completed many times and did not know how many times. What makes Ling Dao ecstatic is that the butterfly dance chose to leave the Tianzun battlefield with him. As for the reason, Lingdao did not ask.

When Lingdao and Butterfly Dance returned to Lingjia, Wei Wudi and Yu Tianyuan had already broken through to the Holy King. Although there is only one temple, the strength of Wei Invincible and Yu Tianyuan has made great progress. After Tian Zun and Ba Tian Zun broke through to the pre-Sacred kingdom, they had no pressure to deal with the general King of the Peak.

"Little teacher, have you really killed the emperor of the Fairy Palace?"

Wei's invincible face is very unsightly, and Lingdao kills the emperor's son, there is nothing wrong with it. The problem is that the emperor who sits in the fairy palace, the most loved one is the old seven of Xianyi Palace. The confrontation of the younger generation, the older generation does not intervene, but the death of the old seven of Xianyi Palace, the Emperor sitting in the Xianyi Palace cannot be ignored.

The emperor who sits in the Xianxian Palace cannot be bullied and dealt with Lingdao. Therefore, he is dealing with the Emperor. Three days ago, the Emperor, who was in the Xianxian Palace, officially slammed the book of the Emperor of the Sorrow, and the Emperor of the Supreme could only take the gauntlet. Because even if the Emperor of the Immaculate Master does not pick up, the Emperor who sits in the Xianxian Palace will also take the shot of the Emperor.

"Sister, how did you know?"

When killing the old seven of the fairy palace, Ling Dao is indeed a little impulsive. It is not that the old seven of the Xiantang Palace cannot be killed, but that the Emperor who lives in the Xiantang Palace cannot be known. Now it can be done well. The Emperor who sits in the Xiantang Palace does not ask him for trouble and directly deals with the Emperor.

When Wei invincible told what happened three days ago, Lingdao’s face was also not good. How does Xianxian Palace deal with him, he can accept it, after all, the old seventh of Xianyi Palace is his kill. What the imperial concubine of the Immortal Palace can do is obviously deceiving too much.

The Emperor, who sits in the town of Xianju, is known as the Seven Kings, and he is 80,000 years older than the Emperor. The realm of the seven killing emperors is not comparable to the emperor. The Happy Emperor can defeat the Duanmu Emperor, and it does not mean that he can beat the Seven Emperors.

"Where is the father?"

Lingdao thought of a way to go to the Xianyi Palace and let the seven killing emperors avenge the old seven of Xianyi Palace. Anyway, he is two points in one, dead one body, and one body. However, after resurrecting this body, it is impossible to be the emperor of Lingjia.

Wei invincible took Lingdao to the Xiaoyao Temple, just to see the Happy Emperor playing chess. Happy Emperor left the white hand in his left hand and black in his right hand, and himself and himself. Lingdao did not think that the Emperor of the Happy is still so leisurely and elegant, is it the case that the Seven Emperors are killed, and the Emperor is not in the heart?

"Father, I am not good, I should not give you trouble."

Before waiting for the emperor to open his mouth, Ling Dao told his previous thoughts to the Emperor. Others do not know that he is a two-pointer, but the emperor knows clearly. With a body, for the safety of the Emperor, the Lingdao 100 willing.

"What nonsense, I want you to sacrifice?" Seven killing emperors are strong, can I be weak?"

It is true that the realm of the emperor is indeed lower than the seven emperors. However, true genius, even in the Great Empire, can still beat opponents across borders. Of course, after the Great Empire, it is impossible to defeat the opponents in three or four realms.

"Seven killing the emperor's son is going to kill you, and he is dead in your hands. It is his life to live. Can't he just let his son kill my son, and let my son kill his son?"

Before going to the Tianzun battlefield, the Emperor of the Happy will let Lingdao let go. No matter who they are, as long as they kill the Tao, Lingdao will not be merciful to them. No matter how much the other party has, the Happy Emperor is all responsible for Lingdao. The Emperor is not talking loudly, but he really has this ability.

He admits that the seven killing emperors are powerful, but it is difficult to kill the emperor and want his life. Before he had no sermons, he had confronted the emperor. Now that he has become an emperor, he will not be afraid of the seven killing emperors. It is not Lingdao who took the initiative to kill the old seven of the Xiantang Palace. The Emperor of the Happydom did not feel that Lingdao was wrong.

"Not to mention, even if I don't shoot, the same Emperor will protect you."

Which is the great emperor, the emperor did not say, Lingdao did not ask

4000. Because there is an answer in Lingdao's heart, it is definitely the emperor's palace to say that Lingdao still has the best relationship with the emperor. Although the number of people in the emperor's palace is very small, the emperor's palace has never lacked the emperor.

On the basis of the words, Lingjia is indeed not as good as the Xianyi Palace, but the Xianyi Palace is also better than the temple of God, and it is the difference between heaven and earth. If the Immortal Palace angered the Emperor's Palace, it would be possible for the Emperor's Palace to be destroyed. Xianxian Palace only has seven emperors and one emperor. In front of the emperor's palace, it is not enough to see.

"Actually, the battle with the Seven Killing Emperors is only good for me, there is no harm. After becoming an emperor, I can become my opponent, and it has become less and less. The Duanmu Emperor can't do it. It is OK to kill the Emperor."

The Emperor of the Supreme is simply using the Seven Killing Emperors as the Sword Stone. The stronger the opponent, the sharper the Swordmaster will be. The things he is about to do, the danger is at its peak, and his current strength is not enough. If you want to improve your strength faster, you can only constantly challenge other emperors.

"Right, some time ago, I bet with a great emperor and won him a soldier. If you want to marry the saints of the nine-tailed fox family, use the emperor to make a dowry."

I have to say that the Emperor of the Immaculate is really a big hand, to make a dowry with the emperor, just to give his son a daughter-in-law. Even if it was the emperor's power that was passed down from the ancient times, when he gave his wife a wife, he would not be allowed to use the emperor to make a dowry.

The great emperor has a limited life span. As long as the emperor is not destroyed, he can coexist with the heavens and the earth. When the emperor sends one, there will be one less, and the other lords of the empire will not be so defeated. If the other emperors are to know the behavior of the emperor, he must be defeated.

"Father, my dowry, can you find it yourself?"

More than one emperor, Lingdao's overall strength, can improve one point. Lingjia is not easy to get a soldier again, Lingdao certainly does not want to give to the fox site. If he can, he hopes to earn his own dowry with his own skills.

"Why, do you want to be clear about the father? If you feel that you are not willing to go, you will fight for the emperor. If you want to refine a soldier, then you will not be better. If there is no material, you will grab the other forces." ,understand?"

The infusion of the emperor's emperor to Lingdao is completely a bandit thought. However, it is also true that Lingjia can have the current scale, and the Emperor has not robbed other forces. If you don’t say anything else, it’s just that the Emperor’s emperor’s dowry for Lingdao is sure to be grabbed. The bet win is completely good.

"When my father beats the seven killing emperors, I will go to the fox sacred place."

The meaning of Lingdao is obvious. It is to use the two emperors to deal with the seven emperors. Although he has not seen the emperors who have been robbed by the emperor, as long as he is a soldier, Wei will definitely not be able to go. If two emperors are in hand, the strength of the emperor should be improved by two or three.

"Is no confidence in the father?"

The happy emperor looked at what Lingdao thought in his eyes, but he did not refuse Lingdao. Although Lingdao is only in the middle of Tianzun, but Lingdao has the supreme gold 瞳, let Lingdao witness his confrontation with the seven killing emperors, may make Lingdao get unexpected benefits.

Seven days later, it was the confrontation between the Emperor of the Happy and the Seven Emperors. Because of the death of the Seventh Emperor of the Immortal Palace, the Seven Emperors of the Emperor would not be merciful to the Emperor. If you can kill the emperor, the seven killing emperors will definitely kill. As for whether or not you can kill the Emperor, it is not the matter of the Seven Kings.

To say that the happiest thing now is undoubtedly the top of the Lingxiaoge. The strongest of Ling Xiaoge believes that the emperor is not the opponent of the seven killing emperors. As long as the emperor is dead, then Ling Xiaoge will go out of the nest and completely destroy the Ling family.

The emperor's forces can tolerate the territory they dominate, and there will be a force, a second power, and a three-product force, but the emperor's power will never be allowed. The owner of the Lingxiaoge Club dreamed of removing the Lingjia. Unfortunately, there was a Lingjia who was sitting in the town of the Emperor, and he was afraid to act rashly.

"Wait for another seven days, as long as seven days later, the owner of the cabinet can make the Ling family razed to the ground!"

The owner of the Lingxiaoge Pavilion has begun to set up, and one of the strongest ones in Lingxiaoge has gone out.

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