The Immortal Taoist

Vol 4 Chapter 217: Six in one

The sixth day of Xianyi Palace thought that using the scorpion gourd could defeat the victory, but did not expect that he would die in the hands of Lingdao. The strength of Lingdao is far beyond the imagination of Xianliu Palace. In the heyday of the immortality, the old six is ​​not the opponent of Lingdao, and the old sixth of the Xianlu Palace, which was injured by Lingdao, how to resist the killing of Lingdao?

Lingdao can be integrated into two points, and the same can be combined. As early as yesterday, Lingdao and Jianmo were integrated. The current Lingdao is the middle of Tianzun. The sword magic is the peak of Tianzun. After the fit, there are six Tianfu. Naturally, it is not the sixth of the Xianyi Palace. The reason why he did not sacrifice Tianfu was because his six Tianfu were different. The eight monarchs of Xianyi Palace are present. If they let them see any problems, it is not good.

"What is three long and two short, he is already a dead person."

Wei Wuwei said with a smile, although she did not understand why the strength of Lingdao suddenly became so strong, but she did not go deep into the meaning. Lingjia and Xianyi Palace have torn their skins, and Lingdao naturally does not need to pay attention to the old six hands of Xianyi Palace. If the Xianliu Palace is more powerful than the Lingdao, the Xianliu Palace will also kill the Lingdao.


"How can the emperor die?"

The eight princes of Xianyi Palace seriously underestimated the strength of Lingdao. From the beginning, they were wary of the strongest of Lingjia. They think that Lingdao is not the opponent of the Sixth Anniversary of the Xianyi Palace. As long as the Xianliu Palace is killing the Taoist Road, they will help the strongest of the Lingjia Palace to block the Lingjia.

Unexpectedly, in a short time, the old sixth of Xianyi Palace was killed by Lingdao. When Lingdao killed the old seven of the Xiantang Palace, only Tianzun was in the early stage, and even if there was a breakthrough later, it would not be possible to step into the sky. Even if they want to break their heads, they don't understand why Lingdao is a big deal than the old six of Xianyi Palace.

"I have told you long ago that I can kill you a fairy emperor in the Palace of Immortals, and you will be able to kill the two emperors of the Immortal Palace. You have to send your emperor to me and let me kill. How can I live up to your kindness?"

Lingdao is not happy because he killed the sixth son of Xianyi Palace, but because he can help the happy emperor. The death of the sixth old man of the Xianyi Palace will definitely affect the seven killing emperors. There are many sons of the Seven Kings, but they can die two times. He will definitely be affected.

The Seven Killing Emperors and the Happy Emperor are fighting in the outer world without a fake. They can fight the Lingdao and the Xianliu Palace, and they cannot know. Now the old six of Xianyi Palace is in the hands of Lingdao. The emperor can relax his breath, and the seven emperors will suffer the pain of losing their children.

"Small beasts, killing me, the Emperor of the Immortal Palace, this Taojun will make you smashed!"

"Don't dare to kill my immortal son under the eyes of our eyes, not to ruin your corpse, it is difficult to eliminate my heart?"


??! ”

The eight monarchs of Xianyi Palace have shot on Lingdao, and with their strength, it is easy to kill the Tao. They must be responsible for the death of the sixth day of Xianyi Palace. If they are wary of the Lingdao, they can save the old sixth of the Xianyi Palace, but they are careless.

Lingdao stood in the same place, calm and self-sufficient, and did not panic because of the eight-way monarchy of Xianyi Palace. If it was in the site of Lingjia, it was also killed by the Taoist Palace, and what did Lingjia do? Lingjia just has no foundation, and it is not without a king. Is it still afraid that the eight princes of Xianyi Palace will not be formed?

One and another Daojun shot, helping Lingdao block the attack of the Eight Commanders of the Immortal Palace. Since it is the first hand of the Eight Immortals of the Immortal Palace, then they are now dealing with the eight princes of the Immortal Palace. Other powerful people cannot say that they are bullying less. After all, the Eight Commanders of the Immortal Palace Be bullied first.

"My son!"

The seven killing emperors roared, and the stars in a million miles were shaking. One after another, a huge and unmatched star, have fallen, and the cracks that have been stretched for thousands of miles have not bottomed out. He asked the old man of the Xianyi Palace to avenge the old seven. He did not expect the sixth to die in Lingdao.

If he didn't let the old man of the Xianyi Palace go to kill the road, the old man of the Xianyi Palace would not be killed by the Lingdao. In other words, the death of Xianliu Palace's sixth child has a great relationship with him. Lingdao is the murderer who killed the sixth son of Xianyin Palace. He is the accomplice to kill the sixth son of Xianyi Palace.

"The Emperor is going to destroy your Ling family!"

The eyes of the seven killing emperors broke out with incomparable blazing light, and the starry sky was broken. A handle and a knife, rushing toward the emperor. In the previous war, the Seven Killing Emperors had reservations, and now he is doing his best. Do not kill the emperor, do not give up.

"Your son took the initiative to send to my son, let my son kill, my son always has to fulfill your son is not?"

Even if the seven killing emperors are angry, the emperor is still as usual. Before the Lingdao and Xianyi Palace sixth hands, the Happy Emperor guessed such a result. What's more, the idea of ​​killing the sixth son of Xianyin Palace is originally from the Emperor. Ling Dao asked the Happy Emperor, whether or not to leave the old six-one life of the Immortal Palace, at that time, the emperor of the emperor said that he would not leave.

The emperor’s emperor holds the emperor’s sword and stabs it again and again. The collision between the flying knife and the emperor sword caused a star-studded crack in the starry sky. The seven knives of the emperor's flying knives seem to be coming to an extreme. However, the Emperor of the Sorrow can be blocked every time, just as the Emperor can guess where the flying knives appear.

"Seven kills!"

A series of seven flying knives, from different directions, stab the deadly parts of the emperor. The body of the seven killing emperors is turned into a huge knife with no friends, and it is directed to the emperor. It is not that the body of the Seven Killing Emperor is stronger than the Emperor, but that he is in Vientiane, and does not care about the physical damage.

Before the Vientiane, it was not dead, and refining would not die. In other words, even if the seven killing emperors lacked their arms and broken their legs, they could recover instantly. It is hard to go to heaven to kill the undead emperor. Moreover, the emperor still has a heart.

"The big free sword!"

The emperor’s emperor holds the sword in both hands and smashes the emperor to the seven. There is no other vision in his body, and there is no derivation of anything in the heart of the sword. The current big free sword is the purest sword. The sword in his hand is still a sword, but it is sharp and unrelenting.

The terrible fluctuations have swept millions of miles. Fortunately, they are in a battle outside the sky, or else, the land of the Tianling domain, afraid to be sunk. Just the aftermath, you can let Tianling domain die billions of warriors. The confrontation of the Great is really terrible.


One day after another, the sky is shining, and the powerful forces of all major forces have to use a higher level of heaven. The Emperor of the Supreme and the Seven Emperors of the Emperor moved to the real grid, even if it was a heavenly scene, they must be shattered by them. You must know that Tianzhao is far away from them.

"The talent of the Emperor of the Immaculate is too terrible, only to prove that it has been able to fight with the Emperor of Vientiane for a few years."

"He is not a testimony, but a broken territory. We have proved that we have become a emperor. Without a period of three or five thousand years, there is no way to go further. How did he do it?"

After the testimony, it is the broken state and the only realm of unstable strength. When the broken state is strong, it can compete with the undead emperor, even with the great emperor of Vientiane. When the broken territory is weak, it may not be as good as the great emperor.

The real place where the Emperor of the Supreme is really powerful is not the breakthrough in the realm, but the control of the realm. The reason why the broken environment is unstable is because I don't know when it is strong, and I don't know when it is weak. The Emperor of the Happy is not relying on luck and the seven killings of the emperor, but to control the strong time today.

Unfortunately, the strength is quite the same, it does not mean that the result is the same. Seven killed the emperor was injured, can be restored in an instant, the emperor can not do. In the previous collision, the emperor lost the half body of the seven emperors, and the seven emperors were on the body of the emperor, leaving a deep visible bone wound.

"It turns out that you are a broken country. It is no wonder that you can compete with the Emperor. Unfortunately, the Emperor has an undead body, but you don't."

The seven killing emperors recovered instantly, and the previous injuries did not have a slight impact on him. He has an undead body, and he can be said to have been invincible for a long time. He did not mean to stop, but to kill the emperor again. As long as he came a few times, he would certainly be able to kill the Emperor.

The huge flying knife has once again turned to the emperor. The seven killing emperors are completely hurting and hurting. Anyway, his injury can be healed instantly. If you fight like this, it will take a long time for the emperor to be defeated and even die under the knife.

"Sorry for all of you, use your avenue!"

The Happy Emperor took a deep breath and the human road suddenly appeared. Countless figures, standing in the stars. With the help of the human world alone, it is impossible to defeat the seven emperors. Therefore, he needs to borrow the words of others. This is the enthusiasm for him to take over the seven murders of the Emperor.


"Hell Road!"

"Shuluo Road"

"The beast!"


Whether it is the Tao of the Lord or the Tao of the Lord, it is all in front of the Emperor. Although the Tao of the Emperor of the Supreme Court is higher than the rank of the Seven Emperors, the Seven Kills of the Emperor's Witness is 80,000 years earlier than the Emperor of the Supreme Emperor.

However, in the face of the six princes of the Emperor, the seven killing emperors did not have a little grasp. Heaven, Humanity, Hell Road, Shura Road, Animal Road, Hungry Ghost Road, and the ancient times have existed for a long time. Now, in the hands of the emperor, there is an infinite power.

"Six in one!"

The six roads in front of the emperor’s emperor are slowly condensed into one. He held the sword in both hands and once again displayed the big free sword. Just a sword, it is to split the huge flying knife into two. The seven killing emperors recovered their bodies, just healed, and they were smashed into two halves by the Emperor.

The seven killing emperors kept healing, and the emperor kept the sword. Other powerful people have long been stunned. A great emperor who has been in charge for a few years has actually lost a sect of the 80,000-year-old emperor. The strength of the emperor’s emperor is enough to make the undead emperor frightened.

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