The Immortal Taoist

Vol 4 Chapter 218: Chaos fairy

"It’s just that you can just kill the genius of the King of the Kings when you just testify. It’s just a shame to crush the world.

"If the Happy Emperor and the Seven Killing Emperors are the same as Vientiane, then the Seven Killing Emperor can never be the opponent of the Emperor."

Not to mention that the seven killing emperors are not strong, but that the emperor is too enchanting. After the six-in-one, the emperor is unbelievable, and the seven-killed emperor in Vientiane can only retreat. The undead body consumes the power of the avenue. If the emperor is to continue to kill, the road to kill the emperor is afraid to collapse.

Although the great emperor of the broken land, the strength is unstable, it is very likely that the next moment of the emperor will be greatly reduced. However, the seven killing emperors do not dare to gamble, in case the emperor is really able to maintain strength, the unlucky one must be the seven killing emperors. Under the circumstance, the Seven Killing Emperors had to use the Emperor of the Immortal Palace.

"Please ancestors!"

The voice of the seven killing emperors was passed from the sky to the fairy palace. It is really not a glorious thing to use the ancestors to deal with the Emperor. The problem is that there is no need for ancestors, and the seven killing emperors are not the opponents of the emperor. The winner is the king, the loser is the beggar, and the use of the ancestors can defeat the Happy Emperor.

There is only one that can be called the ancestors of the Seven Killing Emperors, that is, the Emperor of the Emperor of the Immortals, Chaos Xianyu. Although the Imperial Soldiers of Xianyi Palace are far more than one, it is absolutely uncontroversial to say which of the Emperor's Palaces is the most powerful.

Red orange yellow green blue blue purple, colorful light, shining nine days and ten places. A huge gourd, rising from the sky, is just a blink of an eye, it is from the Xianyi Palace to the extraterrestrial battlefield. The Seven Killing Emperor stood behind the Chaos Xianyu and finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"I have to admit that you are more powerful than the Emperor. But when the ancestors are out, you have only one dead road!"

The Seven Killing Emperors suddenly launched their own avenues and fully urged Chaos Xianyu. The Taoist urging the emperor can only play part of the power of the emperor, but the emperor urging the emperor is completely different. In particular, the Seven Kings of the Emperor or the Emperor of Vientiane, the endless road, is enough to make the Chaos Xianyu burst out of the power of the sect.

A colorful light spurred out of Chaos. Even the ruined emperor in the broken ground is also awkward. Just now, Emperor Xiaoyao felt a terrible will and shocked his will. Even the imperial will of the emperor is still affected.

"It is Chaos Xianyu, the most powerful emperor of Xianyi Palace. I did not expect that the seven emperors in Vientiane, against the ruined emperor of the broken territory, even used Chaos Xianyu, he admitted that he is not as good as the emperor?"

"If you don't talk a little, will you die? If you just said it, if you pass it to the ears of the strong man of Xianxian Palace, do you believe that the strong man of Xianyin Palace is desperate with you? Others I dare not say, you think that the seven killed emperors Can the eldest son and the second son let you go?"

The confrontation between the Seven Killing Emperors and the Happy Emperor was getting more and more attention. Ten miles of territory near the Tianling domain, do not know how many strong, staring at the seven killing emperors and the emperor. When Chaos Xianyu appeared, it caused a sudden surprise.

The strongest soldiers of Xianyi Palace have not been born for many years. Unexpectedly, the Seven Killing Emperor now uses Chaos Xianyu, and it is not the great emperor above Vientiane, but the Great Emperor under Vientiane. The warriors under the great emperor did not dare to laugh at the seven emperors, but the great emperor above Vientiane would not have any scruples.


On the body of the emperor, there was a deep visible bone wound. The great emperor of the broken land, although there is no undead body, but the speed of healing is absolutely not slow. However, the wounds of the Happy Emperor have a colorful light that prevents the wound from healing.

"Please patriots!"

The Seven Killing Emperor said with respect and respect, even if he is a great emperor in Vientiane, it is still so, how high the status of Chaos Xianyu is. It is not because Chaos Xianyu is the weapon of the Seven Emperor's ancestors, but because of the power of the Chaos Xianyu, which is stronger than the Vientiane.

The colorful light instantly drowned the square of 80,000 miles. Chaos Xianyu wants to receive, not the emperor, but the emperor of the emperor. The most powerful place of Chaos Xianyu is that it can collect other emperors, and then refine the emperors and strengthen their own bodies.

The most powerful place of Chaos Xianyu is also the most regrettable place for the Emperor of Xianyi Palace. If the Chaos received by Chaos Xianyu can be owned by Xianyi Palace, how good it would be. From the past to the present, Chaos Xianyu received the emperor, absolutely no less than the number of hands.

"Let's go back!"

Fortunately, the Emperor of the Immaculate is ready to send the Happy Sword to Lingjia. Although Chaos Xianyu can collect the soldiers, it is impossible to collect infinite distance. Otherwise, when the Seven Killing Emperor sits in the Xianxian Palace, there is nothing to motivate Chaos Xianyu to collect other forces of the Emperor, isn't it necessary to be in the chaos?

The Happy Sword is ready to be killed again, but it has been suppressed by the Emperor. As long as Chaos Xianyu is in the hands of the Seven Emperors, the Emperor of the Immaculate can not use the Emperor. There is no happy sword in hand, and the power of the emperor will be weak.

Although the realm of kendo is reached to a certain extent, everything in heaven and earth can be a sword. However, the emperor has surpassed the general weapon category, and the power of the sword is not to be underestimated. Even if there is no control by the Emperor, there is no problem with the Supreme Emperor Sword to deal with the general Taoist.

"The Emperor said that to kill you, it is to kill you. Now there are ancestors in hand, what do you want to fight with the Emperor?"

The seven killing emperors finally raised their eyes, and the emperor who was in a state of paradise was broken.


The emperor of the country is pressing and playing, and he is really shameful. Fortunately, as long as he kills the Emperor, he can be ashamed. After the death of the emperor, who will die, who will have nothing to do with the emperor to laugh at him?

"The big free sword!"

The Emperor of the Arrival has already reached the sword without a hand, and the realm of the sword in his heart, the infinite sword, rushed to the seven killing emperors. A handle and a sword are out of the sheath, stabbing to the seven killing emperors. He did not deal with Chaos Xianyu, because he could feel the power of Chaos Xianyu.

With his current ability, it is impossible to destroy the chaotic fairy. He will never be arrogant, but he will not be blind. Now his strength, no problem with the seven killing emperors, against Chaos Xianyu, still a big gap.

What makes the Happy Emperor have a headache is that the chaotic fairy sings gently, and the colorful light of the sky is refining his sword. Even the sword that is condensed by the Tao can't stop the refining of the colorful light, and the power of Chaos Xianyu is beyond the expectations of the Emperor.

"The chaotic fairy is really powerful. The problem is that the emperor has an inexhaustible heart. Even if you kill the emperor, the emperor can still be born again."

Last time, the Emperor of the Supreme Court killed the Duanmu Emperor alive, and the Duanmu Emperor was resurrected by the inexhaustible heart. The emperor's emperor naturally has an inexhaustible heart. As long as he does not destroy the Tao, his heart is not destroyed. Even if he died in the hands of the seven emperors, it is not a big deal.

The Seven Killing Emperor is only the great emperor of Vientiane. There is no such thing as destroying the instinct of the Tao, because he does not know where the imperial emperor is. Of course, if the seven killing emperors find the immortal heart of the emperor, he still has a way to destroy the immortal.

"Other emperor forces may be able to block the pace of the Emperor, but you can't do it. The Emperor will dig your land for 30,000 feet. Can you still find your immortality?"

Lingjia only has the sword of Xiaoyao sitting in the town, and the seven killing emperors can only charge the Chaos Emperor Sword, and they can completely collect the Happy Sword, and then refine the Sword of the Sword. What's more, even if the seven killing emperors do not have Chaos Xianyu, the Sword of the Emperor can not stop the seven killing emperors.

"It’s ridiculous, do you think that the Emperor will put the eternal heart in Lingjia?"

The words of the emperor's emperor made the brow of the seven killing emperors wrinkled. The Seven Killing Emperor felt that the Emperor did not lie. If he was a happy emperor, knowing that he might die in the hands of other emperors, he would not put the invincible heart in Lingjia.

The reason why Duanmu Emperor dared to put the invincible heart in the town of Tiangong was because the Tiantian Palace was passed down from the ancient times to the present, and the foundation is profound. The emperor’s emperor was only able to prove that it was impossible to break through the town’s palace. Moreover, before the hands-on, Duanmu Emperor did not think that he would be killed by the Happy Emperor.

Of course, the seven killing emperors can also put the immortal heart in the fairy palace, because the foundation of the fairy palace is also not comparable to Lingjia. Even if Xianyi Palace does not have seven killing emperors, it is terrible that other Taoists join forces to mobilize the emperors. If you use other foundations, even the Great Emperor will not be able to kill the Immortal Palace.

"If the emperor wants you to die, you must die. As long as you don't want Lingjia to be a hostile enemy, you will honestly surrender your immortality."

The Seven Killing Emperors did not continue to shoot, but used the survival of the Ling family to threaten the emperor. Chaos Xianyu has already targeted Lingjia, as long as the seven killing emperors urge Chaos Xianyu, not to mention the destruction of Lingjia, at least can make Lingjiawu die more than half.

"Too much too much, the great emperor of the Vientiane, even using the life and death of Ling's children, threatening the emperor, I really don't know how he proved to be emperor."

"Although our relationship with the Xianyi Palace is good, I still have to say that the Seven Kings are not as good as the Emperor."

Despite the seven killings of the emperor, it caused a lot of dissatisfaction with the strong, but no strong one for the Ling family. Let's not say how powerful the Xianyi Palace is. It is enough for the seven emperors to be the emperor of Vientiane. It is enough for them to have a headache. Once the seven killing emperors are going to kill, they must definitely flow into the river.

"This emperor will give you time to think about it. When the time comes, the emperor will start!"

The Seven Killing Emperor really wants to get rid of the Happy Emperor. On the one hand, it is because his Vientiane is not as disappointing to the ruined Emperor, but on the other hand, he feels that he can't let the Happy Emperor continue to grow. Otherwise, he will definitely Not an opponent of the emperor.

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