The Immortal Taoist

Vol 4 Chapter 213: Tyrannosaurus


The Jiuwei Temple of the Tianhu Holy Land violently vibrates. If it is not a large guardian, the Jiuwei Temple may have been scattered. The strong ones who are outside the Jiuwei Temple, how far they are hiding, how familiar they are. After a while, the Taixuan Taoist will come out with a nose and a swollen face. If they are seen by the Taixuan Taoist, the Taixuan Taoist will definitely take them out.

They don't remember how many times the Great Emperor passed the Taixuan Taoist. Anyway, as long as the Taixuan Taoist made a mistake, the Great Emperor would catch the Taixuan Taoist to the Jiuwei Temple and then be violent. What is even more embarrassing is that the Emperor still does not let Tai Xuan Dao heal the wounds. What is the name of the Taixu Taoist, and what it would be like to leave the Jiuwei Temple.

"Let you make your own ideas! Let you make fun of the lifelong events of the enchantress! You can't be obsessed with the old lady's retreat, right?"

The lord of the fox sacred land came to the head of Taixuan Tao, and there was no soft hand. The cultivation of the Taixu Taoist was completely imprisoned by her. She wanted to play how to fight. What Tai Xuan Dao can do is to beg for mercy. The problem is that his sister has stunned him and never let him go.

Don't look at the Taixuan Taoist in the Tianhu Holy Land or in other places, in front of the Lord of the Heavenly Fox Holy Land, he is just a child. Even if he lived for hundreds of years, he was as embarrassed as a child. It is not that he does not want to resist, but his strength, compared to his sister, is a hundred thousand miles.

"Sister, you listen to me, even if you don't have me, I am afraid that the enchantress is not married. I don't like it. The enchantress likes Lingdao. What can I do?"

Tai Xuandao understands that his sister must have known all the things that happened before. Although at the beginning, he was holding other purposes, but later he was indeed preparing to become the full road and the enchantress. After all, the enchantress is his pro-foreign niece, he can't harm the enchantress. Moreover, he does not like Lingdao, Lingdao pits him again and again, he can't wait to call Lingdao to cry and yell at her mother.

"And, I want to know who the brother-in-law is, what's wrong? For so many years, has he been to our fox sacred place? What qualifications does he have to be my brother-in-law? Even if the enchantress wants to marry, he does not care. What qualifications does he have to be the enchantress?"

His sister, known as the first beauty of the Yaozu, is more talented than a word, and has become a emperor for hundreds of years. He wants to know who his brother-in-law is, and it is true that it is a pity that the Lord of the Holy Land has no intention to stop. Even if the Taixu Taoist is talking about the brother-in-law, the Lord of the Holy Land is not careless.

"Small mysterious son, you are simply awful, even the matter of managing the aging mother is coming?"

Dare to call the Taixuan Taoist Xiaoxuanzi, the entire Tianhu Holy Land is afraid that only the Lord of the Holy Land. Even the other great emperor of the Tianhu Holy Land cannot be called Xiaoxuan Taoist Xiao Xuanzi. Otherwise, the Taixuan Taoist must turn his face, because Xiao Xuanzi sounds like the name of an eunuch.

"Sister, sister my number, I'm pipe where you do? I'm not the record straight for you? You tell me who Fuxin Han, I can help you beat him, you give vent, how?"

In the heart of the Taixuan Taoist, his brother-in-law is a heart-rending man who is uncompromising. If his parents are still alive, he will definitely not let go of his brother-in-law. He did not investigate his brother-in-law, but he could not start, and there was no trace of clues.

"If he is the Great, are you jealous? Have you played?"

The words of the Lord of the Lands of the Holy Land, let the Taixu Taoist stunned. If the brother-in-law of Tai Xuan Dao is the great emperor, the Tai Xuan Dao will definitely not beat. What really makes Tai Xuan Dao care is that his sister said that if, in other words, his brother-in-law is not the great emperor.

"Sister is assured, as long as it is the Taoist, I am not afraid of anyone. With my current ability, not to say that under the great invincible, I can win my Taoist, there are very few."

The words of the Taixu Taoist had just finished, and they were beaten by the head of the Tianhu Holy Land. Tai Xuan Dao’s long sigh, then he held his head in both hands. It’s unfortunate that there is such a violent sister, and it’s not a word to start.

"If you calm down and practice, it is indeed possible to tell you the same. The key is your current strength, just throwing my face, how can I have such a young brother who you have no interest?"

Although the strength of the Taixu Taoist master is not as powerful as his bragging, he is not weak among the Taoist. However, the requirements of the Lord of the Landscaping Holy Land are too high. Tai Xuan Dao’s request from the Lord of the Lands of the Holy Land is still unknown. Obviously, the Lord of the Landscaping Holy Land is quite dissatisfied with the present affairs of the Taixu Taoist.

"Lingdao comes to the territory of the Yaozu. You should pick it up. Don't let him have any accidents in the territory of the Yaozu. Of course, if the Yaozu who is similar to his realm finds him trouble, you don't care."

I don't know if the owner of the Tianhu Holy Land is tired, or she feels almost the same, and the Taixuan Taoist finally got rid of the bitter sea. She had just finished the explanation, and the Taixuan Taoist nodded again and again, and wished to pick up the Lingdao now. Although Taixuan Taoist does not like Lingdao very much, it is better to go to Lingdao than to be embarrassed by his sister.

"Sister is relieved, I wish he had a bit of trouble, how can he manage too much?"

The main entrance of Taixuan Road climbed and left the Jiuwei Temple. What disappoints him is that there is no strong person outside the fox sacred place. It is a luxury to find a punching bag. He did not stop, but the first time to go to Tian Yao domain. He just hopes that Lingdao will eat and don't want Lingdao to die in the territory of the Yaozu.

With his sister's temper temper, maybe seeing Lingdao, he will sneak a sigh of anger. Although his sister did not say much, but the Taixu Taoist can feel that his sister does not want the enchantress to marry. It is very difficult for Lingdao to get approval from his sister. Taixuan Taoist can't wait to see his sister singularly.

The current Lingdao is indeed still in the Tianluo domain. With the speed of him and Yutianyuan, it will take some time to get to the Tianhu Holy Land. Xianyi Palace did not give up. After the last fifteen Tianzun died, a large group of Tianzun came from Tianzhu. Ling Dao and Yu Tianyuan not only have to deal with the Tianzun of the Xiantang Palace, but also the strongmen of the Yaozu.

"Who? Since it is here, why not show up?"

Yu Tianyuan suddenly stopped and looked into the distance, looking alert. What makes Yu Tianyuan cautious is definitely a strong person, and it is not a god. With Yu Tianyuan’s current ability, no one can threaten him, and now he is definitely a holy king.

"It’s not the apprentice of the Emperor, I can find my existence. But well, I didn’t intend to attack you."

A young man wearing a blood-colored armor slowly walked toward Lingdao and Yutianyuan. Lingdao can feel that he is a strong king of the Holy King, and is not comparable to the general King. The face of Yu Tianyuan is even more dignified than ever.

"Since you have to deal with us, let's get started now."

Yu Tianyuan didn't want to waste time. Now he is in the territory of the Yaozu. He only wants to take Lingdao to the Tianhu Holy Land as soon as possible. The young man in front of him is just jealous and not afraid. However, he and the young man in front of him are likely to attract other strong players.

If the Taitian Zun of Xianyi Palace came, Yu Tianyuan would be entangled by the young man in front of him, and the situation of Lingdao would be dangerous. What Yu Tianyuan wants to do is to kill the young man in front of him in the shortest possible time. Although Yu Tianyuan has confidence in his own strength, he will not be arrogant to think that his holy kingdom is invincible.

"as you wish!"

The young man in the blood-colored armor had no nonsense, and he took out a blood-stained rifle and attacked Yu Tianyuan. One temple after another appeared, let Yu Tianyuan breathe a sigh of relief, the other side has only three temples, just a late holy king.

Different from Tianzunjing, the Holy King finally has several temples, mainly depending on how many Tianfu they have in Tianzun. If there are only five Tianfu in Tianzun, then there can only be five temples in the Holy King. It is impossible to condense the sixth temple.

Yu Tianyuan took the blood knife and smashed it toward the young man wearing blood-colored armor. With just one knife, it was reddening the entire sky, and the blood was soaring. The suffocation of Yu Tianyuan is enough to make the heavens and the earth discolored. Lingdao can be sure that the warrior who died in the hands of Yu Tianyuan is definitely not a minority.

The blood-stained lance and the blood knife slammed together and made a loud voice like Hong Zhong. Hundreds of thousands of roads collapsed, and one temple after another exudes a powerful tyrannical power. Just just fighting, Yu Tianyuan and the young man wearing blood-colored armor are all going all out, without even trying to test each other's meaning.

"Hahaha, Lingdao, Lingdao, your brother was entangled by my brother, who can save you now?"

"My brother can?


?? Killing the existence of the Taoist king, your brother is only the pre-Sacred kingdom, it is impossible to be the opponent of my brother. But nothing, your brother will not be alone on Huangquan Road, because we will send you down to accompany him. ”

"The last time you let you leave the territory of the Yaozu, we are careless. This time, we will definitely let you die in the territory of the Yaozu."

What worried Yu Tianyuan was still happening, and one and another Tianzun appeared in the field. And listening to what they mean, the young men in the blood-colored armor are their brothers. It is absolutely difficult to deal with the sacred king who can kill Daojun, and it is impossible to let Yu Tianyuan have a little bit of care.

"I thought who it was, the original waste of the dragon. Your sacredness is my defeat, and you are also equipped with me?"

The young man wearing the blood-colored armor is the late holy king. He did not see his origins during the Lingdao period. However, the Tianzun that appears now is obviously from the dragon. Since the young men wearing blood-colored armor are their brothers, it must be the strongest of the dragons.

"Jokes, if it is not until Tianzun suppresses the realm, how can you be the opponent of Tianzun? If Tianzun does not suppress the realm, can you take a few tricks to Tianzun? One stroke or two strokes?"

"Don't you think that we are going to do it with you now, will we suppress the realm?"

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