The Immortal Taoist

Vol 4 Chapter 214: Yu Tianyuan's insistence

"Sorry, your opponent is not me, but her!"

Lingdao pointed to the distance and said that there is no one in the air, but he said that there is something wrong with it, so that the dragon's Tianzun is a glimpse. It didn't take long before he came to the demon domain. He felt that someone was following him, and he was sure that he was a woman.

This woman's strength is very strong, otherwise it is impossible to win the Yutianyuan. However, this woman is not malicious, and Lingdao has not said to Yu Tianyuan. Now just let her deal with the Dragon's Tianzun, after all, tracking Lingdao for so long, always pay a price?

"Bad boy, are you playing us?"

"It doesn't matter what you say today, we must kill you."

"Yes, whoever comes will not save you, your life, we want it."

The Tianzun of the Dragons came one after another toward Lingdao, and the Lingdaowei was tight. Don't say that Lingdao is only in the middle of Tianzun, even if Lingdao breaks through to the end of Tianzun, it is still useless. Among them, not only are they too esteemed, but they also have tyrants.

Compared with the general Emperor's power, the Dragons must be stronger. Last time, Ling Dao met the Dragon Supreme in Tianhu Holy Land, and now he has encountered the tyrant. Some emperor forces, too Tianzun can be respected, but unfortunately in the Dragon, Ba Tianzun can not be said to respect.

"What qualifications does the Dragon Family have to scatter in my demon field? He is right, your opponent is me!"

It’s not someone else who keeps track of Lingdao. It’s the goddess of heaven and earth. Different from the last time, this time, the elders of Tianlingwei clearly told Tianlingwei to let her guarantee the safety of Lingdao. Lingdao is dangerous now, she can't sit and watch.

“I am very curious, how did you find me? How do you know that I will help you?”

Tianlingwei is not in a hurry to deal with the Dragon Family Tianzun. With her strength, it is not difficult to solve the Dragon Age. She followed all the way, and Yu Tianyuan, who was in the early days of the Holy King, was still ignorant. Ling Dao in the middle of Tian Zunjing not only knew her existence, but also knew her specific position.

"You don't tell me, why follow me, I don't tell you, how to find you."

Lingdao only knows that Tianlingwei tracks himself and does not know why Tianlingwei will help himself. However, since Tianlingwei is willing to help himself, it is better. Tian Yao domain was originally the site of the Tian Yao family, and the dragon warriors could not be well detained in the Tian Yao domain.

Yu Tianyuan, who is fighting the dragon's strongman, is also relieved. As long as Lingdao is fine, he can safely deal with the dragon strong. At the moment, Yu Tianyuan broke out completely, and the blood knife was in his hand, sweeping all directions. Even the dragon strongman in the late period of the Holy King also felt a bit of pressure.

At the beginning, the two heavenly disciples chosen by the Emperor of the Happy, one was Wei invincible and the other was Yu Tianyuan. Wei invincible as a tyrant, became the apprentice of the emperor, and other warriors can understand. Can Yu Tianyuan, a Xuan Tianzun, why can he be an apprentice of the Emperor of the Happy, and other warriors do not know what is going on.

Lingdao is now faintly eye-catching. Although Yutianyuan has not become a goddess, Yutianyuan has a strong fighting instinct. If Yu Tianyuan and Wei Wudi are the same as Tianzun, Wei Invincible is definitely not an opponent of Yu Tianyuan, because Yu Tianyuan is like a war **** reincarnation.

In the late period of the sacred kingdom with Yu Tianyuan, the dragon was strong, but the existence of the prince was killed. The Jade Tianyuan in the early days of the Holy King was able to fight more and more bravely, and was suppressed from the beginning, and now it is evenly matched. If you continue to fight, Yu Tianyuan is likely to turn defeat into victory.

"Which power are you? We have to deal with the things of the dragons? Do you want to die?"

"Do you believe that our dragon army is coming, destroying your nine people? You will not know the strength of our dragons?"

The Dragon is one of the hegemons of the wilderness. It has a long history and a profound heritage. As a result, the dragons’ warriors have simply looked down on the warriors of other forces. Even in the Tianluo domain, the dragon warriors are as uninhibited. However, they forgot that Tian Yao is not a dragon's territory at all.

There are indeed many forces that are afraid of the dragons, but they do not include the demon family. The words of the Dragon Family Tianzun have already annoyed Tianlingwei. Don't say the dragon's celestial being in front of you, even the dragon's Taojun, even the Taoist in person, don't want to destroy the nine people of Tianlingwei.

"Since you are looking for death, then this holy woman will be yours!"

Since Tianlingwei dares to kill the Tianzun of the Dragon, then it certainly does not care that the violence does not reveal identity. The Tian Yao family can be passed down to today, not afraid of any emperor power. If the dragon army is really coming to the Tian Yao domain, then the Tian Yao family will definitely let them come back.

The battle between Dragon and Tianling is completely one-sided. From the beginning, Tianlingwei was a solution to solve a dragon warrior. It was only a moment. The Tianzun around Lingdao died in the hands of Tianlingwei. The murderous dragon warrior came, Tianlingwei did not have the slightest soft hand.

"I can help you unconditionally, but if you want me to help you, you must ask me."

Tianlingwei stood beside Lingdao and said playfully. It is a pity that Lingdao did not ask her for anything. It is not that Lingdao does not care about Yu Tianyuan’s life and death, but Lingdao has confidence in Yu Tianyuan. The dragon strongman who confronted Yu Tianyuan, although he was also a genius, was still worse than Yu Tianyuan.

In particular, Lingdao can feel that Yu Tianyuan has gradually begun to occupy the upper hand, naturally no need to worry about Yu Tianyuan. Lingdao can see that Tianlingwei can see it. I knew that Tianlingwei would not kill the Tianlong of the Guanglong, but let them deal with Yutianyuan.

"The last time you came to the territory of the Yaozu, you can offend a dragon. There is definitely another force in the pursuit of your warrior. I am not in a hurry. Anyway, you will ask me sooner or later, do you believe it or not?"

Dragon warriors can find the Lingdao, and other forces can find it. Tianlingwei believes that there are many forces that want to kill Lingdao. Even in the Tianhu Holy Land, there are strong people who want to get rid of Lingdao. If it wasn’t for Ling Dao’s life, the last time he died in the territory of the Yaozu.

"You count your life, today, I will let you have a horse."

The dragon strongman in the blood-colored armor snorted and no longer confronted Yu Tianyuan, but turned and prepared to escape. It’s just a Yutianyuan, it’s hard to deal with. If Tianlingwei shoots again, he will die. It is important to deal with Lingdao, and it is not important for his own life.

"I want to go now, do I agree?"

Yu Tianyuan quickly waved the blood knife and chased the dragon strongman in the late period of the Holy King. This time, if it wasn’t for Tianlingwei’s help, Lingdao would definitely be a lot less. If the next time, the dragon king in the late Qing Dynasty will come back, it will definitely bring more powerful.

In order to avoid the aftermath, Yu Tianyuan must kill the late King of the Holy Land. Although Yu Tianyuan has already prevailed, it is possible to defeat the late strong king of the Holy Land, but it is absolutely very difficult to kill him.

"Miscellaneous things, I won't kill you, you are not finished yet?"

The dragon strongman in the late period of the Holy King was furious and could no longer care for Tianlingwei, directly showing the strongest school. He is able to kill Daojun, relying on his strongest extermination, but it is very expensive to use. He is not willing to cast a school without a life or death.

If Yu Tianyuan is not chasing after him, he will not consume his blood and cast out his studies. It was already 30 years ago that it was the last time it was performed. Exercising the blood gas consumed by a school, without decades, can not make up.

However, as long as it can kill Yu Tianyuan, the dragon strongman in the late period of the Holy King will feel the value. After he was cast out of school, his momentum was obviously different from the previous one, just like the real Taojun shot. Yu Tianyuan was in front of him and could not stand the time of three.


Yu Tianyuan regressed again and again, and at least there were hundreds of wounds on his body. If the Emperor gave him a sacred shirt, his injury would only be heavier. The reason why he did not give him a device was because the Emperor did not want him to rely too much on foreign objects.

"You are not looking for death, I am now fulfilling you!"

In the late period of the Holy King, the dragon strongman looks awkward, a pair of dragon claws, sharp and incomparable. He shot again, Yu Tianyuan could only avoid, and he did not dare to fight with him. The true dragon family, the body is unparalleled, Lingdao has cultivated a wild and sacred spirit, and indeed can compete with the dragon warriors in the same realm, Yu Tianyuan will not work.

"You help me with my brother, I will tell me how I found you."

The situation of Yu Tianyuan was in jeopardy. Lingdao had to resort to Tianlingwei. In the current situation, only Tianlingwei can help Yutianyuan. If you change to Lingdao's own shot, there is no point at all. Compared with the dragon strongmen in the late period of the Holy King, the Lingdao in the middle of Tianzun’s territory is too wide.

If Tianlingwei can help, it would be better, if Tianlingwei does not help, Lingdao had to personally take the shot. Even if I know that I have shot, there is no effect, Lingdao will still help Yu Tianyuan. As long as Lingdao is willing to work hard, although it is impossible to use the dragon strong in the late Wangwangjing, it will definitely be no problem to help Yutianyuan fight for a while.

"Well, I will help you once."

When Tiantian Lingwei was ready to shoot, Yu Tianyuan shook his head. Although Yu Tianyuan’s situation is very miserable, Yu Tianyuan still refused Tianlingwei’s help. It’s not that Yu Tianyuan doesn’t know how to live or die, nor is it that Yu Tianyuan doesn’t want to owe Tianlingwei, but he needs to be ruined.

"Teacher, don't you believe me? How can a dragon strongman in the late Qing Dynasty be killed?"

From small to large, Yu Tianyuan did not know how many life and death crises he experienced. However, until now, Yu Tianyuan still lived well, and his opponents died one after another in his hands. The dragon strongman in the late period of the Holy King is certainly strong, but Yu Tianyuan believes that he cannot die in the hands of the dragon strongman in the late period of the Holy King.

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