The Immortal Taoist

Vol 4 Chapter 225: Chaotic incompetence

Yu Tianyuan’s injuries are getting heavier and heavier, and it’s hard to find a good place. However, his warfare has not only weakened, but has become stronger and stronger. He can be seen by the emperor, and naturally there is a place where he is powerful, or else the emperor will accept him.

After the end of the sacred kings, the Dragon Powers gradually declined. In contrast, Yu Tianyuan, although seriously injured, but the strength is steadily improving. The dragon strongman in the late period of the Holy King only felt that the scalp was numb. What kind of monster did he provoke?

"I didn't expect that your brother is actually chaotic and immortal. It is no wonder that he is not afraid of death. Even if it is the strong king of the Holy King, it is impossible to kill the chaos of the pre-Sacred King."

After all, Tianlingwei is the saint of the demon family. She knows more and more, and she knows more than Lingdao. Moreover, the Tian Yao family once had a chaotic immortal body, and it is the strongest emperor of the Tian Yao family except the ancestors.

There is a saying in the three thousand territories, either don't offend the chaos, or directly kill the chaotic invincible body. If the chaotic immortal body is half-dead, the chaotic immortal body may go further. Chaos does not destroy the body is not a strong ability to recover, but after the chaos is not destroyed, it can improve the strength.

"Chaos does not destroy the body?"

Lingdao still just knows that Yu Tianyuan is a chaotic immortal body. Unfortunately, he has only seen congenital indestructible bodies. Fortunately, Tianlingwei did not sell off, and quickly told her about the chaotic indestructible things, and told Lingdao. After knowing the power of chaos, Lingdao was relieved.

The battle between Yu Tianyuan and the Dragon King in the late Qing Dynasty is nearing the end. The dragon strongman in the late period of the Holy King was completely beaten by Yu Tianyuan, and hundreds of rounds were down. His injury was no lighter than Yu Tianyuan. However, his strength is getting worse and worse, and Yu Tianyuan’s strength is getting stronger and stronger.


Taking a deep breath, Yu Tianyuan took the knife in both hands and took out a strong knife. The blood knife seems to have turned into a blood dragon, and instantly swallows up the dragon strong in the late Kings. In the late period of the Holy King, the dragon strongman only had time to make a scream, and then he died under the knife of Yu Tianyuan.

At this point, the dragon warriors who came to deal with Lingdao were completely annihilated. Except for the death of the Dragon King, the other dragons are dead in the hands of Tianlingwei. Tianling Wei killed the Dragon Family Tianzun, without any effort, not like Yu Tianyuan killed a dragon king, was beaten to death.

"Senior brother, if you go back first, I am no problem going to the Tianhu Holy Land alone."

Yu Tianyuan does not follow Lingdao, in fact, no difference. There is Yu Tianyuan beside Lingdao, and the forces that deal with Lingdao will send strongmen, entangled Yutianyuan, and even remove Yutianyuan. No Yutianyuan is at Lingdao, and the forces that deal with Lingdao will only send Tianzun to solve the Lingdao.

"No, Master asked me to come to the territory of the Yaozu, in order to sharpen me. If I go back now, isn’t it a good intention to disappoint Master?"

The courage to let the emperor let Yu Tianyuan come to the territory of the Yaozu, is to Yutianyuan to resist. How many forces are sinful, and it is impossible for the Emperor to be ignorant. As long as Yu Tianyuan is next to Lingdao, there will definitely be one strong and another strong shot on him.

After all, Yu Tianyuan is only in the early stage of the holy kingdom. Among the great powers of the great emperor, there are countless powerful ones. Fortunately, the great emperor forces have already known that Yu Tianyuan is the apprentice of the Emperor of the Happy, and they will only let the Holy King deal with Yu Tianyuan.

Three days later, Ling Dao and Yu Tianyuan once again met a group of strong people, who came from the Tianzhu family. There are not many strong people from the Scorpio family, only two sacred kings. One of them is the late King, and the other is the Seven Kings. The late King of the Scorpio family was against Yu Tianyuan, and the Seven Temples of the Holy King was to stop Tianlingwei.

In order to distinguish the peak of the king's kingdom, according to the number of the temple, directly named. The holy king who has five temples is called the Five Kings, and he is placed in the heavenly court. The seven kings who came to the temple, with seven temples, placed in heaven and respect, is Taitianzun.

The three celestial gods of the Scorpio family are Datianzun, Xuantianzun, and Taitianzun, one is stronger than one. In the middle of the Lingdao talents, the Tianzhu family let them have three talents to ensure that they are foolproof. It would be great if the great Tianzun of the Scorpio family could kill the Lingdao.

"You are offending the human empire of my Scorpio?"

The opening is the Tiantian Zun's Datianzun, Yongzheng Feng, although he now has only five Tianfu, but he has the potential to become a genius of the tyrants. At the beginning, he refused to deal with the Terran warriors in the middle of Tianzun. He heard that the other party was a emperor and he agreed.

If you can kill a human empire, Yong Zhengfeng will definitely be famous. Especially he also heard that Lingdao killed other emperors. In other words, Lingdao is even more powerful than the average emperor. It’s just that the demon emperor didn’t dare to kill, and some people’s emperors sent it to the door, no matter how good.

"and then?"

Lingdao squinted his head and asked impatiently. First of all, the dragons, and then the Scorpio family, do not know how many emperor forces are coming. Last time, he went back from the fox sacred place, and there were a group of strong men chasing him. I didn’t expect to come again now.

What he didn't know was that Tai Xuan Dao was on his way, and he was getting closer and closer. As long as the Taoist Taoist finds him, he will be taken directly to the Holy Land. The strongest of the Scorpio family will be the last strong person who can chase him, and the other powerful forces sent by the emperor's power can only fly empty.

"And then? You ask me then?" Yan Zhengfeng laughed, and said arrogantly, "Then you will die under my iron fist, I am the peerless genius who killed the Terran prince, hahaha..."

When he thought that the emperor's emperor was about to die in his own hands, Yan Zhengfeng was excited. Standing next to him, Xuan Tianzun and Tai Tianzun are envious of one face. Although they also want to shoot, but the top leaders of the Scorpio have long ordered, unless they are defeated, they are not allowed to do it.

"You are the brother of Lingdao?"

The late Sacred King of the Scorpio family came over to Yu Tianyuan. Although the Emperor's apprentice was not comparable to the Emperor's own son, the ability to kill the Emperor's apprentice was also quite remarkable. Maybe after killing Yu Tianyuan, he will be able to get the appreciation of the high-ranking people of Tianzhu.

"Yes, you want to kill me, I will kill you too. Do not talk nonsense, do it."

Only the strongest of the sacred kings who killed the Scorpio family, Yu Tianyuan was able to vacate his hand to help Lingdao deal with the Tianzun family. After all, there are only two Tianfu in Lingdao. If Taitian Zun of Tianzhu is to deal with Lingdao, Yutianyuan will not be assured.

Not waiting for the strongest of the sacred kings of the Tianzhu family, Yu Tianyuan took the initiative to kill the past. The late powers sent by the Scorpio family are certainly not a general generation, and they are not allowed to be a little bit of a big idea. Fortunately, Yu Tianyuan is a chaotic immortal body. The late King of the Scorpio family wants to kill Yu Tianyuan, which is simply impossible.

"His Royal Highness, I hope you give me a face, don't intervene."

The seven kings of the Scorpio family did not mean to do with Tianlingwei, unless Tianlingwei first shot him, otherwise he would not hurt Tianlingwei. The dragons are not afraid of the Tianxue family. They do not mean that the Tianzhu family is not afraid of the Tianxue family. Compared with the Tianxue family, the Tianzhu people are obviously a lot worse.

If Tianlingwei has three long and two short, the Scorpio family will definitely have a bad mold. Especially the great emperor who sits in the Tianxue family has not played out for many years, his strength, tyrannical can not imagine. The Emperor of the Scorpio family is not a level at all compared to the Emperor of the Tianxue family.

"Why should this saint give you face? What do you count?"

Tianling Wei sneered and said, did not give the face of the Seven Temples of the Scorpio family. But it is also true that the seven kings of the Scorpio family are in front of her, and there is really no place to say. On the origin, the seven kings of the Tianzhu family are not as good as the Tianling Wei, on the strength, the seven kings of the Tianzhu family are also not as good as the Tianling.

I have to say that the Scorpio family really underestimated the strength of Tianlingwei. It is impossible to wrap a heavenly king with only a seven-sacred king. Fortunately, although Tianlingwei did not give the face of the Seven Temples of the Scorpio, she did not have the temperament of the Tianzhu family.

"Lingdao, if I help you, you answer my question unconditionally, how?"

The thing that Tianlingwei wants to know most is why Lingdao can get the favor of the eyes of the ancestors. As for why Lingdao can find her, she can know the best, can't know, and there is nothing to tangled.

"No, just a dog, I can handle it."

Lingdao’s words not only annoyed Yong Zhengfeng, but also annoyed the other two Tianzun. If there were any orders from the top of the Scorpio family, the Xuantian Zun Tian and Zun Tianzun of the Scorpio family would have already shot, and they would have unloaded eight blocks. The thing they hate most is that other warriors say they are dogs.

"I was still prepared to give you a good time. Now I am changing my mind. If you don't want to ruin your life, I won't be surnamed!"

Yong Zhengfeng roared, and the double fists turned into two beasts, rushing toward Lingdao. On top of his head, there are five Tianfu, shining with red gold. He did not use any martial arts, just a punch, the first move, he would try to explore the depth of the road.

The strength of the eight thousand dragons broke out, as if they could crush a mountain. Hundreds of ways, condensed into a shadow of the sky, flooding the road. The 800-meter-long world and the earth are all pressing toward Lingdao. To die, you should press Lingdao into a meatloaf.

"Do you have this ability?" Lingdao snorted and snorted. "You don't want to be a surname, you change your name to the dog. Maybe after your surname, the name is more powerful."

The mouth is easy to say, in fact, Lingdao is not at ease. The strength of Yong Zhengfeng, although not comparable to the sixth in the Xianyi Palace, but now he can not be one. Just a body now, wanting to defeat Yongzheng Peak is no easy task.

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