The Immortal Taoist

Vol 4 Chapter 252: Can I gamble?

"I am mad at me, he is a human race, how can the speed of the Tianzhu Tower far exceed me?"

The dragon's tyrant is shy and angry, and the shame is that he passes the speed of the Tianzhu Tower, which is several levels slower than Lingdao. The anger is the ability of his tyrants, and he even took Lingdao a late Tianzun. Lingdao was late than his time on the third floor, and the result was in front of him, passing the third layer of test.

Finally, the Dragon’s Ba Tian Zun passed the test of the third layer. When going to the fourth floor, Ling Dao just left the fourth floor. The dragon's tyrants rugged a spurt, passing the test of the fourth layer at the fastest speed, and came to the fifth floor, even the shadow of Lingdao did not see.

You should know that every level of the Tianzhu Tower is more difficult to test. As a result, the speed of the road through the fifth layer is faster than the speed through the fourth layer. Now that he wants to kill the Lingdao in the Tianzhu Tower, it is already impossible.

Lingdao is not on the sixth floor, but on the seventh floor. You must know that the Tianzhu Tower has only nine floors, and it is already rare. In addition to Lingdao, there are only three warriors on the seventh floor, which are from the Phoenix family, the Shengyi family and the bamboo family.

"Go up again, don't know which genius is the genius of the emperor."

The phoenix family, the sacred family and the bamboo family’s Tianzun have come to Lingdao. What shocked them was that Lingdao was not a demon warrior, and Lingdao had only three Tianfu. You must know that they are not tyrants, they are the lord of heaven, and the strength of Lingdao is not at one level compared to them.

"I am very curious, how did you come up with the Terran Warrior? When we came to the Tianzhu Tower, didn't you still have it?"

Ling Dao came to the seventh floor behind them, and they were in the front six floors, and they did not encounter human warriors. In other words, Lingdao may be faster than them by the speed of the first six layers. Let's not say that they can't afford to win the human warriors. They are simply the realm of Lingdao, and they can't accept it.

Although the less Tianfu is owned, the weaker the weather is, but this rule has no advantage for Tianfu, who has less Tianfu. Because there is less Tianfu in Tianfu, the strength is weaker. Lingdao can come to the seventh floor, which is enough to show that he can beat most Tianzun in the late Tianzun.

"Through the test of the first six layers, it is natural to come up. Are you using other methods?"

How strong is the ancestor of the Phoenix, the Shengyi and the Bamboo, Lingdao is not unaware. However, it is impossible to let him bow to the tyrants or to the heavens. Even if the celestial family of the phoenix, the sacred family, and the bamboo family are strong, they will be obsessed with life and death.

Of course, if the phoenix, the sacred family, and the bamboo family's Tianzun did not take the shot, Lingdao would not take the initiative to provoke them. It’s no different from looking for death in the late days of Tian Zun’s cultivation. He came to the Tianzhu Tower to temper Tianfu, not to be too long.

The three blue thunders, like bamboo branches, stabbed toward the three Tianfu of Lingdao. After the first six layers of tempering, Lingdao's Tianfu intensity has exceeded the past. However, it is still being pierced by three cyan thunders with three thick holes.

Fortunately, Lingdao has discovered that the Tianfu of the Phoenix family, the Shengyi family and the bamboo family’s Tianzun are all riddled with holes. For the tyrants and the celestial respects, it is still a very difficult test, and Lingdao does not feel that he can easily pass. The same is the tyrants, the tyrants of the bamboo family and the tyrants of the phoenix family, giving Lingdao a feeling that is stronger than the dragon's tyrant.

"Good personal boy, it is a bit of a skill. It is said that many Tianzun came up, directly smashed Tianfu by Tianlei, I did not expect your Tianfu, just poked a small hole."

I don't know if it is because Lingdao only has the late Tianzun period. The bamboo family's Ba Tianzun didn't like Lingdao at first. I didn't expect the situation of Lingdao to be better than when he just came up. We must know that the suppression of the bamboo martial artists in the Dream Bamboo World is the smallest.

Perhaps outside, the tyrants of the phoenix family are more powerful than the tyrants of the bamboo family. However, in the world of dream bamboo, the tyrants of the phoenix family want to defeat the tyrants of the bamboo family, which is basically impossible. After all, the dream bamboo big world is the world of bamboo warriors. Although the bamboo kingdom is the warrior of the Tianzhu domain, the dream bamboo big world itself belongs to the bamboo family of the Tianzhu domain.

"However, the test just now is just an appetizer. Next, it is the real thing."

Just after the words of the Phoenix family’s tyrants, dozens of blue thunders are squatting. There are one small hole after another in the three Tianfu of Lingdao. If this is the case, the three Tianfu of Lingdao will be destroyed sooner or later. Now for Lingdao, there are only two options.

One is that Lingdao is now leaving the Tianzhu Tower. Only in the Tianzhu Tower, it is necessary to accept the test of the Tianzhu Tower. Once you leave the Tianzhu Tower, the test of the Tianzhu Tower will cease to exist. The other one is that Lingdao is hard to resist, either let Tianfu break back and regenerate, or let Tianfu disappear.

Lingdao didn't think about it, and made up his mind to make his three heavenly houses stronger on the seventh floor. To kill his god, do not know how many, all opportunities to enhance strength, even if there is danger, he can not give up. What's more, the Yaozu Tianzun can persist, why can't he persist?

He is selectively neglecting the gap between himself and the Phoenix family, the bamboo family, and the sacred family. The time of Ba Tianzun and Zhitian Zun to cultivate Tianfu is far from what he can compare. He has only become a long time for Tianzun, and even the phoenix family, the bamboo family and the holy family are not worth a fraction.

"Human boy, you still go, although I see the Terran is not pleasing to the eye, but I am not going to start with you in the later days."

The tyrants of the Phoenix family reminded Lingdao that it was not because of anything else, but because of Lingdao’s body, he had a comfortable atmosphere. Anyway, she will not help Lingdao, Lingdao listens to her words, does not listen to her words, she has no loss at all.

"Thank you for your kindness, but you don't have to leave, I don't need it."

Lingdao sat on the ground, and he was running wildly and arrogantly, as if he had become a wild and savage beast, and he was more fierce than the phoenix family. More and more blue thunders descend from above the sky, even if Lingdao keeps repairing the damage of Tianfu, it still can't keep up with the speed of destruction of Tianfu.

"You guys have something to say, right, the dog bites Lu Dongbin, I don't know the good heart. Although you didn't bite me, my good heart is indeed treated as a liver and lung."

The phoenix family’s tyrannical whispered, although her realm is very high, her heart is no different from teenage girls. The time she cultivated does not know what Lingdao can compare, but the battle that Lingdao has experienced is not the same as her.

She was born, the phoenix of the Phoenix family. Her cultivation speed, I do not know how many phoenix geniuses can not lift their heads. Even though she has not experienced any life and death training, she has still cultivated eight Tianfu. Moreover, her potential is still not exhausted. As long as she goes further, she is the best.

Even in the Phoenix family, the Heavenly Respect is still very rare. For hundreds of years, or thousands of years, one can come to Heaven. After all, the Phoenix family is one of the hegemons of the wilderness period. I don’t know how many demons’ powers can only be ignored. The probability of the Phoenix family appearing to Tianzun is definitely much greater than that of the general Yaozu.

"Haha, you still don't persuade him. I think he is a cocky madman. When his three heavens disappeared, he couldn't cry when he was."

The bamboo family’s Ba Tianzun said with a smile, although Ling Dao’s performance at the beginning made him look at Lingdao. But now, Lingdao does not know how to advance and retreat, so that his good impression of Lingdao is turned into nothing. He felt that Ling Dao and many arrogant geniuses were carved out in a mold.

If Lingdao is a bamboo warrior, he has already blasted Lingdao. However, Lingdao is not a bamboo warrior, but a human warrior. Don’t let the Tianfu of Lingdao disappear, even if it is the life and death of Lingdao, it has nothing to do with him. When the Phoenix family’s tyrants advised Ling Dao, she did not open her mouth.

"It's not as good as how we gamble. We bet on how long he can hold on. I guess for a quarter of an hour, this is already very high," What about you?"

Being idle is also idle, and the proposal of the bamboo tyrants has instantly aroused the interest of the phoenix family and the sacred family to Tianzun. In the later period, Tianzun was able to adhere to a quarter of an hour. It is already a very high evaluation. The key point is that Lingdao is not comparable to the general late Tianzun.

The Tiantian Zun of the Phoenix family and the Tianzun of the Shengyi family did not immediately give an answer, but observed the three Tianfu of Lingdao. What makes them strange is that the test of Tianzhu Tower to Lingdao is getting stronger and stronger. In the beginning, it was only a test for the late Tianzun, and now it is a test of Taitianzun.

"He can't hold on for a quarter of an hour. I think he can only stick to one hundred breaths."

The time given by the sacred family of the sacred family is much shorter than that of the bamboo lord. However, the bamboo family’s tyrants not only did not refute, but also looked remorse. If the bamboo tyrants are now guessed, he can't guess for a quarter of an hour.

"One hundred breaths should be timed, I guess three hundred breaths."

Although the test of the Tianzhu Tower to Lingdao is far beyond the repair of Lingdao. However, the tyrants of the Phoenix family can see that the three Tianfu of Lingdao, even if compared with the Tianfu of Tiantianzun, are only strong and weak. Perhaps, Ling Dao can really create a miracle, and can stick to three hundred breathing time.

"Your gambling, can I participate?" Lingdao smiled hard and then said, "I gamble that I can pass the test of the seventh floor, can't I?"

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