The Immortal Taoist

Vol 4 Chapter 253:

Lingdao is not ready to leave the seventh floor of the Tianzhu Tower, then he can only try to pass the test. Otherwise, his three Tianfu and the four magical temples of the swordsman are likely to be destroyed by more and more blue thunder. For the Phoenix family, the Shengyi family and the bamboo family Tianzun, there is no loss for him.

Win, he is earning, losing, he may die under test. At that time, no matter what the phoenix, the sacred and the bamboo family, and the gambling of him, it is useless. How can it be that a phoenix, a sacred family, and a bamboo family can also treat a dead person?

"It's not that we don't let you gamble, just, are you a little late Tianzun, can you afford it?"

The tyrannical tyrant of the phoenix family stunned Lingdao and took out a piece of holy weapon as a bet. Since it is a bet, there must be a bet. She has a holy weapon because she has killed the Holy King. Lingdao, a late Tianzun, certainly can't kill the sacred king.

The bamboo lord of the bamboo family took out a bamboo branch. Although his bamboo branches were not holy weapons, the feelings for other warriors were even worse than the sacred weapons of the phoenix family. Did not wait for other military questions, the bamboo family's tyrants are smugly introduced.

"This bamboo branch was taken from a Taoist of my bamboo family. If it is to be sacrificed, let alone the holy weapon, and even the possibility of becoming a Taoist."

Of course, it is certainly not a simple matter to refine the bamboo branches of the bamboo tyrants. However, the bamboo branches of the bamboo tyrants are indeed a good material for the refining. If the swordsman uses the swordsmanship of the big day and smelts it into the sword of the people, it can make the power of Wang Jian far better than before.

"Since you are so generous, then I must not be stingy." The sacred sect of the sacred family is not the weapon, but the medicinal herb. "Sacred medicinal herbs, Shengyuandan, can make Tianzun's Tianfu faster. Turned into the temple of the Holy King."

Shengyuandan, which is prepared by the sacred sage of the sacred family, is the limit of the celestial world. The next thing he has to do is to break through to the holy kingdom. There is no such thing as God's respect, and he has never thought about it. After all, no gods have surpassed the limits of heaven.

The gambles of the phoenix family, the tyrants of the tyrants, the tyrants of the bamboo family, and the sacred sacred family, are the sacred weapons, the part of the lord, and the holy medicinal herbs. If Lingdao wants to bet with them, Tianpin weapons are definitely not enough to watch. Fortunately, after Lingdao is the emperor of Lingjia, it is impossible to find something comparable to the holy weapon and the holy drug.

"You can afford it, why can't I gamble?"

The speed of Lingdao’s speech is getting slower and slower, because the test of Tianzhu Tower is getting stronger and stronger. The law of the seventh layer is similar to the previous layers. As time goes by, the number of thunder is increasing. If the warrior can survive, the number of thunder will continue to increase, and if the warrior can't hold it, the number of thunder will not change.

Only by increasing the number of thunder to a certain extent can the military pass the test. If the number of thunder is always the same, the military can only continue to be tested. Of course, if the Tianfu of the military is destroyed by the thunder in the Tianzhu Tower, the Tianzhu Tower must be immediately immediately, otherwise it will be difficult to protect.

"The chess pieces of the sentient beings are not worse than your holy weapons? Isn't it worse than your holy drug?"

When I left Lingjia last time, the Happy Emperor gave Lingdao a piece of chess. Although Xiaoyao Emperor knew that Lingdao was a two-pointer, he also did not want Lingdao to die in the territory of the Yaozu. In the confrontation between the same realm, the Emperor of the Supreme is not allowed to use the chess pieces. It can only be used if it encounters an enemy that cannot be completely dealt with.

Although knowing the Ling family's demon warriors, it is only a minority. However, the battle between the emperor and the seven emperors was still amazed by many demon emperors. The things about the chessboards of all beings have already been spread, and the horrors of the chessboards of all sentient beings have been heard by many warriors of the Imperial Power.

"What a joke? How can you have a board of all beings?"

One hundred unbelievers of the tyrants of the phoenix family, the chessboard of all beings is not only the emperor, but also the leader among the emperors. Even if Lingdao took out only one piece of the chessboard of all beings, it is still a very bad thing, provided that the pieces of Lingdao must be true.

"I know that the chessboard of all beings is in the hands of a great emperor. Don't tell us that you are a piece of chess stolen under the eyes of a great emperor."

He said that Lingdao is only in the late period of Tianzun, even if he is in the late stage of the kingdom, it is still impossible to steal the things of the Great. The means of the Great Emperor is far from being comparable to that of the Tao. In the presence of the Emperor, Tianzun is just an ant. The tyrants of the bamboo family are the same as the tyrants of the phoenix family. They do not believe what Lingdao said.

"Of course I can't steal the pieces under the eyes of the Emperor, but the great man with the chessboard is my father."

While Ling Dao speaks, he urges the blood, and the majesty of the emperor is filled. The majesty of the great emperor stems from its own strength, and the majesty of the emperor is purely a matter of opportunity. When Lingdao urges the blood, it gives a feeling of being in the presence of a happy emperor. Even if his majesty is not enough for one thousandth of the emperor, the tyrants of the phoenix family, the tyrants of the bamboo family, and the sacred family of the sacred family still feel uncomfortable.

Although the tyrants of the phoenix family, the tyrants of the bamboo family, and the sacred people of the sacred family do not know that Lingdao is true or false, they can be sure that one thing is that Lingdao is indeed the biological son of the great emperor. Others can be fake, and the blood of the emperor can not be faked.

"Well, since it is a chess piece of the sentient beings, then we are betting you!"

The sacred family's sacred sacredness promised, and the real sentient chess board is definitely higher than the value of Shengyuandan. Since Ling Dao is the biological son of the Emperor, then he can not recognize other great emperors as fathers. The emperor has the pride of the emperor, and he believes that Lingdao has no lie.

In fact, the great emperor who has the chessboard of all beings is indeed the father of Lingdao. Lingdao did not deceive the sacred people of the sacred family, nor did he deceive the tyrants of the bamboo family and the tyrants of the phoenix family. The problem is that the Emperor of the Sorrow deceived the people of the world, including some warriors and demon warriors.

However, the value of Lingdao's chess pieces is not low. Inside the chess piece, there is an attack of the emperor. It can be said that the chess piece of Lingdao is a forbidden device and it is a terrible ban. If the chess pieces break out, the tyrants of the phoenix family, the tyrants of the bamboo family, and the tyrants of the sacred family do not use the cards, only one dead end.

"You still hand over the bet, I am afraid that you will not accept the account."

Lingdao’s words led to the sacred glory of the sacred family. The tyrants of the phoenix family and the tyrants of the bamboo family were equally dissatisfied. Fortunately, the sacred family of the sacred family took the lead to surrender the sacred medicinal herbs, and the tyrants of the phoenix family and the tyrants of the bamboo family could only honestly hand over the bet.

The reason why they did not let Lingdao hand over the bet is because they have absolute strength to deal with Lingdao. If Lingdao is ready to pay the bill, they will not only have to take away the bet of Lingdao, but also kill Lingdao on the spot. Although the identity of the Emperor is extraordinary, Lingdao is not the emperor of the Yaozu.

The emperor's emperor and the demon's emperor are in a different position in the hearts of the demon warriors. In the same way, the emperor of the Yaozu and the emperor of the Terran are indeed different in the hearts of the Terran warriors. Tianzun of the Immortal Palace dared to pursue the killing of the Tao, and it was the order of the Seven Kings.

Otherwise, the strongman who is far beyond the realm of Lingdao will not dare to deal with Lingdao blindly. The emperor’s power that has the great emperor’s seat is absolutely not to be underestimated. Even if Lingjia became a powerful force for a short time, once Lingjia started to go crazy, other emperor forces also had headaches.

The owner of Lingxiaoge Court hated Lingjia more than the Seven Kings, and still did not fight with Lingjia. Of course, the seven killing emperors must be more hateful than the Linglong cabinet, after all, Lingdao has killed the two sons of the seven killed emperors. Last time, if it wasn’t for the emperor’s emperor to show the power of letting the seven emperors be jealous, Ling Dao had already died.

"He can't win, really gamble, or three of us."

Whether it is the tyrants of the phoenix family, or the celestial respect of the sacred family, or the tyrants of the bamboo family, there is no way to put Lingdao in the eye. Not to mention strength, not to mention the realm, just bet, they did not put Lingdao and they at a level.

What makes them happy is that more and more blue thunder is coming to Lingdao, and the scars on the three Tianfu are dense. If it is not the hard support of Lingdao, the three Tianfu may not be the same. It is very likely that in the next moment, Lingdao will not be able to support it.

The tyrants of the Phoenix family think that what she really wants to be wary of is the sacred sage of the sacred family and the tyrant of the bamboo family. Lingdao is impossible to win, the key is his bet, only one. The chess pieces of the sentient beings, she wants, the sacred ancestors of the sacred family and the tyrants of the bamboo family cannot be unwilling.

Really sure to grab the chessboards of all living beings, or the sacred family. If you are alone, whether it is the tyrant of the Phoenix family or the tyrant of the bamboo family, it is not the opponent of the sacred family to the heavenly lord. The gap between the tyrants and the heavens is still quite obvious.

"It's not as good as the two of us to join hands, first defeat the sacred family of the sacred, and then rely on the ability, how?"

If it is outside, the bamboo family's tyrants can't make such a suggestion, because he and the phoenix family's tyrants join hands, still not the opponent of the sacred family to Tianzun. Fortunately, the world of Mengzhu is not the same. As a bamboo martial artist, he is suppressed, which is smaller than the genius of the phoenix family and the sacred family.

As long as they join forces with the tyrants of the Phoenix family to solve the sacred ancestors of the sacred family, then the tyrants of the bamboo family will solve the genius of the phoenix, and the chess pieces of the patriarchal chessboards are not the objects of the bamboo tyrants. In the world of dream bamboo, is it true that the tyrants of the Phoenix family can still be the opponents of the bamboo family?

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