The Immortal Taoist

Vol 4 Chapter 254: You have lost

"You lost, more than one hundred breaths."

The bamboo family’s tyrants said with a smile, the former sacred family’s sacred priest said that Lingdao could not support a hundred breaths, and now Lingdao has spent 120 breaths. The tyrants of the phoenix family came to the side of the bamboo tyrants. In the event of the sacred sacred sacred sect of the sacred family, she and the tyrants of the bamboo family joined forces to think that they could block the sacred family.

"I have to admit that this Terran kid is more powerful than I thought. Later, Tian Zun was able to withstand the test of the level of Tai Tian Zun, and he was able to stick to more than one hundred breaths. It was me, could it be done, or it was unknown."

Although the sacred family of the sacred family did not want to admit it, the sacred road in the late Tianzun was indeed more powerful than when he was in the late Tianzun. If Lingdao is as good as him, he must be on the battle with Ling Dao Zhengda. It is a pity that there are only three Tianfu in Lingdao, and the Tianzun of the Shengyi family is really uninterested.

"I lost, but it does not mean that you can win. If I remember correctly, one of you guessed the time of three hundred breaths, one guess was a quarter of an hour. In case he only insisted on two hundred breaths, Are you two guys who want to lose?"

From the current situation, it is difficult for Lingdao to insist on three hundred breathing hours. The three Tianfu of Lingdao, with more and more scars, can be turned into countless pieces at any time. The sacred ancestors of the sacred family are willing to gamble and lose. However, if the phoenix family’s tyrants and the bamboo tyrants do not win, he will rob the chess pieces of the sentient beings without any problems.

The tyrants of the Phoenix family and the tyrants of the bamboo family are not confident to win, otherwise they do not have to go to Lingdao. When the Tianfu of Lingdao is broken, they will shoot for the first time, slay Lingdao, and then let Lingdao hand over the chess pieces of the sentient beings.

"Hey, more than two hundred breaths of time, I am not hopeless to win."

The tyrannical lord of the phoenix family smiled very happily. The bamboo family’s tyrants were not familiar with her, and she knew very well the sacred family’s sacred statue. As long as Ling Dao insists on the time of three hundred breaths, the sacred sage of the sacred family will certainly not rob the chess pieces of the sentient beings. It is simply the tyrant of the bamboo family, and the tyrant of the phoenix family has the confidence to cope.


However, precisely at this time, the three Tianfu of Lingdao blasted. The smile of the Phoenix family's tyrants is instantly stuck on the face. Lingdao only insists on two hundred and sixty-seven breaths. When there is no time for three hundred breaths, the sacred family's sacred **** can't be considered as her win.

The face of the bamboo tyrant is equally ugly, and the phoenix family’s tyrant does not win, which means that he is equally unlikely to win because he guesses it is a quarter of an hour. The three of them and the Lingdao bet, no one wins, who can get the chess pieces of the sentient beings, can only rely on the ability.

The tyrants of the Phoenix family and the tyrants of the bamboo family exchanged a look, then stood around the Lingdao, ready to meet the sacred family. They can't fight alone, and the two of them can't be the opponents of the sacred family to the heavenly lord. If they join hands, they still have a fight.

"No, his Tianfu, how come again?"

Even if the tyrants of the Phoenix family and the tyrants of the bamboo family join forces, the sacred family will not care. To Tianzun has the pride of Tianzun. If the two tyrants can join forces with Tianzun, then he has worked hard to consolidate the ninth Tianfu.

The reason why the sacred family’s sacred ancestors did not shoot was not because of the alliance between the phoenix family and the bamboo tyrants, but because of the three Tianfu of Lingdao, which appeared again in front of him. He clearly saw the three Tianfu smashed by Lingdao. Why did the three Tianfu of Lingdao appear again?

"The so-called broken and standing, not broken, did not think that the test of the Tianzhu Tower, even let my Tianfu have a change."

The three Tianfu of Lingdao exude an ancient atmosphere, which seems to have stood for thousands of years. Hundreds of blue thunders were on his three heavenly palaces, only to make the three heavenly houses shake a few times. The current situation is completely different from the one just now.

“How is it possible? How did he do it?”

Whether it is the sacred ancestors of the sacred family, or the tyrants of the phoenix family, or the tyrants of the bamboo family, they are carefully protecting their Tianfu. However, Lingdao, a junior, and the late warriors in the Tianzun period, actually made a thing they could not do in front of them.

They have not thought about the things that have been broken up. The problem is that once they fail, they will re-consolidate Tianfu. They are so hard to have the achievements of the present, and certainly do not want to come back again. Although re-consolidating Tianfu is much simpler than they used to condense Tianfu, they still have no courage to let go.

"More than three hundred breaths, you lost like me."

The first sacred sage of the sacred family calmed down, not forgetting the jokes of the Phoenix family. Ling Dao, who broke up and stood behind, did not know how much better than before. Previously, Lingdao was struggling to support it. Now, Lingdao is well-versed.

Perhaps, Ling Dao can really hold on for a quarter of an hour, even more than a quarter of an hour. At that time, the sacred ancestors of the sacred family, the tyrants of the phoenix family and the tyrants of the bamboo family did not win, of course, they did not feel that Lingdao could win.

The time of the sacred ancestors, the tyrants of the phoenix family, and the tyrants of the bamboo family persisted for more than a quarter of an hour. However, they want to pass the seventh layer, and it is difficult. Sticking to a quarter of an hour and passing the test of the seventh layer is completely different.

"Time is getting closer and closer, I don't know if I can win. If I win, will the Phoenix family's tyrants join me? She won't join forces with the sacred family, and kill me first?" ”

At the crucial moment, the bamboo family’s tyrants did not want to win. If he won, the phoenix’s tyrants are likely to turn against each other. He and the phoenix family's tyrants teamed up, it is still possible to compete with the sacred family of the celestial respect, just one of him, certainly not enough to see.

Let the bamboo family’s tyrannical sigh of relief, Lingdao not only insisted on a quarter of an hour, but also the three Tianfu had nothing to break. In other words, Lingdao is more than a quarter of an hour, a breeze. As a result, the combination of the bamboo tyrants and the phoenix tyrants is already a matter of ironclad.

The sacred ancestors of the sacred family and the tyrants of the phoenix family and the tycoon of the bamboo family and the gambling of Lingdao did not win. They want the chess pieces of the sentient beings. There is only one way to grab them. Fortunately, Lingdao only has a late stage in Tianzun, which is far from the difference.

"No, you found that there is no, and the blue thunder that is against him is constantly increasing."

The number of cyan thunders against the Phoenix tyrants and the bamboo tyrants and the sacred family to the heavenly lord is fixed, but it is not the case against the blue thunder of Lingdao. If the number of blue thunder has been increasing, it is entirely possible for Lingdao to pass the test of the seventh floor.

"The three of us have not passed the test of the seventh floor. Can he pass the test of the seventh floor in the late Tianzun of a human race?"

"What a joke, we are coming to the seventh floor, it is earlier than him. We have not passed the test of the seventh floor yet. How can he pass?"

The tyrants of the bamboo family and the tyrants of the phoenix family successively said that it is said that Lingdao can pass the test of the seventh layer, and they do not believe one hundred. The problem is that the number of blue thunders that deal with the three Tianfu of Lingdao is indeed increasing as the sacred family to Tianzun said.

"As long as I insist on half an hour, I will definitely be able to pass the seventh floor. Now, we must lower their wariness, otherwise they are likely to start halfway with me."

The three Tianfu, which were broken and stood behind, were more tyrannical than Lingdao’s imagination. However, Ling Dao still pretends to be quite strenuous. With his current strength, it is not the opponent of the Phoenix family and the bamboo tyrants, let alone the sacred family.

The tyrants of the phoenix family and the tyrants of the bamboo family and the sacred ancestors of the sacred family will be fooled, on the one hand because of Ling Dao’s vividness, and on the other hand because they do not believe that Lingdao can Pass the test of the seventh layer.

"Are we shooting now, or wait for him to fail before you shoot?"

The failure of Lingdao is a matter of time, but the tyrants of the Phoenix family and the tyrants of the bamboo family have been waiting impatiently. Fortunately, the seventh layer of the Tianzhu Tower not only has the tyrants of the phoenix family and the tyrants of the bamboo family, but also the sacred family.

Their situation is equivalent to the three-legged, the most noble of the sacred family, but the tyrants of the phoenix family and the tyrants of the bamboo family should not be underestimated. They haven’t started to use it until now because they are jealous of other strong people. The sacred ancestors of the sacred ancestors of the phoenix family and the tyrants of the bamboo family, the tyrants of the bamboo family and the tyrants of the phoenix family also cherish the sacred family.

"I can only take their bet if I don't care."

After almost half an hour, the three Tianfu of Lingdao were once again covered with cracks. Lingdao is pale and has no blood, so it seems that he may fall to the ground at any time. The tyrants of the phoenix family and the tyrants of the bamboo family and the sacred gods of the sacred family are wary of each other, but they are not wary of Lingdao.

Suddenly, Lingdao broke out at the fastest speed and reached out to the phoenix family's tyrants and bamboo tyrants and the sacred family to Tianzun's bet. If the Phoenix family is a tyrant and the bamboo tyrants and the sacred family to the heavenly guards, he can't succeed.

"I won, your bet, all mys!"

After succeeding, Lingdao did not stop at half point, and rushed to the eighth weight of Tianzhu Tower. Of course, the tyrants of the phoenix family and the tyrants of the bamboo family and the sacred sage of the sacred family will certainly not let him succeed.

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