The Immortal Taoist

Vol 5 Chapter 85: Detection

"Don't kill me, beg you not to kill me. If I am dead, my nephew will not let you go."

The elders of the Blood Knife League want to live, they can only beg for mercy, and the Heavenly King of the Blood Knife League has no power in the face of Ling Dao. Even if he tried his best, he would die in Lingdao. Moreover, he is not purely for mercy, but also a threat. Regardless of what Lingdao said before, the great elders of the Blood Knife League still believe that the name of a disciple of disciples can affect Lingdao.

"Hey, what's wrong with you? What happened?"

Fortunately, Situ Wu did not return to the blood knife alliance, or else, when he came, the big elders of the Blood Knife League estimated that there was no bones. The leader of the Bloodblade League, the owner of the Ice Ice Pavilion, the landlord of Yanwulou and the owner of the Wang family successively died under the knife of Xuelingyao. Of course, the great elders of the Blood Knife League will no exception.

"How did the lords die? Who did it?"

Situ Wu only knows that Xue Lingyao is back, and Xue Lingyao is coming back with whom he does not know. The Blood Knife League is the strongest force in Akane Prefecture. It is certainly not difficult to win a Xuelingyao. As a result, the reality is different from what he imagined, and it can even be said to be completely opposite.

"Hey?" The elders of the Blood Knife League first met, and then they overjoyed. "How come you come back? You are coming back, this kid is going to kill me, you will help me kill him!"

Although the strength of Ling Dao is stronger than the imagination of the Elders of the Blood Knife League, the great elders of the Blood Knife Alliance still feel that Situ is stronger. The same is Tian Jun, the Heavenly King of the Blood Knife League is certainly not comparable to the Tian Jun of the one-power. What's more, Situ is still following other strong players, and it is certainly not a problem to deal with Lingdao.

"It's you?!"

Stuart certainly knows Ling Dao. At the beginning, he chased Xue Ling Yao and met Ling Dao. If it is not a critical moment, there is a strong person who helped Lingdao and Xueling Yao, Lingdao has already died in his hands. The death of Xuedao Meng, Hanbinge, Yanwulou and Wangjiawu, he did not think about Lingdao.

The warriors who can be able to slaughter the blood knife alliance, the Hanbing Pavilion, the Yanwu Building and the Wang Jiawu are present at least in Tianzun. The last time he and Ling Dao played against each other, Ling Dao was only a human being. In just a few short years, how can Lingdao become a strong person in heaven?

Normally, Ling Dao is now a good King of Heaven, and it is two different realms from Tian Zun. The blood knife giant elders said that Ling Dao would kill him. Situ Yu thought that the elders of the Blood Knife League were severely wounded and could be killed by Lingdao. If you are alone, Stuart thinks that Ling Dao is definitely not the opponent of the Elders of the Blood Knife League.

"Yes, it is me."

Situ Tu remembers Ling Dao, Ling Dao also remembers Situ. Although Situ's progress is not small, compared with Ling Dao, it is still not enough. Last time, Ling Dao was not an opponent of Stuart. This time, Stuart will not be the opponent of Ling Dao. In the eyes of Ling Dao, Situ Yu of Tian Junjing is no different from the warrior who died in the Blood Knife League.

"Teacher, you said that the first beauty of Chiyun Prefecture is her?"

"I was wrong. The younger brother said that it is right. We should not raise the bar with the younger brother. Who can compare with the five beautiful women of our power?"

"I really didn't think that there is such a beautiful place in a small place like Chiyun. If she became our sister, isn't it the first beauty of our power?"

The Tianzun martial arts behind Situ Yu, one by one, shocked Xue Ling Yao as a heaven. As disciples of a power, their knowledge is certainly not bad. The five beautiful women in their power are all beautiful ones, but there is no difference between them. Compared with Xueling Yao, the five beautiful women in their power are no different from the mediocre powder.

"You brothers, I will take revenge for me first, then we will talk about Xue Lingyao, will you?"

Situ Tuo is only a martial artist of Tian Jun, and naturally he is gracious to the people of Tian Zun. What's more, waiting for his brothers to help, and to destroy the strongest of the blood knife alliance, is certainly not something he can handle alone. He gives the brothers a face, and the brothers will certainly not stand by.

"Let the strong guy behind you come out, just you, I can take your life with one stroke."

Situ Hao of Tianjunjing has long been a thing of the past, and it is no difficulty for him to kill a king of heaven. Without waiting for the Lingdao opening, the Chiyun State Warrior in the distance couldn't help but laugh. The power of Ling Dao, they saw with their own eyes, Situ Wu actually said that a stroke to be the life of Ling Dao, is simply not self-reliant.

"Oh? Is it?" Lingdao has a quirky color and snarls. "Would you like me to make three moves? See if you can take my life. How?"

It’s not Lingdao’s conceit, but Situ’s current strength. Compared with him, it’s not a level at all. Don't say that Lingdao let Situ 寇 three tricks, even if you let Situ 寇 30 strokes, or even three hundred strokes, Situ 寇 寇 寇 寇 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 After all, even in the Tianzun Warrior, Lingdao is standing at the tip of the pyramid.

"you wanna die!"

Lingdao’s contempt, angered Situ, and Situ, who was angry with his shots, was a martial arts martial art. With the cultivation of his heavenly kingdom, the use of Tianpin martial arts is more or less a problem. However, he wants to kill a sneak peek, and he must play a powerful martial arts.

The great elders of the Blood Knife League are full of confidence in Situ, and they believe that the martial arts that Situ will display can definitely solve the Lingdao. Not to mention that Lingdao will be killed directly, at least able to make a serious injury to Lingdao. He is purely blindly convinced that Stuart, if he will tell Stuart after the performance of Lingdao, even if it is Situ, he has no confidence in himself.

"Is he scared? How can he not move?"

"It's no wonder that the warriors who were born in such small places as Chiyun Prefecture are not expected to have seen the martial arts of Tianpin. It is normal to react."

"Let's not care about the younger brother, just look at the girl named Xueling Yao."

The one-powered Tianzun warrior did not put Lingdao in his heart. When Lingdao did not shoot, there was no scent of arrogance. What is the realm of Lingdao, they did not see it, but the age of Lingdao, they can see, very small, in their twenties.

"You have this ability? Is it too weak?"

The martial arts of Shi Tuo's exhibition was played on Ling Dao's body. Don't say that it hits Lingdao. Even Lingdao's clothes are not hurt. Tianpin Wuxue, which was exhibited by Tianjun Wuwu, could not break the defense of Lingdao. Even if the martial arts power of Stuart's display can be stronger, it will not hurt Lingdao.

"How is it possible? It must be the strong shot behind you, to help you block my attack, right? We have two confrontations, why do you want the strong behind you?"

To say that Lingdao is more stubborn than Situ, Stuart will definitely not accept it. Moreover, Situ Wu took it for granted that it was the strong hand behind Ling Dao. In the eyes of Situ, Lingdao is just his defeat. At that time, now is even more. After all, he became a martial artist because he worshipped a force. Lingdao certainly has no similar situation.

"The strong behind?" Lingdao couldn't help but smile and pointed to the **** knife's great elders. "You can ask you, you can deal with the weak, you need to shoot?"

The original Tianzun, who did not pay attention to Lingdao, looked over because they did not feel the breath of other strong people. In the previous situation, there were only two explanations. One was that Lingdao itself was stronger than Situ, and it was much stronger. The other one was the warrior behind Lingdao, at least the strong king of the Holy King, and the realm far surpassed them.

"Hey, only the lord of our Blood Knife League is Xue Ling Yao killed, and the other Heavenly Kings are all dead in his hands. The 18th Heavenly King of our Blood Knife League puts a big squad, and the result is still not His opponent."

The great elders of the Blood Knife League told Stuarts about what happened before. If now, the great elders of the Blood Knife League still insist that Situ is better than Lingdao, and his brain must have problems. Everyone can see that the eye of the eye can be seen, and the strength of Lingdao is better than Situ.

"Your son is coming, just let me send your father and son to **** together."

Lingdao walked toward the big elders of the Blood Knife League and Situ, and did not look at other Tianzun. Tianzun, who came with Situ, had no connection with the fact that Xue’s family was destroyed. As long as they don't deal with Lingdao, Lingdao will not start with them. Of course, if they have to make a fuss for Situ, Lingdao does not mind giving them a lesson.

"You brothers, according to my description, I am afraid not his opponent, I wonder if you can help me kill him?"

Although Situ did not know why it was not seen in a few short years, Lingdao has become Tianzun, but he is not a fool. Since he can't beat Lingdao, then he will definitely not fight with Lingdao. He is not an opponent of Lingdao. Isn’t the Tianzun that he brought, not the opponent of Lingdao?

"Kid, have you heard it? The younger brother let us shoot and kill you. Don't blame us. If you blame, you will blame you and our younger brother for enmity."

"Don't say we bully you, we can let you shoot first, how?"

"You can choose an opponent between us and deal with you. We don't need to join hands, just one person."

The Tianzun people of a product did not quit, and they did not feel how difficult it was to deal with Lingdao. Let them take the shot, they can easily kill the 18th Heavenly King. The preconceived impression made them unconsciously ignoring the Lingdao and did not put Lingdao and themselves in the same position.

"You are leaving now, I can't have seen you." Lingdao swept a stalwart of Tianli, and said without hesitation, "If you don't know each other and help him kill me, then you only have one end." Is death!"

Lingdao is a chance to give Situ’s brothers a life. Unfortunately, Situ’s brothers did not think so. In the eyes of Stuart’s brothers, Ling Dao is so arrogant that they are already Tianzun, even if they are still Tian Jun, they are not comparable to the blood knife alliance.

The small forces like the Blood Knife League are a hundred thousand miles away from the power of one product. They practiced the Tao, and the blood knife alliance's exercises are like a world of difference. The age of Lingdao is even smaller than them. What qualifications do you despise?

Although they are not powerful in their genius, they are the youngest sons of a potential elder. On the status, do not know how much higher than the blood knife alliance's lord, let alone Lingdao such a stranger. They have a lot of people, and what can you count on Tianzun?

"I didn't get it wrong? He actually said that we only have one end, is it dead?"

"I don't know what life and death, with a little strength, I think I am invincible in the world?"

"It seems that he does not see the coffin and does not shed tears. The brothers wait for a moment, and the younger brother will take him to the head!"

Among the disciples of the power, one of the predecessors of the Tianzun period was ready to kill Lingdao. His strength is placed in the early Tianzun, almost at a medium level. Of course, this level is only comparable to the Tianzun of his power, not including other forces.

"I spent three years, and finally I will train the Tianpin Wuxue Dragon Snake. Today, I will let you see the martial arts of a product."

His left hand seems to have turned into a dragon, and his right hand is like a giant. The dragon and the giant python are intertwined, the head and the tail intersect, and the void is blocked, and the opportunity to escape is not given. He has already said to his brothers that it is natural that they will take the time to take down the head of Lingdao.

One of the forces that Situ was invaded, called the God of the Knife, and the dragon and the snake were so famous in the Knife Gate. The **** of the sword, Tian Zun, was amazed after seeing the dragon snake that he exhibited. He doesn't need to use a real sword at all, just the dragon and the giant python that he has made with his hands, it is a comparable sword.

"Teacher, don't worry, that kid will definitely die under the dragon snake. We can help you get rid of the kid, but she must give it to us, understand?"

The head of the **** knife, Tianzun, walked to the side of Situ, and smiled and said to Situ. The "her" in his mouth refers to Xue Lingyao. Xueling Yao is the most beautiful beauty he has ever seen. To say that he is not tempted is simply impossible.

"You are expecting such a weak martial arts to kill me, is it too much to look down on me?"

Lingdao couldn't help but laugh. The dragon snake in the front of the sword was displayed in his eyes. It was a joke. He does not need to use any martial arts, as long as he waved his hand, he can break the dragon snake of the gods in front of the sword. The gap between Tianzun and Lingdao in the early stage of Shendaomen is too big.

Since the predecessor of the Knife Gate had to kill him, then he did not mind sending the gods to the front of the sword. For the warrior who wants to kill himself, Lingdao has never been soft. The kindness to the hostile warrior is cruel to oneself. In front of the **** knife front, Tianzun did not pose any threat to Lingdao.

The majestic palm strength not only shattered the dragon and the giant python, but also repelled the predecessor of the **** knife door. I saw a step forward in the early days of the sacred door, and left a deep footprint in the place. In the early days of Shendaomen, Tianzun retired seven or seventy-nine steps before he removed Lingdao’s palm.

"How is it possible? Your strength is so strong that it is so strong?"

Just in the early days of the Knife Gate, Tian Zun thought that when he escaped, Ling Dao’s palm suddenly broke out in his body. The terrible palm power, the moment the life of the gods in front of the gods. It is not that the body of Tianzun in front of the sword is not strong enough, but the difference between him and Lingdao is too great. Lingdao wants to kill the predecessor of the **** knife door, it can be said that it is effortless.

The other gods of Shendaomen are all dumbfounded, and Situ Xuan is even more shocked and wide-eyed. Although Stuart's talent is good, but now he is not the opponent of the front of the sword. Since Lingdao can kill the predecessor Tianzun of the gods of the sword, then Lingdao can also kill Situ.

Stuart’s brain, cold sweat, fortunately he came back with his brothers. If only he is alone, he is likely to have died in the hands of Lingdao. Stuart did not think that he was not the trajectory of his opponent, but now he is much stronger than him.

"How did he cultivate in the end? Is it a chance to get a big day?"

You must know that Situ was already a disciple of the power. He not only cultivated the Tao, but also had the power to provide resources for him to cultivate, and his talent, now Tianjun. However, Lingdao is completely beyond the common sense, and his cultivation speed is much faster than Situ.

"Just a confrontation, he killed our younger brother? Can he say that he is not in the late days?"

It is possible to kill a Lingdao of the previous Tianzun in one stroke, and they must not pay attention to it. In the case of single-handedly fighting, there is no confidence in the presence of the **** knife door Tianzun. They have to solve the Lingdao, only one way is to join hands. Although it is not a glorious thing to play more and more, it is better than one after another to die in Lingdao.

"Hello, you dare to kill our disciples. Do you know what will happen to killing my disciples?"

"I admit that your strength is very strong, but among us, the swordsman is stronger than you, and countless. You are stronger, but it is only Tianzun. We are not lacking in the door, but not lacking. Holy King, they want to kill you, it’s easy.”

"Of course, killing chickens will not use slaughtering knives, and dealing with the strong people who don't need us at all." It's just us, killing you more than enough."

Tianzun of Shendaomen glanced at each other and walked toward Lingdao. They are crowded and there is no need to be afraid of being alone. It is extremely unacceptable to be able to cultivate to the heavenly environment at the age of Ling Dao. To say that Ling Dao is a strong king of the Holy King, they do not believe in one hundred.

"Kid, you are dead, you have offended the knife door, and we are nowhere in the wilderness."

The elders of the Blood Knife League sneered, and Ling Dao’s first move to kill the gods of the sword, the elders of the Blood Knife League almost laughed. The death of Tianzun in the early stage of the knives means that there is no room for change between Lingdao and Shendaomen. Regardless of the presence of the **** knife door Tianzun can not kill the Lingdao, anyway, Lingdao will die soon in the hands of the swordsman of the knife.

"Do you think that with their group of waste, can you kill me?" Lingdao smiled indifferently and said to the goddess of the knife door. "If you want to die, let's go together and save me time." ""

It is not the Tianzun of Lingdao Xiaoshen’s knife door, but the strength of Lingdao’s present, which is enough to compete with the holy king of the sword. Even the most powerful group of gods from the Knife Gate are not the opponents of Lingdao. Lingdao is the emperor of the emperor's power. Is it a disciple of a powerful force?

"Hurricane! I want to see, how do you resist our killings!"

"I don't know what is so high, and today I will let you see how violent our attack on the sword is."

"The warriors of our knives are mostly good at knives, different knives, and come together. How powerful it is, even our own hearts are not clear."

The gods of the knives in the presence of the gods have been shot, they know that the Lingdao is so powerful, naturally to display the most outstanding school. The next moment, five different knives, was attacked in front of Lingdao. The heavens are rising, and hundreds of thousands of roads are either turned into wind blades or turned into ice skates, stabbing the body of Lingdao.

The blood elders' great elders and Situ Yu retired far away, for fear of being hurt by the aftermath of Lingdao and Shendaomen Tianzun. Situ and the Elders of the Blood Knife League are not only not qualified to play with Lingdao, but even have the ability to stand next to Lingdao. The great elders of Sword League and Situ Wu understand that as long as Lingdao can free up his hand, it is their death.

Situ and the great elders of the Blood Knife Alliance can only pray that Tianzun of the Knife Gate can defeat the Lingdao. Otherwise, if the Taoism solves the gods of the gods, it will certainly not let them both. Situ and the great elders of the Blood Knife League, even if they are desperate, will die in the hands of Ling Dao.

"The light of the firefly, can you compete with the moon?"

Lingdao sneered, and his right hand clenched his fist and made a punch with ease. For Ling Dao, it is a common punch, he did not use any martial arts. However, for the gods of the sword, it is a strong punch, a terrible boxing, enough to collapse everything.

Only when they really fight with Lingdao can they feel the power of Lingdao. Even if they use the knife method, the super-level play, and even the outbreak of 12% of the combat power, in front of Lingdao, still not enough to see. Lingdao's punching ability can easily tear their knives.

The combination of Shendaomen Tianzun is just a joke for Lingdao. One after another, the fist shadow is on the body of the **** knife. Some of the gods and swords of the gods coughed blood, and some of the gods and swordsmen flew out, and the gods of the gods were directly killed by the shadow of the road.

"Strong, too strong, we should not provoke him, not that he does not know the height of the earth, but we do not know the height of the sky. I know that he has such strength, I will never be against him, and will not shoot him. ”

"Nothing, anyway, we are dead in his hands, our elders will certainly take revenge for us. We are just a little earlier than he died, and can wait for him on Huangquan Road."

"On the site of our sacred door, kill our disciples, and not kill one or two. As long as our elders find him, it will definitely smash him. Otherwise, what is the majesty of our knives? ”

The gods of God's knife door fell one after another, some were killed by the shadow of Lingdao, and some were killed by the punch of Lingdao, and some were bombarded by Lingdao's boxing. Followed by Situ Yu, the **** knife door Tianzun, only one left is not dead, not his strongest strength, but his body, wearing a holy robes.

"Don't kill me, don't come over, as long as you let me go, I can guarantee that the sword will not find you revenge."

He is the youngest son of the elders of the sword, the elders pet him, and give him a sacred robes to protect himself. The attack by Lingdao just killed the ordinary Tianzun. There is indeed no problem. It is obviously impossible to kill him wearing a holy robes. After all, the previous punch was just a hit of Lingdao.

"One, your guarantee, I don't believe it. Second, even if you kill you, what can you do with the sword?"

Others are afraid of the knife door, Lingdao is not afraid, than the background, than the backing, the **** of the sword is far less than him. Moreover, Ling Dao is not a warrior in the wilderness. He came to the wilderness only to pick up Xue Lingyao. After helping Xue Lingyao report the big hatred of Xuejia, Lingdao will leave Xuelingyao to leave the wilderness.

"Hey, you rush, I will cover you. As long as you are alive, there is hope in our Situ family. If you die, our Situ family will be gone."

The big elders of the Blood Knife League are pale and purely scared by Ling Dao. None of the strong people he has ever seen can be compared with Lingdao. In the eyes of the Elders of the Blood Knife League, the gods of God's Knife Gate are high-ranking characters, and as a result, they are killed by Lingdao.

It is obviously infatuated to hope that Tianzun of the Knife Gate will get rid of Lingdao. The great elders of the Blood Knife League now only hope that Situ will be able to escape from this place alive. Although the youngest son of the elders of the sword is not the opponent of Lingdao, it seems that the younger son of the elders of the sword can wait for a while with Lingdao. This is the opportunity for Situ to escape.

"No, hey, go walking together, how can I escape alone?"

Situ Wu looked at the younger son of the elders of the knife and looked at Lingdao. From the current situation, Lingdao was not prepared to let the younger son of the elders of the knife. If the great elders of the Blood Knife League do not escape now, there is only one dead road waiting for the Elders of the Blood Knife League.

"It is you who forced me. The person who is going to die now is you, not me!"

The youngest son of the elders of the knives and swords took out a symbol from the heavenly house. This is the symbol that he gave him life. Not sure of it, he will definitely not use it. After all, he only gave him one. Before, he and Lingdao discussed, or threatened, that he hoped to save the life-saving symbol.

When he urged the life-saving symbol, the pressure of terror came instantly. The elders of the knives and knives gave him the life-saving symbol. Once he was motivated, even if he and the elders of the knives were thousands of miles away, the elders of the knives could still shoot. Of course, the farther away, the weaker the attack of the elders of the sword.

"Hey, this kid who doesn't know how to be tall is going to kill me. You must kill me for me. Otherwise, I am not his opponent. It is me who died."

He knows that as long as the life-saving symbol is activated, his voice can be passed to the elders of the knife. Although the elders of the Knife Gate have three sons, the elders of the Knife Gate are still the most painful. After all, he is the youngest son. Do not say anything else, just this life-saving symbol, it took a little fortune of the elders of the knife.

"Gambling, who dares to hurt me a hair?"

A huge black palm print, rushed out from the life-saving symbol. Lingdao can clearly see that there are hundreds of swirls in the black palm print. The sucking power of the majestic **** the road to the place where the life-saving symbol is located. The realm of the elders of the swordsman is certainly not comparable to Lingdao.

Although Lingdao does not know what will happen when he is sucked by the black palm print, it is certain that there is absolutely no good end. The first time Lingdao used to display the illusion, the two illusions suddenly appeared in the field, lifelike, slamming into the huge black palm print.

The black palm print and the two elephants met, the yin and yang were reversed, the five elements collapsed, and the sky was turned upside down. Seriously, Lingdao, and the previous random Lingdao, are judged as two people. It’s just the aftermath of the attack, which is to injure the younger son of the elders of the sword, not to mention the great elders of the Blood Knife League and Situ.

"It's too strong. I thought he had gone all out. I didn't expect him to hide such strength. However, as long as he is still a god, he is definitely not my opponent."

The youngest son of Shendaomen’s elders was shocked by the strength of Lingdao. If Lingdao broke out of such strength at the beginning, he must have died in Lingdao’s hands. He is now riding a tiger, and the strength of Lingdao is so terrible that he should stay away from Lingdao. However, once he is far from Lingdao, he may be able to get rid of his life-saving symbol and kill him first.

After all, Fu Xi is Fu Xi, and it is not the elders of the knives. The elder son of the elders saw the horror of Ling Dao. After he was afraid of being careless, he was killed by Ling Dao. Even if the collision between Lingdao and Fuxi can hurt him, he still hides behind the Fuxi.

"It’s a bit of a young age, but unfortunately, it’s not qualified to compare with this elder. Even if it’s far apart, this elder will still kill you.”

The elders of the knives and the elders shot again, and it was a huge black palm print, which was rushed out from Fuxi. Unlike before, this time the palm print is black with gold, giving a feeling of sharpness and compulsion. The first shot, not only did not kill the Lingdao, and did not even hurt the Lingdao, the elders of the sword must have no face. Shooting again, obviously more than a few times more powerful than before.

Fortunately, the elders of the Knife Gate were shot at such a long distance, no acquaintances saw it, or else, they did not know how to laugh at him. After all, he is a stalwart elder, and it is not a glorious thing to die for a junior. The key is that this junior has not suffered any harm, and others must look at the results for whatever reason.

"If you come to the real body, it is indeed possible to kill me, but, just through this symbol, how do you kill me?"

Ling Dao is not just Wu Xiu, Fu Xiu is also involved in hunting. Although he did not spend much time on the road, his accomplishments in the road are not bad. The younger son of the elders of the sword is urging the symbol, and it is impossible to remove the Lingdao.

Ten fingers, shaking again and again, thousands of runes appeared in the void, as if a stream, flowing to the direction of the symbol. The life-saving symbol of the elder son of Shendaomen swayed fiercely, and even the attack with the elders of the sword was weakened by three points.

"What kind of atmosphere does Hu blow, I want to kill you a Tianzun, is there any difficulty? You know, I am actually a Taojun, you think you are a little Tianzun, what to take with me Is it a king?"

The younger son of Shendaomen’s elders sneered, how big is the difference between Tianzun and Daojun, he can’t possibly know, after all, he is Tianzun. If he is allowed to do it with him, he can kill him with just one finger. Tianzun and Daojun are completely two levels of warriors, one in the sky and one in the ground.

"is it?"

Lingdao once again shot, still the gods break the sky, the difference is that he has let the Princess of the wine send the eight heavenly houses of the sword magic. The Lingdao, which has nine Tianfu, is far superior to the average. The two illusions are like the real idols, and the boundless powers seem to tear the scorpio.

The palm print that came out of Fuxi was directly smashed by the illusion of Lingdao. Immediately afterwards, the illusion of Lingdao not only did not disappear, but instead rushed into Fuxi at a faster speed. Through the life-saving symbol of the elder son of the **** knife door, Lingdao hit his attack to the place where the elders of the knife door were located.

Of course, he knows that in his current realm, the image of the gods that he casts can't be hurt. The reason why this is done is purely disgusting. Moreover, after he was so troubled, the symbolic elders of the elders of the knives were filled with cracks. The younger son of Shendaomen’s elders is counting on his life-saving symbol to protect his life. Now it is a luxury.

"Impossible, my symbol is broken, why are you still not dead?"

The younger son of the elders of the swordsman glared at his eyes and looked at his life-saving symbol incredulously. Even if he knows that he is in danger, he will not be able to come over in a short time. If you want to open a star gate, you must at least have the master of the Tao. He is only a pre-existing monarch, and there is a big gap from the Taoist.

"I want to die?" Lingdao grinned and smiled. "The person who is going to die is you. You still don't understand it yet?"

Lingdao walked step by step toward the younger son of the elders of the sword. As for the great elders of the blood knife alliance and Situ, he did not look at it. If the great elders of Sword Knife and Situ Wu escape, he only needs one look, and he can let the great elders and Situ of the Sword League disappear.


He also pointed to the sword and split the youngest son of the elders of the sword. The blood eagles of the great elders and Situ 寇 寇 寇 寇 寇 , 司 司 司 司 司 司 司 司 司 司 司 司 司 司 司 司 司 司 司 司 司 司 司 司 司 司 司 司 司It is a pity that the speed of Stuart is slow and pitiful in the eyes of Ling Dao.

One pointed to the awn, as fast as lightning, through the body of Situ. The great elders of the Blood Knife League want to split, but unfortunately, with his strength, not only did not have the ability to avenge Situ, but was also killed by another Lingdao. At this point, the youngest son of the elders of the sword, the great elders of the Blood Knife League, and Situ Yu died.

"Small beast, you dare to kill my son, this elder does not kill you, swears not to be human!"

Although the elders of the Knife Gate could not catch up, he used another symbol to connect his son's life-saving symbol. He couldn't kill the road through such a long distance, but he could send the Lingdao to the mortal land. As long as he can avenge his younger son, it is not important to kill Lingdao personally.

"The elders of one of the five forbidden areas in the wilderness are not believed to be your life!"

The elders of Shendaomen chose to kill the Daogu Valley. First, because the Daogu Valley is dangerous, it will be destroyed by a little carelessness. Second, because the Daogu Valley is the nearest forbidden land from the Shendao Gate. The elders of the Knife Gate will be kept outside the Valley of Desolation. If Lingdao is lucky to escape from the Valley of the Killer, he will kill Lingdao himself.

In front of the Lingdao, a black vortex suddenly appeared, and the majestic force rushed out of the vortex, pulling the half of the Lingdao. Lingdao is not without resistance, but his strength is not worth mentioning compared with the pulling force of the black vortex. Not the power of Ling Dao is insufficient, but the pulling force of the black vortex is too great.

You know, even if you don't use Tianfu, the power of Lingdao can still be among the best in Tianzun. Now, Lingdao has let the Princess of the Wines send the eight-story Tianfu of the Swordsman. The power of Lingdao does not say the first in Tianzun, at least the top three.

"Nine turns to true dragon!"

Under the circumstances, Lingdao can only fully exert the nine-turn true dragon. His strength is not only far beyond the limits of Tianzun, but even comparable to the peak of the Holy King. Of course, the power of Tianzun is only the power of the dragon, unlike the power of the Holy King.

"Tianzun is Tianzun after all, no matter how powerful you are in Tianzun, it will be sent to the Valley of Desolation."

Among the voices of the elders of the sword, they are filled with endless grievances. Although he is not in Akane Prefecture, his younger son’s death cannot be felt. Killing the enemy, not wearing the sky, not to mention, Ling Dao is still his most loved son. Even if Lingdao is broken, he still can't eliminate his hatred.

As it turns out, even if it is a Lingdao that has played a nine-turn true dragon, it can't resist the pulling force of the black vortex. The elders of the Knife Gate personally mobilized the Fu, certainly not his son can compare. Even if the elders of the knives are not in this place, they can still suppress the ridge.

"Oops, from the current situation, I will definitely be sent to the place where it is called the Valley of the Killer."

Although Lingdao has never heard of the ruins of the valley before, but since it is one of the five forbidden areas in the wilderness, then it is certainly not a good place. If you go in, it is estimated that you will die for a lifetime. The wilderness is only a big part of the general territory. It can be called unusual in the wilderness.

"Ling Yao, you first wait for Lingjia in Tianling, waiting for me, rest assured, I have a way to get out of the valley."

Lingdao has already told Xue Lingyao about the Emperor and the Nalaner, and Xue Lingyao went to Lingjia. As long as he reported his name, Lingjia had someone to receive her. Nalan soft children see Xue Ling Yao as a daughter-in-law, Ling Dao believes that Xue Ling Yao will not be a little wronged in Lingjia.

Although Lingdao has the ingredients to comfort Xue Lingyao, he is one of two points. Even if this body dies in the valley, another body can still resurrect the body. The elders of the Knife Gate want to avenge his little son, which is simply impossible, unless he can kill the sword.

If Xue Lingyao disagrees, Lingdao can only push Xuelingya to the far end at the last moment. Lingdao himself can take risks, but he can't take Xuelingyao. After all, Xuelingyao has no two points. In case Xueling Yao died in the Valley of Desolation, then Lingdao could not forgive himself for the rest of his life.

"Well, I promise you."

What surprised Lingdao was that Xue Lingyao nodded. Of course, it is a good thing for Xuelingya to listen to Lingdao. In this way, Lingdao does not have to worry about the safety of Xuelingyao. Although Ling Dao killed a lot of warriors of the Blood Knife League, but with the current ability of Xue Ling Yao, the blood knife martial artists who did not come could not do anything about her.

Xueling Yao has no enemies in the wilderness. Just go to the place where the star gate is, and pass the star gate to the Tianling domain. Regarding Xue Lingyao, Ling Xiaoge is not aware of it at all, and Ling Xiaoge will certainly not send a warrior to deal with Xue Lingyao. As long as Xue Lingyao sees the Emperor or the Nalan soft child, Xue Lingyao is 100% safe.

However, at the last moment, Xue Lingyao suddenly rushed to Lingdao, and Lingdao ten fingers. The pulling force from the whirlpool not only pulled the ridge into it, but was also pulled in with Xue Lingyao. Xue Lingyao previously said that he promised Lingdao, purely to let Lingdao relax and be alert.

If Xueling Yao does not agree, Lingdao is prepared to guard, and Xue Lingyao will still be retired by Lingdao even with Lingdao. Xuelingyao only has to paralyze Lingdao, so that Lingdao can care for the road to the Daogu Valley. Lingdao does not know where the valley is, and Xue Lingyao cannot know. After all, she is a native of the wild.

Destroy the Valley, as the name suggests, can be extinct, even the avenue. Don't say that Lingdao has a god, even if the Tao and the Taoist come in, you can't use the Tao. The killing in the killing valley is more than the flesh. It is better than the power. It is the source of the martial arts. It has nothing to do with the Tao.

The reason why it was classified as a forbidden place was because the beasts in the Valley of the Killer were rampant. The beasts in the Valley of the Killing Path, although not high in the realm, but in the place where the Taoist Valley can not be used, their degree of danger has undoubtedly increased by a hundred times. In particular, some of the savage beasts are a group.

If it is outside, Tianzun, Shengwang, and Daojun can easily kill the beasts in the Valley of the Killer, but in the Valley of the Desolation, the Heavenly Respect, the Holy King, or even the Tao, may fall. The beasts in the Valley of the Killer Do not repair the Tao, they only repair the flesh, and the Terran warriors and their bodies are purely looking for abuse.

"Sorry, I just don't want to be separated from you, just lie to you."

Without waiting for the Lingdao opening, Xueling Yao took the initiative to apologize. Ming knows that the Taoist Valley is forbidden, Xuelingyao still chooses to die with Lingdao, and Lingdao does not know how to say Xuelingyao. To say that Xueling Yao is wrong, Xuelingyao is also concerned about Lingdao. This is to say that Xuelingyao is correct. After Xuelingyao and Lingdao came to destroy Daogu, Lingdao was under great pressure.

"But it is not an example."

Lingdao opened his mouth and finally did not have the heart to count the snow Lingyao. In Xue Lingyao's heart, Lingdao is her closest person, knowing that Lingdao is dangerous, she can't leave. Moreover, come here, and now even if you blame Xue Lingyao, what is the point?

Of course, there is a last resort for Lingdao. If there is any danger to his life, he can let the Princess of the Wine send Xuelingya to the sword. As a result, the sword magic has not been in a dangerous place for a while. Experience, when can be, Xue Lingyao's safety is the most important.

"You told me about the situation of the killing valley, so I have a preparation."

Knowing ourselves and knowing each other, and fighting in the land, it is equally applicable. Only by first understanding the forbidden land of the Daogu Valley, Lingdao knows how to avoid danger and even escapes from the Daogu Valley. Although Lingdao believes that there are not a few Tianzun is his opponent, but the forbidden land in the wilderness area, it is not that he can enter and leave at will.

For Lingdao, Xuelingyao is sure to know everything and say nothing. It is a pity that Xue Lingyao knows quite a lot about the things that kill the Daogu. After all, Xue Lingyao was only a child of Xue’s family in Chiyun Prefecture. Even if he later became a disciple of the Shenfu Temple, he was also devoted to studying.

"I wonder if there is a place in this place, I feel that Tianfu has been greatly suppressed. It was not possible to use the Taoist Valley."

If you encounter other warriors in the killing valley, Lingdao has an advantage. He is very ruthless, and his body, strength, and speed are all top-notch. As for the source, Lingdao has a greater advantage, and Yuanyuan is unique in its origin. The fifth level of Yuanshiyuan is better than other sources.

Even if it is compared with the fierce beast, Ling Dao’s physical strength is not necessarily weak. It should be known that the physical strength of Lingdao is comparable to that of the true dragons in the same realm, and even surpassed it. The power of Ling Dao is comparable to that of the idols in the same realm. The speed of Ling Dao is comparable to that of the Qi Peng family in the same realm. In addition, the blood of the emperor of Lingdao, the general beast, can not kill Lingdao.

However, Lingdao can't be taken lightly, because it is also a forbidden place for Daojun. Lingdao's physical body is stronger, can it be comparable to the Tao? Even if you can't use the avenues and the roads, the power and speed of Lingdao can't be compared to the Tao.

"The problem now is, I don't know where we are, where are we going, is it the way to go out? If we go to the center of the valley, isn't it a dead end?"

Around Lingdao, there are lush old trees that are leafy. In the sky of the valley, there is neither the sun nor the moon, and some are just gray smog. Lingdao and Xueling Yao have never been to the Daogu Valley, and certainly do not know where to go is the road to leave the Valley of the Trail, where to go is the road to the valley.

"No, it is an illusion!"

In the three thousand territories of the heavens, the will of the nine-tailed fox family is the strongest. Lingdao cultivation is quite ridiculous, and the strength of the will is not worse than that of the nine-tailed fox family in the same realm. Xuelingyao has not noticed any problems, and Lingdao has already taken Xueling Yao back and retired.

Whether it is an old tree or a sky, it is all fake. If Lingdao did not guess wrong, he and Xue Lingyao are already prey for some kind of beast. Lingdao does not know how to crack the illusion in front of him, only to pull Xuelingya away from this place. It is impossible for the fierce beast hiding in the dark to cover the entire annihilation valley.


A harsh voice blew in the minds of Ling Dao and Xue Ling Yao. Then, Lingdao saw a **** bird, stretched a long beak, and squatted toward him and Xueling Yao. Although Lingdao did not see the **** bird in front of him, he could feel the beak of the **** bird, as sharp as a heavenly soldier.

"Ling Yao, you stand behind me, I will deal with this thing."

"What is the situation? I am not blinded? Is it such a little guy who is fighting with the fierce?"

Ling Dao, who is only in his twenties, is indeed a little guy for them. Among them, even the youngest one is 2,312. Those who can be regarded as enemies by them will certainly not be young people like Ling Dao. They secretly breathed a sigh of relief and also became curious about Lingdao.

With their cultivation, you can definitely see the realm of Lingdao. It is a forbidden place to kill the Daogu. What is the difference between Lingdao and Tianyou? The problem is that the battle between Lingdao and the beast is showing that the strength is far from being a god.

They even think that Ling Dao’s strength in the Daogu Valley is only weaker than they are. They must know that they are two levels higher than Ling Dao. Normally, the strength of Lingdao’s Tianzun in the annihilation valley should be far less than that of them. After all, there is a gap between Tianzun and Daojun.

"I don't know if he is a disciple of our own power, or a disciple of our hostile forces. Are we helping him or giving him a donkey?"

"From his performance, it is certainly not a disciple of our sacred door. He is alive or alive. He has nothing to do with me. Whether you are dealing with him or helping him, I don't care."

The words of the elders of the swordsman caused the attention of Lingdao. The sects of Stuart and Stuart, who were killed by Lingdao in Chiyunju, are all disciples of Shendaomen. Among them, there is also a disciple who is the son of the elders of the sword. Fortunately, the elders of the Knife Gate did not know Ling Dao. Otherwise, Ling Dao not only had to deal with the beasts of the Desolation Valley, but also had to deal with the elders of the Knife Gate.

Although they have not seen the smashing of the smashing and sacred sacred statues, they can be sure that the martial arts ranks such as 鲲 绝 绝 斩 and the illusion of the gods are high. If the smashing of the scorpion and the illusion of the gods are the martial arts of their own forces, they cannot be unimpressed. By the same token, if Peng Peng’s lore and the illusion of the gods are the martial arts of their hostile forces, they may not have no impression.

"This kind of juvenile genius can't be silent. I have two guesses, either he is a young hero in other territories, or he is the peerless arrogance hidden by the emperor's forces."

"If it is the former, there is nothing. If it is the latter, we will still help him. The chances of being attached to the emperor's forces are few and far between, and it is hard to catch an opportunity. I must not miss it."

Shenjianmen and Shendaomen are in the same name. On strength, Shenjianmen and Shendaomen are almost the same. The elders of Shenjianmen want to influence the forces of the emperor. It is understandable that if there is support from the emperor's forces, the overall strength of the Shenjianmen may be qualitatively improved. The power of the emperor is just as thick as the thigh of the Excalibur.

In addition to the elders of the Excalibur and the elders of the Knife Gate, among them are the elders of the Shenmen Gate, the Gunsmen Gate and the God Arrow Gate. The elders of Shenjianmen took the first shot. After the reaction of the elders of other forces, they all shot. The elders of Shenjianmen wanted to draw close ties with the emperor's forces. Why don't the elders of other powers want to?

If it is a general Tianzun, it is definitely not worth their shot. The key point is that from the performance of Lingdao, Lingdao is not an ordinary disciple. Even in the power of the Emperor, the genius of Ling Dao must also be the focus of training. Although Lingdao only has Tianzunjing, Lingdao is in the position of the Emperor's power, and he is afraid that the ordinary Daojun can't match.

“Thank you for your help from the seniors.”

If there is no elders who have the power of each major, the beasts in front of them can drink a pot. Although the strength of Lingdao is several times stronger than most beasts, but as the saying goes, the ants are more likely to die. More and more fierce beasts are coming, and the result of the battle between the Lingdao and the killing of the beasts is unknown.

"I don't know which force the little brother came from?"

The elders of the Gods Gate asked, if Lingdao is really a disciple of the wild powers, then he must have a close relationship with Lingdao. The other elders who are fighting the fierce battle also erect their ears. They hope that the patron's backing is strong enough and the origin is big enough.

"Tian Ling domain Ling family, do not know the predecessors have heard of it?"

Lingjia is hostile, and Lingdao’s enemies are quite a lot. However, Lingdao did not intend to conceal his origins. Once, the wilderness and the Tianling domain were far apart. Secondly, the elders who had hatred of him did not know what forces he came from. In addition, Lingjiao Lingjia is the emperor's power force after all, which can make the strong people in the room taboo, and it is definitely good for Lingdao.

On the realm, Ling Dao is far less than the elders of the major forces, but the only one who can rely on him is the origin. Of course, Lingdao did not say that he was a emperor with the elders of a product. Although the identity of the emperor was more respected, who knows that the elders in front of him will not move their minds.

"It turned out that he was not a warrior in our wilderness. I knew that I wouldn’t take it. I only know Lingxiaoge in Tianlingyu. Is Lingjia estimated to be only a force?"

"What is the point of wasting my time and saving a disciple of other forces in the other territories?"

"No, I know Lingjia. Lingjia of Tianlingyu used to be a force, but now it is already a power of the Emperor, because the current owner of Lingjia is a great emperor."

It is a pity that even if the Ling family is the emperor's power, they have no meaning to the elders of the Excalibur. The devout powers of the wilderness domain can support them, and the power of the Tianling domain can not help them. If the current situation is dangerous, they estimate how far they have gone.

"Little brothers, the killing of the valley is one of the five forbidden places in our wilderness. Why are you coming in? Wouldn't it be a mistake?"

The eyes of the elders of Shendaomen flashed a bit. As a child of Ling’s family in Tianling, Lingdao may not know the terribleness of the Taoist Valley. He must explain it with Lingdao. They came to destroy the Daogu Valley not for the experience, but because there was a tomb of the emperor in the Valley of the Killer.

He told Lingdao about the situation in the killing valley, in order to let Lingdao follow them. Since Lingdao is not a disciple of the wild powers, they can let Lingdao walk in front of them to explore the road. At the crucial moment, they want Lingdao and Xueling Yao to be cannon fodder. Lingdao and Xuelingyao certainly have no room for resistance.

"This is a long story. Anyway, it is inadvertently coming in."

Fortunately, Lingdao did not explain the specific situation with the elders who were present. Otherwise, the elders of Shendaomen did not calculate him secretly, but dealt with him on the bright side. Although the elders of the Knife Gate will not have the life of Lingdao, Lingdao and Xuelingyao must have suffered a bit.

"For the sake of you and her safety, the two of you are still following us. We are all kings, and it is more than enough to protect you."

In fact, the elders of the Knife Gate are completely talking about the big words. The killing of the Valley is one of the five forbidden places in the wilderness. Don't say that the king, even if the Taoist comes in, can live alive, it is also unknown. If the Tomb of the Emperor is too important, they will not risk taking a trip to the Valley of the Tao. It is very dangerous to kill the valley. If you break into the tomb of the emperor, it is definitely more dangerous.

"The two of them are not very good with us? Not as good as..."

The elders of Shenjianmen were just about to tell Lingdao and Xuelingyao to leave the route of the Daogu Valley, which was stopped by the elders of the Shendaomen. While the elders of the swordsman gave the eyes of the elders of the Excalibur, they used the will to tell the prophet of the Excalibur.

Although the elders of the Excalibur and the Lingdao are innocent, but the so-called dead friends are not dead, if they can use the life of Lingdao and Xueling Yao, and change his life, he certainly will not have a little opinion. The elders of Shendaomen were afraid that other elders would kindly remind Lingdao, and they would talk to the elders of Shenjianmen and talk to other elders.

"I don't know why your predecessors came to kill the valley?"

In the eyes of Ling Dao, there was a trace of doubts. If it was not the shadow of the elders of the sword, he and Xue Lingya would not come to destroy the Daogu. Since the people in front of the road know that the killing valley is one of the five forbidden places in the wilderness, then there is no special reason, they will not come to destroy the Dao Valley.

"Don't mention, some time ago, there was a Taoist in the Valley of the Killing Valley. Then the juniors of our various forces joined the Daogu Valley and wanted to get the Taoist Valley."

The elders of Shenquanmen spoke of falsehoods, and their faces were not red. For disciples of the same power, the Tao does have a deadly appeal. The power of a product of the power, there must be no more power of the emperor, the disciples of the emperor's power in the Tianzun situation, it is possible to have a Taoist self-defense. However, the disciples of a product in the Tianzun territory, certainly no Taoist self-defense.

Although Tianzun Wuwu can not play the full power of the debut, but even if it is part of the power of the Tao, it is not comparable to the weapon. If a disciple of Tian Zunjing can control a device, then they can walk sideways in the younger generation of the forces.

"That will trouble you seniors, and I will follow you with her."

Lingdao’s face did not change a bit, but his heart was already alert. The story of the elders of Shenquanmen is too far-fetched. The warriors of the wilderness domain know the terribleness of the Daogu Valley. How can a disciple of a powerful force rush into the Daogu Valley for a piece of Taoism? They don't know how dangerous it is to kill the Daogu. The Tao is important again. Is it important to have their lives?

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