The Immortal Taoist

Vol 5 Chapter 86: Still check

When Daojun invited him, Lingdao couldn't refuse it. Although until now, the elders of the current forces are all polite, but Lingdao understands that once they turn their faces, the consequences are unimaginable. Even in the Daogu Valley, the gap between him and Daojun's strength has shrunk a lot, but he has only one face to death. He only has to die.

"Ling Yao, you have to remember, no matter when, you have to be with me, don't be too far away from me, understand?"

With Ling Dao’s current strength and Tian Zun’s struggle, there is no pressure at all. However, with the Tao Jundou, Lingdao's strength is not enough to see. Fortunately, the Taoist Valley has wiped out the Taoist Road and the Avenue. In the Valley of the Killing Road, the strength gap between Lingdao and Daojun is far less than that outside the Valley of the Killing Valley.

Of course, with Daojun, Lingdao must be careful. Even if there is no road, there is no avenue, and the strength of Daojun is still not to be underestimated. What's more, the ones who lived at the scene lived for at least a few thousand years, and there was no good deal. If Ling Dao cares about it, I don’t know how to die.

"With his eyesight, shouldn't you see the tomb of the emperor? We lied to him to explore the road ahead, he will not notice it?"

"He can be a little guy who is less than 30 years old. Can we know if we sell him, will he have to give us money?"

In their eyes, Lingdao is just a child. Most elders don’t put Lingdao in their hearts from beginning to end. Whether it is realm or experience, Lingdao has no qualifications compared with them. After all, Ling Dao is still too young, like Ling Dao in front of them, even the grandchildren can not line up.

The elders of the gunsmen attached importance to Lingdao, but they were laughed at by the elders of other powers. Indeed, they are a group of princes who don’t need to be wary of a small god. Lingdao did not notice that they could better control Lingdao and Xuelingyao. However, even if Lingdao is aware of it, it will be fine. Anyway, Lingdao and Xuelingya can't escape their palms.

Knowing that the Tomb of the Tomb was born, it certainly must be more than a few of them. Therefore, they can't delay their time and must arrive at their destination immediately. If the elders of other forces are first recruited, they estimate that they can't even drink the soup. You know, they are risking their lives to go into the valley. It’s definitely not worth it.

The wilderness is vast and vast, far from being comparable to the general territory, and the great emperor who was born in the wilderness is not comparable to the general territory. The emperor's tomb that appeared in the Daogu Valley, specifically the emperor, they still don't know. Anyway, as long as it is the tomb of the emperor, it is worth their risk.

If they can get the emperor or the emperor, the forces they are in will undergo earth-shaking changes. When they got the soldiers, the forces they were in were equal to the shotguns for the cannons, and the overall strength rose. After receiving the emperor, the forces they are in are likely to cultivate a great emperor a few years later.

After three hours, the elders of the swordsmen finally came to the tomb of the emperor. Although they are the first to see the tomb of the emperor, they can be 100% certain that the front is the tomb of the emperor. As soon as they came out, the deadly tombs of the emperor’s tomb were very strong. Secondly, the power of the emperor’s tomb was enough to make their legs soft.

"The signals sent by the juniors to us are in this place." The elders of Shendaomen took a look at Lingdao and Xuelingyao and continued to say, "No, the device they found is definitely a device." The top goods in the middle may even approach the level of the emperor."

The elders of Shendaomen are deliberately spreading the power of the emperor's tomb. They are said to be close to the level of the emperor. Although Lingdao is a disciple of the emperor's forces, the Tianzun warriors in the district want to come to see nothing. Fudge a junior, the elders of the knife door are full of confidence.

However, the elders of Shendaomen underestimated the Lingdao. Although Lingdao only had Tianzunjing, Lingdao was the great family of the Emperor, and the Emperor, Lingdao not only saw, but also saw more than one. The matter of the tomb of the emperor, Lingdao does not know, but Lingdao can be sure that the front is definitely not a device that approaches the level of the emperor.

"If you don't want to be late, let's go in. If they die inside, don't we regret it?"

The elders of Shenjianmen took the first step and walked into the tomb of the emperor. The two cannon fodders of Lingdao and Xuelingyao must not be used as soon as they come up. Only at the crucial moment, let Lingdao and Xuelingyao explore the road for them, which is the most correct choice. The tomb of the emperor is dangerous and not dangerous, but it is impossible to get into life if there is no danger.

The elders of other powers followed the elders of Shenjianmen, and Lingdao and Xuelingyao were the same. It is not Lingdao who wants to follow them, but he can feel that the elders of the Knife Gate are always staring at him. If Ling Dao and Xue Ling Yao turn around and go to other places, they will definitely be caught by the elders of Shendaomen.

"What should I do? I feel that the front is very dangerous. They won't hurt us?"

Don't say that Lingdao, even if it is Xueling Yao, feels dangerous. Fortunately, Xue Ling Yao is clever, and Ling Dao speaks with the will. If you let the elders of the product in front of you hear it, you will be wary of her and Lingdao. Once the elders of the major powers are prepared, the situation of Lingdao and Xuelingya is even more difficult.

"Nothing, we should change everything. If there is danger, I have a way to deal with it."

While Lingdao is talking, he has already contacted the Princess of the Wine, so that the Princess of the Wine is ready to send Xueling Yao at any time. The sword demon has returned to Taikoo City to retreat, only to ensure the safety of the sword magic, to ensure the safety of Xue Lingya transmission. Taikoo City has the seat of the city of Taikoo City, even if the Emperor is in person, the sword magic is still very safe.

Just entering the tomb of the emperor, the elders of each major power are squeaky. The great emperor, not only tyrannical before his death, but also can be respected after death. They broke into the tomb of the great emperor, that is, disrespect to the great emperor, and the power of the emperor oppressed them, they must not feel bad.

Contrary to them, Lingdao and Xuelingyao, perhaps because Lingdao and Xuelingyao's realm is too low, they entered the tomb of the emperor, but they were not oppressed by Diwei. The killing of the valley is only the extinction of the road and the avenue. The realm of the elders of Lingdao and Yipin is still the original realm, but it does not exert its due strength.

"Good swearer, die!"

An extremely fierce beast was blocked in front of them. This fierce animal dragon head, tiger body, cow legs, leopard tail, two red eyes, exudes cold cold killing. Its mission is to protect the tomb of the emperor. Any warrior who broke into the tomb of the emperor has only one end, that is, death.

Although its realm is not high, its strength can be said to be top in the valley. First of all, its physical body is extremely tyrannical. Compared with Daojun, it is not only weak and half, but even stronger. Secondly, its attack power is far better than the Tao who can not use the Avenue and the Tao.

In the Doom Valley, Daojun is like a tiger that has been pulled out, and it is like a fish. The reason why it guards the tomb here is because its ancestors once followed the emperor buried in the tomb. After the death of the Great Emperor, its ancestors stayed in the Valley of the Desolation, and it grew up in the Valley of the Killer, never out of the Valley.

"This is... isn't it like four?"

The elders of the swordsman couldn’t help but step back. If they were outside, he would not be afraid of the four. However, in the Valley of the Killing Valley, he did not have enough confidence to deal with the four invisible. Fortunately, in addition to him, there are other elders of the power of presence.

"That is what it is, anyway, we join forces, first remove it and say."

The elders of Shenjianmen took the lead, and the three-footed Qingfeng was in his hands, like a phantom. Even if he can't use the road, he still stabbed hundreds of swords in an instant. The elders of other powers are not rushing to shoot, but staring at the four in front of them, they want to know what the strength of the four is not.

I saw a three-footed Qingfeng stabbed on the body of the four, but only burst into a series of sparks. You know, the Elder Sword Gate is one of them, the one with the strongest attack. The swords of the elders of the Excalibur are not as much as four, so their attacks may not be as good as four.

"Or, let's make them both entangled in four, and then we take the opportunity to rush in?"

The elders of Shendaomen voiced to other elders. Since they couldn’t beat them, then they could only find ways to stop the four. Among them, there is no mastery of the formation. The way he can think of is to let Ling Dao and Xue Ling Yao deal with the four. It is not unimportant that Ling Dao and Xue Ling Yao do not play four. As long as they can entangle four, it is not like a moment.

"This is not the case. We should let the kid deal with the four. As for this little girl, we will continue to carry it, maybe it will be used later."

The elders of the Gunsmen Gate felt that it was a waste of all the cannon fodders of Ling Dao and Xue Ling Yao. Use one first, then one, and the danger is behind, they can cope. After all, Lingdao has to deal with four, unlike Lingdao and Xuelingyao, there is no difference. In any case, they are definitely not four opponents.

"It makes sense, and this little girl is in our hands, and the kid is still afraid to swear by Yang."

They are coming over, the relationship between Ling Dao and Xue Ling Yao, certainly not their eyes. Xueling Yao is equal to their hostages. As long as Xue Lingyao is in their hands, Lingdao will have to be a slap in the face. Although their approach is quite shameless, they don't say, no one knows.

"Okay, just do it."

A lot of people nodded, and Lingdao is not their descendants. Even if Lingdao is not killed by four, they will not have half pity.

The elders of the knives did not deal with the four, but came to Lingdao and grabbed Lingdao. The elders who can't use the Taoist door are still terrible. Lingdao still did not respond, and he has been pushed by the elders of the knife to the four.

Xue Lingya’s face changed, and as she prepared to rush to Lingdao, the elders of the gunmen stopped her. With the strength of Xueling Yao, it is certainly not the opponent of the elders of the guns. The elders of the guns and guns do not say anything, directly use the source of power, condense into a chain, and bind Xuelingyao tightly.

"We are arrogant, the kid is also a smuggler, we send him to the side of the four, it is not impossible to deal with him?"

Sure enough, the reality did not disappoint the elders of the Knife Gate. When the Ling Dao appeared in front of the four, it immediately caused four different attentions. Even the elders of the Excalibur, who were not fighting with the four, were left behind by the four.

"Hurry, with the strength of that kid, it is estimated that it can only resist four times. It’s not like solving the kid, we don’t want to run again."

Exploring the tomb of the emperor, it is certainly not possible to rely solely on the elders of the sword. He greets the elders of other powers, not because of how good he is with other elders of the power, but because he wants to get the inheritance of the emperor, he must use other products. The power of the elders.

"No, I can't be caught by them. With the strength of Lingdao, I can't beat what they said."

By relying on his own strength, Xue Lingyao certainly can't escape from the palm of the major powers. Fortunately, before leaving the Temple of the Gods, the North Hall owner gave her a lot of symbols. She took care of the elders of the major powers, and quickly took out a transmission symbol to mobilize.

Although she did not know where the transmission symbol would send her, it was better than the ones who were in the hands of the major powers. When the elders of the major powers reacted, Xuelingyao had disappeared from the place. The tomb of the emperor said that it was not big, and that it was not small, they wanted to find Xuelingyao, which was not an easy task.

What's more, for the elders of the major powers, it is a waste of time to find Xuelingyao. The tombs of the emperor are very dangerous. They do need cannon fodder. The problem is that in order to find Xuelingyao, it is likely that they will encounter more dangers. It is best to have cannon fodder, no cannon fodder is not a big deal.

"Transfer symbol?" Lingdao’s heart stunned, and the eyes of the elders of the major powers were full of enthusiasm. “I already knew that you didn’t take me well. I just never thought, your thoughts. It’s so vicious. If you hurt me, you still want to be unfavorable to Lingyao. If Lingyao has three long and two short, I want you to be buried with her!"

In Lingdao's view, Xuelingyao's safety is more important than his own safety. After all, he was too careless, and with the help of the sword, he thought that he could guarantee Xueling Yao in a critical moment. The current situation can be said to have been caused by him. His heart does not mention more self-blame.

"Kid, your heart is really big, don't you know that you are a dead person soon?"

The elders of the sword can't help but ridicule the words of Lingdao. The strength of the four is not as strong as him. It’s not difficult to kill Lingdao with four different skills. Lingdao wants to retaliate against them. Let’s not say whether Lingdao has this strength. It is a problem that Lingdao can escape in front of the four.

"It is only our cannon fodder to do what he wants. As long as he dies, he can give us a moment to fight. It is worthwhile to die."

The elders of Shenjianmen finally glanced at Lingdao, and then disappeared from the eyes of Lingdao. Ling Dao is already a dead person in the hearts of all the people. They don't have to waste their minds on Ling Dao. The only pity is that Xue Lingyao has left their control, leaving them with a cannon fodder.

"Ling Yao, you are waiting, I will definitely save you."

Although Lingdao is very worried about the safety of Xuelingyao, the most important issue at the moment is to deal with the four invisible. What makes Lingdao strange is that the four are not just staring at him. Until now, they still have not attacked him. Four does not move, Lingdao does not move, only four do not appear to be flawed, he can deal with four.

It is obviously impossible to kill four. It is possible for Lingdao to do it. It is only to escape under the eyes of the four. After all, the Lingdao cultivation is quite wild, and the speed is unparalleled. In the Valley of the Killer, the speed is not necessarily slower than the road. However, Lingdao did not understand the speed of the four, so he did not dare to act rashly.


For a long time, four did not ask like an opening. Now, in front of it, except for Lingdao, there is no one else. The nature it asks is Lingdao. Although it feels that Lingdao is the inheritor, Lingdao has not worked out after all. It can't determine whether Lingdao is the inheritor. If Lingdao is the inheritor, it is impossible to do anything with Lingdao.

"Could it be that……"

In Lingdao’s heart, there is a faint guess. However, unlike the unclear, he is not good at answering. It may not be like acknowledging the mistake, but he still keeps silent. He did not respond, and the four did not seem to be irritated, and a pair of scorpions flickered.

Fourth, it is not a beast, not a human being. Although he can't do anything to the inheritor, it can't stay still without being sure of Lingdao's identity. I saw that the four did not open his mouth violently, the flames of the sky, turned into a fire dragon, and came to the impact of the Lingdao.

Lingdao immediately used the fifth level of the original source to be the fifth source of water, used to display the 鲲 绝 绝 绝. The Peng, which is the source of the water, has become bigger and bigger, and the fire dragon has swallowed it. Immediately after the double wings of Kun Peng, like a knives, it is not like four.

It is not that the strength of the four is not the same, but that the four do not have to pay a bit of force when dealing with Lingdao. The real purpose of the four is not to kill the Lingdao, but to test the Lingdao. As long as Lingdao shot, four can not try to find out whether Lingdao is the inheritor.

"You really are the inheritors, the inheritors of the ridiculous fairy!"

The four are not as bright as their eyes, and they are excited everywhere. When the smashing smash hit the front of it, the surface of its body suddenly appeared one piece after another. The 鲲 绝 绝 绝 绝 绝 绝 绝 绝 绝 绝 绝 绝 绝 绝 绝 绝 绝 绝 绝 绝 绝 绝 绝 绝 绝 绝

The ancestral training has words, and the four do not need to guard the tomb of the emperor for generations to come. Unless they meet the inheritors, they can follow the inheritors and leave the tomb. The fathers and grandparents who are not like four do not wait until the inheritors. In fact, it is best to prepare for the death of the tomb in the emperor's tomb. However, it has stunned the Universiade and even encountered the inheritor.

"It turned out that it did not admit its mistakes. The inheritor it said was the inheritor of the wild."

Mountain darkly, vista. Lingdao really did not think that things will actually develop to the present level. No wonder from the beginning, four did not stare at him, the original four does not seem to kill him, but to determine his identity as a wilderness.

"Yes, what I cultivated is indeed quite ridiculous."

Lingdao has no need to hide. As soon as it is already seen, he does not seem to be ridiculous. In the second place, the four are not as devastating to him, or even hostile. In the third place, only he and four are not present, no one else. .

"Less Lord, I will mix with you in the future. Where are you going, where do you go, I will never go west."

Four is not like the next words, let Lingdao stunned, before the impetuous beast, did not expect to become his subordinates now. Moreover, the four are not as thick as a self-cooked look, how thick and thick the face is, for fear that Lingdao does not take him. Four is not like the change before and after, Lingdao is simply unacceptable.

"You are familiar with this place? Can you tell me?"

Since the four are not the guardians of this place, then he is sure to be familiar with this place than the previous ones. The elders of the major powers are just outsiders. They need Lingdao and Xuelingyao to make cannon fodders, indicating that they are not much better than this one, even if they don’t know anything about it.

"Of course, I grew up in this place since I was a child, and I am familiar with how familiar I are with this place." Four is not as confusing as Lingdao. "This place is exactly a tomb, buried." It was the greedy wolf emperor in ancient times."

The greedy wolf emperor, the ancient genius of the immortal genius, is powerful and powerful. The name of the outsider on the wolf emperor is not the greedy wolf emperor, but the greedy wolf emperor. It is rumored that the greedy wolf emperor is greedy and fierce. Whether it is the human race or the demon power, he is unwilling to be an enemy.

"It turned out to be the tomb of the emperor. It is no wonder that a group of them want to come to this place. They want to get the martial arts of the wolf emperor and the emperor. Unfortunately, they don't know that it is impossible for the greedy wolf emperor to cultivate the genius. Get the practice of the Wolf Emperor."

The practice of the greedy wolf emperor's cultivation is on Lingdao's body. Fortunately, the elders of the major powers do not know, otherwise, they will definitely take the Lingdao, and force the road to surrender. In an era, there can only be one person who cultivates a wild and singularity, and the elders of the sacred door do not know.

"Young woman who disappeared before, do you know where it is? Now take me to her, no problem?"

There are hatreds that are not reported to non-gentlemen. The elders of the major powers are counting the roads, and they are also damaging Xuelingyao. Lingdao cannot possibly retaliate. However, for Lingdao, the most important thing at the moment is to find Xuelingyao. Qiu, can be placed in the back, if it is because of revenge, delay time, the harm of Xueling Yaoxiang Xiaoyu, Lingdao will not forgive himself for the rest of his life.

"Of course, the emperor's tomb, there is no place I don't know. The woman who is mainly looking for is the woman I am looking for. I will definitely help her to find her."

I don't know why, Lingdao always feels that something is wrong with the four, but there is no need to worry about this. There are four that are not like the way to lead, Ling Dao in the tomb of the Wolf Emperor, can be said to be unimpeded. There are no four in the tomb, and there is no such thing as not knowing.

However, the first to find Xueling Yao is not the Lingdao and the four, but the elders of the sword. I have to say that Xue Lingyao's luck is very poor. The elders of Shendaomen did not want to find Xuelingya, but only accidentally encountered it. The elders of Shendaomen will not specifically look for Xuelingyao. However, they really find Xuelingyao, and they will not let Xuelingyao pass.

"God really cares about us, she used the transmission symbol, but God gave her to us."

"The tomb of the emperor is too dangerous. If it is not in the valley, the avenue will not exist. We may have already died in the front of the formation."

"Don't say those first, we will quickly grab this little girl, and then let her explore the way when needed. The cannon fodder is in front of us, we have no reason not to?"

"Is it you?"

Xue Lingyao's face changed greatly. I didn't expect to use the transmission symbol to escape from the hands of the elders of the knife and they met them again. With her strength, even in places where the avenue does not exist, it is not the opponent of the elders. Fortunately, there is a transmission symbol in her hand, and it is a big deal to use a symbol.

"Yes, it is us, we have to say, we are still very fateful, you are destined to be our cannon fodder."

The elders of Shenjianmen walked toward Xuelingyao. In the dangerous place of the tomb of the emperor, it was possible to let the cannon fodder explore the road at a critical moment. His mission is to win Xue Lingyao. The tasks of other elders are to block the void and not give Xue Lingyao the opportunity to escape using the transmission symbol.

"Don't waste the symbols, useless, even if we can't use the Tao, you can abolish your symbols."

The method of Daojun is far from being comparable to Tianzun. The elders of Shendaomen can use the power of the source to make Xuelingyao's transmission symbol invalid. If Xue Lingyao and their hands-on, they are even more afraid, and they will pull out one of them casually. It is easy to clean up Xuelingyao.

Xue Lingyao can see that the elders of the Knife Gate did not lie, but she could not be shackled by this. Knowing that the transmission symbol was useless, she tried it again. As expected, the transmission symbol did not allow her to leave the place.

"You have hurt the ridge. I am dead, and I will not give you cannon."

Four are not as powerful, Xue Lingyao is witnessed by the eyes, and the battle between Ling Dao and Si is not so fierce. Instead of letting the elders of the swordsman get their embarrassment, it is better to die in their hands. Among the eyes of Xue Lingyao, there was a glimmer of decisiveness. Knowing that they were not the elders of the elders, she was still the first to take the shot.

The elders of the swordsmen blocked the void, only to abolish the transmission symbol of Xuelingyao. To deal with the elders of the sword, it is certainly impossible for Xue Lingya to use the transmission symbol, but to use the attack symbol. The attacking scorpion of the North Hall of the God's Relic Temple gives him an attacking power, and his power is tyrannical. Even if there is no way, Xue Lingyao can provoke an attacking plaque, and it can still explode a very powerful power.

In the case of the killing of the valley, it is beneficial to Xuelingyao. If it is outside, Xuelingya is urging the attacking plaque, it is impossible to hurt the elders of the knives. It is not that the attack of Xue Lingyao by the main hall of the Temple of the North is not very powerful, but the gap between Xueling Yao and the elders of the sword is too big.

Tianzun and Daojun, like the difference between heaven and earth, even the most powerful Tianzun in Tianzun, can not be the opponent of Daojun. Fortunately, the Elders of the Knife Gate can't use the Tao, and Xue Lingyao's attacking symbols are still very threatening to them.

Xue Lingyao took out the first Fulu, turned into a giant beast of Baizhang Gao, and flew to the elders of Shendaomen. Then, she did not hesitate, and immediately took out the second Fu, the third Fu, some turned into a big sword, some turned into a combat, and some turned into a spear.

"I didn't expect that she would still be a repairer. If she can refine the avatar, can we have countless cannon fodder?"

The elders of Shenjianmen exhibited martial arts, and at the same time they resisted the attack of Xuelingyao, they stared at Xuelingyao with a pair of eyes. The avatars can be ridiculously ridiculous, and the avatars can be ignited. Although there is no strength in the substitute, there is no problem in using the substitute to explore the road.

"What kind of joke? She is a god, how can she be a substitute?"

The requirements for refining the avatar are extremely high, and the cult of Tian Zunjing wants to refine the avatar, which is completely delusional. The rebuttal of the elders of Shenjianmen has been recognized by other elders of the same power. If the realm of Xuelingyao is the same as them, it is possible to refine the avatars.

"Do you know if she can refine her avatars? Anyway, let's take her down first."

The elders of the gunsmen slammed a shot, and the cold guns, like a poisonous snake, circumvented Xue Lingyao’s attacking scorpion and rushed to the front of Xue Lingyao. At the same time as Xue Lingyao retreated, he quickly took out a defensive symbol to resist the attack of the elders of the guns.

A crisp sound, Xue Lingyao's defensive shells turned into shells, shattered. The gunshots of the elders of the guns are not only accurate, but the power of the attack is amazing. Xue Lingyao only felt a huge force, hitting her on the air and knocking her out a few tens of meters. This is still in the Valley of Desolation. If it is outside, Xue Lingyao will only be worse.

"How can you even use the symbol of Tianzun?"

The elders of Shenquanmen snorted, and the shadows of the sky slammed into the attacking symbols of Xuelingyao. One weapon after another attacked the weapon, all broken, although it is impossible to use the Taoist Valley, but he uses the power of the source to display the martial arts, which is equally incredible.

"You know that it is not our opponent, and why do you have to struggle without it?"

"Don't waste time with her. If the elders of other forces take the lead, we may not even drink the soup."

"Yes, one step late, we must not let the elders of other forces take the lead."

In order to get off Xueling Yao as soon as possible, the Tao Jun who was present at the scene had all tried their best. The attacking tactics that Xue Lingyao urged, one after another, shattered. Once they are serious and work together to deal with Xue Lingyao, then Xue Lingyao can be said to be vulnerable in front of them. It’s not that Xue Ling Yao is weak, but they are too strong.

In the eyes of Xue Lingyao, there was a trace of despair. In fact, she is not too concerned about her own life and death. What really made her feel sorry was that she did not see Lingdao before she died. Up until now, she still doesn't know whether Lingdao is dead or alive, but she hopes Lingdao can live away from Gudao Valley.

"How have you not found it? Are you familiar with the tomb of the emperor or are you familiar with it?"

How dangerous is the emperor's burial place, Lingdao may not know, and find Xuelingya earlier, it is less dangerous. If it is not too anxious, Lingdao cannot be so urging four. The tomb of the emperor is dangerous on the one hand, and on the other hand, because of his negligence, Xue Lingya is in danger.

"Less Lord, don't worry, believe me, the familiarity with this tomb, if I say second, no one dares to say that he is the first."

Four pairs of eyes are sparkling, like sapphire, very incomparable. Lingdao has already seen the image of Xuelingyao. As long as it discovers Xuelingyao, it will definitely recognize Xuelingyao. In the Valley of Desolation, the four are not as far away as others, even if it is the vision of Lingdao, it is not comparable to it.

A scene in the tomb of the emperor was crossed in the scorpion of the four. It has just turned to Lingdao. If Lingdao let it do the first thing, it can't be done. Then, even if Lingdao doesn't say it, it will be embarrassed. What's more, Lingdao has nothing to do with what it does.

"Found, I found it, haha, less master, I finally found it."

Four did not yell and yell like excitement, Xue Lingyao and the elders of the **** knife door, their battle pictures, all appear in front of it. With its understanding of the tomb of the emperor, it is impossible to know where the elders of Xueling Yao and Shendaomen are.

"Less Lord, the woman you are looking for is dangerous. The old guys I met before are dealing with her."

Xue Lingyao and Shendaomen elders fight their battles, who dominates, who is inferior, and four can't be seen. The gap between Xue Lingyao and Shendaomen elders is not a star or a half. If the Lord of the North Hall of the Divine Fudian gave a lot of charms to Xuelingyao, Xueling Yao might have been taken by the elders of Shendaomen.

"What are you talking about? Are they dealing with Xueling Yao?" Lingdao’s face changed and immediately said, "We have to hurry and must not let Lingyao have something to do."

The elders of the **** knife door are calculating the ridge, and they are going to start with Xue Lingyao. Lingdao has already killed them. Unexpectedly, after Xue Lingyao escaped with the transmission symbol, the elders of Shendaomen found Xuelingyao again, and they still started to work on Xuelingyao. Lingdao really did not let the elders of the knife door let them reason.

"Okay, little master, you are sitting on me, I will take you there."

Despite the cultivation of the ridiculously immortal Lingdao, it is comparable to the Kunpeng family in terms of speed. However, in the eradication valley, the speed of Lingdao is still not as good as four. Wen Yan, Lingdao nodded and rode on the body of the four. Four did not pause like a half, and immediately rushed to the place where Xueling Yao was at the fastest speed.

When Lingdao saw Xuelingyao, Xuelingyao had been defeated by the elders of Shendaomen. The elders of Shendaomen need only a cannon fodder. As long as Xuelingyao does not die, as for Xuelingyao, there is no injury. They don’t care.

"Since you don't know how to advance and retreat, then this elder will give you a lesson."

The elders of Shenquanmen now use the Eight-Party Boxing, which claims to have nowhere to avoid the inability to escape. In the face of the Eight-Party God Boxing, there is only a hard block, and hiding can't be avoided. It is impossible to avoid it. He chose the Eight-Party Boxing, in order to let Xue Ling Yao face him.

In his view, Xue Ling Yao is not seeing the coffin without tears, do not teach Xue Ling Yao, Xue Ling Yao does not know the height of the earth. I think that the elders of his class can be degraded to the heavens. Xue Lingyao will not think that he can really compete with him by Fu Yu?

Xue Lingyao took out one defensive symbol, and some of them became a big clock. Some of them became a shield, and some were transformed into a giant sword. Unfortunately, in front of the Eight-Party God Boxing, it is not enough to see. The big clock is broken, the shield is broken, the giant sword is broken, and the defensive symbols used by Xueling Yao are unified into powder.


The blue boxing shadow, one after another, hit Xue Lingyao, and Xue Lingyao couldn't help but spurt a big blood. Although the elders of Shendaomen did not continue to shoot, they approached Xueling Yao from different directions and did not give Xue Lingya a chance to escape.

"You are looking for death!"

After seeing the situation of Xuelingyao, Lingdao angered and rushed to the crown, leaping from the body of the four, and a pair of fists did not hesitate to slam the elders of the Shenmen Gate. The Eight-Party God Boxing really made Xue Ling Yao avoid inedible hiding. Unfortunately, the elders of Shenquanmen did not think that a halfway suddenly killed a Lingdao.

If it is outside, the elders of Shenmeng will not put Lingdao in the eye. After all, Lingdao is just a god. However, in the Daogu Valley, the avenue does not exist, and there is no way. Ling Dao’s Yuan Shilong Wang Quan is enough to cause fatal damage to the elders of the Shenmen Gate. Ling Dao, who is angry with his shots, is weaker in the strength of the Daogu Valley, even if he is weaker than the elders of the major powers.

When the elders of the Knife Gate saw the Lingdao, Lingdao was fighting a large group of fierce fighters. However, Lingdao did not go all out at the time, coupled with the realm and age of Lingdao, which led them to think that the strength of Lingdao is much worse than them. Until now, they discovered that the strength of Ling Dao is far more arrogant than they think.

The fist shadow is like a dragon head, and it slams into the elders of the **** fist. The elders of Shenmeng’s face were white, and the horrible punches broke out in his body. The Yuanyuan origin turned into the origin of the fire for a while, and turned into the origin of the ice for a while, turned into the source of the thunder for a while, and turned into the source of destruction for a while, let God The fist door elders have a headache.

"What kind of source does he cultivate? Is it that he has condensed several original stars?"

The original strength of Lingdao is unpredictable, and the elders of Shenmeng do not know how to resolve them. If it is not handled well, the original strength of the elders of Shenquanmen will be absorbed by the original strength of Lingdao, and then the strength of Lingdao will be strengthened. Although Lingdao failed to kill the elders of Shenmeng, in a short time, the elders of Shenmenmen could not re-apply.

"Your kid didn't die?" The elders of the Knife Gate looked at Lingdao and sneered. "I am lucky to escape and die. You don't want to sneak into your life. You have to send it to the door. Do you really think that you can have good luck?"

"District Tianzun, the elders did not know how much they killed before. Although in the ruins of the valley, the gap between your strength and our strength has been reduced, but we have to kill you, it still does not bother. The reason why you live to the present, only Because we need you to be our cannon fodder."

Even if the strength of Lingdao is stronger than they think, it does not make them feel a little nervous. In their view, Lingdao can hurt the elders of Shenmeng, purely because the elders of Shenmenmen did not have a little defense against Lingdao. What's more, they have a lot of people, and how to clean up the Lingdao can clean up the Lingdao.

"Kid, I advise you to hurry to escape. Don't you find that four are not chasing it? We can avoid the killing of four, you don't seem to be okay?"

The elders of the Gunsmen Gate said with gloating, and the speed of the four is not as fast as that of the Lingdao. After Ling Dao had dealt with the elders of Shenquanmen, the four did not seem to follow Lingdao, and they appeared in front of the elders of Shendaomen. It is a pity that the elders of the Knife Gate do not know that the four do not follow the way to kill the Lingdao, but to help Lingdao.

"I am arrogant, I was letting you escape because of my intentions last time. I did not expect that you not only did not leave, but also wanted to be disadvantageous to the Lord. Can I spare you?"

Four did not come to Lingdao's side, cold eyes looking at the elders of the gun door. The tomb of the Wolf Emperor is not allowed to break into by outsiders, not to mention the elders of the guns and their embarrassment. Of course, Lingdao is not an outsider, and Lingdao’s woman is not an outsider.

"Less Lord? What do you mean? Who is the Lord?" The elders of the Knife Gate looked at the four, and looked at Lingdao. "You will not say that he is your young master?"

The other elders of the same power also found the problem, because the four did not mean to completely miss the shot. It is estimated that Lingdao has already become a body with the ability to kill Lingdao. However, they do not understand why the Lingdao will be a lesser master than four?

"Don't he say that he is the descendant of the Great Emperor?" The elders of Shenquanmen indulged for a moment before continuing. "No wonder I think his blood power is exceptionally strong. If we take it down, it can't be inside the tomb." Is it unimpeded?"

Since Lingdao is a small master who is not like four, then they only need to hold Lingdao in their hands as a hostage, and four are not like a rat. It is a pity that before the appearance of the four, they did not know that Lingdao was the descendant of the Great. Now that I know it is not false, the problem is that four are not there.

If there are no four, they have to take the Lingdao, it is easy. It is not easy to win the Lingdao in front of the four. Of course, they are willing to take risks, because the benefits of taking the Lingdao are too big, they are stronger than they can catch hundreds of cannon fodder.

"You stop me from this beast, I will take the kid, how about?"

The elders of Shenjianmen used the will to pass the sound and discussed it with the elders of other forces. On the strength, the Elders of the Excalibur can rank among them in the top three. However, on the speed, the elders of the Excalibur broke out, and the elders of other powers could not match him.

Dealing with Lingdao is definitely easier than dealing with four. If four are not crazy, they may even die. The elders of Shenjianmen had to take the Lingdao, but they threw the dangerous things to other elders. There was no fool in the presence of Daojun, and certainly would not agree with the proposal of the elders of Shenjianmen.

"Let me come and take the kid, because I can take him down in the shortest possible time. So, you just have to entangle the beast for a moment."

The elders of the head of God first raised objections, and the elders of other powers could not have known that the palm of the hand of God was the most suitable method for taking others. Although the elders of the Excalibur are faster than the elders of God's head, God's head can definitely take the ridge in a shorter time.

Then, the elders of the knives and the elders of the riflemen opened their mouths. Even if they had no advantage, they would have to fight for it. After all, no one would take risks. Four different strengths, the elders of the **** knife door have been personally taught, and other elders of the same power have also seen it.

"When we fight like this, when is it?"

The elders of the sword can't help but ask, the elders of other powers are silent. Their problem is that there is no unified leadership and no one is obeying anyone. It is not good to have any differences. Once there is a disagreement, it is difficult to unify. For example, the elders of the swordsman are not willing to fight against the four, and the elders of other powers can't force him to fight against the four.

"Ling Yao, are you okay?"

"Lingdao, are you okay?"

Xuelingyao and Lingdao asked almost at the same time, Lingdao worried about the safety of Xuelingyao, Xuelingyao also worried about the situation of Lingdao. Wen Yanyao shook her head with a smile, although she was hurt, but as long as Lingdao is fine, her injury does not matter. When the four did not look like Ling Dao, she thought that Ling Dao was too much.

At that time, the situation was critical, and Xue Lingyao could not fight side by side with Lingdao. What she can do is to avoid the elders of the knife door, and then find opportunities to deal with the four. It is a pity that Xue Lingyao is not familiar with the tomb of the emperor. Even if she wants to go back to Lingdao, she does not know how to go.

What makes Xue Ling Yao desperate is that she did not wait for her to find Lingdao, they met the elders of the knife door. However, no matter how great, when she was in the first place, she was not only saved, but she also saw Lingdao. As long as Lingdao is at her side, even if she is going to Huangquan with Lingdao, she can face it with a smile.

"You help me deal with them, relying on me alone, I am definitely not their opponent."

Lingdao turned around and said nothing to the four. The four did not nod like serious. Even without the requirements of Lingdao, the four would not be like the elders of the knife door. Although Lingdao and Xuelingyao only have Tianzunjing, but one more person has more strength, and Lingdao and Xuelingyao help each other. Four is not like the elders who can kill the knife door more easily.


The four did not take the lead with Lingdao. The former turned into a rainbow of light and slammed into the elders of the **** knife door. The latter was once again used to cast the Yuanshilong Wangquan and attacked the elders of the Shenmen Gate. The Daojun of the state of prosperity is indeed not good to deal with, but the elders of Shenquanmen are greatly damaged.

Persimmons must first pick a soft pinch, after all, the hard Lingdao can not hold. Lingdao and Si did not discuss the secrets. After Lingdao solved the elders of Shenmeng, he would deal with other elders who were not hit hard by the four. As for Xueling Yao, it is standing next to the strategy. At the crucial moment, Xue Lingyao mobilized an attack symbol, which is likely to cause a killing of the elders of a product.

"It is really older, the smaller the courage, just to deal with a small Tianzun, we have to discuss for a long time. If it is for me to be young, how can it be their turn to shoot first?"

"Because you start with a strong hand, and then you start to suffer. The elders understand the truth when they were young. I didn't expect that the age is getting older, but I have to be taught by a junior."

"A vicious beast in the district, what qualifications are fierce in front of us, do you think we are afraid that he will not succeed? As long as we are fully committed, even if he is the guardian beast of the tomb, can we kill him as well?"

The elders of the Knife Gate were irritated by the attitudes of Ling Dao and Si. They were a group of Dao Jun who were afraid of Ling Dao and Si Duo. If they were passed out, others would not know how to laugh at them. Of course, they can't lose their minds and deal with them. They must be careful.

"Red Dragon Seven!"

"Decision Tianzhu!"

"Golden body scorpion gun!"

Each elder has to take out his own school, to deal with the four, and now if you still hide, it is no different from looking for death. If they really fight, they will not care who will deal with the four, who will deal with Lingdao, and they are all dealing with the four. Because they understand that as long as the solution is not the same, Lingdao is not worth mentioning.

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