The Immortal Taoist

Vol 5 Chapter 93: Anti-military

"Not self-reliant!"

As the voices of young scholars fall, one after another will condense the four characters of “not self-reliant”. To the surprise of others, in the face of the attack of the great leader of the Great Saint Court, he did not even mean to do it. He saw that the four characters of "not self-reliant" rushed to the sky.

The collision of the Taoist, the confrontation between the sword and the words, the changes of the situation, the sky shakes. One strong after another is far away, so as not to be affected by the attacks of young scholars and the holy courtlords. The Dalai Lama of the Daoist is absolutely not weak, but the young scholars are stronger, and the strong ones are not one and a half.

It is just the four characters of "not self-reliant", which not only broke the attack of the Dalai Lama, but also the four great mountains to the Taoist court. I have to say that the young scholars are really terrible. The Taoist monks in the Great Han Dynasty are full of sorrow. The young scholars not only easily broke his attack, but also made him feel a deadly threat.

"The Great Burning Knife!"

The Taoist priest of the Holy Trinity roared, his hands raised the sword, and thousands of roads gathered on the blade of the sword. The fire of the stars can poke the original, the raging fire can burn the sky, the knife is thrown out, the air is burning, the fire is spreading, and the hot temperature is enough to make the gods and the holy king sweat hot. The light of the knife and the sea of ​​fire are intertwined, and the light of the road illuminates the square, as if it can destroy everything in the heavens and the earth.

"Is this the great slashing knife of our Han Sheng Ting Ting? Too strong, I don't know when I can practice the Great Burning Knife?"

"He is dead, how terrible is the great slashing knife that the Taoist casts, and it is not a piece of cake to kill him a young man?"

Everyone who recognizes the great sacred knives of the Great Han Dynasty will think that young scholars will die. Although it is not the martial arts pioneered by the Great Emperor, it is definitely not worse than the Emperor's martial arts, because it is the Burning Heavenly Lord who created the Great Burning Sword, and one of the strongest lords in the history of the Holy Trinity.

However, the reality surprised them. The great knives not only failed to kill young scholars, but even did not hurt the young scholars. "Do not be self-sufficient," the four big words suppressed the sea of ​​fire, smashed the knife light, and the heavens and the earth seemed to fall into a short darkness.


The Taoist in the Holy Trinity of the Han Dynasty thought that the young scholar would suffer even if he did not die. However, it was not the young scholar who was really injured. It was himself. The four characters of "not self-reliant" have been squatting on him, turning his stunned heads, and the internal organs are all created.

What he coughed out was not blood, but the liver. His face was pale, not only because of physical injuries, but also because of the terrible strength of young scholars. He exhibited the great slashing knife, although he could not compete with the emperor, but the general Taoist was not his opponent at all.

However, young scholars do not need to shoot at all, they can hit him. His strength and the strength of young scholars are not at all a level. The Taoist of the Holy Trinity is even thinking, young scholars will not be the great emperor?

There are not a few great emperors in the three thousand territories of the heavens. The great emperor who knows the Taoist monks in the Han Dynasty is limited. Perhaps the young scholars in front of him are the great emperors he does not know. In his cognition, only the great emperor can defeat him so easily. Of course, if a young scholar wants to kill him, it will not cost anything.


Young scholars did not talk nonsense with the Dalai Lama, but spit out a "dead" word. The **** "dead" word is like a **** of death, harvesting the life of the Taoist monk in the Han Dynasty. In the face of the word "death", the Taoist priest of the Han Dynasty has no resistance at all.

"How is it possible? Who is he? How can it be like this? I am not dreaming?"

"He killed the lord of our Holy Trinity as simple as pinching an ant. If he wants to kill us, don't we all die?"

If the young scholars are only a little stronger than the Taoist monks in their Han Dynasty, they are certainly not afraid. As long as they join hands, they will definitely get rid of the young scholars. The problem is that young scholars are much stronger than the Taoist monks in their Great Han court. Even if they join hands, they don't have the confidence to kill young scholars.

Fortunately, they invited the emperor, the current Holy Emperor of the Holy Trinity to deal with the destructive clock, only used a soldier, they also have a soldier. They joined forces to mobilize the emperors, and even if they could not sway the full power of the emperors, they could also have the power of self-protection in front of young scholars.

Of course, their guesses are not necessarily correct. If the young scholars are not the great emperors, they will join forces to mobilize the emperors. It is not to protect themselves, but to kill young scholars. Their backing is the emperor's power, the Han Sheng court, even if their opponent is the emperor, it is still impossible to scare them away, provided that the realm of this emperor is not high.

Although there is no emperor sitting in the town, there is no problem in dealing with the emperor with a very low realm. If you encounter a big emperor with a high level of realm, then the details of the Holy Court of the Han Dynasty are not enough. After all, the Han Sheng Ting Ting was only the emperor's power that was passed down from ancient times, and never had a great emperor.

"In the face of our face, killing the Taoist Lord of the Holy Trinity, you are too much to put our Han Shengting in the eye?"

"Since you don't give us the face of the Holy Court, then we don't have to give it to you. It's only when our Korean Holy Court bullies others, and no one else has bullied our Holy Court."

"Young people, newborn calves are not afraid of tigers, we can understand, but you don't even know, what kind of behemoth you have provoked. Offend our Han Shengting, only one, is dead!"

One strong after another, the strong men of the Holy Trinity stood up. They were crowded and there were soldiers in their hands, no need to be afraid of young scholars. Moreover, they are convinced that it will take a long time for their saints to win the annihilation clock. At that time, with the help of the Holy Emperor, their strength will rise.

"Please emperor!"

Standing at the forefront is the seven emperors of the Holy Trinity, the most beloved son of the Great Han Dynasty. Although the Seven Emperors of the Holy Trinity are not the strongest of the Emperor, his talent is absolutely the highest. The reason why they can't compare with the Great Emperor and the Second Emperor is purely because the Emperor and the Second Emperor practiced longer than him.

The emperor who appeared in front of the Seven Emperors was a landlord. According to legend, the land has a power to open up the earth. Above the corpus, lingering infinite suffocating, it seems to smash all tangible and intangible things. There are mountains and rivers, flowers, birds and insects in the mountains, and the sun, the moon and the stars are in the world.

"You, with the Emperor, mobilize the Emperor and kill this person!"

In the first place, the seven princes of the Holy Trinity were highly talented. Secondly, the Seven Emperors of the Holy Trinity of the Han Dynasty won the favor of His Majesty the Holy Emperor. The presence of the Great Han Shengting was naturally willing to obey the command of the Seven Emperors. What's more, young scholars are their enemy, and they have no reason not to shoot young scholars.

Since they are alone, they are not opponents of young scholars. Then, they can only join hands with the seven emperors and use the power of the emperors to deal with young scholars. When they instilled their strength into the hinterland, the suffocation of the earthworms increased by a hundredfold. The horrible suffocation tumbling in the void, wherever it passes, the void is annihilated.

"Your strength is very strong, this prince is not as good as himself, but today is definitely you, not the prince."

The seven emperors of the Holy Trinity of the Han Dynasty held the plaques and slammed them toward the young scholars. The horrible suffocation is spreading, not to mention the young scholars who are rushing, even if they are standing in the distance, the sacred robes. The tyranny of the land has been their imagination.

“Is it?” The young scholar smiled softly and whispered, “Where are you confident? Don’t you, even if the last holy emperor of your Han Sheng court personally urged the land, you can’t kill me, you know. know?"

"Hurricane! My grandfather urged the emperor, but he can't kill you. Who do you think you are?"

The last holy emperor of the Holy Trinity in Great Korea was the Great Emperor. The young scholars did not put the Emperor of the Holy Trinity in his eyes, and naturally angered the Seven Emperors of the Holy Trinity. If the last holy emperor of the Holy Trinity is still alive, the Korean Holy Court is definitely more arrogant than it is now. There is a great power of the Emperor sitting in the town, and the power of the Emperor without the Emperor is definitely different.

“Who am I?” The young scholar turned a page and smiled. “I am just an unknown student, a scholar who can resist the soldiers with his hands!”

I saw the young scholar suddenly raised the right hand of the book, and grabbed the land of the Han Sheng Ting. A group of soldiers who are motivated by the Daojun must not be underestimated. The actions of the young scholars, in the eyes of the strong men of the Han court, are completely dead.

"This is what you are looking for, no wonder we are."

"I have seen arrogance, but I have never seen you so arrogant. Also anti-imperialist soldiers, do you really think that you are the great emperor?"

There is a speculation in the strong man of the Great Han court that the young scholar is the great emperor, but some people can be sure that the young scholar is not the great emperor. The leader of the anti-imperialist army is not without, but nothing in the middle. The young scholars standing in front of them seem to be soft and weak. How can they resist the soldiers with their hands?

However, the next scene of life, so that they are shocked can not add. The young scholar’s ​​right hand suddenly became hundreds of times larger, and he would hold it in his palm. The horror of the horror, the young scholar’s ​​right hand was attacked thousands of times in the blink of an eye.

"How is it possible? His right hand has no damage at all?"

"Is the suffocating suffocation of the earth's scorpion actually dissipating? We can't help him without the help of the land that we are urging together?"

Not only did the young people who were promoted by the strong men of the Holy Trinity not hurt the young scholars, but they became smaller and smaller in the hands of young scholars. Before the smashing of the earth, the eyes turned into a ruthless slap in the face!

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