The Immortal Taoist

Vol 5 Chapter 94: Winning and losing

"Is he really the great emperor? Or else, how could he possibly take the emperor so easily?"

"No, I have seen the great emperor. He is definitely not the great emperor. If I guess it is correct, he should be a lord, even though he has only the realm of the Taoist, but the combat power is comparable to the great."

They joined forces to mobilize the land, and as a result, not only did they not hurt young scholars, but they were won by young scholars. In the hands of the young scholars, the land was rushed to the left, and then became bigger and smaller for a while. Unfortunately, no matter how struggling the land, it still could not escape from the young scholars.

"You, he is stronger, and he is only the Taoist. We continue to push the land, and the Emperor does not believe that so many of us will mobilize the land and can not deal with one of his lords."

It is not the seven emperors of the Holy Trinity who are discouraged, but the seven emperors have no choice. The landlord is the emperor of their Han court. If the land is lost in his hands, then he must be punished. Even if he is the current emperor of the Han court, he can't protect him.

There are indeed more than one emperor in the Holy See, but every soldier is very important. Losing a soldier is even more serious and more serious than killing several Taoists. What the Seven Emperors can do now, and what must be done, is to recapture the Emperor. Can't solve the young scholars, but the soldiers must grab them back.

"The Seven Emperors are assured that we will go all out and be sure to kill him."

"As long as he is not the great emperor, it can't be our opponent. Just because we care about it, let him be abominable."

Countless ways, turned into a big river, and went to the young scholars. The goal of Dao Dahe is not a young scholar, but a young scholar. They know that it is impossible to defeat young scholars by the Emperor. While urging the emperors, they have displayed their own killers.

"Stop, kill me!"

Not only the seven emperors, but also the 100,000 troops standing behind. Although the personal strength of the 100,000 army is not very good, but the use of the battle array, they can unite their power, so that they throw out the power of the Taoist level, and it is not the general Taoist.

After the battle was formed, the strength of the 100,000-strong army gathered in the ranks of the ten generals. Being able to sit in the position of the general, the strength is not weak, coupled with the strength of their subordinates, making their fighting power surge. Their every move, they all contain infinite power.

Knife light, sword mang, and boxing shadows are overwhelming, and the aura, the source, and the road are frantically surging. Their attacks are everywhere, and young scholars are like a boat in the sea, ready to be swallowed up by big waves. The face of the seven emperors of the Holy Trinity is already full of smiles, because he feels that young scholars can't stop their offensive.

You must know that the young scholars now have not only the killers of the seven emperors, but also the battlefield formed by the 100,000-strong army and the explosion of the emperor. Under the triple offensive, even the current Emperor of the Han Dynasty, wearing the Tiande robes, is not likely to retreat. What's more, until now, young scholars have never used any weapons.

"Do you have this ability? Is there anything more powerful?"

The young scholars closed the book in their hands in a hurry and then took a look at the seven emperors of the Holy Trinity. He grabbed the ground in his right hand and gently patted his palm with his left hand. Huge palm prints, boundless, shrouded in the sky, a palm down, knife light, swordsmanship, all annihilated.

When the land is swelled and sometimes trembles, the young scholars must not only deal with the seven emperors of the Han court, but also suppress the land. Not to mention the seven emperors of the Great Court of the Han Dynasty, the way they instilled in the land, is simply the will of the land, and it is not easy to solve.


The source burst, the road is smashed, and the road behind one after another is constantly shaking. The strong men of the Holy Trinity went backwards and again, and the 100,000 army even flew out. Although the ten generals got the strength of their subordinates, they are still not the opponents of young scholars, but also the gap between heaven and earth.

The seven emperors of the Holy Trinity of the Han Dynasty snorted, and the corners of their mouths overflowed with a trace of blood. Other strong people were equally inferior. Until now, they have understood how big the gap between them and young scholars is. It is against the heavens that the Lord is against heaven. It is not that they can win by number.

"Strong, too strong, I don't know when I can have such strength?"

Lingdao’s eyes were staring at the young scholars. Although the young scholars didn’t seem to move, the young scholar’s ​​movements contained rhyme. The seemingly simple action is actually not simple. It is the charm of the Tao, the rule of the Tao, and the trajectory of the Tao.

It is normal for young scholars to be stronger than the strong men of the Holy Trinity. Whether in the understanding of the Tao or the use of the Tao, the young scholars are higher than the strongest of the Holy Trinity. It is a pity that the general warriors do not see anything at all. They are not Lingdao and there is no supreme gold.

"Puff puff"

One strong man in the Holy Court of the Han Dynasty was oppressed by a huge palm print, and the young scholars gave the impression that it was like a day penalty. Their attacks hit the huge palm prints, as if they were sinking into the sea, and they had no effect at all.

"His Royal Highness of the Seven Emperors, we are not his opponent at all, what should I do?"

"Would we try to delay the time, wait for His Majesty the Holy Emperor to take down the Emperor, and let the Holy Emperor kneel to deal with him. With the strength of His Majesty the Holy Emperor, he can certainly be taken."

They are not opponents of young scholars, they can only pin their hopes on the Holy Emperor of the Holy Trinity. The Han Shengting, which has a Tiande robes and is now the Holy Emperor, is not a star or a half. They are purely blind trust to His Majesty the Holy Emperor. Even if the strength of the young scholars has already come out against the heavens, they still have full confidence in His Majesty the Holy Emperor.

However, the next moment, they are changing their faces. A figure fell from above the sky, falling to the ground. When they saw this figure, they only felt that the brain was blank. Lying on the ground, licking the chest, not others, it is the Holy Emperor of the Great Han Trinity.

"The current Holy Emperor of the Holy Trinity, but this is far less than the previous Holy Emperor."

The middle-aged man who has become a singer of the clock and the singularity of the clock seems to be looming. It shows that he is fighting with the current Holy Emperor of the Han Dynasty. Fortunately, he was the winner, not the current Holy Emperor of the Holy Trinity. Although he is only a weapon, he is able to defeat the Holy Emperor of the Han Dynasty.

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