The Immortal Taoist

Vol 5 Chapter 95: Left handed, right handed

"How is it possible? His Majesty the Holy Emperor lost to a soldier? And is there a soldier who is not motivated by the strong?"

"Is it not the great emperor who is the sacred emperor of the Tiande robes? Isn't he the great emperor, why isn't his emperor not his opponent?"

The strong men of the Holy Trinity originally expected the Emperor of the Holy King to help them deal with young scholars. Unfortunately, it seems that it is simply impossible. It is not that their Holy Emperor does not help them, but the Holy Emperor does not have the ability. Unmanned annihilation clocks, their sacred emperor still can't cope, how can they deal with young scholars?

The young scholars give them the feeling that they are stronger than the annihilation clock. After all, the annihilation clock is only a soldier, but the young scholars are like the same emperor. If the young scholars come to spur the annihilation clock, then the strength of the young scholars and the power of the annihilation clock will be greatly increased.

"It’s not the emperor of the greedy wolf emperor. It’s not the comparable of the emperor’s emperor.”

The Tiande robes are also good, and there is no comparability with the annihilation of the clock. The young scholars did not deliberately disparage the meaning of the Tiande robes and the shackles, just to tell the truth. The great emperor who created the shackles of the earth and the heavenly robes is absolutely inferior to the greed of the sorcerer, and the material of the martyrdom and the celestial robes.

"If I didn't guess wrong, are you from that place?"

The middle-aged man who ruined the bell and clocked the soul and looked at the young scholar with a puzzled look. Although he had never seen a young scholar, the young scholar gave him a familiar feeling. It is not familiar to people, but the atmosphere is familiar. To be precise, it is the breath of the exercises, which makes him feel familiar.

The young scholar nodded, and it was normal to kill the origin of the clock, and he did not conceal the meaning of the clock. Since the killing of the clock has been guessed, then he will be greatly acknowledged, and it is not a matter of unapparable anyway.

“Do you need to deal with them together?”

The middle-aged man who turned the clock into the soul of the bell, pointed to the Holy Emperor of the Holy Trinity of the Han Dynasty, said that after the fierce battle just now, the malpractice of the emperor has already been revealed. Although the annihilation clock was in the confrontation with the current Holy Emperor of the Han Dynasty, it had the upper hand and even wounded the current holy emperor of the Han Sheng Ting, but it was the end of the game.

The current holy emperor of the Han Sheng Ting Ting has changed greatly. Only when he really fights with the annihilation clock will he know how terrible the annihilation clock is. He can be sure that none of the emperors in the Holy See of the Han Dynasty can be compared with the annihilation clock. It is not the incumbent sacred emperor of the Han Sheng Ting Ting who is arrogant to destroy his own prestige, but the annihilation clock is really more powerful than the emperor of the Han Sheng Ting.

"To deal with them, of course not."

The young scholar laughed, not that he looked down on the strongest of the Holy Trinity, but that the strong man of the Great Court of the Han Dynasty did not have a threat to him. Up to now, he has not taken the job seriously, whether it is the first to deal with the Taoist court of the Han Dynasty, or later against the seven emperors of the Han court and the emperor's land, he is very casual.

Now with the incumbent emperor of the Great Hans, the young scholars still don't care. The Han Sheng Ting Ting can not even beat the emperor who is not motivated by the strong, and the strength is so bad that it can be imagined. Of course, this difference is only relatively speaking. In the eyes of other powerful people, the current Han Emperor’s court is also very strong.

"Hurricane!" The current Holy Emperor of the Holy Trinity looked at the young scholars and angered. "Where did the juniors dare to put our Han Shengting in the eye? Do you know that our Han Shengting is a matter of the Emperor? Do you know how big the power of our Holy Trinity is?"

The attitude of the young scholars completely angered the current Holy Emperor of the Holy Trinity. Originally, losing to a soldier who did not have a strong booster was a shameful thing. As a result, it was now despised by a young man. It was unbearable and unbearable. The current holy emperor of the Holy Trinity finally broke out.

"Junior, do you know which forces in the wilderness domain can't be provoked? Yes, it's our holy court, we have offended our holy court, the wilderness is bigger, and there is no place for you. Do you believe it or not?"

If the current Holy Emperor of the Holy Trinity threatens other people, it may be useful, but unfortunately, the young scholars do not care. On the strength, the young scholars are stronger than the current holy emperor of the Holy Trinity. On the background, the current holy emperor and young scholars of the Holy Trinity are not comparable.

"Is there nonsense?" The young scholar’s ​​face was full of impatience. "I am standing here, how do you deal with me, even if you come over, can you just swear by the Holy Emperor of the Han Dynasty?" Say you only dare to play with your mouth, don’t dare to do it with me?"

Whether it is a wild land or other territories, all speak with strength. The reason why young scholars do not care about the threat of the current Holy Emperor in the Holy Trinity is because his strength is stronger than the current Holy Emperor of the Holy Trinity. Knowing that his words would anger the current Holy Emperor of the Holy Trinity, he still does not care.

"Father, don't take it lightly. Before we rushed to the ground, we not only failed to solve him, but let him rob the land. And, with the 100,000 troops we came to, it was a pity. I didn’t hurt him at all."

The seven emperors of the Holy Trinity of the Han Dynasty came to the ear of the Holy Emperor in the Holy Court of the Han Dynasty, and told the Holy Emperor of the Holy Trinity of the Han Dynasty about what happened before. The Seven Emperors are not the opponents of the young scholars. The Holy Emperor of the Holy Trinity is not the opponent of the annihilation clock. They add up to the opponents of the annihilation clock and the young scholars.

"Do you mean let me ask more emperors to come over, or ask our ancestors to come over?"

Since they can't do it alone, they can only ask for reinforcements. From the previous situation, it is useless to let ordinary strong people come over. Only when you ask the emperor to come over, or ask the old antiques of the Holy Trinity to come over, there will be hopes of defeating the young scholars and the annihilation clocks, and there must be several emperors or several old antiques.

"Yes, Father, I think what we have to do now is to delay the time and drag it to the reinforcements."

The seven emperors of the Holy Trinity nodded, and before the arrival of the reinforcements, they were better not to be vivid with the young books. Young scholars don't just care about them, and they don't care about the Holy Trinity. They continue to fight young scholars. They are likely to die in the hands of young scholars. It is impossible for Tiande’s robes to protect them all, at best, to protect the Holy Emperor of the Great Han court.

"No problem, I will call back now and let them reinforce."

The seriousness of the situation is not unknown to the Holy Emperor of the Holy Trinity. Fortunately, the Dalai Lama is the emperor's power. The big men who sit in the Great Court of the Han Dynasty can use the Star Gate to let their reinforcements come in the shortest time. Young scholars and annihilation clocks are stronger, can they still pass the foundation of their holy courts?

"Hey, you can't forgive yourself, you can't live for yourself." The young scholars spread their hands, and the left palm and the right palm of the hand showed an ancient word. "You dare to let the reinforcements of the Great Han court come over, I will let you the Holy Court." Disappeared, and it disappeared completely and ceased to exist."

"Jokes, it’s a big joke. Who do you think you are? Let us disappear in the Holy Court? Are you scared when we are?"

The seven emperors of the Holy Trinity laughed in their stomachs. They are indeed not opponents of young scholars. Compared with the entire Korean court, the young scholars are not worth mentioning. Young scholars don't put them in their eyes. It's understandable, but young scholars don't put the entire Han court in their eyes, they don't know how high the earth is.

"Father, you are talking, he not only knows that we want to ask for reinforcements, but also threatens us. What qualifications does he have to threaten us? What is his ability to threaten us?"

Until now, the seven emperors of the Holy Trinity of the Han Dynasty did not notice the horror in the eyes of the Holy Emperor. The seven emperors of the Holy Trinity are still too young to know what the young scholars are in the palm of their hand. The Holy Trinity of the Republic of Korea is not a fake force, but the Great Holy Court is not the strongest force in the three thousand territories of the heavens.

"Left-handed Emperor, right-handed, he...he is the descendant of the Emperor's Temple?"

As the current holy emperor of the Han Sheng Ting, he could not have known the emperor's palace. The reason why he is afraid is because he knows a word, preferring to offend the three palaces at the same time, and not to offend the emperor's palace. There are also rumors that the Lord of the Emperor's Temple is not dead, from the time of the Taikoo period to the present, no one can be enemies in the three thousand territories of the heavens.

"To shut up!"

The Holy Emperor of the Holy Trinity can't help but scream at the Seven Emperors. If the young scholar is really a descendant of the Emperor's Temple, then even if he invites all the soldiers of the Holy Trinity, it is useless. Compared with the emperor, the Han Sheng court can't compare with the emperor's palace. Compared with the strong, the Han Shengting is even more impossible than the emperor's palace.

In the wilderness, the Holy Emperor of the Great Han Dynasty knows more about the Emperor's Temple than the general power. Don't say that the legendary Emperor, the Lord of the Emperor's Hall, is not theirs. The Korean Holy Court is able to cope. Don't look at the young scholars in front of you, you can be strong, but the young scholars can't even be in the emperor's palace.

Because the owner of the emperor's palace must be the existence of the emperor. There is no emperor in the court of the Han Dynasty. The Taoist urging the emperor is certainly not as good as the emperor personally urging the emperor. When he invited the reinforcements, the young scholars would ask a monarch to come over and they would be able to suppress them and even kill them. Others are afraid of the Han Sheng Ting, the Emperor's Temple is certainly not afraid.

"We and your lord have no enmity, do you have no need to be an enemy with us?" The current Holy Emperor of the Holy Trinity of the Han Dynasty laughed. "Before the dog was not sensible, he would fight with you. I hope you don't mind. We have to deal with it. It’s just them, it’s not about you.”

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