The Immortal Taoist

Vol 5 Chapter 130: Break the record

"Gambling gambling, you know gambling, the more you want to gamble, the less I will gamble with you, how can you treat me?"

Although the black boy thinks that the sword demon can't realize a martial art in twenty days, he does not want to fall twice in the same place. The young woman in a long green dress provokes him, obviously it is dependent on him, he will not risk and gamble once again with the young woman wearing a cyan dress.

"Hey, coward, don't dare to gamble, just say it."

The young woman in the blue dress was surprised that the black teenager did not eat her radical method at all. Fortunately, he has already won the opportunity of a black teenager to go out once, not too greedy, since he won't win the second time, he can't force it. The black boy does not gamble, he can't force the black boy to gamble?

"Sister Xiaoqing, why do you think that the little guy can understand a martial art in twenty days?"

The doubts of the purple girl's face were all that Tian Zun had only used the thirteen days to realize the emperor's martial arts, but it has only been a few billion years since ancient times. No matter the last time or the last time, there was no martial art in a twenty-day period.

"Twenty days later, you naturally know."

The young woman in a long green dress did not explain, but sold a pass. The more she is, the more curious the girl in purple is, the same as the old man in the black dress. With her character, it is impossible to be untargeted. The little one of the swordsman is afraid of something unusual.

For three months, for them, the blink of an eye is gone, they are waiting outside, not at all. On the contrary, there are Tianzun people inside, some are anxious and sweaty. Although it is much easier for them to enlighten the emperor martial arts in this place than the outside, the emperor martial arts is ultimately a martial art, and there is no difficulty.

"It turned out that this is the case. The Lei Di Shadowless Sword is to make the sword turn into lightning, how fast the lightning speed is, and how fast the sword will be."

In the eyes of the sword demon, there is an infinite sword light. If someone stares at his pupil, he will find a white figure in the golden pupil in the crazy sword. As time passed, his pupil slowly changed from gold to white, and finally became purple.

Lei Di's shadowless sword is the fastest sword he has ever seen. No one, but unfortunately, his realm is too low, and it is impossible to display the essence of the sword. Fortunately, the test of the purple girl is only the emperor martial arts on the stone, but not the martial art on the stone.


A loud noise attracted all the presence of the Tianzun and the black boy and the purple girl. The stone in front of the sword had already exploded and turned into a pile of gravel. Up to now, only the stone tablets of the swordsman have had problems, and the stone tablets of other Tianzun are still intact.

"Haha, he won't be too poorly understood, and he is rejected by the stone tablet? Is the stone in front of us spiritual?"

"It seems that he was the first to be eliminated. It is only seven days. He can't record all the martial arts recorded on the stone tablet. Now the stone monument is broken. How can he also enlighten the emperor's martial arts recorded on the stone tablet? learn?"

There are not a few glory days, especially those who are in the test of black teenagers, behind the swordsmen. Although their final scores were better than the swords, the swordsmen walked to the 37th stump in front of them, and they were still worried. Now that the sword demon has destroyed the stone tablets that record the martial arts of the emperor, they are of course happy.


The girl in the purple dress was so blank that she couldn’t say what was behind. She presided over the test of this level, and she did not know how many years had passed, but she was the first to encounter something like today. In the seven days, how can the stone tablets that record the martial arts of the Emperor be broken?

Although she knows that there is only one possibility of breaking the stone tablet of the Emperor's martial arts, the Tianzun who participated in her test has already realized the Emperor Wushu recorded on the stone tablet. However, from the beginning of her test to the present, there are only seven days. How can the swordsman realize the martial arts recorded on the stone tablet?

It is already difficult for Tianzun to realize the martial arts of the Emperor, let alone a martial art in a seven-day period. Even in the past and present, the highest record of the three thousand territories is only a thirteen-day realization of a martial art. The time spent by the swordsman is almost half of the highest record.

"The stone tablet will not go wrong? In seven days, how can a small tyrant can understand a martial art?"

The black boy couldn’t help but say that he didn’t believe in the purple girl, but the things that happened in front of him were too ridiculous. Mo said that he is a young woman who is very optimistic about the swordsman's blue dress. She does not believe that the swordsman can realize a martial art in only seven days.

"Impossible, the stone tablet will not be a problem, and, with so many stone tablets, why are other stone monuments no problem, only his stone tablets have problems?"

After the purple girl slowed down, she quickly denied the saying of the black boy. She once again looked at the eyes of the sword demon, which is completely different from before. Seven days to realize what a martial art representative represents, she certainly knows that from ancient times to the present, Tianquan three thousand territory, all the Tianzun who participated in this test, in terms of understanding, can not match the sword magic.

"Xiaoqing, do you know why?"

The old man of Hefa Tongyan turned and looked at the young woman wearing a cyan dress. After his reminder, the black boy and the purple girl also looked at the young woman wearing a cyan dress.

"I only know that he has the supreme gold scorpion, but even with the help of the supreme gold scorpion, it is not so exaggerated? It is only seven days, how can seven days of time realize a martial art?"

They don't believe it is one thing. Anyway, the girl in the purple dress said that there is no problem with the stone tablet. Then, the martial art of the martial art on the stone sword is the fact. The young woman wearing a long green dress looked at the eyes of the sword, and she was even more brilliant. She did not expect that she underestimated the understanding of the sword.

"Congratulations, you are the first to pass my test!"

The voice of the purple girl is not only passed to the ear of the sword, but the other gods are equally clear. The Tianzuns who were still laughing at the swordsmen were suddenly dumbfounded. They even thought that they had gotten wrong. Should the swordsmen be eliminated? How is the purple girl is the first to pass the test?

"What kind of joke? I don't have a clue about the martial arts of the Emperor. How can he know how to make the Emperor Wuxue understand?"

"Impossible, we must say that a tyrant can be a martial artist in a seven-day period. No one will believe it. We don't believe that other warriors in the three thousand territories will certainly not believe it, right? ”

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