The Immortal Taoist

Vol 5 Chapter 131: Three-door emperor sword

"Are you questioning me?"

The voice of the girl in the purple dress is not big, but in the ears of Tian Zun who just opened, like the thunder of Wan Lei, the eardrum is sore. They quickly said that they did not dare, whether they did not believe in the purple girl, or that they did not believe that the sword magic realized the emperor martial arts recorded on the stone tablet, they did not continue to laugh at the guts of the sword.

"It is not a martial art of the Emperor, and a master sword method of Wu Di has already raised my blood shadow several levels."

In the test of the old man of Hefa, the swordsmanship, the blood shadow of the exhibition has already made the other gods react quickly, and the blood shadow is now several times faster than that time. In seven days, he not only realized the Lei Di shadowless sword, but also integrated the essence of the Lei Di shadowless sword into the blood shadow. Although it is only part of the essence, it can't be underestimated.

"Predecessors, I don't know if I can continue to enlighten other stone tablets?"

The more swordsmanship he has enlightened, the more powerful his sword is. The blood shadow is known for its speed. His own swordsmanship is also known in other aspects. Anyway, he is making such a request, the purple girl can promise him the best, if the purple girl does not agree, he has no loss.

"Although there was no such precedent in the past, since you have created a new record, then I will give you such an opportunity. You should take good care of it."

The reason why the purple girl promised the sword, not only because she appreciates the sword, but because she wants to see if the sword can be in the seven days or so, and realize the second martial art. I saw her filigree jade hand wave, the sword magic is about eight stone monuments.

"The emperor martial arts recorded on these eight stone tablets are all swordsmanship. If you can understand how much, you will see your own skills."

Before the sword magic entered, the purple girl checked the situation of the sword demon, naturally knowing that the sword magic is a sword repair thing. However, the eight stone monuments she prepared for the swordsmen are not only martial arts, but also topless. It is a hundred times more difficult to learn from the martial arts.

Even if the Sword Devil can really understand a martial art in seven days, the eight stone tablets she prepared for the Sword Devil are still hard enough to live in the Sword Magic for three months. Normally, with the savvy of the sword, it is necessary to realize that it is at least seventy days.

"The younger generation of swordsmen, thanked the predecessors."

The sword demon did not hesitate, and immediately looked at the sword sword method recorded on a stone tablet in front. The test of the purple girl is only three months, he can not waste a trace of time. His every move, as many as the purple girl looked in the eyes, the purple girl could not help but nodded.

"Not arrogant, this little guy called the sword magic is really good, and in time, it will become a big weapon."

The black teenagers standing next to the purple girl looked at her with amazement. Throughout the ages, there were very few days to get her praise. However, it is normal to think about it. I can understand her martial arts in seven days and win her praise.

The black boy couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. Fortunately, he did not bet with a young woman wearing a long green dress. Otherwise, he lost him. The young woman who was wearing a cyan dress had long known that the sword demon had the supreme gold scorpion. It is no wonder that in his test, the performance of the sword demon exceeded his expectations.

"I showed him so many days of respect, I believe that he will definitely shine in the test of the future."

The young woman in a long green dress said quietly in her heart that the test behind is related to strength. Although the sword demon has the supreme golden dragonfly, as long as the sword magic does not condense the ninth Tianfu and become the Tianzun, then he will still be eliminated in the test of the latter.

The sword is calm, but many of the people present cannot be calm. A district of the tyrants, even in a seven-day period, realized a martial art of the emperor, the shock to them is too great. When they saw the sword demon and realized another stone monument, they were ready to watch the jokes of the swordsman. Until now, they still feel that the stone of the sword is out of order, but they dare not continue to say it.

"You said, after seven days, can he understand the second martial art of the emperor?"

The purple girl looked at the swordsman and asked them to the black boy. This problem, the black teenagers can not answer, although they feel that the sword magic can not understand the second martial art after seven days, but the sword magic has created a miracle, who knows whether the sword magic will create a second time miracle.


What they didn't think was that only six days later, the stone monument in front of the swordsman was once again turned into gravel. The previous time, the sword magic used seven days to realize a master sword method, but now, he only spent six days, and realized a master sword.

"Impossible, he realized through a master sword method before, and his mind consumes a lot of money. To understand the second sword of the sword, it will only take longer than the first sword." Will it be shorter than the first time to see the Emperor's sword?"

Black teenagers are close to each other, and the performance of the swordsman is totally unreasonable. However, speculation is speculation after all, the reality is that the sword magic has indeed realized the second sword of the sword. Just now, they can say that there is a problem with the stone monument. Now, they cannot continue to say that it is a stone monument.

A stone monument may have problems, but the second stone monument is impossible to continue to have problems, and the two stone tablets are still enlightened by the swords, unless the purple girl opens the back door to the sword magic.

"The fastest record in the past was that it took only 13 days for Tianzun to realize a martial art. But now, in thirteen days, he actually realized two stone tablets."

The purple girl couldn't help but **** a cold breath, and the curse of the sword demon was too enchanting. In her heart, she has been faintly looking forward to it. If the swordsman is ready to enlighten the next school, she would like to know that it is necessary for the sword to realize that it takes a long time to learn.

What makes her feel a pity is that the third stone monument chosen by the swordsman is still a stone monument that records the martial arts of the Emperor. This time, she did not guess, the black teenagers did not guess. The performance of the sword demon has exceeded their expectations again and again, and they have no intention of guessing.

“砰” “砰”

Five days later, two loud bangs sounded one after another. The first blasted stone tablet was in front of the girl in the yellow skirt. The second blasted stone tablet was the enlightenment of the sword. In the past, the performance of the girl in the yellow skirt was almost the first to pass the test of the purple girl.

But now, there are few people who care about the girl in the yellow short skirt, because the sword magic has already realized the third martial art. You must know that Tian Zun, who is present, except for the girl in the yellow short skirt, did not realize the first martial art. Compared with the sword magic, what qualifications do they have to call genius?

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