The Immortal Taoist

Vol 5 Chapter 132: The anger of the true dragon to the heavenly

"You found that no, the speed of his martial arts martial arts has not slowed down, but it has become faster and faster. Going through the first martial art of the Emperor, he spent seven days and realized the second martial art. He only spent six days, and now he is the third master of the sword, he only spent five days."

The old man of Hefa Tongyan looked at the eyes of the sword demon, full of shocking colors. A Ba Tian Zun used eighteen days to realize the three-door emperor sword. If he did not see it, he would not believe it. From ancient times to the present, the genius he has seen is like the number of the Ganges, but none of them can be compared with the sword.

"Congratulations, you are the second one to pass my test."

Although a girl wearing a yellow skirt is not as good as a sword, it is still more savvy than other gods. In fact, a Tianzun can realize a martial art in a period of 18 days. It is already a good result. Unfortunately, he encountered a sword demon, a temperament like a enchanting existence.

The words of the purple girl caused the attention of other gods. They saw the martial arts on the second person's stone, and then the stone was blown up, and they understood how big the gap between them and the swordsman was. The stone tablets in front of them did not burst, and the stone tablets around the swordsmen had already burst three pieces. In other words, they still do not understand a martial art of the emperor, the sword magic has already realized the three martial arts.

"Who are these two people, why have I never heard of them, and their understanding is better than me?"

"I don't believe it. My understanding is even praised by the emperors. How can they not match them?"

"If you lose to them, I can accept them. I don't know them anyway, but I can't lose to the descendants of the Three Royal Palaces."

The status of the Kuangpeng family, the idol family and the real dragon family in the Yaozu is equivalent to the status of the Three Royal Palaces in the Terran. It is normal for the Tianpeng, the idol and the true dragon to be lost to the Heavenly Palace, the Imperial Palace and the Imperial Palace. It is not only about their own face, but also about the face of their race.

It is a pity that things are counterproductive. One day later, the red robe sword repair of the People's Palace is the realization of the emperor martial arts recorded on the stone tablet, and the stone monument is broken. Then, the white robe knife of the Heavenly Palace also realized the emperor martial arts recorded on the stone tablet. He was only a little slower than the red robe sword repair of the People's Palace.

"Damn! I thought I would go through the emperor's martial arts in front of them. I didn't expect it to fall behind them."

"How do I feel that all four of them are human? Is the humanity's understanding really better than our demon?"

The first martial art recorded on the stone monument is the sword magic. The second martial art recorded on the stone monument is the Heavenly Descendant, the third martial art recorded on the stone monument. It is the Heavenly Emperor of the Heavenly Palace. The fourth martial art recorded on the stone monument is the Heavenly Emperor of the People's Palace.

The Tianzun of the Heavenly Palace and the Heavenly Emperor of the People's Palace must be human, and the swordsmen and the heavenly evangelists are not like the demon warriors. As a representative of the Yaozu, the Kunpeng family, the idol family and the real dragon family have not improved, and it is too shameful to pass it out.

"Yes, the understanding of our Terran warriors is indeed not comparable to your demon warriors. Accept the reality."

The fourth martial art recorded on the stone monument is the Heavenly Emperor of the Imperial Palace. The fifth martial art recorded on the stone monument is the Heavenly Respect of the Black Emperor Palace. The emperor's martial arts recorded on the stone tablet is the Heavenly Emperor of the White Emperor Palace.

At the time when the demon warriors were desperate, the sacred sect of the sacred family finally realized the martial arts recorded on the stone tablet. Although his speed is slower than that of the Three Royal Palaces, in the Tianzun of the Yaozu, he is the first martial art recorded on the stone.

"Hey, the three thousand territories of the heavens are respected, and what is your use of savvy, and savvy is not equal to strength. You really fight, you are definitely not my opponent."

The reason why the true dragon family is so confident is that the inheritance of the true dragon family is longer than that of the three royal palaces, and the other is because he ranks in the top three in the Tianzun rankings. His strength is even stronger than the true dragon family that Tiandao encountered in Linghu Holy Land.

You must know that when he is in the Heavenly Respect, he will be able to compete with the true dragons of Lingdao who are met by Lingdao in the Tianhu Holy Land. Fortunately, when he condensed the ninth Tianfu, the sacred sect of the true dragon family that Lingdao met in the fox sacred land had already broken through to the holy kingdom. Otherwise, the other party would definitely become his defeat.

"Who can't say big words, you say they are not your opponents, are they really not your opponent?"

"You are only the top three in the Tianzun rankings, and not the first in the Tianzun rankings. What's more, some of them have not played in the Tianzun battlefield, and your ranking is very high."

The same is to Tianzun, they are not afraid of the true dragon family. Although the forces behind them are not as good as the real dragons, the true dragon family’s Zhitian Zun must deal with them, and it is impossible to mobilize the strong dragons. The true dragon family is strong, but compared with the entire human race, it is still not enough to see.

The true dragons of the true dragon family can't look down on the Terran respect of the Terran. As the Terran of the Terran, they refute the true respect of the true dragon family. The reason why Tian Tianzun of the Heavenly Palace and the Tianzun of the People’s Palace did not speak was because they felt that the conflict of words did not make any sense.


Another stone monument exploded, and the sword demon has already realized the four-door emperor martial arts. The true dragon family’s celestial celestial hate looked at the sword demon, although the sword demon did not digest the true dragon family’s sacred statue, even the sword devil did not talk to the true dragon family’s sacred god, but the true dragon family’s sacred sage has already List the swordsman on the list of murders.

In the real dragon family, he is the pride of the sky, where to go. But now, his scenery is completely covered up by the swordsman. Even if he now understands the emperor martial arts recorded on the stone tablets, the presence of Tianzun will not feel how powerful he is. After all, the swordsman has already realized the record on the four stone tablets. Emperor martial arts.

"I heard the teacher said, the test of the latter has let us do it. At that time, I will let him know that I am very powerful. What is the qualification of a tyrant, what is the qualification to compare with me? Even if I kill him, What will happen?"

The Terran warrior who can make the true dragon family's sacred eyes can only be seen by the Three Royal Palaces and the Four Emperors' Palace. The other Terran empire's genius in his heart can't do his opponents, let alone the sword. Demon is a tyrant. Ba Tianzun and Tian Zun are a difference in Tianfu, and the strength is not at a level.

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