The Immortal Taoist

Vol 5 Chapter 379: Sword magic requirements

"I won, you don't care about me, you win, I have to listen to you, what logic are you?"

The sword demon looks at the eyes of the solitary, full of sarcasm, and the other alone can fool the other gods. He can stand on the sidelines. After all, the goddess of the solitary family and his non-intimate, he does not have to sneak up with them. However, when he was dumbfounded on his head, he really did not have the temptation to swallow.

"If you don't dare to do it, you will say that the late brothers are concentrating on the eighth Tianfu time earlier than you. They dare not do anything with the late brothers. There is nothing shameful."

" don't say a few words. Isn't my brother and brother not to face? Is it also a tyrant, how can I be afraid of my brother?"

After the two singers, the two celestial singers sang a red face, one sings a white face, and they listen to it. They seem to be talking for "Duo Gu Cang". Actually, they are purely ironic "Duo Gu Cang", even a little radical. meaning.

They didn’t know what happened at the entrance to the holy land. "Duo Gu Cang" first provoked the warrior of the solitary family, and then decisively launched the solitary sneak out to stop the disaster, and the solitary sneak was actually not the light of the "dual sacred" pit. With their understanding of the solitary singularity, the solitary dive will certainly not let go of "Duo Gu Cang".

"What do you want?"

It’s a pity that the solitary dive was not prepared to speak. It’s a pity that “Duo Gu Cang” was just like the one just now, directly ignoring the two gods behind him. He did not speak, and "Duo Gu Cang" also did not mean to speak.

"It's very simple. Whoever wins will listen to anyone. If you can win me, I can listen to you, but if I win you, I have to listen to me."

The sword can say the word "lucky" purely because of the identity of the solitary. Before he pretended to be a solitary sage, he had only seven heavenly houses. If he is too confident about his strength, it may cause doubts from other gods.

When the sacred place is closed, he will still encounter Yunyun Daojun. At that time, Tianzun presently told their doubts to Yunyun Daojun. Who knows what kind of consequences will happen, and the swordsmen can't take their own lives safely to gamble.

"no problem!"

Du Guqian agreed without hesitation, and thought that "Duo Gu Cang" would ask for excessive demands. I did not expect that the requirements of "Duo Gu Cang" would not be excessive, but would be reasonable.

Of course, the reason why he promised "Duo Gu Cang" is not because the requirements of "Duo Gu Cang" are reasonable, but because he feels that "Duo Gu Cang" has no chance of winning. With his strength, it is easy to win "Duo Gu Cang".

The last assessment, the solitary dive is to deal with the "Duo Gu Cang", "Duo Gu Cang" gives the feeling of being alone, in the Tai Tian Zun, is not considered top. I don't know if "Duo Gu Cang" is a dog who has gone out of business. Only after three days of assessment, he condensed the eighth Tianfu.

"That's it, then you can shoot."

To deal with a tyrant, and still cultivate the doctrine of the doctrine of the doctrine, the sword magic really did not draw the sword in advance. If it weren't for him that he needed to hide his strength, he would be able to succumb to the independence alone.

"Did he not think that the subordinate brothers would agree so much?"

"No, I laughed with a stomachache. He was prepared to find a step for himself. Who knows, the subordinate brother does not give him a chance."

"Interesting, I have to look at it now, what reason can he pull out?"

Not far from the three Tianzun successively opened their way, they are not far from the relationship between Du Guqian and "Duo Gu Cang". From the perspective of outsiders, they also believe that "Duo Gu Cang" is not an opponent. Really fight, "Duo Gu Cang" can not block the ten tricks of the solitary, it is a problem.

The solitary dive also stunned for a moment, because he did not expect that "Duo Gu Cang" really wanted to start with him. He seems to be the first day to know "Duo Gu Cang", and looked up and down the "Duo Gu Cang" several times.

In the depths of the sword demon, there is a cold murderous flash. The solitary potential rushed against him, or humiliated him. He did not necessarily kill the loneliness. However, he was doubtful about his identity. He would never let go of his independence.

"You are condensed out of the eighth Tianfu time later than me, or you should first take the shot." Du Guqin looked down at the sword demon and scorned. "If I shot before you, you didn't even have a chance to shoot."

Solitary is not arrogant, but really has such confidence. He condensed the time of the eighth Tianfu, a few years earlier than the "Duogu Cang". After becoming a tyrant, the cultivation resources he obtained in the Solitary family are far superior to the one-of-a-kind.

In other words, at least for a few years to "Duo Gu Cang", the strength of "Duo Gu Cang" is likely to catch up with the solitary. Of course, this is just the idea of ​​being alone and self-righteous. What I don’t know is that the strength of “Duo Gu Cang” is enough to marry him.

The swordsman has no derogation, and it makes no sense to let it go. Since he is the only one who wants to let him go first, then he will let the solitary singer pay a very painful price. With his strength, it is completely breathable.

What he should bear in mind is that he can't run the ancient heavenly holy lotus, can't display the demon emperor's sword, and can't use the hidden two heavens. To deal with the solitary, he can only use eight Tianfu, and in these eight Tianfu, you can't take the Datianfu of Lingdao.

Of course, even for this, it is not difficult to win the solitary dive. The gap between the solitary and the other is not only in the practice, martial arts and Tianfu. It’s just a sword-sword, and he’s more than enough to be a master.

"Look, it's done, they really have to do it!"

"Sure enough, after Du Gu Cang condensed the eighth Tianfu, he did not know what his name was. He would not think that he was also a tyrant, he would be better than the solitary brother?"

"Normally, if I am condensed out of the eighth Tianfu, I might be more mad than Duo Cang. In our Solitary family, it is too little to be a warrior of the tyrants. What is the madness?"

The world of the warrior is cruel. Even if he is a tyrannical lord, his status in the solitude family is not comparable to those of them. Unless they can follow the "Duo Gu Cang" and the solitary dive, condense the eighth Tianfu.

"This is what you are looking for, don't blame me for being a brother-in-law!"

The smile on the face of the solitary face is more smug. From the moment the sword is out of the sword, he has already seen the next situation. Only after the eighth Tianfu did not condense the "Duogu Cang", from the beginning to the end, he could only be beaten by him.

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