The Immortal Taoist

Vol 5 Chapter 380: Cut-off sword

"Xuan Lei Yaoguang Jianfa!"

The sword demon uses the sacred sword of the singularity of the sacred sacred sacred sacred sword. The sacred sacred sacred sword is the power of the sacred sword of the singularity of the singularity. They are not aware of the true strength of the Sword Devil, and the Sword of the Solitary is known.

The sly swordsmanship is as dazzling as the thunder, and the fierce sword is straightforward. I can only use the swords of the eight Tianfu, and I don’t have the meaning of keeping a little bit. After all, he is able to play very limited strength.

The eight Tianfu restrictions on the strength of the swordsman are not the biggest, and the biggest limitation is the Taoist practice of the solitary. There is no emperor in the Solitary family, and then the Taoist cultivating Taoism is not the strongest Taoist sect. The Taoist sacred Taoist monks and the swordsmen cultivated in the ancient times are completely two levels of practice.

"Have his eighth Tianfu really condensed a few days ago?"

"How do I feel his strength, it seems that it is not worse than the poor brother?"

"Do you think that the independence of the solitary is more powerful than the ones, is it because of their performance in the assessment?"

"I understand what you mean. You mean that we only know how strong the singularity of Taitian Zun is. I don't know how strong the singularity of the tyrants."

Several nearby Tianzun successively said that their strength is not comparable to the swordsman and the solitary, but their eyesight is not bad. The "Xing Gu Cang" is not the same as the one that is used in the potential assessment. .

The most shocking thing is not them, but the loneliness. Only when they really fight with "Duo Gu Cang" can they clearly feel the extent to which the Xuan Lei Yaoguang swordsmanship of "Duo Gu Cang" is strong.

The solitary thoughts of the solitary thoughts can be used to display the two sacred swords, and in the face of other celestial respects, they can defeat the "Duo Gu Cang" that has just become a tyrant. Who knows, the strength of "Duo Gu Cang" is several times stronger than he imagined. If he does not come up with all the strength, he may even lose to "Duo Gu Cang".

He wants to stand up and only start with "Duo Gu Cang". If he loses to "Duo Gu Cang", what other face does he have?

"Cut the sword!"

Before the "Duo Gu Cang" condensed the eighth Tianfu, the solitary singer was the only one who was the only one in the solitude family. His position in the solitude family can be imagined. The method of intercepting the sword is the interception of the monarch who taught him, even if he was personally presided over by Jin Yundao, he had never used it.

The position of the Interceptor in the Solitary Family is not lower than that of the Yunyun Dao. The difference is that the interception of the empty road is very low-key. In the world of intercepting the empty king, only the martial arts are fundamental, and the solitary singer and the squad are the same people.

"This is... cut the sword?"

"When is the solitary sword practiced?"

Many Tianzuns are the first to know that the solitary squad will cut off the swordsmanship. The singularity of the singular singer is so great that they can recognize the slashing swordsmanship. It is not surprising. Unfortunately, they are not in a good position and are not qualified to get the guidance of the empty channel.

It is hard to go to heaven simply by relying on their own savvy and trying to practice the interception of swords. The difference between the empty sword method and many saint swords is that the interception of the sword is the interception of the empty king in the kingdom of the road.

The sacred swordsmanship created by Daojun is, in normal terms, more powerful than the sacred swordsmanship that was created by the Holy King. What's more, the interception of the empty road is not an ordinary Taojun, but the Daojun family ranks extremely high in the front.


There are not a few swordsmanships that the swordsman has seen, but there are very few swords that can make him interested. On the power of power, the slashing swordsmanship of the solitary force is still not comparable to the swordsmanship of the swordsman. The key is the empty swordsmanship of the solitary sneak, which seems to cut off the connection between the sword and the heaven.

Out of curiosity, the sword demon directly sacrificed the eight heavenly ancestors. The sword of the solitary dive was like a galaxy, blocking him and his eight heavenly palaces. It’s no wonder that those who are alone in the family have seen the empty swordsmanship of the solitary sneak, and they are envious, and the empty swordsmanship is extraordinary.

Cut off the air, cut off the air, cut off the space, but cut off the connection between Tianzun and Tianfu, and let Tianzun's way be empty. The solitary potential is to display the intercepted swordsmanship on the assessment conducted by Jinyun Daojun. Du Gushuang and Du Gu Cang can't stop his three swords.

"You said, who can win in the two of them?"

"The Xuan Lei Yaoguang swordsmanship of Du Gu Cang's exhibition is really powerful. However, compared with the empty swordsmanship of Du Guqian, it is still a little worse."

"I feel that Du Gu Cang will be defeated, and the power of Du Gu Cang is only seemingly powerful. On the basis of his knowledge, he has just condensed the eighth Tianfu of the Tianfu, how could it be better than the solitary dive. The eighth Tianfu's tyrant?"

They are not optimistic about the swordsman, it is normal, one is able to consolidate the eighth Tianfu's tyrants, not only have no time to practice swordsmanship, but also have no control over the eighth Tianfu, are unknown.

"Jokes, how can Du Gu Cang be the opponent of the late brother? In our solitary family, the subordinate brother is definitely the strongest god, no one!"

"It's true that the subordinate brother is the first person under our singular king, and does not accept any rebuttal!"

The two dog legs of the solitary dive said one after another, "Duo Gu Cang" and the solitary confrontation, they can not insert the hand, after all, they only have the late Tianzun. However, this does not prevent them from touting the solitary dive, wearing thousands of wear, and not wearing.

Other Tianzuns present were not ashamed of their two, but no one refutes both of them. It’s not because they are afraid of being alone, but they also believe that “Duo Gu Cang” can’t win alone.


The two sacred swords smashed together, and the sound of gold and iron symphony continued. The sacred sword used by Du Gu Cang, although it is inferior to the sacred sword used by the solitary sneak, has the strength of the sword demon, which has made up for the disadvantages of the weapon.

"Your swordsmanship may be able to cut off the connection between other Tianzun and Tianfu, but wanting to cut off my connection with Tianfu is tantamount to idiots and dreams!"

When the sword devil said this sentence, he was full of confidence, because he was not a tyrant, but a sacred god. The one-of-a-kind sneak peek of a tyrannical sacred figure cuts off the connection between Tianzun and Tianfu. It is true that he does not know the height of the sky.

At the same time, the sacred warfare in the swordsman's hand slammed into the solitary, without any fancy, is the attack that went straight. However, the face of the solitary dive changed again because he felt a deadly threat.

"Don't I still lose to him?"

Solitary thoughts secretly, but he quickly denied this idea!

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