The Immortal Taoist

Vol 5 Chapter 381: Ruthless crushing

Since condensing the eighth Tianfu, the solitary dive has not slacked off even one day. Not that he doesn't want to be lazy, but that there are too many elders staring at him. The elders of the Solitary family demanded him very high, and did not give him a chance to be lazy. Who would make him a tyrant?

The status of the tyrants in a product is not inferior to that of Tianzun in the power of the emperor. The elders completely cultivated him as the mainstay of the future of the Solitary family. He received more cultivation resources than other gods. Correspondingly, those elders demanded him more harshly than other gods.

Du Gushuang and Du Gu Cang were the top three in the assessment, only the elders personally pointed them out. However, the solitary is different. In recent years, he has been able to get the guidance of the elders from time to time. Compared with the 8th Tianfu, he just didn't know how much he improved.

Moreover, the resources he has consumed in recent years are far superior to those of Du Gu Cang and Du Gushuang. If this is the case, he is still not the opponent of "Duo Gu Cang", then what face will he face to see the elders in the future?

The solitary sneaked back and forth again, trying to avoid the edge of the Xuan Lei Yaoguang sword. He has confidence in his own empty-cut swordsmanship. The magical swordsmanship of "Duo Gu Cang" can be a deadly threat to him, and 80% is a fluke. When he slows down, he can completely reverse the battle with his own cut-off swordsmanship and turn defeat into victory.

However, the Swordsman did not give the opportunity to breathe in the solitary sneak, and the Xuan Lei Yaoguang swordsmanship was in his hands. Many seemingly unremarkable moves can be turned into magic in his hands. The solitary dung is more and more shocked, and the hope of turning over is getting more and more embarrassing.

"What is the situation? Is Duo Cang actually pressing on the solitary beast? Are you sure that I am not dreaming?"

A mid-term singer of the Solitary family said in a dull way that it is reasonable to say that the singularity is the first person under the sacred king of the singular family. It is not difficult to defeat the singularity of the singularity. However, the confrontation between Du Guqian and "Duo Gu Cang" is completely different from what he imagined, and it can even be said to be the opposite.

"The singularity of the singularity of the singularity of the singularity of the singer is more fierce than the sword of the sacred sword that I am best at. I feel like he has changed personally."

The feeling of Solitary Frost is the most real. In the past, there were only seven Tianfu solitude, and the strength was not even comparable to her. Unexpectedly, the condensed out of the eighth Tianfu's "Duogu Cang", like a sudden opening, can be pressed against the solitary.

If you don’t see it with your own eyes, the Solitary Cream is really not convinced, and the solitary is not the opponent of “Duo Gu Cang”. All along, the feeling of being alone and giving the solitary frost is invincible. Although she knows that the strength of the solitary dive is not comparable to that of the solitary family, but in their solitary family, they are self-proclaimed as the second best, no one dares to call the first.

However, in front of the showdown, the fan of the fan blinded the eyes alone. They are not the only ones who are stronger than the ones who are alone, but she has only smashed the "Duo Gu Cang". The former Duo Cang was not her opponent. The current "Duo Gu Cang" wants to win her, without any effort.

"Duo Gu Cang, this is what you forced me!"

Duo Qiang said, in the face of other Tianzun, pressed by "Duo Gu Cang", it was a shame to the extreme. If he can't turn defeat into victory today, how can he let other gods listen to him in the future?

He can't lose! Never lose!

He and the "Duo Gu Cang" hands-on, is to stand up for their own strength, not to give "Duo Gu Cang" to stand up. Losing to the solitude of the Solitary family, not to shame, even if it is lost to the tyrannical family of the singular family, it is much better than losing to "Duo Gu Cang".

The voice of the solitary dive has just fallen, and the eight Tianfu are coming over to the sword. Originally, he was not prepared to use this method. After all, he condensed the time of the eighth Tianfu, a few years earlier than "Duogu Cang". But now, he does not need this means, and he wants to turn defeat into victory, it is difficult to go to heaven.

"He is looking for death?"

The face of the sword demon can not help but eccentrically, the solitary potential is to know that he is Supreme, and he is afraid of vomiting blood. Not to mention the number of Tianfu, the strength of Tianfu alone, there is no comparability between Ba Tian Zun and Wu Tian Tian Zun.

Du Guqian thought that his means could reverse the defeat, but he did not know that this would only make him lose faster. Although the Sword Devil does not use the Datianfu of Lingdao, but with only eight Tianfu, he can also crush the solitary.

The same is the eight Tianfu, but the Eight Deity of the Swordsman has undergone a thousand tempering, just collided together, the eight-seat Tianfu of the solitary is defeated. Tianfu's hard hit, the sword magic does not need to pretend anything, anyway, the holy king they are not present.


The solitary spurt a big spurt of blood, and the eight Tianfu were successively countered, and his injuries were naturally not light. Even if he is personally experienced, he can't accept such a situation. The cut-off swordsmanship he displayed was inferior to the Xuan Lei Yaoguang swordsmanship of "Duo Gu Cang". He was barely acceptable. However, his eight abundances are inferior to the eight heavenly houses of "Duo Gu Cang".

In fact, don't say that you are alone, and other Tianzun who is present is also incredible. They can see that the eight Tianfu of the "Duo Gu Cang" and the eight Tianfu of the solitary dung have hard hit, and no one has played tricks.

The eight-seat Tianfu of the solitary dive could not have hit the eight Tianfu of "Duogu Cang", purely because the eight heavenly houses of "Duogu Cang" were stronger. Although they have difficulty understanding this fact, the facts are facts, and they will not change because of their incredulity.

"Do you want to continue playing?"

The sword demon smirked, and he was already crushed by the solitary sneak. Now he is injured again, and then he will continue to fight. He did not ridicule the meaning of the solitary dive. He did not know that he was Supreme, and he did not know. It’s not difficult to defeat the Heavenly Masters even if you don’t hide the two Tianfu.

"No, I don't believe, how can Du Gu Cang be the opponent of the late brother?"

"The time for the sorcerer's cultivation is longer than that of the solitude, and the time for consolidating the eighth Tianfu is earlier than that of the solitude. It is reasonable to say that there is no chance of winning."

The two late Tianzun, who had been ridiculed by the swordsman, had a face that was more ugly than a dead fly. They are also touting the solitary dive, and they are all kinds of derogatory "single sorrows". If the singularity is not the opponent of "Duo Gu Cang", the two of them can be imagined.

They have the loneliness to support themselves, and they dare to ridicule the "Duo Gu Cang". If there is no one to protect them, relying on themselves, they can block the swords of "Duo Gu Cang"?

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