The Immortal Taoist

Vol 5 Chapter 382: Mystery, Nao Aoi

"How could this be?"

The eyes of the solitary dive are full of sorrows, the collision of Tianfu, without any fancy. He sacrificed Tianfu, he was going to use Tianfu to reverse the defeat. Who knows that his Tianfu not only failed to help him reverse the defeat, but accelerated his failure.

Facts have proved that the time to become a tyrant is not necessarily proportional to the strength of Tianfu. The time of becoming a tyrant is more than that of "Duo Gu Cang", but in terms of strength, his eight Tianfu are obviously inferior to the eight Tianfu of "Duo Gu Cang".

"No, you have become a tyrant for a few days, and you want to win me!"

It is impossible to expect to be alone and voluntarily admit defeat. He can lose to the Heavenly Master of the Solitary Family, or to the Heavenly Master of the Solitary Family. He can't lose to the Heavenly Master of the Solitary Family. After all, he is the first day of the Solitary family.

If there is no other Tianzun present, the solitary dive can secretly admit defeat, no way, he is not an opponent of "Duo Gu Cang". However, let him admit defeat to "Duo Gu Cang" in the face of other Tian Zun, he must not do it.

"I am your brother, can you give me some face?" Duo used the will to pass the sound to the sword magic, and negotiated, "You pretend to lose to me, afterwards I can give you enough Tianpin Lingshi as compensation. ,what do you think?"

There is no Lingshi, you can earn again, your face is gone, it is difficult to earn it back. "Duo Gu Cang" only broke through to Ba Tian Zun for a few days, he is no longer an opponent of "Duo Gu Cang". As time goes by, the strength of “Duo Gu Cang” will only become stronger and stronger. In the future, he would like to defeat the "Duo Gu Cang" in public and save his face. It is not realistic at all.

"Do you think I can see your point stone?"

The sword magic sneer, the gap between the solitary and his wealth, is only a big difference from the strength. The proposal of the solitary dive is ridiculous in his opinion. Retreat 10,000 steps and say that if he really wants Lingshi, he can completely kill them and then put their spirits into their pockets.

"Since you are not willing to admit defeat, then I will call you for mercy!"

It is still the Xuan Lei Yaoguang sword method, the difference is that the sword magic shot is getting heavier and heavier. The same is true for the eight Tianfu, but the number of Taoist temples contained in the Eight Devils of the Swordsman is far more than the eight Tianfu.

One after another, the lightning spirit is gone, and the attacking angle of the sword magic can be said to be invincible. The Xuan Lei Yaoguang sword method is called the ever-changing in the sword magic hand. With the unique experience of fighting alone, the magical swordsmanship that can stop the swordsman is strange.

It’s not that I’ve never seen Xuan Lei Yaoguang’s swordsmanship. However, the magical swordsmanship he has seen before, compared with the swordsman’s display, is simply a big witch. The magical swordsmanship of the swordsman's display is not only in power, but also in terms of change.

"I don't understand why you and your Tianfu can not be affected by my cut-off swordsmanship?"

The strongest place to cut off the sword is to cut off the connection between Tianzun and Tianfu. The question of Solitary is also a question of other Tianzun. The interception of the empty channel relies on the interception of the sword, and does not know how many warriors in the same realm have been defeated. But to the "Duo Gu Cang" here, why not use it?

"In either case, either the singularity of the singularity of the singularity is not at home, or the elders of the singularity have taught him how to deal with the slashing sword."

Du Gushuang whispered the analysis, the interception of the sword is the martial arts that the interception of the empty sect, and it is said that "Duo Gu Cang" can be cracked by a tyrant. She certainly does not believe. The gap between the tyrants and the princes is too great. For the tens of thousands of years, even hundreds of years, it is not necessarily possible to break through the kingdom.

"The sword is good, but unfortunately, you are using this sword method... too waste!"

The sword devil said mercilessly, it is not his intention to fight against the solitary, but the fact is. The subtlety of the empty sword method is not the only one that can be displayed. In other words, the singular sword of the solitary sneak can deal with ordinary celestial sects, but it is meaningless to deal with the celestial beings like him.

It is easy to switch to the interception of the sword to show the sword. It is easy to cut off the connection between the sword and the heaven. In the face of absolute strength, even the eyesight of the swordsman is useless, because there is no room for play.


The solitary singer got the forehead and the blue ribs jumped straight. If he couldn’t beat the "Duo Gu Cang", he really wanted a sword to die "Duo Gu Cang". The more I look at "Duo Gu Cang", the more angry I am, and the contempt for "Duo Gu Cang" is undisguised.


The young and vigorous Duo Qiang can no longer care about the overall situation, and directly used the secret law of the Solitary family. This secret method allows him to explode the original three times strength in a short period of time. The sequela is that he will be able to exert less than 50% of his strength in the next ten days.

The number of places that Jinyun Daojun gave them to the sacred place is to find the inheritance of the great emperor for the Solitary family. As a result, because of personal grievances, the secret method is used to deal with the children of the same family. If Yunyun Daojun knows, he will definitely not let go of the solitary.

"This is... Qingyun straight up? Has he considered the consequences of doing so?"

"How can we use such a secret method for the study of the children of the same family?"

Duo Qiang and the "Duo Gu Cang" showdown, they originally supported the independence of the enemy, but now, they all feel that the solitary is a bit too much. If they are like a solitary dive, they will be abolished without waiting for the gods of the warring palace and the solitary family.

Jinyun Daojun warned them not to fight in the sacred place. Unexpectedly, they didn't come in for a long time, and they were fighting in the same way. Normally, Jin Yundao may even close one eye with one eye. However, what is the secret of using the power to improve strength?

"I want you to die! I want you to die! I want you to die!"

The solitary eyes are red, and the words are repeated in the mouth. Anger broke through his intellect, and now he only wants to put "Duo Gu Cang" to death. The sacred king who gave them to the king of the clouds and the sacred king, he had already been thrown into the clouds.

The face of the sword demon can't help but cold down, because he can see that the solitary is really going to kill him. Switching to the normal tyrants, encountering the use of this secret law, I am afraid it is difficult to save my life.

"Seven, starry!"

The solitary sneak did not continue to display the intercepted swordsmanship. The Seventh and the Stars are the first and second forms of the Swordsmanship. The Xing Xing sword method can be said to be a desperate sword method. It is not a critical moment, and the Tianzun of the Solitary family will not be displayed.

He used the singer sword method for "Duo Gu Cang", the purpose is self-evident!

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