The Immortal Taoist

Vol 5 Chapter 384: My own way

"Duo Gu Cang, what do you mean by this?" Du Gushuang was brave and asked, "Why are you dangerous, we want to save you, we are in danger, can you stand by?"

There are eight Tianfu's solitary squats and not the opponents of "Duo Gu Cang". Only the seven Tianfu's Du Gushuang is of course less likely to be the opponent of "Duo Gu Cang". Du Gushuang dared to talk to "Duo Gu Cang" because she knew that the Du Gu Shi Tian Zun who was present was supporting her.

She is not the opponent of "Duo Gu Cang", but they are crowded. It is said that the two fists are difficult to attack the four hands. They join hands and may not be the opponent of "Duo Gu Cang". Of course, the most important thing is that Jinyun Daojun is on their side.

Jinyun Daojun has slandered them many times and must unite and help each other after entering the sacred place. The words of "Duo Gu Cang" just now, if you let Xiaoyun Dao hear it, it will definitely cause dissatisfaction with Jin Yundao.

"Why?" The swordsman did not ignore the solitude cream, but retorted unceremoniously. "Because my strength is stronger than you, I want to save you and save you. If you don't want to save you, you will not save you. You are not qualified." Point to me!"

In the world of martial arts, the strong are respected, and the weak have no right to speak. The weak people of the Ling family are in danger. The swordsmen will not stand idly by, but what is the relationship between the lives and deaths of these weak people?

He is not really a solitary, a lonely family and he has a hatred. He did not kill these gods. He is already benevolent. He is expected to save these gods and make jokes. The sacred place is dangerous, who will take the risk to save the enemy?

"Yu brother is to let the submersible brother lead the team. Since you don't want to follow the orders of the late brothers, why don't you come up when the brothers are there?"

"I don’t say a few words, and Elder Yunyun is repeating, let us not be guilty. Have you ever put the words of Elder Yunyun in your heart?"

"Everyone is a child of the same family, and they should be united in all things, and they will be in trouble. If you are strong, you will not care about our lives and deaths. Why do you want to control your life and death?"

The singular warriors present at the scene have accused of "Duo Gu Cang", as well as attire and sorrow, and ridicule. They know that they are not opponents of "Duo Gu Cang". They can only target "Duo Gu Cang" in words. If they do it, they will suffer from 80%.

There is no help for the solitary, because he has no face to talk now. His age is larger than that of "Duogu Cang". The time of cultivation is longer than that of "Duogu Cang". The time for condensing the eighth Tianfu is earlier than that of "Duogu Cang". The result is that it is not the opponent of "Duo Gu Cang".

Although he is psychologically reluctant to agree to "Duo Gu Cang", he is willing to gamble and lose. According to what they said before, "Duo Gu Cang" can indeed not listen to his orders. Moreover, the secret law that he just showed, the aftereffects will soon be reflected. In the heyday, he was not the opponent of "Duo Gu Cang", and "Duo Gu Cang" had to clean up his strength and it was easy.

"If you have opinions, you can leave me alone when I am in danger. I didn't expect you to save me anyway."

The sword devil screamed, before he said it was purely solitary. He is not a pedantic person, he is really in danger of life, he will definitely use all his strength. A place that can trap or kill the Heavenly Respect, the solitary and the solitary frost, they help not help, what is the difference?

It’s not that the swordsmen can’t afford to be alone and alone, but they’re the strength of the solitary and the solitary cream. It’s really worse than the godless. It is a joke to count on the solitary and the solitary frost to save themselves.

"What do you mean by this? I suspect that our strength is poor? Give me enough time, I can also condense the eighth Tianfu, do you believe it or not?"

"He is right, you are stronger than us, just because you practice longer than us."

"When the brother-in-law is there, you are more than anyone else. When the brothers have just left, will you reveal your true face?"

The solitary cream is full of silver teeth, and it seems to have to be bitten. Not long ago, she has not put "Duo Gu Cang" in her eyes. Unexpectedly, this is only a few days, "Duo Gu Cang" will not put her in the eye.

What she can do is to take the sacred king to suppress "Duo Gu Cang". When I see the Holy King next time, she will definitely tell the story of today. They can't cure "Duo Gu Cang", and it doesn't mean that the Singing King can't cure "Duo Gu Cang".

"Hey, isn't this the brothers and sisters of the Solitary family?"

Appeared in front of the swords and the solitary, they are the gods of the God of War. The warriors of the Ares Palace are divided into two batches, the ones are Tianzun and the other are holy kings. The difference is that the number of gods in the God of War is obviously more than the number of gods in the Solitary family. The Tianzun of the God of War Palace has both headquarters and branches. Of course, the number of branches is certainly not as many as the headquarters.

The young warrior who just opened is the tyrant of the headquarters of the God of War. He called the swordsman and the solitary cream to their younger brothers and sisters, not because his age was smaller than the swordsman and the solitary cream, but he felt that the strength of the sword and the solitary cream was weaker than him.

In his opinion, the brothers and sisters are not looking at age, but strength. He knew the strength of the solitary dive and the "Duo Gu Cang". After all, the solitary potential was outside and the only one was alone. "Duo Gu Cang" was also not idle.

The performance of the solitary dive can be described as the worst. As long as he is willing, he can completely compete with the solitary wing. As a genius of the headquarters of the God of War, his strength is naturally no worse than the one.

"you are?"

Du Gushuang frowned and asked, she was not prepared to speak. After all, the Du Gu Shi family had two Ba Tian Zun present, and she could not turn her into a Tai Tian Zun. The problem is that the solitary squat has just lost to "Duo Gu Cang", and the blow is too big. In a short time, it may be difficult to return to the previous state.

As for "Duo Gu Cang", it is more troublesome than Duo Qiang, because she can feel it, "Duo Gu Cang" to watch the gods of the Gods Palace, the eyes of the gods, no different from them. In other words, how much do you look down on "Duo Gu Cang", and how many Tianzun who look down on the Temple of God.

This is also the place where the solitary frost does not understand. "Duo Gu Cang" can't look down on them because they can't do it. However, the overall strength of the gods of the God of War is obviously far beyond them. Do you think that their strength is not good?

The most important thing is that the Tianzun at the headquarters of the Ares Palace is from the emperor's power. The cultivation of the emperor is the emperor. Why do you think that their strength is not good?

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