The Immortal Taoist

Vol 5 Chapter 385: God of War, Oriental Wei

"Is he really a solitary?"

Du Gushuang looked at the eyes of "Duo Gu Cang", full of doubts. The current "Duo Gu Cang" and the former Duo Cang are exactly two people. Of course, there is no problem with the camouflage of the Qinglian mask. With her eyesight, there is no such thing as a flaw in the fake magic of the sword. She simply thinks that the character change of "Duo Gu Cang" is too big.

The former Duo Cang, the feeling given to her, although somewhat annoying, is far from the current "Duo Gu Cang" arrogance. I have to admit that after the "Duo Gu Cang" became the tyrant, the strength improvement is indeed a little scary. The only one in the last appraisal was the solitary dive, and even the secret law was displayed, and it was still defeated under the sword of “Duo Gu Cang”.

The problem is that "Duo Gu Cang" can win the loneliness, and does not mean that he can also win the warlord of the Jingu Palace. The first person under the sacred king of the solitary family, the only one, was the only one who was alone.

"The Temple of God of War, Dongfang Wei, I have seen the younger brothers and sisters."

Dongfang Wei introduced himself. Although he had not dealt with Duo Qiang and Du Gushuang, he was from the headquarters of the God of War Palace. It was normal for him to be unable to "done alone" and to be alone. Because he knows that "Duo Gu Cang" and Du Gu Qiang are from the Solitary family, and like the disciples of the War God Palace branch, the only way to cultivate is the Tao.

It is also Tianzun, the Oriental Wei who cultivated the emperor, and fully confidently swept the "Duo Gu Cang" and the solitary. The difference between the Taoist and the emperor is the most clear, because he used to practice the Taoist and later changed the emperor.

"I don't know if your elders from the Solitary family have told you that there is a lot of danger inside the sacred place. If you are not careful, you may be killed by Huang Quan. There is a lot of power. If we act together, we will meet. Danger, there is also a kind of care."

The Eastern Wei did not have a sneak peek and the "Duo Gu Cang" they turned around, but directly clarified his intentions. The mission that Lianhua Daojun gave him was to preserve the Tianzun of their warring palace headquarters as much as possible. As for the death of the **** of the war palace branch, or how much death, Lianhua Daojun does not care.

However, the danger inside the sacred place is not necessarily solved by the tyrant of the East. The way that Dongfang Wei can think of is to let the many gods of the Solitary family give them the cannons.

The quota for the sacred place is only given to the three parties. One is the solitary family, one is the God of War, and the other is the one. The headquarters of the God of War and the division of the God of War Palace cannot be counted as two forces.

Among them, the Duo family has the most places, the War God Palace is the second, and the Solitary family is the least. Dongfang Wei does not want to control the Tianzun of the Solitary family, but he can't do it at all. The Tianzun of the Solitary family is stronger than the Tianzun he brought. Really want to fight, they only have to escape.

What's more, the Solitary family still has the Heavenly Respect, and even if the East Wei has confidence, he will not think that he can defeat the Heavenly Master of the Solitary Family. If you let Dongfang know that "Duo Gu Cang" is a superior Supreme Master than Tian Zun, I don't know what the Oriental Wei will be.

"Oriental brothers, our solitary family and your warring palace headquarters have always been well water without breaking the river, no need to pit us?"

Du Gushuang frowned and said that she did not know the true purpose of Dongfang Wei. The strength of Dongfang Wei is stronger than that of Du Guqian and “Duo Gu Cang”. Those Tian Zun who are behind the East are also stronger than the many gods of their Solitary family. If it is dangerous, it must be them.

"What is the meaning of the solitary sister? How do I hang you?"

The East is dissatisfied and said that it is his subtext to let Du Guqian and "Duo Gu Cang" make cannon fodder. Du Gushuang is equivalent to saying his subtext, and his opinion on Du Gushen is normal.

"You know more about the sacred place, and we certainly don't have more of our God of War. With me, you are actually more secure." Without waiting for the rebellion, Dongfang Wei continued, "Of course, if you don't believe it I can act alone. But when you are in danger, don't ask me."

What Dong Wei said is also the truth. The understanding of the war **** palace against the virtual holy land is indeed above the ones. Of course, the most understanding of the virtual holy place is definitely the solitary family. The key is that the things that the Solitary family knows have never been shared with the Solitary family.

"Senior brother, don't pretend to be dumb, and your brother is letting you lead the team."

Du Gushuang did not continue to fight with the East Wei, but threw this hot potato to the solitary. Although she knows that the East is not good, but it really has a problem, who knows whether these gods of the Solitary family will blame her, after all, the heart is separated from the belly.

"My brother has just left, and Du Gu Cang has severely injured me. What qualifications do I have to lead?"

It’s not a fool to be alone, of course, knowing that there will be any end to the rejection of the East. In the heyday, he is not an opponent of Dongfang Wei, let alone his present. The sequela of the secret law has made him face the East, and he has no power to fight back.

The Eastern Wei dare to say those words straightforwardly because they promised to promise, and they did not agree and promised. The gods of the God of War are always strong, and then they still occupy the number of people. How can these gods of the Solitary family be?

"Duo Gu Cang, since you can win me, then let you lead the team, I am convinced."

If Dongfang Wei is not there, Duo Qiang will certainly not say such a thing. He can't wait to smash the corpse of "Duo Gu Cang", and of course he will not take the initiative to hand over the lead to "Duo Gu Cang".

The sword magic sneaked into the solitary sneak sneak peek, what is the abacus of the solitary sneak, he certainly knows. The solitary dive did not have the courage and the oriental squad, so he kicked the ball to his feet. If he promised to the East, many Tianzun of the Solitary family must have an opinion on him. After all, Du Gushuang has already clarified the intention of Dongfang Wei. If he did not agree to the East, the East is likely to be personally shot.

The former independent singer was very self-sufficient, but after real fight with the singularity, he realized how big the gap between himself and the solitude. The Oriental Wei and the solitary wing are the disciples of the emperor's forces. The strength of the Eastern Wei is probably not weaker than the one. If "Duo Gu Cang" and Dong Fang Wei fight, how bad the end of "Duo Gu Cang" is, he can imagine it.

"Let me lead the team? Are you sure?"

The sword demon stared at the solitary dive with great interest, until he saw the hair in his own heart. I don't know why, it is obvious that the solitary potential is a knife to kill people. However, there is always a feeling of being hunted by a hunter.

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