The Immortal Taoist

Vol 5 Chapter 392: God of War, Zhao Wei

"Give me broken!"

The sword demon sighed lightly, and countless swords light burst out from his hands. One after another, as if a snake snake swims around, the swords of the sky gather together, like Jianshan, to suppress the blood.

The blood dragon knife method of Feng Chiyan's display is really bad, and there are countless flaws. Only Tian Zunjing, he has to practice the candle dragon blood knife method, is itself reluctant, even if the elders pointed him over, he is also difficult to remove those flaws.

In dealing with other Tianzun of the Temple of the God of War, Feng Chiyan's display of the Dragon Boat Blood Law is indeed a victory. After all, other Tianzun of the God of War Palace can't see where his flaws are. Can only say that encountering the sword magic, it is his unlucky, most of the strong kings of the king have no such eyesight.

The attack of the sword demon seems to be unpretentious, but in fact it directly hits the lifeline of Feng Chiyan. The gods of the God of War branch do not know what is going on because their eyes are not enough. Of course, they can't see any clues as they are alone. After all, their strength is similar to those of the God of War.

"Oriental brother, is he really the tyrant of the Solitary family? Are you sure that the solitary family is not here to play us?"

The young woman standing next to Dongfang Wei is also the tyrant of the headquarters of the God of War, named Zhao Wei. In her opinion, even if the domineering of the doctrine of cultivation is stronger, it is impossible to have the dominance of practicing the emperor.

However, the strength of "Duo Gu Cang" is no worse than the tyrants of the emperor's forces. Zhao Yi, who is a leader of the power of a product, saw much more. No one can compare with "Duo Gu Cang".

If in the outside world, the sword demon must not dare to be so high-profile, Lianhua Daojun and Jin Yundao Jun their eyesight, do not know how much higher than the Oriental Wei. If you are a little careless, you may be overwhelmed.


The shadow of the candle dragon exploded, and Feng Chiyan retired. Every time he stepped back, the sword wound on his arm would become one inch. His display of the Dragon Sword of Blood Dragon not only failed to injure the "Duo Gu Cang", but was defeated by the Xuan Lei Yaoguang swordsmanship of "Duo Gu Cang".

The **** sea dissipated, and Feng Chiyan clasped the hands of the holy sword, blood dripping. That is to say, the swordsman does not kill, or else, whether Feng Chiyan can save his life is still unknown. Even if you don't use the ancient heavenly holy lotus and the demon emperor sword, the sword magic can easily defeat Feng Chiyan who owns eight Tianfu.

Even those who are at the headquarters of the God of War Palace have to admit that the power of "Duo Gu Cang" is strong, no matter whether they admit to recognizing the power of the Tian Zun, the strength of "Duo Gu Cang" is no worse than the dominance of their war palace headquarters.

Feng Xiaoyan's face is ugly and ugly. Originally, he wanted to prove to the Tianshen Palace headquarters that he was born in the branch and he was able to compete with the headquarters of the tyrant. But now, he has no face to talk, because he can't match the tyrants of the Solitary family.

The authorities are fascinated by the observers. Feng Chiyan only knows that "Duo Gu Cang" is stronger than him, and he does not know that "Duo Gu Cang" is actually no more than the imperial power of the emperor's forces, and even has it. Those who watched the battle were clearly seen, so they did not laugh at Feng Chiyan’s mind.

Those Tianzun at the headquarters of the Ares Palace knew that Feng Chiyan lost to "Duo Gu Cang", not because Feng Chiyan was weak, but because "Duo Gu Cang" was too strong. Feng Chiyan, who is using the blood dragon knife method, can compete with the tyrants of their warring palace headquarters.

"You have to send me a holy sword, then I will laugh."

The sword demon slammed into the sacred sword of Feng Chiyan, and Feng Chiyan did not react. The sacred sword was taken into the heavenly house by the sword. The speed at which the swordsman robbed the sacred sword was incredible. Don't say that Feng Chiyan didn't respond, even if they watched the battle of Dongfang Wei and Zhao Wei, they didn't react.

"You have to say who won, and the weapon of the loser is the spoils." The swordsman did not blush because he snatched the opponent's weapons. Instead, he asked him in a hurry. "Who else wants to send me the spoils?"

Before putting it on, the sword devil said this, and there are definitely many people who will appear in the God of War. But now, the vast majority of the gods of the God of War are silent, and ask themselves, they are not opponents of the sword magic.

Really want to start with the sword magic, the final result, nothing more than the sword magic said, their weapons will become the spoils of the sword magic. It’s not that they are not confident enough, but that the cruel reality makes them understand that the strength of the swordsman is above them.

"Oriental brother, would you like me to help you explore his depth?"

Zhao Wei used the will to voice to Dongfang Wei and asked, she could see that Dongfang Wei did not defeat the confidence of "Duo Gu Cang". Although "Duo Gu Cang" has already played twice, but Mu Siyuan and Feng Chiyan have limited strength, and they cannot find out the depth of "Duo Gu Cang".

"Be careful, try not to get hurt."

Dongfang Wei did not reject Zhao Hao’s kindness, knowing oneself and knowing each other. He now knows too little about "Duo Gu Cang". He really fights, he has the possibility to win, but in the same way, he also has the possibility of defeat.

He is the strongest Tianzun at the headquarters of the God of War. Once he loses to "Duo Gu Cang", the consequences are unimaginable. At that time, the warriors of Tianjian and the God of War will definitely laugh at their Ares Palace in private. One person is humiliated, and even the entire God of War Palace is a shame. He can't be a sinner in the Temple of God.

"Senior brothers, my strength is not the strongest in the Tianzun of our God of War, but my life-saving ability is far superior to you."

The greatest advantage of Zhao Jing’s meditation is speed. When she had just broken through to Tian Zun, she could escape from the hands of Feng Tianzun. Now she has condensed her eight Tianfu, even if she encounters the strong king of the Holy King, she dares to fight, but she can’t beat it.

"You came to give me a booty?"

When I saw Zhao Wei coming over, the sword magic couldn’t help but ridicule. As long as it is a tyrant, it cannot be his opponent. Zhao Wei and his matchup, who wins and who loses, is already doomed before it starts.

Of course, this is what the sword is thinking, and Zhao Wei will not admit it. Don’t look at Zhao’s mouth to say that he helped Dongfang Wei explore the depth of “Duo Gu Cang”. In fact, Zhao Wei did not have the intention of defeating “Duo Gu Cang”.

The advantage of speed not only makes her the difficulty of escape, but also makes her an extremely difficult opponent. "Duo Gu Cang" has not shown any speed advantage in the two matchups before and after. Maybe she can beat the "Duo Gu Cang" by virtue of speed advantage.

"The frog at the bottom of the well, ridiculous!"

Zhao Wei said that there is a reason for the frog at the bottom of the "Duo Gu Cang". She felt an invincible momentum in the body of "Duo Gu Cang". If Tianzun has such an imposing manner, she can understand that after all, the vast majority of Heavenly Dreams want to be the first day of the Three Thousand Territories.

However, it is ignorant that "Duogu Cang" has such an imposing manner. It is impossible to climb the top of the Tianzun rankings because of the strong tyrants, because the three thousand territories are never missing to Tianzun.

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