The Immortal Taoist

Vol 5 Chapter 393: You want to send me a spoil?

"Look at the two Tianzun you just won, one is the Heavenly Master who cultivated the Tao, and the other is the Tiantianzun of only seven Tianfu." Zhao Wei pointed to Mu Siyuan and Feng Chiyan, mocking, "They lost both." For you, isn't it normal? What qualifications do you have to be proud of?"

Mu Siyuan and Feng Chiyan could not help but hang their heads. Before they challenged "Duo Gu Cang", both of them were full of confidence. Then, the cruel reality gave them a painful lesson. "Duo Gu Cang" is not a star or a half stronger than them.

"I am proud?"

The sword magic only feels inexplicable, defeating Musiyuan and Feng Chiyan, what is it to be proud of? If he told Zhao Wei that he used to be in the Archaic world, he also defeated the Tianzun of the Three Royal Palaces. Will Zhao Wei be scared?

The real frog at the bottom of the well is not him, but Zhao Wei. He has defeated the Heavenly Master, and he has seen more than the Heavenly Zun. If he was not worried about the independence of the Solitary family and the Temple of the God of War, he would not bother to waste time with Zhao Wei and Dong Fang.

In some words, although Lianhua Daojun and Jinyun Daojun did not say it clearly, they both know that the Weifang and the Jianmo of the East know that the Solitary, the Solitary, and the God of the Gods are not able to confront the Solitary, the God of War, and the Solitary Tian Zun shot.

"Take me a sword!"

Like Zhao Jian, Zhao Wei is a sword repair. The difference is that she is taking a light spiritual route. Continue to bicker, there is no point in meaning, she is to use actual actions to prove that the strength of the sword magic is not strong.

"Is there any improvement in the swordsmanship of Zhao Shijie? In my realm, I can’t really see the trajectory of Zhao’s sword?”

"No wonder Zhao Shijie can be accepted as a disciple by the Tao Junqiang. Her talent in swordsmanship is really not what we can compare."

"To deal with the tyrants of the Solitary family, it really has to be the tyrants of our warring palace headquarters. Counting on the tyrannical respect of their divisions, it really does not work, the division is the division, and it will never compare with the headquarters."

It is one thing to acknowledge the power of Feng Chiyan, and it is another matter to say it. In these heavenly hearts of the headquarters of the Ares Palace, the Tianzun of the Temple of the God of War is not comparable to them. Not only is it not comparable to them in terms of exercises, but all aspects are much worse than them. This is the so-called superiority.

Zhao Wei’s sword is very fast, much faster than Feng Chiyan’s knife. She hopes to use the speed advantage to deal with the sword magic, but unfortunately, she is destined to be disappointed, because the speed is also the advantage of the sword magic, and the advantage of the sword magic is greater than him.

"If Zhao Shimei can win him, I don't have to do it myself."

Dongfang Wei’s heart is very contradictory. On the one hand, he hopes that Zhao Wei can win. After all, Zhao Wei is his sister. However, on the other hand, he hoped that Zhao Wei would lose to "Duo Gu Cang", and then he would defeat "Duo Gu Cang". In this way, these gods of the God of War will be more convinced to him, because his strength is stronger than other Tianzun.

"Yushu, ridiculous!"

The sword magic deliberately imitated Zhao Yu’s tone, and Zhao Wei used the speed advantage to deal with him. It can be said that it is a big mistake. In the face-to-face confrontation, the sword demon must win Zhao Wei, and it may take some effort. However, at the speed of competition, Zhao Wei pushed himself to the edge of the cliff.


In the blink of an eye, the sword's blade is attached to Zhao's neck. As long as the sword is willing, you can cut off Zhao’s head. Although Zhao Wei is a tyrant from the headquarters of the God of War, her speed of defeat is faster than that of Mu Siyuan and Feng Chiyan.

This time, the Tianzun at the headquarters of the Ares Palace is really dumbfounded. The ability of "Duo Gu Cang" has already exceeded their imagination. They did not guess that Zhao Wei would lose, but they did not guess why, Zhao Yilian could not stand the sword of "Duo Gu Cang".


Dongfang Wei couldn't help but take a sigh of relief. Before, he felt that Zhao Hao would become very difficult once he used his speed advantage to fight him. Unexpectedly, Zhao Wei used the same method to deal with "Duo Gu Cang", and it was so miserable.

Zhao Wei’s eyes seem to have lost his brilliance. It’s not terrible to lose to “Duo Gu Cang”. What is really terrible is that she lost to “Duo Gu Cang” in the place where she is best at, and the loser is incomplete.

"You lost, give me the spoils!"

The sword demon did not have a polite relationship with Zhao Wei, and directly took Zhao Wei’s holy sword. Zhao Wei was originally prepared to resist, but the coldness from the blade made her wake up.

Zhao Wei’s little life was pinched in his hand by the sword, and the sword demon was going to take her holy sword. She could only give her hands. Otherwise, she will not only lose the sword of the holy product, but also may lose her life.

"You have a good sword, just a little waste in your hands, and I will use it later!"

The Sword Devil is not discussing with Zhao Wei, but with Zhao Wei to explain what he decided. Seeing the sacred war sword was taken by the sword magic, Zhao Wei only felt that the heart was completely unsatisfactory. Knowing this early, she did not give the lead to the East, this is a big loss.

"I admit defeat, can you take your sword away?"

The person who knows the time is Junjie, and Zhao’s life and death are between the thoughts of the sword demon. Of course, she will not look at the face of the sword, but whispered in a whisper. Seeing that the sword magic took back the long sword, Zhao Wei quickly fled to the side of Dongfang Wei at the fastest speed.

"Oriental brother, I just helped you out, can you help me to take back the holy war sword?"

Zhao Wei did not use the will to pass the sound, because she deliberately said to the other gods of the God of War. In this way, Dongfang Wei had to start with "Duo Gu Cang", although she did not know whether Dongfang Wei could win "Duo Gu Cang", but Dongfang Wei had at least a chance. If the East is not shot, her holy sword will be gone.

"Sisters are relieved, not only your weapons, the priests and Feng Shidi's weapons, I will help them to take them back."

At this point, Dongfang Wei has already refused to consider Zhao Wei’s calculations. Mu Siyuan, Feng Chiyan and Zhao Wei have been defeated in the hands of “Duo Gu Cang”. If he does not fight with “Duo Gu Cang”, these are the War Palace. How will Tianzun look at him?

"Thank you brother!"

"It's my fault, even my brother."

Mu Siyuan and Feng Chiyan have repeatedly thanked, although the strength of "Duo Gu Cang" is very strong and strong, but they still believe that "Duo Gu Cang" is not an opponent of Dongfang Wei. "Duo Gu Cang" is stronger, only the first day of the Solitary family, and the East Wei is the first day of the War God Palace headquarters.

To say that the first day of the Solitary family is more respectful than the first day of the War God Palace headquarters, don't say that they don't believe it. Tian Jianyu and other warriors in the God of War domain also do not believe. The solitary family is only a force, the headquarters of the God of War is the emperor's power, and it is not an ordinary emperor.

"You also want to send me a spoils?" The swordsman looked at the eyes of the East Wei, full of smiles. "They all listen to you, does it mean that there is more than one weapon in your hand?"

The oriental singer has a forehead and a blue rib, and the scorn of "Duo Gu Cang" is unconcealed. Since he became the first day of the headquarters of the God of War, why has he been so angry?

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