The Immortal Taoist

Vol 5 Chapter 397: This kid must die! (ninth more)

The three parties have the most places in the sacred place of the sacred sacred place, which is more than the war palace and the solitary family. Even so, the solitary charm still feels that there is not enough Tianzun in the solitary family, she needs more cannon fodder.

Moreover, if the Tianzun of the Solitary family is too much dead, the top of the Duo family is likely to find her trouble. If the gods of the God of War and the family of the Solitary family are willing to listen to her, it is better, even if the gods of the God of War and the family of the Solitary family die more than once, the high-level families of their solitary family will not care.

"Nine ministry, you only give me one, just want us to listen to you in the God of War Temple, what are you kidding?"

Dongfang Wei shook his head and shook his head. On the spot, he refused the proposal of the solitary enchantment. They were not weaker than the solitary family. They did not need to look at the face of the solitary family. If you really find the nine emperors of the sacred sacred place, you can give the five sacred emperors of the sacred family in the sacred sacred place, but the remaining four emperors must be owned by them. .

"Will you give us a solitary family? You are when I am a three-year-old?"

The sword can't help but laugh and laugh, the relationship between the Solitary family and the solitary family, he still knows. They are not afraid to offend the solitude of the solitary solitude, on the one hand because the solitary charm comes from the solitary family, and on the other hand because the solitary charm has nine heavenly houses.

However, the sword is not afraid, but because of his offense, hatred of the solitary family, it is a good thing for him. Moreover, he is a sacred god, with ten Tianfu, how can he be afraid that there are only nine Tianfu to Tianzun?

The Oriental Wei and the Sword Demon have refused to be alone, making the face of the solitary charm quite ugly. The solitary charm is from the solitary family, and it is the solitude of the solitary family. Even if it is the strong king of the sacred king, he will give him a few thin faces more or less.

"I am not discussing with you both. If you know each other, you two will quickly agree with me. Otherwise, I will kill both of you now!"

The solitude of the solitude is not alone, but her strength, even if the celestial beings of the solitude family are absent, she has confidence to surpass the "Duo Gu Cang" and the Oriental Wei. Even as long as she is willing, she can kill "Duo Gu Cang" and Dong Fang Wei.

There is no change in the look of "Duo Gu Cang" because he knows that the solitary charm is not his opponent. The face of Dongfang Wei was obviously dignified, and he was known to the power of Tianzun. However, when he saw the expression of "Duo Gu Cang", he unconsciously reassured a lot.

Dong Wei, who only played with "Duo Gu Cang", knows that "Duo Gu Cang" can not cause trouble for the solitary charm even if it is not the opponent of the solitary charm. Coupled with him and Zhao Wei, may not be afraid of the unique charm.

"You want to kill me?"

The sword demon screamed, and he had no good feelings about the warrior of the Solitary family. At that time, it was the strongest of the solitary family that forced the three dead masters to forcibly prove their viciousness.

"If you have the heart, kill me alone!"

These eight words, the sword demon is more firmly in mind, the three dead masters have great grace for him, and when he has enough strength, he is bound to help the three dead masters to destroy the solitary family and the solitary family.

The road wounds of the three dead masters were caused by the soldiers of the Solitary family. At that time, the three masters and the strong ones of the Solitary family played against each other. As a result, the strongest of the solitary family invited the strong and the soldiers of the solitary family, so that the three masters suffered heavy losses.

"Hey, are you a little tyrant, dare to talk to me like this?"

The solitary enchanting eyes are cold, and "Duo Gu Cang" first refused her proposal in public, and then it was her attitude towards her. If you don't kill "Duo Gu Cang", the other Tian Zun of the Solitary family may not know how to look at her.

"You have to fight, then you will fight, I am not afraid of you!"

Dongfang Wei distance to Tianzun, in fact, only half a step away, the key is the last half step, he can never go out. Perhaps, because he did not fight with Tianzun's life and death, if he can really fight with the solitary charm today, for him, the advantages outweigh the disadvantages.

"You two are living impatiently?"

The solitary charm is really unexpected. The two tyrants of the Oriental Weihe and "Duo Gu Cang" did not even have awe. Dongfang Wei is not afraid of her, she can still understand, after all, the origin of Dongfang Wei is not worse than her, but now it is less than her.

However, why "Duo Gu Cang" is not afraid of her, she can not figure out. "Duo Gu Cang" is not only a lesser than her, but no matter whether it is a heritage or a birth, it is not comparable to her. Where does the "Duo Gu Cang" come from?

"Come here, let me see how big the two of you are!"

One person and one sword, facing the dozens of heavenly lords of the Solitary family and the God of War Palace, the unique solitude is not afraid. As long as she wants to leave, the Tian Zun of the Solitary family and the God of War Palace will certainly not stop her. After all, she is the only one in Tianjian.

Moreover, the solitary charm believes that the East is the face. Single-handedly fighting, the possibility of Dongfang’s agreement is extremely small. However, the Eastern Weiding has shouted several helpers, and those of the God of War are certainly not going to take all of them.

"Xuan Lei Yaoguang Jianfa!"

The sword magic did not say hello to the Oriental Wei, and he used the sword of the Solitary family to kill the Solitude. In fact, he had long wanted to try it. He would only use eight heavenly and Taoist monks and he would fight with Tianzun. What would happen.

Dongfang Wei clearly stunned, and he had seen him more, but he was the first to see the fearless and fearless tyrant of "Duo Gu Cang". No wonder that "Duo Gu Cang" can have such strength. This alone is not the other tyrants.

"Duo Gu Cang" did not ask him to take out his shots, and he looked at the posture of "Duo Gu Cang", and there was a kind of meaning to be singled out. Dongfang Wei did not know that it was said that "Duo Gu Cang" did not know the height of the sky, or that "Duo Gu Cang" was courageous.

Silver snakes danced, purple electric vacated, roaring thunder, like the sky is angry. It was not until this time that Du Gushuang and Du Guqian knew that the realm of the "Xing Gu Cang" Xuan Lei Yaoguang swordsman had been trained.

"You have a small tyrant, even if you use this sword to practice it, what is the use?"

Rao is a uniquely enchanted heart, and was also shocked by "Duo Gu Cang". Fortunately, she is a sacred, when she is replaced by the tyrant, it is really not necessarily able to block such a fierce offensive.

I thought that the solitary dive is the most powerful Tianzun of the Solitary family. Now it seems that "Duo Gu Cang" is the strongest Tianzun of the Solitary family. The solitary family puts the solitary sneak on the bright side, and 80% is deliberately used to confuse their solitary family.

The talent of "Duo Gu Cang" is high and scary. If they are in their solitary family, such a **** may have already condensed the ninth Tianfu. It is not uncommon to be able to use the Taoist to condense the heavenly gods of the eight Tianfu, but there are very few tyrants that can erupt.

"This kid must die!"

A genius like "Duo Gu Cang" must be killed in the cradle. If you wait for "Duo Gu Cang" to grow up, and then want to get rid of "Duo Gu Cang", the difficulty will be great. Anyway, there are strong people who have their own independent family. The Yunyun Daojun can't take her any way even if she knows that she is killing her.

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