The Immortal Taoist

Vol 5 Chapter 398: Da Yan Qinghong Sword

The killing intention revealed in the eyes of the solitary singularity seems to be able to condense into a substance. Fortunately, there are only eight Tianfu in the "Duogu Cang". It is also the words of the Heavenly Respect. Even if she does her best, she will not be able to get rid of "Duo Gu Cang". .

"Do you have such a strength, and you have a face that is too good?"

Before being outside, "Duo Gu Cang" took the initiative to provoke them, how much more arrogance. However, when the solitary wing shot, "Duo Gu Cang" immediately hid behind the solitary dive, how much more to be embarrassed.

She originally thought that "Duo Gu Cang" is knowing that she can't beat her alone, and she has to pull the loneliness into the water. Now it seems that this is not the case. "Duo Gu Cang" did not follow the solitary wing, obviously not wanting to be strong in their solitary family. Exposing strength in front of the people.

The strength of "Duo Gu Cang" is not one star and a half stronger than that of the solitary. The solitary wing can fight the loneliness and fight back. It is purely because the strength of the solitary dung is too bad. If you change to "Duo Gu Cang", it is a problem to win alone.

If you let the solitary charm know that the real strength of the sword demon is more than a few times stronger than the one he now shows, I don’t know what the expression of the solitary charm will be. Before, the sword demon was actually not the Tiantian Zun, but the Tiantian Zun, who was not the gods, and the demon statue is also the camouflage of the sword.

"Da Yan Qing Hong Jian!"

The solitary charm not only has nine Tianfu, but also the emperor of the solitary family. It is reasonable to say that against the "Duogu Cang", the power of the tyrants, there is no need to display the sacred sword of the solitary family.

She is the key training object of the Solitary family. She chooses the sword of the solitary family, and she chooses the common saint swordsmanship. She simply does not look at her eyes. Da Yan Qing Hong Jian does not seem to be gorgeous, but the power of Da Yan Qing Hong Jian is enough to rank in the top ten among the many sacred martial arts of their solitary family.

The blue sword light is like a small sun, shining on all directions, and the road is condensed into a sword, comparable to the real holy weapon, sharp and unparalleled. The strength of the solitary charm is indeed not to be underestimated. It is the strongest Tianzun of Tianjian.

"Oh... is this the strength of the Heavenly Master?"

Many of the people in the room couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. They knew that Tianzun was very strong. What they didn't expect was that the strength of the solitary charm was stronger than they thought. Fortunately, the opponents of the Solitude are not theirs, or else they will die.

Many of the celestial family's celestial beings are scared and white, and the strength of "Duo Gu Cang" is certainly not weak, but compared with the solitary charm, it is still far from the same. The solitary charm is not only advantageous in the number of Tianfu, but also has advantages in terms of exercises and martial arts.

In those previous battles, the opponents of "Duo Gu Cang" were either Tai Tian Zun or Ba Tian Zun. "Duo Gu Cang" can win. Although they were surprised, they were barely able to accept it. The gap between Ba Tian Zun and Ba Tian Zun is definitely not the big gap between Ba Tian Zun and Zhi Tian Zun.

"Senior brother, the hero does not eat before the loss, or do we escape?"

Zhao Yusheng was afraid that the East Wei would be in the forefront and quickly advised the Oriental Wei. Before the solitary charm, she was confident to entangle the singularity of the singularity. However, after seeing the Dayan Qinghong sword exhibited by the singularity, her confidence disappeared without a trace.

"Escape? He is a one-powered tyrant who is not afraid of the solitude. Can I still be afraid of the solitude?" Dongfang Wei did not listen to Zhao Wei, but shook his head. "If I don't even have the courage to fight with the solitude." How do you surpass the solitary charm?"

Only by condensing the ninth Tianfu, the Oriental Wei may be able to surpass the unique charm. It must be said that the current Oriental Wei can overcome the unique solitude, not only the other days do not believe, the East Wei himself will not believe.

Dongfang Wei did not hesitate, and immediately exhibited the holy guns of the God of War, and attacked the unique charm from the side. He and "Duo Gu Cang" and Zhao Wei are both tyrants, and the singularity of the singularity is the sacred, and they are less bully. Naturally, it is not a shameful thing.

"Since the brothers want to fight, then I will give up my life with the gentleman!"

Zhao Wei reluctantly said that after the War Palace, the team was led by Dongfang Wei. Dongfang Wei insisted on fighting with the solitary charm. Can she not escape alone?

It is said that the two fists are difficult to attack the four hands, and the strength of the solitary enchantment is strong, but the strength of their three tyrants is also not weak. The essence of the God of War Palace is not worse than that of the solitary family. The martial arts of Zhao Wei and Dong Wei’s cultivation are not weak.

As for "Duo Gu Cang", it is an alternative. Don't look at the "Duo Gu Cang" cultivation is only the emperor, and the martial arts of the exhibition is not very strong, but the strength of "Duo Gu Cang" is far above Zhao Wei and Dong Fang.

Changed to the ordinary to Tianzun, Zhao Wei and Dongfang Wei and "Duo Gu Cang" joined forces, and even might win the battle. It is a pity that the strength of the solitary charm is not ordinary at all, and Zhao is only seeking self-protection.

"The Temple of God of War is really a day is not as good as a day. What was the prestige of the God of War in the ancient times? I didn’t think that today’s God of War Palace, even one of the Heavenly Masters could not cultivate, even relying on your two tyrants to support the scene."

In the discourse of the solitary enchantment, it is full of ridicule, and it is normal for a product to be cultivated to Tianzun. However, the power of the Emperor can not be cultivated until the Tianzun, can not be said, the inheritance and resources of the Emperor's power is not comparable to a product.

"It's ridiculous! You are a little sacred, why should we question our God of War?"

The East is angered and snarled. In fact, the God of War Palace is not lacking in Tianzun. However, the last time to the Tianzun did not suppress the realm and broke through to the holy kingdom. This led to the fact that the current Temple of God did not reach Tianzun.


Full of thirteen swords stabbed in the sacred rifle of the Oriental Wei, and the Eastern Wei retreats again and again, which is able to stabilize the figure. He is the most powerful tyrant of the God of War, and there is more than one weapon in his hand.

What is really pitiful is Zhao Wei, who is also a tyrant, and what Zhao can use now is only a weapon of heaven. The singularity of the singularity of the singularity of the singularity of the singularity of the singularity of the singularity of the singularity of the singularity of the singularity of the singularity of the sacred weapon.

Of course, the most intense confrontation is definitely the collision of the swordsman and the solitary charm. The attack of Dongfang Wei and Zhao Wei, the singularity of the singularity is not in the heart, just throw out some swords to beat them back, lest they interfere with her confrontation with the sword.

The sword is swaying, the purple sword light and the blue sword light criss-cross, like the sound of gold and iron, and the endless stream. The sword and the teeth are tightly bitten, forcing the sword with the singularity of the singularity to move forward. It is really difficult to use only the eight Tianfu's he and the solitude of the solitude. What's more, he is still running the Tao of the Solitary family, and he can't exert his true strength.

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