The Immortal Taoist

Vol 5 Chapter 399: Candle Dragon Blood Sword

Compared with the swordsman who is disguised as "Duo Gu Cang", the inferiority is too big. The Xuan Lei Yaoguang sword method he displayed is obviously inferior to the Da Yan Qing Hong sword exhibited by the solitary enchantment. The Taoist script that he runs is also inferior to the emperor who runs alone.

He has ten abundances, but only eight of them can be used now. The Datianfu of Lingdao and his ninth Tianfu have already been sealed by him. He will not be unblocked until the crucial moment.

"There are two brushes, no wonder they will condense out the eight Tianfu and dare to call me."

The solitary charm can't help but sneer, the strength of Zhao Wei and Dongfang Wei is completely in her expectation. What really surprised her was "Duo Gu Cang". I did not expect that the Solitary family could cultivate such a powerful tyrant.

Zhao Wei and Dong Fangwei cultivated the emperor's scriptures of the God of War. As a result, the strengths exhibited by the two of them were not comparable to the "single and lonely" who cultivated the Tao. The key point is that the strength of Zhao Wei and Dongfang Wei is almost the same as that of their solitary family. In other words, the strength of their solitary family is also inferior to that of "Duo Gu Cang".

"Unfortunately, your birth is too bad, you are destined to be my soul under the sword today!"

Whether you can kill Oriental Wei and Zhao Wei, it is not important for the solitary or the solitary family. The tyrants such as Oriental Wei and Zhao Wei, the God of War Palace can fully cultivate the third and fourth. However, it is difficult for a solitary family to cultivate a second one, such as "Duogu Cang".

According to the news obtained by their solitary family, the most powerful Tianzun of the Solitary family is actually a solitary. However, it is said that the solitary singularity can outperform the "dual solitude", and the solitude of the solitude is definitely not believed. The solitude and family is obviously protecting the "done solitude". After all, the talent of "Duo Gu Cang" is somewhat scary.

"is it?"

The sword magic smiled lightly, and the solitary charm has such confidence. He can understand that after all, he is only the lord of the solitary family. It is really not difficult to have the arrogance of the nine-story Tianfu’s singularity to kill the singularity of the singular family.

If you know that the sword is a godless deity, you must not say such a thing. She can sweep all the heavenly statues of Tianjian, because Tianjian is only one of her to Tianzun. If she is on the other Tianzun, she is not sure how much, let alone nothing.

"Candle Dragon Blood Sword!"

The gap between the Xuan Lei Yaoguang sword method and the Da Yan Qing Hong sword is too big. If the sword magic continues to use the Xuan Lei Yaoguang sword method, it will be undoubtedly defeated. The problem is that the swordsmanship of the Duo Cang will not be comparable to the Da Yan Qing Hong sword. The inheritance of the Solitary family and the inheritance of the Solitary family are far apart. It is not only the gap in practice, but also the gap in martial arts.

In desperation, the sword demon can only be used now, and the Solitary family has no candle dragon blood swordsmanship. He is based on the experience of Feng Chiyan's candle dragon blood knife. The power of the candle dragon blood sea sword method is specific, he does not know, anyway, it is more powerful than the Xuan Lei Yaoguang sword.

Fierce and unparalleled swords, like cruel and violent, the **** light shines on the heavens, the holy sword is in his hand, as if the sun is dazzling. The huge shadow of the candle dragon hovered in the air, and the horrible power was shocking.

"Isn't this the candle dragon blood knife method that Feng Brothers just showed?"

"Damn! He actually sneaked into the martial arts of our God of War. Who passed it to him?"

If the ordinary sacred martial arts, the Tianzun of the God of War branch will certainly not be so excited. However, the candle dragon blood knife method is different, because the candle dragon blood knife method is the strongest martial art of their warring palace branch, no one.

"No, he is not using the candle dragon blood knife method, just like the candle dragon blood knife method."

Feng Chiyan quickly retorted that the disciples of the two warring palaces who had just spoken, the understanding of the candle dragon blood knife method is far less than him. After all, only he will be the candle dragon, the other part of the God of War department. Tianzun did not practice at all.

Moreover, "Duo Gu Cang" is a sword repair, using the holy war sword, the display of the holy sword method, and the candle dragon blood knife method seems to have nothing to do. The problem is that this sword method of "Duo Gu Cang" is really like the Dragon Boat Law.

"What is this sword? How have I never seen it?"

In the past, she had been dealing with Tian Zun of the Solitary family many times. Many of the sacred swords of the Solitary family have been taught personally. However, the "Dragon" is now a magical sword, and she is very strange to her.

It stands to reason that such a sturdy sacred sword method, those of the solitude family must have been trained. The foundation of the Solitary family is not deep. The candle dragon blood swordsmanship of "Duo Gu Cang" is among the top three in the sacred martial arts of the Solitary family.

The collision between Da Yan Qing Hong Jian and the candle dragon blood sea sword method is extremely fierce, the countless swords are broken, and the two different swords are constantly confronted. On the Tianfu, the Confucianism, and the martial arts, the advantages are all on the side of the solitude, but on the sword, "Duo Gu Cang" is no less than a singular charm.

The confrontation of the sword, "Duo Gu Cang" does not fall into the wind, watching other Tian Zun one by one. Although the gods of the God of War and the Solitary family know that the strength of "Duo Gu Cang" is very strong, the performance of "Duo Gu Cang" still exceeds their expectations.

"What are you doing? Help me quickly!"

Dongfang Wei quickly reminded that the stronger the strength of "Duo Gu Cang", the easier he and Zhao Wei. "Duo Gu Cang" main attack, he and Zhao Wei from the side to assist. Only when the real and the solitary charms are played, Dongfang Wei knows how big the gap between himself and the solitary charm is.

Zhao Sheng’s sacred swordsmanship is also ranked in the Temple of God of War. If she is the main attack, she will not look at her at all. However, she assists from the side, and she must not be alone and indifferent. The body of Tianzun is not necessarily able to block the sword of Zhao Sheng.

The Temple of the God of War is led by Dongfang Wei, which means that the strength of Dongfang Wei is stronger than that of Zhao Wei. Moreover, Dongfang Wei is also a sacred gun, and is also willing to attack. He can pose a greater threat to the solitary charm than Zhao Wei.

"Damn! You all **** it!"

The solitary enchanting face was flushed, and the mouthful of silver teeth creaked. Originally she was only prepared to kill "Duo Gu Cang", but now, not killing Oriental Wei and Zhao Wei, it is difficult to eliminate her hatred. The attacks by Dongfang Wei and Zhao Wei are annoying for her.

If you play alone, even if the sword magic displays the candle dragon blood sword, the solitary charm can still win, and can win in a short time. However, the sword demon has the help of Dongfang Wei and Zhao Wei, and they are united by the three tyrants.

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