The Immortal Taoist

Vol 5 Chapter 402: Holy Dragon Dragon Sword

"It's a bit of a meaning, the inheritance of the God of War is not comparable to that of a single family."

The scorn of Zhao Duo on the singularity of the singer was undisguised. It was only after Zhao Wei exhibited the sacred dragon sword that she attracted her attention. After all, the God of War Palace is the emperor's power, and it is not surprising that Zhao Wei can come up with such a killer.

It is also the power of the rise of the ancient times, and the Solitary family and the God of War Palace are far apart. Tuoba God of War has once played invincible in three thousand territories, and the strength is strong. Unlike the solitary sword god, he can only bully the warrior below the emperor. If he was not the emperor who used the sword at the time, he was not qualified to call God.

It can be said that the title of Tuoba God of War is played out, and no one is convinced by the three thousand territories. The title of the Solitary Sword God is from the scorpion. For the singer of the Solitary Sword, I am afraid that only those swords that have been defeated in his hands.

The gods of the ancient times can be the great emperor or the great emperor. Take Kendo said that as long as it is the strongest sword repair in the three thousand territories, it can be called God. As for the strongest sword repair, it is not the great emperor. It is not important at all.

The solitary charms of the United States and Zhao Wei, not only because the East and Wei Zhao have only eight Tianfu, but also because the East and Wei Zhao from the Temple of God. Their solitary family dominated the Tianjian domain in the Taikoo period. At that time, there was no war **** domain in the heavens. It is not that the God of War domain was only later, but that the God of War in the ancient times was not called the God of War.

In the face of "Duo Gu Cang", the solitary charm is full of superiority. After all, the solitary family is only a force, and their solitary family is the emperor. In the face of Zhao Wei and Dongfang Wei, her sense of superiority comes from the inheritance time of their solitary family, which is farther than the God of War.

"Unfortunately, your opponent is me!" The eyes of the solitary enchanted eyes, like the starlight shining, "You are a warrior disciple with me than the sword, it is really a class, awkward and generous!"

The solitary genius dare to say such a thing, because their solitary family specializes in kendo, the solitary family is not without knives and martial arts, but the number is very small. The God of War Palace is different. The proportion of swords in the Temple of God of War is far less than that of the Solitary Family. Jian Xiu is only part of the Temple of God of War. The sword repair and martial arts of the God of War Palace are not necessarily less than the sword repair.

"Da Yan Qing Hong Jian!"

To deal with Zhao Wei, the solitary charm does not need to display other swordsmanship. She only has the confidence to win by relying on the Da Yan Qing Hong sword. Aside from the advantages of Tianfu, I don’t want to talk about the sword method. I only think that Da Yan Qing Hong Jian is stronger than Sheng Sheng Qing Long Sword.

Zhao Wei’s Tao Qing slammed into the Solitary, and the attack was extremely fierce. Unfortunately, the face of the singular charm was not flustered. She calmly calmed her off the Qinglong’s offensive and left a green dragon’s body. Another sword wound.

It should be known that the singularity of the singularity and the singularity of the singer and the singer of the singer. If you are alone, Zhao Wei will only be even worse. It turns out that the use of Shang Sheng Qing Long Jian, Zhao Wei is far from being an opponent of the Solitude. Zhao Wei is the more and more shocked, the difference between the tyrants and the celestial beings, which is bigger than she imagined.

"Oriental brother, do you want to help?"

"To deal with Tianzun, we are even bullied, and there is nothing to lose face."

"If we can get rid of the solitude of the Solitary family, isn't it a great achievement?"

Many of the goddess of the God of War Palace are eager to move, killing the merits of Tianzun, for them, the temptation is too great. Although the strength of the solitary charm is very strong, but there are "Duo Gu Cang", Oriental Wei and Zhao Wei in front of them, they are not afraid.

The worst result is that they have not been able to kill the Solitary. Anyway, they come from the headquarters of the Ares Palace. Most of the time they are in the Ares field. They rarely come to the Tianjian domain. They want to retaliate against them and they are not necessarily able to find them.

If they can really kill the singularity, the top of the Ares Palace headquarters will definitely be rewarded. The solitary family and the headquarters of the God of War Palace are not without hatred, but they are far away and it is difficult to break out.

The face of the solitary enchanting can not help but ugly, and the words of the gods of the God of War, she listened to her ears. If Tian Zun wants to kill her, the key is that those who are clamoring to kill her are mostly Tai Tian Zun. If there were "Duo Gu Cang" and Dong Fang Wei, they would stop, and the solitary charm would have to give those Tian Zun a profound lesson.

"You listen to me, where do I let you attack, and where do you attack?"

The sword and the devil said to Zhao Wei, Zhao Sheng's exhibition of the holy dragon green sword, in fact, is not weak, the reason why did not cause a little damage to the solitary charm, purely because Zhao Wei will not attack the weakness of the solitary charm.

"No problem, let's talk."

Zhao Wei immediately responded to the "Duo Gu Cang" Road, "Duo Gu Cang" can fight with the eight heavenly forces to fight the unique charm, which shows the high eyesight of "Duo Gu Cang". Moreover, she is now on the front line with "Duo Gu Cang", "Duo Gu Cang" has no reason to hang her, because "Duo Gu Cang" pit is her own pit.

"Well? What happened?"

Just now, I still have a lot of solitude, and I obviously feel that something is wrong. Originally, the three attacks of "Duo Gu Cang", Dong Fang Wei and Zhao Wei, the only ones that could really threaten the solitary charm were "Duo Gu Cang".

However, nowadays, the sacred dragon sword of Zhao Wei’s exhibition also brings a lot of trouble to the solitary charm. If this continues, the solitary charm may even be defeated. Zhao Wei’s attack, not to mention the fatality of recruiting, at least recruiting can force the singular charm.

Zhao Sheng’s exhibition of the holy dragon blue dragon sword is not weak, and now with the guidance of the sword magic, the sole solitary charm is slightly careless, will be hurt by her. Such an opportunity, of course, the sword magic will not miss, the offensive of the candle dragon blood sea sword method once again violent.

The sword demon is used by one heart and one, while pointing to Zhao Wei, while attacking other flaws of the solitary charm. The longer the solitary charm is to display the Da Yan Qing Hong sword, the deeper the sword magic knows about the Da Yan Qing Hong sword. If you fight again, the Solitary will only become more and more passive. It is almost impossible to turn over.

"Hey, today you are just squatting with a lot of people, and you are barely fighting with me." The solitary charm has already retired, but it is just not accepting the loss. "Next time, you will not have the advantage of the number. I definitely want you to look good!"

With one enemy three, the only solitude is gradually falling into the wind. If the Tianzun of the God of War Palace is shot again, the situation of the solitary charm is definitely more difficult. The solitary charm is now retreating, and it is completely within reach. After all, the offensives of the gods of the God of War Palace have not yet begun.

Stay in the green hills, don't miss the firewood, do not retreat at this time, but when?

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