The Immortal Taoist

Vol 5 Chapter 403: Want to go? Not so easy!

The Tianzun who came in this time counted the most of their solitary families. The next time they brought their Tiandun family, the Oriental Wei and the "Duo Gu Cang" their number advantage will disappear. If she is alone, she will be confident and confident. She is both confident in her own self and confident in the gods of their solitary family.

When the number of Tianfu is the same, the warriors of their solitary family are certainly not weaker than the warriors of the Solitary family and the God of War. Although the strengths of Dongfang Wei and Zhao Wei are good, they are not weak. Of course, it is obvious that they are desperate to defeat the "Duo Gu Cang" by their tyrannical family, and they are obviously not reliable. Only when they are alone, they have the hope of defeating "Duo Gu Cang".

"Want to go? Not so easy!"

In the case of the solitary family, the swordsman is not unaware of it. If the singularity of the singularity is unscathed, it will be difficult for the whole body to retreat the next time. It is not a last resort, the sword magic will not use the other two Tianfu.

"What to do, don't you need me to teach you?"

The swordsman turned and said to the East, the gods of the Solitary family have limited strength and called them to help, and they may even help. The gods of the God of War are obviously stronger, but the only thing that is unfortunate is that the swordsman command does not move them.


Oriental Wei certainly understands the meaning of "Duo Gu Cang". If you can leave the solitary charm, or kill the solitary charm, it would be better. If you can't stay alone, you can't easily let go of the solitary charm, at least you must injure the solitary charm, or even be seriously injured.

The battle of Tianzun, the East is not afraid of the tyrannical respect of the solitary family, but the only one that makes him jealous is the only one. Coupled with the number of celestial gods in the solitary family, it is more than their war **** palace, a unscathed sacred god, for them, the threat is too great.

Many of the tyrants and Taitianzun of the God of War did not hesitate, and they immediately exhibited their strongest martial arts and attacked the solitude. Feng Chiyan did not take the shot. Tianzun at the headquarters of the Ares Palace was not afraid of revenge from the Duo family, but he was afraid that there were countless ways in which the Du Gu family could pack him.

Behind the East and Wei Zhao, they are behind the headquarters of the God of War. Feng Chiyan is only the division of the God of War. The headquarters of the God of War is not weaker than that of the Duo, and the division of the God of War is weaker than that of the Duo.


The solitude of the solitude and sorrow, in the usual, the war gods of these tyrannical and Tai Tian Zun attack, she will not be in the heart. But now it is different, the "Dragon's Clan" and the Jianlong Qinghai Sword, which is displayed by "Duo Gu Cang", is more difficult than one.

The sacred sword of the sword demon spurs the throat of the singular charm, and sometimes spurs the eyebrows of the singular charm, and sometimes stabs the heart of the singular charm. On the contrary, the Da Yan Qing Hong sword of the solitary enchantment could not even touch his clothes.

"What is going on in the confrontation between Du Gu Cang and Du Gu Zhuang? How do I feel that the Solitary Charm is playing with Du Gu Cang?"

"Not only do you have that feeling, but I also have every attack of the solitary enchantment, as if in the expectation of the solitude, how did Duolun do it?"

"It's a bit weird. I have never seen such a battle. I have never had such a battle. I have never had a singular singer in front of the singer. I don't really believe it. I didn't believe it, but I practiced it with us. Like the exercises, it is just a Taoist."

The celestial gods of the Solitary family are stunned. If they had known Dugong Cang before, they even suspected that this "Duo Gu Cang" was the disciple of their solitary family.

As everyone knows, the domineering power of a product is obviously worse than that of the imperial power of the emperor. The tyrants of the power of one product and the sacredness of the power of the emperor are not comparable.

Normally, the Emperor of the Emperor's power can completely defeat and even kill the tyrants of a product within three strokes. However, the performance of "Duo Gu Cang" completely subverted their cognition.

"Duo Gu Cang" first defeated the two tyrants of the God of War, and then it was back and forth with the Emperor of the Emperor. Isn't the practice of cultivation really important to genius?

"You said, will he get the emperor because of chance?"

"It is very likely that the same is the cultivation of the Tao, how can we be so big with him?"

It is normal for those Tianzun of the Solitary family to have such speculation. After all, the performance of "Duo Gu Cang" is too enchanting. It stands to reason that the genius of the tyrants, as long as it is the cultivation of the Tao, it is impossible to break out the strength of "Duo Gu Cang".

"Nonsense! Can you feel it well? The only way to run alone is to say the Tao. Don't open your mouth!"

Although Du Gushuang is very dissatisfied with "Duo Gu Cang", but one yard is one yard, the "Duo Gu Cang" cultivation is indeed the Tao, not the emperor. The heavenly lords of their solitary family can know that she is telling the truth as long as they feel with heart.

The gods of the Solitary family can't accept the fact that the gods of the God of War Palace can't accept it, especially those from the headquarters of the God of War. They are just like the ones who are alone, and they can’t look down on the gods who cultivated the Tao.

The inheritance of the Temple of the God of War is not far from garbage in their eyes, and it is not far behind. The inheritance of the Solitary family and the inheritance of the division of the God of War Palace are half a catty. However, "Duo Gu Cang" is because of such inheritance, cultivation to the realm of today, it is rare.


The mind of the solitary enchantment is no longer in battle. For her, how to retreat is the most important thing. Because of this, the swordsman seized the opportunity, and the sharp sacred sword directly cut through the robes of the solitude, leaving a sword wound of three inches in the left shoulder of the solitude.

The sword demon is not forgiving, and he hastened eight heavenly palaces. The candle dragon blood sword is in his hand, and the power is skyrocketing. At the same time, under his guidance, Zhao Wei almost pierced the palm of the solitary.

"Tianzi weapons really can't, if you just used the holy weapon, her palm must be pierced by you."

When he heard the sword demon, Zhao Yu was full of resentment. Until this time, the sword demon realized that the sacred weapon he used now was grabbed from Zhao Wei. If it weren't for him, wouldn't Zhao Wei use the holy weapon?

As a result, now, in the face of Zhao Wei, he said such a cool words. Zhao Wei did not rush to come to him with desperation, it is already Zhao Wei's temper is good. Switching to other Tianzun, it is very likely that regardless of the overall situation, you must fight with him, you can't live.

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