The Immortal Taoist

Vol 5 Chapter 405: Pangu refining sword

"Do you want to kill me?"

The singularity of the singularity of the singularity is like a raging anger burning, and the sinister mind of "Duo Gu Cang" is beyond her eyes. Just relying on "Duo Gu Cang" himself, there is indeed no hope of killing her, but now, "Duo Gu Cang" has many Tianzuns of the God of War.

Zhao Wei has the guidance of “Duo Gu Cang” and her threat to her is getting bigger and bigger. The East has a sacred armor, and it is unscrupulous and only attacked. Coupled with the attack of other Goddess of the God of War, the situation of the solitary enchantment can be said to be in jeopardy.

Of course, the biggest threat to the singularity of the singularity is still "done solitude." In particular, the Da Yan Qing Hong sword, which was exhibited by "Duo Gu Cang", has the feeling of being a son of Laozi, and completely restrains the Da Yan Qing Hong sword.

"You can no longer use Da Yan Qing Hong Jian. Otherwise, I really can explain it here."

Before coming to the sacred place, the solitary charm was really never thought of. With nine Tianfu, she would be forced to a desperate situation by several tyrants. She is the first day of the Tianjian domain. It is reasonable to say that these heavenly masters who should sweep the Solitary family and the God of War Palace are right.

However, the reality is that "Duo Gu Cang", Dong Fang Wei and Zhao Wei can be entangled in her, and the other tyrants and Tai Tian Zun of the God of War Palace can even pose a fatal threat to her. If she is to die in the hands of "Duo Gu Cang" and Dong Fang Wei, she will undoubtedly become the laughing stock of Tian Jian domain.

"Pangu refining sword!"

The solitary charm is still the sacred sword of the solitary family. The difference is that Da Yan Qinghong Jiansheng is ever-changing, and the Pangu refining sword wins in the majesty and wins. Pangu, according to legend, is a top-notch strongman who can open up the sky. If there is not enough power and enough aggressive attack, how can it be opened up?

The nine heavenly palaces gather together on the top of the solitary charm, and they display the ancient swords of the ancient sacred swords. The Pangu refining sword not only needs the full power of the solitude, but also the full will of the solitude. Only in this way can the full power of the ancient sword be played.

"This is... Pan Gu Refined Sword?"

"She has a goddess who has to forcefully display the Pangu refining sword? Is it crazy?"

Everyone who recognizes the Pangu refining sword can't help but be nervous. The strength of the Pangu refining sword, of course, they know that the Da Yan Qing Hong sword can only be said to be the sword of the solitary charm, but the Pan Gu refining sword can be said to be the killer of the solitary charm.

A sword out, the earth shakes, the eye-catching sword light, from top to bottom, like to split this piece of heaven and earth into two halves. The solitary charm of the two hands raised the sword, the horrible sword is filled with openness, do not say "Duo Gu Cang", Dongfang Wei and Zhao Wei, even those in the distance, are feeling a lot of pressure.

"Da Yan Qing Hong Jian!"

The sword demon smirked, and Tian Zun, who was present, did not notice that his eyes suddenly turned golden. The power of the Pangu refining sword made him have to spur the supreme gold. At the same time, he also secretly ran the ancient heavens of the Holy Lotus, because he continued to use the Taoist scriptures of the Solitary family, he is likely to be injured by the Pangu refining sword displayed by the solitary charm.

Of course, even at this critical juncture, the swordsman still does not use the other two Tianfu. The dark running of the ancient heaven and earth, the lotus, is enough to see the unique charm. If you use the other two Tianfu, you will be a bit bully. After all, there are only nine Tianfu.

"You do what I said, don't have any doubts, don't hesitate, and our chances of winning are fleeting."

The spirit of the sword demon is very firm, and the stronger the Pangu refining sword that the solitary charm is, the greater the pressure that can bring him. He rarely feels this pressure among his peers. It is a pity that if he mobilizes two other Tianfu, the pressure brought by him alone will be gone.

With ten Tianfu swordsmen, once you have all the strength, you have to defeat the solitary charm, which is a matter of minutes. The gap between the solitary enchantment and the sacred sacredness is too great. If the singularity of the singularity knows that the sword is the sacred god, I am afraid that there will be far more escape.

Nothing is only in the legend, and the singularity has never seen Tianzun, which has ten Tianfu. Don't look at the solitary charm in the Tianjian domain does not put any Tianzun in the eyes, in fact, she knows in her heart that there are some more powerful gods than her. However, there is no other Tianzun in Tianjian domain, she can be arrogant.

The collision between Da Yan Qing Hong Jian and Pan Gu Lian Shen Jian is like the two gods of the solitary family. It is just the aftermath of the battle, and those who are forced to go far away are retreating. The dense swords, stabbed on the ground, left thousands of potholes.

The sword demon retreats again and again, the power of the solitary charm, along the holy sword, passed to his arm. Fortunately, his body is far from comparable to other gods. Otherwise, his tiger's mouth must be shattered by the Pangu refining sword.

At the same time, Zhao Sheng’s sacred swordsmanship is like a journey through time and space, stabbing the left shoulder of the solitary charm. With the unique charm of the nine Tianfu, in terms of physical strength, although above the East and Zhao Wei, but strong, limited. Zhao Wei’s Tianpin battle smashed into the left shoulder of the solitary charm, and the bright red blood ran down to the ground along the sword of Tianpin.

"How did she do it?"

"The strength of Zhao Shijie is too strong, right?"

"It turns out that there is not a enchanting family, but we also have enchanting in the Temple of God. I see that the performance of Zhao’s sister is not worse than that of the one-of-a-kind family."

Don't say that those gods in the God of War are unbelieving, even Zhao Wei himself feels incredible. After all, the solitary charm is the solitude of the solitary family, and it is not easy for her to be a tyrannical singer.

Of course, Zhao Wei knows that if there is no such thing as "Duo Gu Cang", she will not be able to hurt the unique spirit. Even so, she is still a little excited, and if they know that she can have such a enchanting performance, they will not regret the reward.


Not waiting for the solitary charm to slow down, the attack of the other gods of the Eastern Weihe God of War is also falling into the body of the solitary charm. There is a solitary charm in the body, left and right to hide, the holy sword and swords repeatedly pulled out, trying to block their offensive.

As the saying goes, when the defeat is like a mountain, when the solitary charm has the upper hand, the attack of the East Wei, it is irrelevant to the solitary charm. But now, Dongfang Wei's attack is only blocked by the singularity of the singularity, and the remaining attacks are smashed in the singularity of the singularity.

"I won't die in their hands?"

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