The Immortal Taoist

Vol 5 Chapter 406: We are to be fishermen

The solitary charm is really a bit flustered, and the "Duo Gu Cang" that uses the Da Yan Qing Hong sword is stronger than the "Duo Gu Cang" that displays the candle dragon blood sea sword method. I thought that the Pangu refining sword could seriously damage the "Duo Gu Cang". Who knows, "Duo Gu Cang" just looks a little embarrassed.

Until now, the solitary charm still does not understand, why can the "Duo Gu Cang" of Da Yan Qing Hong Jian be able to block her Pan Gu Lian Shen Jian, is it true that the top of the Solitary family knows how to deal with the Pangu refining sword of their solitary family?

The single-player, nine-seat Tianfu has a great advantage, but now, the Tianshen of the God of War Palace has sacrificed dozens of Tianfu, and the singular scalp is numb. Fortunately, those Tianzun did not have the meaning of hard-hitting, or else, the nine-story Tianfu that can be kept alone is a problem.

"No, I can't die. The Solitary family steals the things we have learned from the solitary family. I must tell the elders!"

In the end, the Solitary family has not got the emperor of their solitary family. The solitary charm does not know. It is now certain that the Solitary family has stolen the school of their solitary family. The Da Yan Qing Hong sword that was just used by Duo Cang is proof. .

In the current state of the solitary charm, it is difficult to display the ancient swords of the Pangu refining. Moreover, even if she forcibly exhibited the Pangu refining sword, she could not defeat "Duo Gu Cang" and Zhao Wei. What she can do now, seems to have only escaped, staying in the mountains, not afraid of not burning wood.

"Pangu refining sword!"

The solitary charm roared, the sacred sword was once again raised by her head, and the horrible sword was like a tsunami, sweeping in all directions. If she escapes directly, she will be stopped by "Duo Gu Cang" and Dong Fang Wei.

She is hurting, she wants to escape from birth, and she does not mind, certainly not. She pretended to display the ancient sword of the Pan, which was purely bluffing. "Duo Gu Cang" and Dong Fang Wei, if they are fully defensive, she can catch the opportunity to escape.

"Be careful!"

Dongfang Wei couldn't help but exclaimed, don't say Zhao Wei, even those in the distance are like enemies. In the past, many Tianzuns only heard about the power of the Pangu refining sword, but just now, they saw the greatness of the Pangu refining sword.

That is to say, "Duo Gu Cang" can be used to block the Pangu refining sword. Change to them, even if they do not die under the Pangu refining sword, they will be injured by the Pangu refining sword. In the face of the Pangu refining swords that are uniquely displayed, they are not allowed to be cautious.

"What are you afraid of? She is obviously scaring you. In her current situation, there is no such thing as a Pangu refining sword. Can you not see it?"

The sword magic quickly reminded that the solitary charm can deceive the Oriental Wei and Zhao Wei, but they can't deceive him. The strength of the Pangu refining sword, he does not deny that if he had just secretly operated the ancient heaven and the holy lotus, he could pick up the ancient sword.

"real or fake?"

"She is a goddess, how can she not display the sarcastic sword?"

"To stop you from stopping, I can't take my life to gamble. Her Pangu refining sword can't kill you, but killing me is more than enough."

These gods of the God of War are not completely unbelievable, but rather skeptical. After all, the performance of the swordsmen is obvious to them. The key is that they are afraid of death, and they die under the sword of the Solitary, which is white death. The elders of the Temple of God will not avenge them.

There are not many Tianzun who can recognize the Pangu refining sword. Their understanding of the Pangu refining sword is naturally limited. If they gamble on the stone, they are not afraid. If the stone is gone, they can earn it again. But gambling, they don't dare, after all, they only have one life.

"I stopped me, you will catch up as soon as possible!"

The swordsmen did not have the nonsense of the gods of the God of War, but rushed to the front of the solitary charm at the fastest speed. He did not hesitate to display the Da Yan Qing Hong sword, countless blue swordsmanship, or turned into a male peak, or turned into a sunset, or turned into a star, and successively went to the solitary charm.

Seeing "Duo Gu Cang" in the solitary charm, it means that the gas does not hit one place. If it weren’t for “Duo Gu Cang”, the solitary charm would not fall into such a field. "Duo Gu Cang" is like a nemesis of the solitude of the solitude, restraining the unique solitude everywhere, and the unique singular charm can only escape.

"If you don't kill you today, I won't be surnamed alone!"

The sharp voice, like the eardrum that wants to pierce the sword magic, the singularity of "the madness of the evil spirits" did not go to see other Tianzun, but directly attacked the sword magic with a sword. Her words can be said to be half-truthful, and it is true to want to kill "Duo Gu Cang", but if it really can't be killed, she will not force it.

"Zhao Shimei, do you really want to kill her?" Dongfang Weisheng was afraid that Zhao Wei would stop the solitary charm and quickly conveyed to Zhao Wei. "You think it is a respectful quest to kill the Duo family, or to provoke a solitary What is the relationship between the two major forces of the family and the solitary family?"

If they can kill the Solitary, it is indeed a great achievement. The problem is that as long as the time of the Solitary family is given, the Solitary family can fully cultivate the second unique charm, even the third, fourth and fifth. The strength of the emperor's products is cultivated to the difficulty of Tianzun. It is said that it is not big, and that it is not small. Anyway, most of the emperor's forces are not lacking to Tianzun.

"What do you mean by your brother?"

Zhao Wei can't help but slow down. If the Solitary family can fight with the Duo family, it will benefit more than the disadvantages of the Jingshen branch and the Jingshen headquarters. After all, she is a disciple of the God of War. When the conflict between "Duo Gu Cang" and the command of Dongfang Wei, she must listen to the East.

She is admired for the strength of "Duo Gu Cang", but she can't forget her origins because of admire and forget her position. The meaning of Dongfang Wei, she understands that if the solitary charm is really in their hands, "Duo Gu Cang" steals the study of the solitary family, how can it be exposed?

Those Tianzun of the Solitary family must be standing on the side of "Duo Gu Cang". It is unrealistic to expect them to inform the elders of the Duo family. Their disciples at the Temple of God can tell the truth. The key is that the elders of the Solitary family do not necessarily believe them.

"There is a fight between the fishermen and the fishermen. We are the gods of war."

The minds of Dongfang Wei are always awake. They are only cooperative with "Duo Gu Cang" and they are short-lived cooperative relations. "Duo Gu Cang" wants to kill people and destroy their mouths. They are willing to help "Duo Gu Cang" is their own business.

Facts have proved that relying solely on the sword magic alone can not stop the unique charm. The sacred sword of the singularity of the singularity has just smashed on the sword of the sword of the sword, and the whole person is like a rainbow of light, and fled to the 300 meters. The escape speed of the solitary charm is faster than the sword magic imagined!

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